Legend of Korra, Book 2: Spores (Mystearica x darkest_fate)


May 20, 2014
Republic City was an industrial edifice in a magical world. Mechanical marvels were an everyday occurrence as cars rolled along streets, airships blotted out the sun at least once day, and the wheels of innovation turned in every factory that called Republic City home. But there was life yet -- in parks, in potted plants on window sills, in every florist's shop life bloomed in a rainbow of petals. Under the smog that set the sky ablaze with every sunset, flowers bloomed... and with them, light green spores were released in the gentlest puffs, carried along by the wind...

Six months had passed since the threat of the Equalists had been culled. No more Tarrlok, no more Amon... but there were changes afoot throughout the city. Mako had become a police officer, Bolin still tried to keep the Fire Ferrets afloat, Asami was at the head of a hemorrhaging business... and Korra? Korra was an airbender. And most of all, they never got to see each other.

The Sato family estate -- or what was left of it after Hiroshi's arrest -- was alive for the first time in what seemed like forever. They were out in the gardens and...

A paving stone whistled high into the air as Korra's hand flew up. "Alright guys, watch... this!" the Avatar shouted as she moved almost hypnotically, arms rotating in spirals as wind gathered before her, a cushion of air that would have been unseen but for the light green flecks that were kicked up from the bushes. "Keep yours eyes on it," Korra whispered as the stone hurtled down toward her, that little vortex cushion spinning faster and faster...

The stone landed on it, rotating around and around quickly as she maintained the pressure, and suddenly.... it went zipping off, the gust of wind setting it soaring through the air like a pneumatic cannon, going quite literally as fast as the wind. "Just a little something I picked up from the... the kids," Korra said as her nostrils flared, taking in those little green flecks.

Her body felt... odd. It had been for a little while that day. A burning sensation had settled in the pit of her stomach, something she had tried to suppress with a little bit of physical exercise. Unsuccessfully, it seemed. "Ah, hey," Korra said, fidgeting just slightly. "I'll be... right back," she called, as she jogged off out of the gardens and into the estate in a hurry.

The bathroom door shut behind her -- slammed, really -- as she fled into it, Korra's sun-kissed hand smacking down hard against the white porcelain, nails digging into it as her knees buckled. "Nngh... not now," she moaned softly, one hand tugging at the ties on her pants before slipping down past the coarse material.

It happened more often than she'd like, but something was... different about today. More than once she'd sequestered herself in the locker room, or her quarters or up on some high roof where she could get a little bit of... release. It NEVER came on this strong, though.

Lips parted with a gasp as her hand found her sopping sex, calloused finger seeking out her clit and stimulating the little bundle of nerves as fast and as hard as she could, her breaths coming shallow and sharp as she pawed at her chest through her shirt. Just... just get off and get back out there, lie about something you ate, that always works, she kept telling herself as she stimulated herself, half leaned over the counter.
Asami Sato, beautiful heiress of Future Industries and the Sato Corporation, watched as her friend, the Avatar Korra, performed intricate bending techniques for the amusement of her and the Fire Ferret brothers. Asami had always admired Korra's skill, and she thoroughly enjoyed watching displays of bending. She'd never really understood why people would fear it, think it evil or what have you. Terror could come from it, yes, but terror could also come from machines and, well, people. Asami had learned that hard lesson not long ago.

Strange though, but Asami thought she saw something fluttering in the wind gathered by her friend, little bits. She figured it had something to do with what Korra was going for, maybe some earth bending mixed in. Korra did enjoy showing off, after all, which always amused Asami. A lot about Korra equally amused and impressed the young heiress, and she realized she'd finally found someone she could be fully jealous of. All her life she'd been pretty, smart, talented, someone that people could look up to. She'd worked hard to make sure she was more than a pretty face, though she did realize that her features and bearing made her quite appealing. Not everyone possessed striking features our pale skin or flowing ebony hair that fell in graceful curves down a smooth back. Nor did most heiress's have the sinewy muscles that gave Asami's feminine form a more willowy look, hardening her out. She looked like a weakling compared to Korra, who had the hardened musculature that came with bending all the time. it suited the bronzed water tribe member though. No doubt that physique would mean that Korra's admittedly impressive breasts, the one area that Asami felt she'd been beaten without contest, would never sag.

Asami shook her head slightly, taking a deep breath. She didn't notice little green flecks hovering in between her lips with that motion, some stirred by the very display that had held her rapt attention for so long. She'd done it to dislodge her gloomy and admiring thoughts, to instead focus on the impressive trick. Thankfully, Bolin was gushing, as he was wont to do, and Mako was clapping and telling Korra she did amazing. Just as Asami started to talk, to let her own pleasure at it be known, Korra fidgeted and took off.

The three other friends stood there for a moment, blinking. "What was that?" demanded Bolin, waving. "was that some kind of 'I'm too cool for you now' thing?" he waved his arms, and Asami had to fight back laugh. His brother had already started moving, saying that he thought Korra looked worried and that maybe they should check it out.

Asami darted in front of Mako then, placing a hand upon his chest. She tried not to think about the rippling muscles beneath, or how their relationship had fizzled before she'd gotten to experience them first hand. Fizzled because of the very girl who'd just gone running off for no apparent reason. Why was Asami lingering on that? Lingering on Mako? She licked her plump red lips, blinked her painted eyelids, and looked up at her ex, a smile tugging those very kissable lips.

