Jenova High: Orc Invasion {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Jenova High looked at first glance like the average high school. One major building that sprawled across roughly a city block, with several smaller buildings resting on the ground around it. A small open field on one side contained a few sports fields, another right next to it had a track, as well as buildings that contained the pool and other such sports necessities. Trees planted in a row led straight from the street to the door, and inside would be lockers and other traditional bits.

Not so traditional were most of the students. For Jenova High happened to be a place where many, if not all, of the students had been preparing to one degree or another, to enter the world and fight. Most of the students took this only partially seriously, but several had become almost experts at it. They took to defending the school, all but running it in name. Most of their number included females, females that were, by most measures, quite attractive and appealing. It certainly helped that the school uniform of skirt and white top could and was easily modified by nearly everyone, and especially by the SEEds, ad they called themselves for some reason.

Perhaps though, the SEEds were why the orcs had attacked the high school first. Perhaps they'd known that there were young people in there with great powers. Perhaps they'd sought that power. Perhaps the SEEds had even done it to themselves by opening a rift or doing something else that might have resulted in their drawing the attentions of the orcish horde. Or perhaps it had just been poor luck. Or maybe the orcs craved young, vibrant flesh for their consumption. It hardly mattered. They were there and they were beastly.

Aerith Gainsborough was a junior at the school, skilled almost exclusively in the magical arts and almost exclusively from there in healing spells. The pretty girl had long been sought after by the student body. For like most of the SEEds, she looked almost too appealing. Long brown hair fell in a very loose curl past her softly rounded rear. The hair framed a beautiful, almost fragile face. Out from behind a pair of delicate glasses looked wide green eyes, almost always lined with laughter or a smile. A lined choker covered her slim neck, and, like most of the SEEds, she wore a slightly modified uniform. Hers was red on white, and arguably the least modified of all the SEEds, with just some metal bands on the sleeves and about the small of her arms. Her skirt was flirtatiously short without revealing anything. Though a few very determined individuals had concluded that Aerith preferred to have undergarments that matched her uniform. This often meant wearing white cotton panties with red stripes upon them, which were likely matched by a bra that supported her modest chest.

Of course, all that had been stained with blood now, as the panting, captive girl sat hunched beside a wall. Her hands had been bound behind her back with what felt like bent metal, the roughness nearly scraping her soft skin. Her skirt and shirt had already been torn and blood splattered, and she wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad that the blood was a mix of orc and human, including her own. At least she'd had enough magic to heal most of her severe injuries, and most of her partner's.

Yes, partner, for Aerith had been assigned Rikku Al-Bhed, who at least got on well with the other girl. Rikku got on fairly well with most people, as her cheery, bubbly nature won most over fairly quickly. It probably helped that she walked that dangerously thin line between "cute" and "sexy" like a tight-rope walker. Like Aerith, she was a junior, but unlike Aerith, she didn't act like it. Some had actually guessed the girl with the swirling green eyes to be much, much younger than she actually was. Her moderately impressive bust helped stave off too many of those rumors. Probably helped that she'd modified her uniform to show off a decent expanse of the cleavage. Her brilliant yellow bra, which probably went against uniform, seemed only to enlarge those perky breasts as opposed to hide them. Like most of the SEEds, her top did bare a small expanse of her taut stomach, and Rikku had the muscles of one of the more active members. Those same muscles showed on her long legs, which stuck out from the brilliant yellow skirt. Rumor had it that she wore a yellow thong that matched her bra most days, and Rikku had gone further to prove it once or twice, teasingly pulling either the thong up or the skirt down to show. At least she wore a long scarf about her neck. Her hair had been done in a truly ludicrous style, however, with part of it being left to flow free while most of it fell about in various tightly braided dreads.

Of course, now she looked even more battered than Aerith. great tears showed in her clothing, and it almost looked like the orcs had enjoyed ripping more of her skirt. Despite all the healing, bumps and scratched still showed across Rikku's tightly muscled flesh. They'd gagged her not soon after finally subduing her though, and opted to tie her up even tighter than Aerith.

