The Invasion of Scarlet Devil Mansion (LittleMissTentacles x Malfrost)

Jun 13, 2014

Twilight was steadily giving way to the darkness of night when the young mistress of the mansion stirred from her nap. She still felt groggy and not quite rested, and it took her several minutes to force herself out from under the comfort of her silken sheets. "Sakuya!" she called. "I'm awake now, bring me my tea!"

Remilia had barely finished throwing on a dress- her favorite one, light pink and with short, frilled sleeves and a large red bow in the back- when her ever diligent maid appeared in the room, as if from thin air. She held a tray with a teapot and a cup already filled with steaming, crimson tea, and with captivating grace, she walked lightly across the room and set it down at her mistress' bedside table. "Good evening, my lady. It appears to be another warm Summer night. Do you have any plans?"

The eternally young vampiress finished dressing herself, then took a careful sip of her tea and meandered over to her room's balcony, glancing up at the moon before staring listlessly out at the gardens below. The moon was new that night, and though the darkness bothered her little, new moons always made Remilia feel somewhat out of sorts. "Oh, I don't know..." She took another sip of her tea. "I think perhaps I'll just stay inside tonight, maybe read a little in the library."

With impeccable timing, Sakuya refilled her mistress' teacup just as Remilia had emptied it, and the two of them made their way to the mansion's grand library. One could nearly always expect to find Patchouli there, Remilia's close friend and living encyclopedia, but tonight she was away on a very rare journey elsewhere, presumably to procure some new book of special interest. Her absence made the library seem very strange and lonely. Sakuya left the tea and returned to her other duties, leaving Remilia alone in the library to search for a good book she hadn't read yet.


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