RP: Doctor Who: You & Me ( Horror_Show & Everundine)


Feb 15, 2010
The doctor laughed out hysterically as the TARDIS groaned and shifted throwing him all over the place. The breaks and famous whooshing sound could he beard as it finally came to a halt. Sparks flew from the TARDIS making him shelter his eyes.

“Oh sexy what’s wrong…. what’s wrong with you.” He crawled pushing himself up running back up the stairs to his controls to see the problem and frowned. She was going to need time to recharge and needed work. He sighed but then looked towards the doors curious where she had taken him. She never took him where he wanted to be, but always where he needed to be.

“Where have you taken me now…. what wonderful planet is there to see today.” He said slowly descending toward his doors, he opened the door and stuck his head out only to find he was on earth. He made a face and groaned.

“Now don’t get me wrong…. earth is amazing, I’ve only risk my life hundreds of times to save it and the amazing human race…but what trouble is here now? I really do need a vacation.” The TARDIS only sparked more and he rolled his eyes and stepped out of the TARDIS.

He wasn’t dressed in his usual bow tie and suit; he looked simply like the old raggedy doctor he was with Amy and Rory. He had an untucked oxford blue shirt; it was unbuttoned revealing a gray-shirt, slacks and an untied tie hanging around, with white converse. He looked exhausted and a little worn down. He felt his time was nearing; he had already lost so many friends. Losing Amy and Rory hurt the most, they were his family. Of course Amy was his mother in law but River time line was now gone, he couldn’t even be with actual wife and had lost his only daughter. He was a brilliant man with two broken hearts. A time lord on his own, he had ended up back in London. He strolled through the park as the sun was setting.


Briony Adams felt him before she actually saw him. She felt his sadness, his loneliness, like a whirlpool inside him, threatening to pull her under and into his despair. She looked around for the source. It was difficult being an empath in a city like London. There were so many people and they all felt so many things. But the most difficult part was forming any kind of relationship. Briony had been alone all her life, she was an orphan growing up and now that she had grown up she was still on her own. No one wanted to be in a relationship with a woman who knew what you were feeling. And if she got close enough to someone to tell them about her gift they thought she was crazy. One of those new age nutters that walk around talking about auras and all kinds of nonsense like that. Eventually she learned that keeping it to herself was the best course of action.

She walked through the park, following the emotional equivalent of a black hole, straight to a man who looked like he'd been in a war. His clothes were torn and tattered, his brown hair hung in his eyes. Briony tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear before walking up to the man and grabbing his hand.

"Hello," she smiled up at him, "I'm Briony. Can I walk with you?"

She'd never met anyone with so much loneliness and sadness inside them and she knew she had to help this man. She just didn't know how, or who he was. But she was sure she would find out. He was too interesting to let him slip off into the ether, never to be seen again. He was too...well, too beautiful in this fallen angel sort of way.

The doctor had been strolling in the park letting thoughts consume him. He had both hands in his dress pant pockets. It was rather strange not to have a mission. He was always going, always fast moving, always eager to travel and find a new adventure but now what would he do. So many thoughts of his companions had crossed his mind. Rose, she was exactly as her name spoke…. a beautiful flower that blossomed out life at every nerve. He had fallen in love with her, how could he not. Them were years ago; she had probably grown old with the Meta.

He could never find out because you could never go into a parallel world. There had been an opening in the time rift that let it happen twice. He hoped she had married the Meta and had children; he smiled at the thought of that. He much rather liked his last regeneration he was quite the looker. Though he didn’t realize he had just as much potential as this version, even looked a bit younger.

Then there was Martha; oh Martha was so loyal and ever so helpful. He was happy to see her end up with good ol Mickey. That also brought another sad smile. What hurt the most was Donna Noble, she was possibly the greatest woman in the world. She had saved the world, she wanted to travel with him forever but she couldn’t. She couldn’t handle being a time lord and had to forget. He had to focus on walking not to get sentimental. Donna was now happy and wealthy, he made sure of that. Then last but not least there was Amelia Pond and Rory Williams, the Ponds. He did swell with tears at the thought. The girl and boy who waited, wait they did and prevail they did. He felt a hand, a soft hand slip into his. It didn’t frighten him, it was just unexpected.

He turned to see a beautiful young girl with dark hair. She must have been as young as Rose was when he first met her, still in her teens. The way she looked at him, admiring him, in a loving way though she was a complete strange, was brilliant. He gave her a weak gorgeous smile and nodded.

“Well of course…. I always say, two heads is always better than one.” He said squeezing her hand and continued walking, letting his shoulder brush against hers. He could tell something was different about this female. “So who do I have the pleasure of sharing this beautiful evening with?” he asked.

When she asked who he was, who was the exact question. He stopped and wondered if he should even tell her. Was it worth dragging somebody else into his dangerous world of adventures, he couldn’t bare saying another goodbye. His face looked quite in turmoil

“Who I am isn’t important,” he smiled looking at the canopy above them, the sunset was making the sky orange and pink, “I’m a dangerous old foolish man…very old.” He said chuckling looking back down at her pitifully.

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