Fire and Earth (Aldir, zellsantal)


Jul 11, 2014
Metal striking metal, it was a rhythmic sound of clanging that filled Tsukasa’s ears. Her arm came up and then down again as the hammer in her hand smashed into the heated piece of metal on the anvil. The glowing metal was hammered out again and again, twisted and twisted further into a shape the woman desired with each pump of her arm. The heat of the forge was naturally blistering, though it hardly seemed to bother the woman as she continued at her work. It was starting to cool, noted by the increased effort needed behind the swings to bring about the proper shape.

Tanned fingers gripped a pair of metal tongs, bringing the metal towards the forge itself and placing it within the flames. Tsukasa grabbed a cloth lying nearby and wiped her face with it, clearing away some of the sweat and soot upon her face. The tunic under her leather apron was strained with sweat as well, another hard day of work at the forge. Fortunately her last piece for the day was nearly done it appeared, the spearhead for an Earth Kingdom soldier. She’d made six alone today; even here where the war had yet to reach it appeared that its waves could be felt.

Her eyes gazed longingly at the flames of the forge, her fingers twitching unconsciously as they danced and sparked. Long had it been since she had used the flames, wearing the green of an Earth Kingdom national could be stifling at times as opposed to the red of her own nation. It was still better than the war though, she had made the right choice in her own heart. The woman shook herself from her ponderings and used the tongs to remove the half-finished spearhead from the forge fires, placing it back on the anvil.

The woman certainly held the bearing of someone a little more exotic from an average Earth Kingdom National. Her eyes were a bit narrower, her complexion a little more tan, though her accent carried little trace of her former heritage. She stood rather tall and her body was sculpted with muscles born of training and forge work. Tsukasa had managed to get by for two years as playing the part of the daughter of a Fire National immigrant from a ways away. Two years to build up her forge and life in Ashstone, so far everything seemed fine. It could all vanish in an instant if she was not careful, thus no firebending for two years.

Tsukasa shrugged off the thoughts of her home, bringing down her hammer once again as she battered the metal into the desired shape. Soon enough she found the shape to be acceptable and then took it up with her tongs and placed it into a barrel of water nearby. Hot steam, enough to leave burns on most skin grazed her hand but it didn’t burn and instead only added to her internal heat. Firebenders carried their fire within them, in doing so they could control it. The woman did look around to make certain no one had entered her forge to see that, satisfied she placed the finished spearhead on a table next to six others.

With that done, the forgemaster placed aside her tools and removed her apron. Smelling of soot and heated metal as she did, Tsukasa walked from the forge to the showroom where her finished pieces were arrayed. It was getting close to midday if she recalled, a perfect time for a break and usually when one or two of her friends showed up to drag her to the local teahouse. She wiped down the front counter and some of the finer pieces displayed, smiling ever so as she did so.
Rion walked down the roads with his younger brother Youko walking beside him. Both brothers have just finshed their morning exercise for both in body and in earth bending. Rion is the taller and oldest of the two of them while Youko is only two years younger and about a few inch's shorter then Rion. Both of them looked a lot alike, however there is a few things that stand out from each other. Rion have thick brown hair and have more of a build body but not over muscular. Youko in the other hand have thin raven black hair, a bit thinner and maybe not as strong as his older brother however he still look like he can put up a good fight if he needed to.

"So are you going to tell her today or are you going to chicken out.. again?" Youko asked as he had both arms up high with his hands resting behind his head. "Chill out Youko, I'll tell her when I'm good and ready. Or at lest when I believe is a good time. " Rion said loud enough only his brother would hear that. For the past year Rion been slowly having feelings for Tsukasa the smith. Some of the people didn't seem to think it was right for Tsukasa to be a smith but rather should be like most women which is to get a man and do what they can to please him or something in that way. He didn't really care what the other people think but rather think she's fine the way she is.

However he wasn't sure how to tell her how he felt about her and not end up ruinning the friendship they have already. That and afraid that Tsukasa might not have the same feelings for him which would make things even worst for himself. Today might be differenet, there is a small festivals going on tonight and Rion thought maybe he could ask her to go with him. He would ask her once they get to the tea house, Youko might have an idea what he's planning on doing though if he did he wasn't saying anything about it. "Well don't way too long, never know that some guy out of the blue might come take her away." Youko said in reply as he was teasing his older brother.

They soom came to Tsukasa's place which is her hope and her shop as well, it was big enough for what she needed or so that's what she told them before. Youko right away went for the door handle and turn it before pushing forword for the door to open. "Hey Tsukasa are you up for the tea house or are you still working on something?" He called out. Some times Tsukasa would be too into her work or the sound of the hammering she wouldn't hear him the first time but still he gave a little time before he would call out again.
Sure enough, just as she had expected, a couple of her friends had arrived to take her out for a bit. There was a simple pleasure that was found in routine, in predictability, that was often underappreciated. So many people wanted excitement, adventures that could be both terrifying and wonderful all at once. Tsukasa had gotten more than enough of that for several lifetimes, she’d more than settle for her new quiet life here. Perhaps that made her a little dull, but though she was relatively young she felt far older than she really was. A symptom of war perhaps, or something else entirely.