For they'd lost. They'd fought as bravely as SEEd could, and had been in position to simply pull back to a safe zone. But Aerith had noticed some students, mostly females, being cornered by orcs. The orcs appeared to have throbbing clubs around their waists that bobbed up whenever they drew close to a female. Aerith hadn't actually seen one fully drawn out, as they often kept their loincloths on, but she believed that to be their greatest weapon. They seemed to reserve it only for cornered females though, for some reason. Aerith could recall hearing the screams from girls about keeping the huge things away from them. Rikku had giggled when Aerith had pointed them out, beginning to tell her what they were. Before she'd gotten too far though, they'd had to distract the orcs.

There had just been too many. Put three or more SEEds together and their combined abilities would make them fierce enough to stop most. Two though, especially two with Aerith's and Rikku's abilities, two didn't stand a chance. A thief and a healer were no match for brutes, not without some muscle to back them up. Aerith had barely managed to make sure that the brutes didn't do them any permanent harm. Apparently this had worked to their favor: supposedly the chief wanted any SEEd girls captured and brought to him personally. So Aerith and Rikku had been bound up tight, brought before a section of the school to be presented before some sort of leader or champion or something.

And now Aerith looked out through her glasses, scanning the room and wondering just what kind of person she'd been delivered to now.

Tsavong was a massive creature, even as a member of a species that was known for being quite large and strong. The average Orc stood at about six and a half feet tall and were massively broad at the shoulders but Tsavong was even larger, standing just an inch shy of seven and a half feet tall and weighing nearly twice as much as the normal Orc, his dark green skin was covered in multiple scars and his broad chest and abs displaying several black tribal designs tattooed over the flesh. His position as the leader of his massive tribe was undisputed, it had been years since any had dared to challenge him and the memory of that brutal fight had left even the most rebellious natured of Orc think twice about challenges to his authority.

He wasn't just strong though, he was smart, Orcs were not always known for being the most intelligent of creatures but they often had a brutal sort of cunning that made them dangerous but Tsavong was different, this was an Orc that could think, that could plan, that could lead his clan from being a group of feared monsters to something so much more... and when he had risen to his role as the leader he had started putting a plan into place right away. First had come the expansion, kidnapping a few human women to help increase their numbers, attacking and taking control of other groups to assimilate the strongest and avoiding any fights that would end up hurting their numbers rather then helping him out.

Then, when they had enough numbers it was time for what the Chief had in mind, Jenova High would be the perfect acquisition to help increase his power, to ensure that he would become more then just a Chief of Orcs but instead the ruler over a massive empire. A few years ago rumors of this school had reached his ears, in particular there were the rumors of the exceptionally attractive young woman at that school, called the SEEds they were apparently as dangerous as they were attractive and everything he heard had convinced Tsavong they would make perfect breeding stock for him, creating a legacy of strong Orc offspring that would serve to expand the Empire he hoped to build.

The attack on the school and the town that held it had been swift, the element of surprise had allowed the Orcs to swiftly take control and lock the place down, ensuring that no one was able to escape and of course keep anyone from getting in. It was only a matter of time of course before some people tried to intervene but by then Tsavong expected to have other Orcs arriving to take part of what was happening.

With the school and town swiftly falling under his control Tsavong was quick to dispatch orders to those around him, the females belonged to any Orc that could catch them but the SEEd females were his and were to be brought to him unharmed if at all possible while he took up residence in the office of the schools principle, a makeshift throne having been assembled from the desk that had been in there supported his massive frame when a chair built to human standards would not do. Even then the makeshift throne was having trouble holding him upright but he didn't care, something better was being assembled for him and as he lounged back against the office wall he used his prominent teeth to rip some chard flesh from the leg of a deer that had been brought to him, washing it down with a mouthfull of crudely distilled but very potent liquor, treating a chipped coffee mug like it were little more then a shot glass.

He heard the heavy footsteps of approaching Orcs, smelled the captives carried with them and grinned to himself, a wide smile that displayed his teeth and did little to make him look less threatening.

As the door opened and the girls were brought in he sat up a little straighter, quite pleased by the catch that he saw before him, his boys had done good. “Leave em...” He grunted as he slowly got to his feet, his deep voice sounding like a landslide that could speak. “There should be others, find them and bring them here now.” He couldn't be satisfied with just this, then he might miss out on the choicest breeders.

