Scryers Enslaved (Kaybee)


Jun 17, 2014
The outlying patrols of the Aldor had discovered them completely by accident on their patrol of the outer parameter of their terrace in Shattrath. Three beautiful Blood Elf infiltrators, sent to steal valuable information and turn it over to the Scryers. Well, the Draenei weren't fooling around. They were captured after a brief fight, and now, they were being lead away in cuffs to the depths of the Aldor terrace. They were brought into a room deep inside one of the buildings. They were pushed in, and the door was closed and locked behind them. In front of the three blood elves were three large and heavily armed Draenei. One in particular seemed quite scary. He had scars on his face and wore an elaborate set of armor.

"Well, well, well. What have we here....a bunch of spies...." the imposing one spoke in common, knowing that the Blood Elves knew the language as well. He tapped his large war hammer against the ground and eyed all three of the beautiful girls. He licked his lips slightly as the tentacles around his face wiggled around. "I know exactly what to do with women like you..." He looked to the two guards in the room and nodded.

At once, the two other Draenei stepped forwards and began to tear off the garments of the girls roughly. Ripping off their leather armor and robes, there was nothing they could do to resist, as they were still cuffed. They tore and ripped until finally, they stood nude and bare before the three Aldor soldiers.
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