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Seeking a challenge

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Jan 26, 2009
East Coast, USA
----->Hey everybody, just thought I'd pop in here to recruit some literate roleplayers to my resume.

  • A bit about me::
I am not at all new to roleplay, I've been roleplaying for quite a bit of my life (I'd say at least 15 years by now) and I came here to try out something new and interesting.
A few quirks about me; I'm a female and a tad bit disturbed when it comes to roleplaying. I love when roleplays are more than just sex or one liners about falling in love. I love something disturbing with a lot of action in it. Most of my roleplays include domination of my character simply because I love having her fight back and not giving in. Don't get me wrong, though, I've always enjoyed a cheesy romance as well!

Feel free to message me about anything! I love seeing my inbox spark up. If you want to request a roleplay (I'm usually up for anything fun) or just stop by to say hi, feel free to do so!

I find myself to be semi-literate and am looking for a roleplaying partner that can keep up with a few paragraphs to a post. I understand writer's block, as everybody gets it, but I want more than a paragraph, but not quite a book. I can keep up with long posts, but I prefer not to. My ideal roleplay would involve two to three paragraphs a post.

I have a few limits in terms of sexual kinks and fetishes but I always love to try new things, even if I don't think I'll like them! If you have any strange kinks that most people don't like, feel free to try them out on me. I'm always willing to try new things before shooing them off!

A few roles I have plots for are as follows::
  • Stalker
Our characters go to college together (I usually have my character aged in her early 20s, you can have yours however old you want) and we're friendly towards each other in class. What she doesn't know is that he stalks her on a regular basis and has had a thing for her since the moment he laid eyes on her. Notes, phonecalls and funny emails from the stalker warn her but she has no idea it's you. The stalking gets extreme, even to the point of raping the poor girl on occasion, but you as the stalker never reveal your face to her. Feeling a large amount on tentativeness and turmoil, she looks to your character (as the classmate) for support and friendship, not knowing he is actually her stalker/rapist. A romance blooms and, well, we can go from there!
  • Bully/Bullied
I'm looking for somebody to play a dominant male role. This roleplay's main theme involves rape, kidnapping, blackmailing, etc. If you're not interested in these things then this isn't the role for you!
Here's what I have so far for the plot;
My character has been 'bullied' by your character ever since elementary school. It started out with silly things, like telling everybody my character has cooties, but within a few weeks it started to get worse. Your character would push mine off of the swings during recess and always choose my character as a static target in dodgeball. Every year it got worse and worse, from brutal insults to cruel contact (such as fighting). Nobody bothered to stand up for my character though because it seemed so normal.
At the end of high school, my character started to become distant, ignoring your insults and shrugging you off like it was nothing. Now this is when you began to get angry...
Our roleplay would start once my character has moved on, she's left her hometown and forgotten all about her grade-school bully. My character is 24, yours is 27. At the start of break, your character kidnaps my character and, well, from here on out whatever you do is completely up to you!
I want this to sort of be a modern slave/master type roleplay. Also, my character will NOT give in easily, so are you up for the challenge?
  • Ex Lover Scorned
I am craving a kidnapping roleplay a bit too much at the moment. More plots/roles for this one can be brought up upon discussion, but for now my main idea is this:
Our characters were fuck buddies for nearly two years but, as with most friends with benefits, things crashed and burned. Your character was in love with mine but didn’t have the nerve to admit it until my character already left, My character left because she fell in love with you and you refused to commit. Fast forward to five years later. My character is in a committed relationship but still has feelings towards your character. Your character is also in a committed relationship but would do anything to get my character back, despite my character having gone through the lengths to get rid of you from her life.
Other kidnapping plots can be discussed upon inquiry.

More roles/plots to come with time!

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