The particular duo to enter was Rion and Youko, brothers she had grown fond of in the past year. Rion especially was rather attractive, a nice enough man for an Earth Kingdom National, he was also not exactly the most inquisitive regarding her past. All of these were very positive, though she knew full well that she could not afford to dare to show affection like that towards him. The second he or anyone found out who she really was, that would be it, and she most certainly was not going to run that risk. Playing it safe was the best way to live at the moment.

“Certainly, my friend. Let me just lock up and I’ll be right with you.” The woman offered with an easy smile.

The woman produced her key from the pocket of her trousers and ushered the two outside as she locked the doorway to the Forge itself and then the rest of the house. With that she pocketed the key once again, smiling at her friends and gesturing at the path ahead for them to lead on. She folded her hands behind her back as she walked, shoulders straight as ever and composure ever ready to spring into action. It was hard to forget the training she had received; no matter how much she tried to shake it off it would remain with her for a long while no doubt.

“So, how were your days so far if you don’t mind the asking? My own was consistent of the same orders. Twenty spearheads by tomorrow for the military. Here I was hoping for broken shovel heads.” Tsukasa started, striking up conversation as the pair led on.
"Oh you know the normal, working out and doing some earth bending training to hone our skills. It's not bad but still I think I rather see the rest of the world then being stuck here." Youko said as he still had his hands against his head. The younger brother have always dreamed of how the rest of the world would look that was outside of Ashstone. He knew about the war and all but still he grown tired staying in one place for too long and wanted to see if there is more to life then what hes doing right now. It is why he have been saving money for the past year and just waiting for the right time to do it. Rion didn't think Youko would be gone for long and would end up coming right back. Life in Ashstone wasn't bad but peaceful, besides the older brother have other plans, that is if all goes well for him.

"She isn't you Youko, she done well here and I don't see why she would want to leave." he said to him before Rion turn to Tsukasa and chuckles "At lest your making some good money, not everyone here are doing as well as you have Tsukasa. Your making a killing out of all the weapons you been making for the soldiers here in Ashstone. Your one of the best smiths we seen for a while and I think your the only one that have kept up as well." Rion said as he smile at her. He ment everything he said but still he didn't want to bore her with flattery.
Earthbending. For much the same reason as firebending made people here uncomfortable, she was not one who particularly enjoyed the sight of earthbending. Her memories of the art involved opposite sides of a battlefield and one side trying to kill the other. A number of her opponents had been younger lads about as old as Youko. Tsukasa shook off the thoughts of the past and focused instead on the here and now, the present rather than what had happened before. The dark haired woman smiled at the younger man’s adventurous attitude, not a bad thing really to get out and see the world.

The smith chuckled slightly at the compliments paid to her; she was hardly one to get a big head about how good she was. Confidence was a good trait to possess in one’s work, but hubris was the path that led to self-destruction. Once upon a time she had blurred the borders between the two, but in this new life humility was something of a necessity. With humility came wisdom, wisdom then brought with it understanding, and from understanding perfection could truly be found. She was certain that had been in a dusty scroll she had read once upon a time.

“I suppose I do make rather a good deal of income from repairing broken farming equipment and weapons. At the end of the day, it is more about personal excellence my friends. If you are passionate about a skill, work at it and you will eventually find success.” The woman offered with a smile as they approached their destination.

Tsukasa entered the teahouse, inhaling deeply and exhaling just as quickly. She seated herself down at a side table with a few extra chairs for her friends and placed her order politely. Tea was a universal delight she was finding in her experiences, both her nation and this one shared that in common at least. If only such things could be translated in an end to the bloodshed. Sadly that was not the case.

“In any event, how are your parents doing as of late you two? I don’t believe I asked after them last time we met.” She inquired.
"Good really, Dad is doing his job as a wood craftmen and mom a home cleaner though we end up cleaning our own home since Mon is always tried after work and figure itw as only right. Don't think you want to clean your own house after doing other peoples right?" Youko said just as they gotten their orders. "We still do some odd jobs in order to help them out, with our bending we been able to hunt and get life stock much easyer then what others could do." Rion was saying but then Youko gave a low gron "Yea if your not given a hard time by some of the people around here, I mean they believe bending is only cheating and that you can't do anything without its power or it should only be use when needed. When the heck are we to use it huh, in a war?" Youko asked, however when he said war many of the people in the tea house sudden turn their eyes them.

Rion right away notice this and quickly slap upside of his brother's head "Youko! Watch what you say, you should know better then to say war here of all place's! You want to get us thrown out?" Rion asked as he only said it load enough for them and Tsukasa to hear. He took a deep sigh before looking back at Tsukasa "In any case they are doing great Tsukasa, maybe you can come back over and see for your self. Which that reminds me, are you going to be at tonight's festival?" he asked her. He hoped no one else have asked her even though he didn't think anyone else would want to go out with her since she is a smith but he didn't care about that. Though he also hoped she would be interested in going, he would hate to go alone again, or worst be with his little brother and who ever he gotten for his date.
Tsukasa was pleased to hear that their parents were doing well, smiling politely as was her way in such things. Her tea arrived soon enough as they were talking and she took a first sip, the jasmine scent opening her nose wonderfully. Earth Kingdom fare was not exactly her personal favorite in terms of tea; the smith enjoyed the certain kick that Fire Nation tea possessed a little more. She had warmed up to the foreign tea of course, not much choice given the current predicament. Still, as she sipped it she noted some subtle nuances that were unlikely to be noted by one who had grown up on it.