To their credit the others were smart enough to scramble, the door slamming behind them and leaving the chief alone in the office with the two pretty young things sitting tied up on the tight carpet. He honestly didn't know where to start and slowly approached them, his musky scent even more powerful then that of the other orcs, the loincloth he wore hardly enough to conceal anything and as he drew closer it started to shift... it wouldn't hide anything for much longer. “Which one of you do I want first?” He asked as he crouched before them, reaching for the blonde with a thick finger extended, catching the edge of her top with his nail and starting to slowly pull it back. A deep breath, he could smell them, they both sounded so fucking good. “Which one of you wants to be first?”
Aerith and Rikku both looked up at the massive being, not quite believing their eyes. SEEd intel had informed them of the leader, of his size, of his intelligence, but being informed via intel and experiencing it for yourself were two drastically different experiences, as the girls were now finding out firsthand. Both teenagers had never seen anyone quite so hefty or thick, and neither thought, even unbound and left to their devices, that they could take on such a creature. Perhaps if they had a fighter, if Tifa or Yuna or one of the others with some extra punch to their abilities, were present, they might've stood a chance. But with just them? Best to play along. Even Rikku realized that.

As the orc moved toward them though, the girls had to fight from gagging. Rikku had a gag to aid her, but Aerith almost couldn't make it. She just barely stopped herself from retching, instead swallowing hard. She looked up at the orc through her glasses for a few moments, until he started to speak. Then she immediately averted her gaze, not wanting to stand out. She fully believed that the creature might take both of them, would most likely do so. However, Aerith also knew that a man couldn't go more than once before needing quite a bit of rest. One ejaculation would leave whatever member he had quite deflated and leave him without the energy to do much more. So Aerith struggled internally for a moment. To leave Rikku to him and not take that second chance... or to volunteer and save her companion?

Rikku dealt with the orc taking a look at her breasts. Given that her top all but displayed them anyway, the short pull would let the orc see the two impressive, perky gloves. Rikku might not be the most well endowed of the SEEds, but she beat out several, even Aerith. Rikku's were handfuls to the small, yet perky mounds that set on the magic user's chest. Still, who was to say what appealed to an orc's sensibilities?

Aerith realized that she had to say something. Get his attention. There was always the possibility that she could even anger him enough to make him put off doing anything to either of them, at least until their friends arrived. Aerith swallowed hard. "You do realize that our friends are going to come rescue us, right?" she said, glad that she didn't have a gag. Though being gagged didn't stop Rikku from making noises of agreement and bobbing in such a way that made those tightly woven blonde braids sway. "And the more you do to us, the madder they're going to be. Have you ever actually experienced one of them mad? You won't like it," she looked up at the orc. "Plus, it's not like we're female orcs or anything. You probably wouldn't even fit inside us," which was likely the exact wrong thing to say, especially with the confidence with which Aerith spoke. She'd known her boyfriend after all, the man she'd fallen so deeply in love with. His member had barely fit within her tight sex, so there was just no way that an orc would ever fit inside a girl. It just wasn't possible.
If Aerith thought that she would be safe once Tsavong had bred just one of them then she was wrong. Even the normal Orcs were incredibly virile but the Chief was another story all together, he had been known to fuck captured women to the point of exhaustion, tossing one aside when he grew tired of her only to grab another one within reach and pull her onto his cock, cumming in woman after woman without taking a break. These two would last longer then most, holding his attention for longer because of their great beauty but also proving to be a far longer lasting cunt because they were far tougher and quite strong on their own. Oh they would be a wonderful addition to the Clan, valuable members of his harem and once they were properly broken in they would contribute as more then just breeding fuck toys.

Licking his lips he looked up from the blonde ones tits, quite tasty looking, and over to the brunet who was speaking to him, talking about others who would come and challenge him and the fact that he was clearly far to large to fuck her. This one was naive, did she really think that her smaller stature and her tight pussy would do anything at all to discourage him from fucking her like he wanted to. He chuckled, a sound that was probably strange to the girls that sat bound before him, to hear an Orcs amusement. “You think I am worried about anything this school has?” He asked a bit skeptical as he looked down at them, even kneeling down he still towered over them and to help accentuate the difference he flexed his body, veins sticking out like cord through the skin, his entire body seeming to bulge and swell. “I want your friends to come find you, I want the others to come and look for me because I will do to them what I am going to do to you.”

