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A heroine falls (Dawnella)

Jacob Winters

Apr 15, 2014
The underworld of the city was a big place, people talked and when people talked about you it was good or bad, bad was usually the most common way of being talked about. The criminals of the city were getting beaten one by one by some unknown chick, they spoke of her as if she were an urban myth but it was all fact, they couldn't get ahead of her so they called someone that could. His real name unknown he just liked to be called Loki or the Trickster, he was a gun for hire for amusing jobs, you see he didn't just like to go in and whack someone oh no that was boring. He needed excitement, the world was such a boring place with all it's rules and he needed chaos around him, he took the job on the condition that he was allowed to do whatever he wanted with the beautiful heroine and those that hired him agreed as long as he got results. Now it was time to begin the plan, downtown is where it would start, the city's news abuzz with the bank robbery taking place by six armed men with ski masks on.

Someone had tripped the alarm and now it was a stand off between police and the six men, they had taken about fifteen people hostage and the guard was on the floor with a hole in his shoulder for trying to do his job. The police couldn't do anything, the men barricaded the doors and when police came near to break them open they got shot at and the hostages were threatened. A dark haired man in a black business suit with a purple flower in the front pocket sat beside the security guard holding a shirt given to him on the wound to stop the blood as much as he could. The stand off had been going on for nearly an hour now and the hostage takers were getting lazy, they were dressed in casual clothing with what appeared to be uzis as if that was a cliche weapon to use in a bank robbery. The hostages had done nothing so far but sit there cowering, the bank robbers weren't even paying attention to them anymore, "how we getting out of here?" one asked another. The other robber shrugged "boss said he has a plan so we listen to him" he said as he glanced over at the only one wearing a different colored mask, his was a dark red rather than black and he appeared to be the one in charge of it all.
Caitlin had spent the day as she usually did, knowing that anything could happen but relaxed in the confines of her home. Most of the time, her actions were offensive and planned out; as far as she was concerned, the less the public knew about her the better. Attacking let her decide the circumstances of the fight, which helped the heroine even the overwhelming odds against her. Still, her catsuit, utility belt, and equipment were organized alongside her tranquilizer pistol and gas grenades, which she always had prepared for an emergency.

Setting her phone for any alerts to public safety, Caitlin felt the laziness of midsummer fatigue set in as she nearly began to nap in the coolness of her room as it buzzed. Lazily, she turned in bed and propped herself up to check the alarm before her eyes went wide; it wasn’t merely a mugging or kidnapping, but an armed bank robbery! Leaping to her feet, she changed into her catsuit, pulling her equipment and setting it into place before taking a thin coat to cover her while she drove.

Knowing that she couldn’t approach to closely, and the phone telling her the status, it seemed that the attackers had more or less barricaded themselves in the structure with hostages, and as she arrived several blocks away she managed to park her car in an alley, far enough that she felt comfortable it wouldn’t be spotted. Leaving the thin jacket inside, she took a breath before taking a glance at the building, and deciding that the roof would be a better entry point for her.

The police, still seemingly under fire, hadn’t managed to set up an effective barricade, and after a brief survey Caitlin managed to find what she hoped was a position uncovered by the attackers with a pipe that she thought she might be able to scale by hand. Taking a deep breath, she sprinted across the open space, her chest heaving in the tight confines of her costume, before realizing she was safe. Testingly, she felt the smooth pipe before hugging her body close to it and the wall beside her as she made her way up.

After several minutes that felt like eternity, the exhausted heroine peeked over the top, noticing that several guards had been posted, but hadn’t seemingly spotted her. Tying in a support wire to the building and her belt, she eased back down before gingerly removing a stun grenade from her belt, priming it with her fingertips before flinging it at the small cadre. Tumbling with a tinkling sound at their feet, a shout was barely heard before the dull thud of the subdued explosion rang out and Caitlin bounded into action, her legs pumping furiously as she charged them.

Seeing their armor, she managed to kick a stumbling and stunned attacker sharply in the face before twirling to strike another in his throat, sending him to his knees before raising her leg in a graceful dancers spin to kick him to the ground. Pulling her tranquilizer pistol from her holster, she barely saw the last man raise his rifle and fire, the sound causing her to squeal in pain as it deafened her and narrowly missed her face; disoriented, she barely was able to grab the barrel and push it away from her as she fired again and again, sending darts into his body as the man crumpled into unconsciousness.

Trembling, Caitlin took a brief minute to compose herself as she saw the roof entrance; realizing that there wasn't much time, she pressed herself against the entrance before cracking the door. Spotting nothing but darkness ahead, she carefully took out her IR goggles and placed them on her face before plunging ahead into nothingness.

Carefully, she could see that below her, in the main chamber of the bank, were several men in masks with weapons; one in particular wore a different color mask, but it didn’t seem noteworthy. Preparing her final stun grenade, Caitlin tensed her little body as she pulled the pin and let it fly towards the men, preparing her smoke grenades as soon as it let it go and throwing them to join her stun grenade just as it exploded. The room now billowing smoke, she charged into the confusion as she reached the first masked man, who seemed to be choking on the thick smoke. Slamming her fist into his chin, she let him crumple to his knees before twirling as she sent a sharp kick to his face, knocking him to the floor before her.
She was definitely everything the underworld talked about he thought to himself as he watched her taking men down without too much difficulty, his eyes more focused on her body than what she was doing to the men that he had hired. Oh what wonderful things he could do to that breath taking body he thought to himself as she kicked one of the men in the face quite hard, he suspected that man was going to have to have his jaw wired but that wasn't his problem as he wasn't the one that got kicked in the face. The smoke, the stun grenades, the way she would just appear out of the choking smoke it was all quite intimidating and he could see the men getting quite worked up as they tried to figure out what to do. This has not been in the plans and now they were falling apart so what were they to do? "fucking get that psycho!" the leader in the dark red mask yelled to the two that were still up, of course it was a little hard to find her in all the smoke so they were basically wandering away waiting to shoot at anything that moved in the smoke.

"You get the hell up" the dark red masked leader yelled as he grabbed the man in the black suit with a purple flower, the leader seemed somewhat intelligent as he placed himself directly behind his hostage while backing them both up to the wall so she could only come from the front. The two wandering in the smoke were about five feet apart just enough to see each others shadow, something fell over and one reacted shooting wildly with his uzi until it jammed "fuck fuck fuck!" he started screaming as he hit the side of the submachine gun as if that would fix it. "What's going on over there?" the second one asked worriedly as he couldn't see anything, "my gun's jammed up" he yelled back revealing a rather critical weakness to pretty much everyone out there, "well unjam it and lets take this wannabe superhero out" he growled at the guy. "I'm trying goddammit" he was practically pounding his hand against the metal to no avail, the only thing he managed to do was hurt his hand in the process which of course only made the thug angrier.

Now the leader couldn't see much else besides a few feet in front of him and his ears were still ringing, the hostage seemed to be compliant must have froze up out of fear because he was just standing there without even begging to be spared or anything. The leader didn't care because the guy was the perfect shield, he was taller around maybe six foot three so he didn't even have to duck behind the guy, "fancy suit get it from walmart?" he asked his hostage not expecting an answer to his joke. "Actually it's an armani" the tall black suited man said in response appearing very calm, the robber leader wasn't sure how to respond to that so he went back to focusing on everything in front of him instead.
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