When asked about the upcoming festival the woman placed her cup down and pondered over the question for a good solid minute. She had not exactly been intending to go to the festival in the first place; it seemed a little disrespectful in her eyes for her to attend. Tsukasa was more than happy to drown herself in work, besides that she lacked much in the way of formal wear. Though, her absence might very well be noted with some suspicion, which was the last thing that Tsukasa wanted to breed when she had integrated so well.

“Truth be told, Rion, I had completely forgotten about it. I was just intending to work the night away, though were I to have suitable company for the evening I might very well be convinced to drop those plans.” Tsukasa said at length, her smile becoming something more of a smirk.

Rion was a nice enough man; she cared about him and his brother enough that she would do anything to keep the truth away from them. She supposed there were some feelings of affection towards him, though her paranoia had kept her away. Perhaps tonight she could very well just forget about the war and her need to remain incognito. It would be a nice change of pace really, enough so that she was considering going to the festival now. That all depended on if Rion was willing to keep her company during it of course.
Rion had fear she would say no and that just make things harder for him to see what her feelings lie. He wouldn't push her to do anything she didn't want to do and if she ask him not to ask such things again then he would respect her enough to leave it be. Rion listen to her carfully, at first he thought it was odd that she have forgotten about it for there been talk about the festival for the past few weeks. Then again with all the work she been doing he could understand her mind have been bussy with her job rather then anything else.

However after hearing her last statment and the smirk on her face, he could tell she was interest and thats what he was hoping for. "I think that can be arranged, Youko more likely have some one to go with him and you can go with me. We all met up and go together to have some fun." he said with a smile. "Thats just odd too me." Youko was saying "not the part of you going but the part about you just working though it. When is the last time you gone out and enjoy your self? I know you have work to do and all but I hardly ever see you get out of that shop of yours other then being with us. "Are you that afraid some one will just come in and take everything you got or what?" Youko asked.
“That sounds perfectly agreeable, Rion.” The woman said, sipping at her tea primly.

She opted not to openly admit her fondness for the man; it was unwise to rush into anything given her current situation. Tsukasa was unwilling to risk the new life she had built for herself for anything, even matters of affection. There was less chance she could get hurt in that event, a rather selfish thing to be sure but it was how she felt on the matter. The Fire Nation was also said to be making deeper and deeper dives into Earth Kingdom territory. It was unlikely they would come this far in at this point, but even still.

Tsukasa froze for a moment when Rion’s brother made his observation, only momentarily as her mind raced to find a suitable and believable excuse. She attempted to cover the question having caught her off of her guard by placing her cup down, smiling to the younger of the two men. Half of her life had become thinking up credible excuses for what she did; it was a fine line between being antisocial and being too open. If one was too antisocial then suspicions might very well be aroused, which was certainly what Tsukasa wanted to avoid.

“Hmm? Nothing so paranoid, Youko. Most folks here are rather honest. It’s more about perfecting my craft. Sadly that in turn leaves little time for merriment. Though I do try to carve out some time for friends naturally.” The woman offered by way of explanation.

With that Tsukasa stood rather suddenly, not appreciating the spotlight being upon her so heavily and leery of Rion’s somewhat insightful younger brother at the moment. The woman produced a few silver coins, enough to cover her own drink and theirs as well. She smiled at both and then drummed her fingers across her chin in a pondering manner. The Fire National was getting rather good at coming up with excuses it seemed.

“Speaking of work, if I am going to be attending the festival I should really get back to the grind. Thank you both for the company and conversation, I shall see you both tonight.” Tsukasa said with a slight incline of her head before departing the teahouse in short order.
Though Rion and Youko don't always agree on things but for once his younger brother had a good point. Loving the type of work is one thing but doing it nonstop is another, its just like why out of all the time she stayed her she never once tryed to look for some one she liked or anyone else coming to her for that matter. Rion have notice some odd things about Tsukasa and had a feeling she was hiding something but what he wasn't sure. What ever it is he wouldn't push her to tell him but rather he would wait to the right time to ask and hope she wouldn't be afraid to tell him. For not he gotten what he wanted which was tonight to be with her, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of it.

The hours have past and it was about that time Rion would end up picking up Tsukasa from her shop so they could get to the festival. He came alone for Youko said he and his date would be there and told him where to met as well. Rion had on him his better looking cloths that is of the earth kingdom standernds colors of gold, green and black. He hoped that Tsukasa wasn't too wraped up in her work and forgotten the time, though he have no problem waiting but still he like to spen much time as he could and maybe know her better. He gave a knock on her door and waited to see if she would come out, he never seen her in a dress before so it would be interesting to see. Then gain she might not be going with a dress but more in her working outfit like she mostly does.
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