His mind was made up about which one he was going to fuck first, the brunette was defiant and speaking against him but that only made her all the more entertaining, it would be fun to watch her be stripped of her illusions about what would be coming, to show her the fate of the women that were captured. Still looking at Aerith he reached out and grabbed Rikku by the neck, not squeezing to choke her but instead lifting her as he stood, no more effort then how a man might lift a galleon of milk. “You get to watch as I breed your little friend.” He informed the brunette before he looked Rikku in the eyes, seeing something there that he liked... something that he wanted right away.

Stepping back he carried her towards his makeshift throne, his free hand snapping the ropes that bound her as if they were made of twine and then moving to remove her gag before dropping her as he took his seat, looking down at her. “You could try to run.” He informed her with a slight shrug of his shoulders, clearly thinking that was not the best idea. “Or you could try to fight but you shouldn't do either if you are smart.” Reaching down he shifted his loincloth, freeing his cock from the leather pouch on the inside and with the cloth pulled aside he revealed himself to both girls. His cock stood large and stiff the moment it was free, springing to life almost instantly. It was large, almost fifteen inches of green flesh as thick as the young blondes wrist, the head a darker green color then the shaft was already leaking a large amount of clear fluid that began to slowly trickle down the shaft while the massive balls that hung below were covered in thick black hair, each one larger then one of the girls fists, the entire length almost seeming to throb before them with thick veins that stood out and were easy to see. “Why don't you show your friend what a good breeder does when she sees a thick orc cock.”
Aerith and Rikku watched the orc. The former believing that her words had some effect, had made him perhaps realize the truth. The latter watching his every movement, her thief's eyes taking in the way his body moved. There was something very primal there, all those muscles and manfulness sort of leaking out. Shame that he looked as ugly as hell though. And he began taunting them, both girls looking to him, Aerith especially meeting his look with as much gathered defiance as she could, her green eyes framed by those glasses.

"You should---" she began as he insisted that he didn't fear anything at the school. His continuation, it promised that he did intend them to find him, to willingly come and become what... what he planned for them? That solidified his plan for Aerith and Rikku, and the two girls began struggling. Rikku actually began contorting for a moment, and, if she'd been left alone, might have actually gotten free. Training and fear could do great things when put together, after all. Unfortunately, the cute blonde found herself in the grasp of the orc quite literally.

Rikku let out a squeal against her gag as her body left the floor. She heard the statement to Aerith, heard Aerith's cry of excitement, and, more importantly, saw the lustful gaze that he shot into her swirled green eyes. Rikku swallowed hard. She'd faced some nasty stuff with SEEd, though usually with her companions at her side. Nothing scared her like that look though.

Rikku kicked all the way back to the throne, kicked while she heard Aerith yelling. The other girl kept trying to reason, to point out that this was foolish, that they were human. Why even bother wasting time and energy? He'd just get more frustrated and they'd get nothing out of it. She ended at threats while the orc set rikku down. She felt the binds leaving her, her mouth soon freed.

Try to flee, try to fight, well, yeah, she couldn't really fight him, that was obvious. Also obvious was how he wanted---holy cow! Rikku's swirled green eyes went wide as she beheld the huge club this guy had at his waist. That was... it was at least as big as her freakin' forearm! Suddenly all Aerith's talk about how it wouldn't fit sounded really, really real to Rikku. Okay, yeah, sure, she'd had a few guys. But her pussy was super tight, thanks to being all slim and junk, and, well, that was most definitely not a super-slim cock.

"Ew, no thanks," said Rikku, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose. "That's so not happening," with that, she jerked a leg out, aiming to kick the orc right in the area he'd so pridefully displayed. That should give her enough time to get the hell out of here. Aerith would understand if Rikku left her. The thief could move quicker than any of these orcs, and she knew the halls well. She'd be out of there in an instant, and come thundering with the full force of SEEd right down on this location. For all the guy's talk, no way could he take on all of them at once.