"Come on, Mako, you can't go chasing off after Korra every time she sneezes. What kind of boyfriend does that?" she pointed out. Bolin nodded enthusiastically; Mako sputtered, so Asami continued: "Besides, I've seen that look before. I'm pretty sure Korra's suffering from lady issues."

"Ooooh, lady trouble. Nope, you can't mess with that Mako, no way. Lady troubles are just for the ladies," insisted Bolin.
"Thanks, bro, I'd never have figured that out without--"
"Right, just for ladies," said Asami, nodding. "So let me go make sure everything's okay with Korra, alright?" she nodded held up a finger, promised she'd be back soon, and took off.

Asami walked swiftly, trying to think of where Korra had likely gone in a hurry. one location sprang to mind, and she hurried straight toward the bathroom. She'd thought she'd heard a slam from there anyway. The door was shut, so Asami knocked softly on it, leaning forward. "Korra? It's Asami, the boys and I were worried, since you just sort of took off and all. Is everything okay?" she waited, and when she didn't get a response, she tried knocking again. "Korra? I'm going to come in, alright? You know," she smiled, "hold your hair back while you puke and all." then she reached down, turned the handle, slowly opened the door and looked down to see...

the Avatar furiously masturbating?

Asami stared, her mouth opening slightly, not quite believing it. The raw primal beauty of Korra plowed hard into her, hitting like a car. All that lush, sun-kissed skin, all those hard muscles, and those breasts, Spirits, how Asami suddenly wished to be the hand that kneaded that chest. Instead she stood gaping, not quite sure what to make of this, and to make of the fact that her own heart was thudding fast, warmth and desire spreading throughout her body, stretching fingers to all the right places.
Korra could hardly have been a more perfect physical specimen if she had tried, and those calloused fingers were certainly exploring every availaible inch in those heated moments. Her pants were tugged over wide hips, the cloth straining as her fingers delved deep into her sopping cunt, her juices flowing liberally over her digits as she fucked herself as vigorously as she could.

Her shirt was tugged over her expansive breasts, and with the way she was leaned over the counter, eyes could take in every curve of her. The swell of her taut, muscled behind, the rippling musculature of her stomach, rising and falling quickly as she drew in ragged, pleasured breaths, and her shapely tits released from their cloth bounds. One hand was squeezing her left tit, tugging her hardened nipple

"F-fuck," Korra whispered to herself as she heard a knock on the door. Asami... Heat flushed through Korra's veins at the thought of the supple-bodied heiress. As prideful as Korra was of her own assets, it was hard NOT to be jealous of Asami's lithe body, of those ruby red lips, perfect ivory skin and raven hair... the latter of which had made more than one guest appearance in her dreams between bronzed thighs...

"Please don't, please don't," she whispered to herself, eyes watering and cheeks flushing in frustration as she stroked herself furiously. She couldn't cum -- no matter how hard she tried or what she did, her body was humming just along the edge and refusing to go over.

"N-no," Korra whispered quietly when the door swept open, revealing the flustered Avatar with her clothing pulled to either side with three fingers knuckle deep in her cunt. Korra's knees wobbled as she stood slowly. Korra reluctantly drew her hand away before she lunged toward Asami, one strong arm wrapping around Asami's waist and pulling that lithe body against the waterbender's warm curves. "Can't... can't cum. Please help me," Korra said, her calloused hand gripping roughly at Asami's own shapely behind.
Every inch of Korra looked practically perfect, especially now. Asami's eyes kept drinking in the dark form that had twisted and turned, finding her mind and body filling with a decidedly different sensation then they so often experienced: pure unadulterated lust seeped into her veins. Little did Asami know that it latched onto something else that flooded the heiress, latched and increased still further. The beautiful girl almost couldn't move if she tried.

Korra could, and did. Asami gasped as she felt those powerful arms encircling her. She felt every inch of Korra hard, firm body. The bared impressive tits thrust against Asami, feeling splendid. The hard abs, just every inch of Korra made Asami's body flare. She knew her own nether lips had started to itch, little bits of moisture gathering.

"It's okay Korra, really," said the heiress, her voice almost breathless. She could feel a hand squeezing her own pert rear. While not as hard as Korra's, the shapely behind would certainly prove quite squeezable. Asami had to pause to just let that sensation flood through her. Strange, as she couldn't recall her ass being quite such a sensitive spot before. No matter. Korra was in far worse shape.

"Okay, you're going to have to trust me then," said Asami. With that, she gave her hair a toss, moving to push it aside before lowering her face down. She began kissing at Korra's bared neck, her red lips pressing against the dark face. She worked Korra backward, heading toward the sink. A foot went back to get the door; no way was Asami having the boys interrupt. Her hands, however, began crawling down the body.

Spirits, but Korra was well built. Asami's nails dragged along her, finding nothing but hard muscles wrapped in feminine soft skin. Just touching Korra like this made Asami burn, her own chest tight, her loins aflame. Such perfection should not be allowed to exist in a human being. Then again, Korra was the Avatar. Maybe they were all supposed to be exquisite physical specimens.

"Trust me," Asami mumbled into her friend's neck, though she knew it was a foolish idea. She'd moved from kissing to gently chewing, while her hands shifted. One pulled the coarse fabric of Korra's pants away from her, while the other dove between. She found the heat immediately, and Asami couldn't help but groan with lust and want as she felt Korra's juices already anointing her digits. She slid her fingers teasingly about, learning the contours of her friend's sex. Felt the soft lips, the wet thighs; played with wet folds; teasingly flicked. All the while Asami could feel her own want building within her, coiling like a tight serpent, just waiting to launch its own ferocious attack.
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