She just needed a little room to work, for that kick to connect, buy her some time...
The brunettes attempt to reason with him was ignored at this point, his cock freed from its leather prison was enough to ensure that his mind would be focused on only a single thing and there was nothing she could say that would be able to distract him from it. He heard the words of course and all it did was expose her interest in how Orc biology worked and in truth Tsavong wasn't entirely sure about all the details himself. There were legends of course, rumors that mighty and dark gods had created them, rumors that they had been bred by dark scientists or wizards ages past and then lost control of their creation.

Whatever the origin was didn't really matter because Orcs were, at least in their own minds, the perfect species. They dominated, they were stronger then any of the civilized races and smarter then the beasts, straddling the line... but that wasn't the most important part. They could breed with any race that shared the same basic shape they did, the humanoid races could all be bred by virile Orc males. The children could be born as male Orc, pure bred and powerful or they could be born the same species as the mother, females who had just enough Orc blood in them to ensure they would be devoted to their families and their clan. He didn't bother to correct her though, she would learn soon enough that he would be able to breed her and soon enough she would learn to find joy in the experience as she was bred over and over again.

He hadn't expected the blonde to just fall to the ground and start sucking his cock like she was clearly born to but he had hoped that she might have the brains to see what was best for her. One way or another he would enjoy her body and while her attempt to struggle might amuse him it wouldn't do her any good. Her kick was an obvious thing, it was really the only option that she had at that moment if she wasn't going to submit and a lesson was about to be learned. Of course he was faster then she thought he would be, she just saw the muscle mass and didn't expect him to be quick, perhaps in the halls of the school her agility might be able to help her escape but in an open sprint his powerful body would be able to turn him into a freight train on legs, far faster then would be expected given his mass and his reactions matched his size.

For a split second he considered letting her actually strike him, she wasn't big and likely wouldn't be able to hurt him much even if she had been able to connect with such a sensitive area but the idea was dismissed, no reason to feel the pain at all and Tsavong's right hand was quickly between her foot and his balls, the open palm easily stopping the blow though it did sting for a moment. “I thought you were the smarter one.” He growled as his hand curled around her foot and a great deal of her calf before pulling her towards him, up onto his lap so that she was pressed against him with his cock coming up between their bodies, some of the precum smearing over her bared midriff. “What would you have done if that had worked? Run away from me and left your friend behind... I might have taken my anger out on her.” A threat and not entirely an empty one, he was going to keep Aerith alive but that didn't mean he couldn't be quite a bit rougher then he had to.

Leaning in, having to lower his head a fair amount he pressed his lips against hers, pressing his tongue forward into her mouth to taste her, the thick and slick muscle nearly filling her mouth as he enjoyed her. “You seem the sort that will know what to do anyway.” He whispered as he broke the kiss, lifting and moving her easily with one hand on her waist, the other hand dipping under her skirt and deftly pulling aside what little material he found covering her pussy before starting to lower her back down, feeling her cunt kissing the slick head of his cock.
Both girls had hoped Rikku's desperate bid for freedom would work. Even though Aerith fully realized that it would leave her alone, likely facing the full fury of their captor, she still cheered on her companion. One escaping beat none, and it would mean that their friends knew what happened, knew about the orc chief, knew where he lay, knew what he wanted. It would have been worth it; not like the giant beast wasn't going to take whatever the hell he wanted from them regardless.

The kick failed. Rikku gasped as she felt the hand lower, blurring nearly as fast as her. She hadn't anticipated that, had figured he'd be just as slow as his underlings. Big mistake. Should've at least figured that the boss would be tougher, stronger, faster than his various henchmen. Now her well muscled leg lay in his grip, and Rikku let out a squeal as he drew her close to him. Gah, the cock felt freakin' huge, pressed against her. Rikku could feel the thing almost all the way up her stomach, practically jutting between her breasts. Which meant... inside... she didn't want to think about it. Nor did she much want to think about precisely what the orc said: the consequences of her own action.

The failure had to be worse than the success though; both girls knew that. Rikku soon squealed in protest as his thick mouth lowered to hers. She felt his lips press upon hers, hard and demanding. her little mouth opened, not much choice there. Soon a thick, heavy tongue slithered within. Rikku felt it prodding against her tongue, asserting its dominance over her mouth, staking its claim as clearly as if it had planted a flag. Rikku groaned and whined the whole time, beating her tiny fists against the orc's impressive physique. It felt like hitting a rock wall. Without weapons, Rikku didn't stand a chance of even denting the orc. She wasn't a brawler, but a thief, used to darting about, taking what she wanted. The orc didn't have anything on him she could use.

Thankfully the kiss ended, Rikku quickly reaching up to wipe off the orc's spit and taste with a fingerless-gloved hand. Yeah, she knew what to do, but that didn't mean she was going to do it. He lifted her, and Rikku felt her tiny orange skirt flare up. She felt his thick fingers pulling aside her thong, and her hands went down to try and cover her sex. Soon she felt the orc's cock, felt the head of it touching her. Rikku might not be as tight as some of the girls, but her sex was still small. Yeah, it had taken a few cocks before, but human cocks, and they'd been downright tiny compared to this.

"Hey, c'mon!' she tried, nearly whining. She kicked and undulated, trying to slide back off the cock. "You don't wanna just thrust it in there. You'll break me in the first go and then nobody's gonna be happy," she hit and kicked, doing what it took to try and work her way off the cock that threatened to ruin her for the rest of the human race in one quick thrust.
Her attempts to kick free as he was holding her against the head of his cock was entirely meaningless, she just didn't have the strength to get free and rather then trying to fight smart and do something like gouge his his eyes or punch him in the throat she was just struggling. It was cute really, she was panicked and this was something that Tsavong was used to seeing. He knew that the size of his cock was particularly terrifying to human women but that was why he had chosen the SEEd women as his harem to be, they were tougher then normal and would be perfect for breeding, longer lasting then the norm.

“I won't break you...” He assured her with a dark chuckle in his voice as he shifted the hand around her waist, lifting the back of her skirt a little bit so Aerith would be able to see what was happening and what was coming for her. “You SEEd girls tend to be a little tough and the girl over there looks like she knows a trick or two when it comes to healing... she can make sure that you get fixed right up.” He started to lower Rikku slowly, taking his time with her because he didn't want to end up causing her to pass out right then and there, she wouldn't be nearly as much fun as a limp little rag doll that he dragged up and down over his cock, he would rather have her writhing and moaning as she adjusted to it.

The penetration wasn't quick, he was savoring it as he pulled her down onto him, the resistance he felt didn't mean much as the still leaking precum helped to lubricate her and slightly eased the passage. The going was slow and it took nearly thirty seconds before he felt the head of his cock finally slip all the way within her, looking from her face over her shoulders to Aerith, wanting to watch as the brunette enjoyed the show. “Watch closely...” He instructed her as he stopped pushing Rikku down for a moment, giving her a chance to adjust while he spoke, “What happens to your friend will happen to you soon enough, I want you to think about it.” Then he was pulling Rikku down again, inch by inch he took his time.
Rikku felt the possessive hand going round her. Felt her tiny skirt flipping up, the air of the room kissing her tight ass. She gulped, feeling certain that this was the orc's way of showing her off to her friend. For a moment, Rikku didn't know which would be worse: going first and getting skewered by orc cock, or going last and watching as someone you knew got it first, knowing that whatever had been done to her would be done to you and then some. The way the orc spoke, it clearly intended to thoroughly enjoy them, enjoy them and each and every one of their friends.

Rikku yelped as she felt herself go down. More kicking and flailing followed, as she easily gave way to panic. The blonde thief simply did not have the training the others had. Her knowledge of weak points had pretty well been exhausted when he'd stopped her kicking him in the junk. Now she felt her body being drawn toward him. She'd half hoped he would just jerk her onto his cock, thrust into her like so many stupid boys did. They'd shove their entire pricks into a girl, rut for a few thrusts and then spill everything all over the place. Sometimes Rikku could swear she barely felt it.

She felt this. Felt her nether lips stretching wide, no, not just wide, obscenely wide, cavernously over the cock. It skewered Rikku and she screamed as the pure pain of it shot through her. her lean body resisted the insertion as best it could. Muscles contorted, the sex contracted. All this amounted to more pain for Rikku, as centimeter by agonizing centimeter of thick, hard cock slid into her tiny body. Rikku had never felt such fullness, such pain. That fullness though, it was something else entirely, something she'd never thought to ever feel before now.

He stopped, and Rikku gasped with relief, feeling that he'd finally gotten within her. Her sex felt stretched to obscene lengths, but she'd survived. She looked down, and horror filled her green eyes. The head: she just barely had the thick head of his cock jutting into her tiny little puss. "no, no, stoooop ,stoooooopp!" whined and shouted Rikku. Panic filled the blonde, gave her strength. She squirmed and writhed upon the cock. Punched and kicked; wiggled and twisted. She felt her feet connecting with his rough muscles, felt her hands drum against his thick chest. She hit him, and her panic and fear meant her blows would likely be at least felt.

Not as much as what Rikku felt. The girl screamed as she felt inch upon inch sinking into her, reshaping her cock, ruining her for the race of man and slowly transforming her into what the orc had promised she'd become: a breeding sow for the orcish horde. A tiny pussy contorted, flexible internal walls stretching painfully about the cock. A little trickle of blood flowed down her leg, soon mixed with another fluid to become cloudy. Tears had started to flow down Rikku's face as she hammered her fists against him all the more. In desperation she turned to practically clawing him, needing some kind of purchase, something to grip as she felt orcish cock sink into her.

All Aerith could do was watch on in horror. If her arms had been freed, if her magics not drained, then perhaps she could do something. Even now, she would've at least tried to stop and heal her friend, to ease the passage. Her voice still worked: it had not been turned into raw shrieks. "You're hurting her!" Aerith yelled. "Can't you see that you're just causing more pain? Stop!" like the orc had a sense of decency to appeal to.
He could just jerk her down onto his cock, Tsavong could easily drag her down onto his immense length until she was left ruined for any male other then him but he was taking his time. TO just use her as a meat puppet then he might just end up breaking her far to much for his enjoyment, a broken little doll was far less fun then a young woman that would move along with him, who would work to please him and take pleasure in what his powerful frame could do for her. The more she fought him the more it assured him that he was going to enjoy her quite a lot, a girl with spirit was quite a bit more fun to him. Each kick that struck his thighs, each punch and clap against his chest brought little more then grunt of annoyance from him, there was little pain from the blows but he did feel them.

“Stop that...” He growled at her, the hand on her hips pushing her down a little more quickly for a moment just to get the point across and his other hand quickly catching both her wrists and lifting her arms above her head, bearing her body more to him and of course ending her silly little attacks against him. She couldn't really hurt him, not enough to make a difference or stop what was happening but he was getting tired of it and if ignored long enough then she might actually be able to harm him. With her arms trapped he was leering down at her, now ignoring the girl tied up by the door as he looked at his victim. Half his thick cock was now stuffed within her and he could see it bulging inside of her, could see the deformation caused by the massive insertion and the fact that it was only half way inside of her made it all the better.

“You have a fantastic little cunt.” He praised her as he finally stopped pushing her down onto his dick, pleased with the amount that was inside of her, the warmth and tightness was bringing a smile to his face and he was willing to give her a little bit of time to adjust for now. Most girls would have passed out by now so she was doing well, oh she was in pain but it seemed her training allowed her to endure it... and the thought that the other stronger girls were still free only served to excite the massive beast all the more.

“Do you think your friend is watching?” He asked, the question rhetorical because he knew there was nothing else she could be looking at right then and there. A groan escaping his lips as he started to move his blonde little fucktoy, slowly pulling her up over his cock until only the head was within her and then pushing her back down again, a little more quickly then he pulled her up but still taking his time. Still he increased the pace, each time he pulled her up he did so just a little quicker then before and as he pushed her back down again quicker still, building up to a decent pace and watching with lust filled eyes as her breasts started to bounce wonderfully in the tiny top she wore.
The growl worked for a few moments, with Rikku stopping, staring at the orc. A lance of fear had shot through the girl, tearing across any bravado she may have had. She could feel a more fleshy lance having thrust deep within her, her flesh already distorting about the cock. Interior walls stretched at that very moment, pushed aside by a rock hard member that would broke no resistance, especially paltry resistance from a desperate teenage girl. Rikku whimpered at the heat, at the fullness already. She hadn't dared look down, only suspected that still more orcish cock remained to be stuffed into her previously tiny little pussy.

the compliment almost made her whimper again. She tried squirming once more, little legs kicking, body wiggling against the thick hands that held her so. Too much leg wiggling resulted in her sex sliding a little more down the shaft. Rikku then fought to do almost the opposite, her legs pushing, trying to lift up, pull away. The orc's strength outdid hers by a great degree, though that didn't mean Rikku didn't fight with every ounce of strength. Just having the orc's cock within her, stretching her, felt so painful, so very, very painful. Each little motion caused her sex to cry out in something near agony. Each little jerk would cause his cock to slide against walls, cause flesh to drag, cause a sex to swell with cock, cause yet more pain the likes of which even Rikku, with her experience, had never felt before.

The question jerked Rikku's head up. She glared, her swirled eyes flashing with anger for a few moments. A groan left the orc, soon accompanied with a little shriek by the blonde. She could feel her body sliding up and down. It felt less like being fucked, though sexes joined one another, and more like one being used as a flesh-puppet, a little meat-doll for the huge sex that distended her. For Rikku might not see the staff stretching her abs, the shape of a cock showing quite evidently along her tight abs, but she could certainly feel it. The orc took his time dragging his cock along her, and for a moment, Rikku almost thought he would leave. She knew better though, knew he'd soon--yes, push her down. The girl let out whimpers, her fight leaving with each hard thrust. Cock slid up and down her narrow tunnel, drawing her flesh against it, rubbing, the friction causing heat despite Rikku's wants. She could feel her breasts bobbing, her top doing little to stop the swaying motion.

"Quit it!' she whined, squirming again. She started working fiercely, using her thief training, desperate to escape by any means possible. The pain, the full feeling, it felt so overwhelming that already she saw stars, and she knew more had to go; he hadn't even truly begun.

Aerith could only lay there and stare. She stared for several long minutes, watching as the thick orc cock slid into her friend's tight little sex. That would happen to Aerith; she knew it to her very core. Tears came with that realization, and she pinched her eyes shut, turned her head away. This couldn't be happening, all a dream. From Rikku's sharp cries to the orc's grunts, to the sounds of orc flesh shoving into tight human girl, all of it was just one big, nasty dream that they would wake up soon, relief flooding through their bodies.

It just had to be.
The attempts to squirm and escape, the little human might be well trained and in fantastic shape but against what she was struggling it wouldn't achieve much, metal cuffs would probably have more give then the hand that wrapped around her arms and the other hand around her waist. However it wasn't entirely fruitless, the more she tried to escape the more she ended up squirming over his cock, giving him some incredibly enjoyable sensations that drew a long grunt of pleasure from him as his eyes close and for a moment his jaw slackened. Of course it wasn't enough to make him cum, a virile and monstrous creature could stay buried deep inside of her almost indefinietly and he would only come when he wanted to.

“All humans are the same.” He mocked her as she cried for him to stop though she must know that he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied and she was well on her way to being broken. “You all scream for a little while but sooner or later you all come to love a thick orc cock inside of your cunt.” As if to illustrate that point or perhaps just for his own cruel amusement he began to drag her faster, pulling her down a little further each and every time, by now ten inches of his cock was inside of her and he knew that it would take quite a bit to get the rest of it within her... and he wouldn't stop until he got just that.

The other girl was out to make things hard for herself though, closing her eyes and looking away as though that would change anything. It was irritating and almost took him out of the pleasure that he was experiencing as he fucked her little friend. “Your little friend seems afraid.” He whispered, knowing that the brunette would likely be able to hear him anyway but not really caring. “She keeps looking away from what I am doing and that is starting to piss me off.” Eyes narrowed, locked on the eyes of the blonde that he was using as little more then a breathing fuck toy. Slowly he stopped moving her, eleven inches of his thick cock buried in her cunt as he moved his hand from her waist to lightly pluck at the yellow bra she wore and snapping it open in the front to reveal more of her flesh to him. “So if you want to keep me from finding some way to get her attention right now you are going to start bouncing on my cock.”

That should keep her from being just a passive victim, forcing her to take an active role in her rape might make things much more interesting.
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