RP: Doctor Who: Open Up (Horror_Show & Everundine)


Feb 15, 2010
“I know…. mum I have it under control. Your just going to be gone the weekend. Luke and me will be fine…. we have K-9. Go enjoy yourself.” The young teenage girl was picking up in the kitchen while her mother looked worried and was in a rush to catch a plane.

“I know….I just worry about you two. You two are my life…I know what dangers are out there….” She trailed off looking out the window holding her purse and Heather sighed and leaned against the counter wiping her hands on a washrag.

“Nothing strange has happened in ages…. and if it does well then your so called doctor will save the day.” She said trying to joke but saw her mother’s saddened face. Her mother had spoke of the doctor so many times, telling her children of the lovely and dangerous adventures she had gone on, how the doctor had stolen her heart but left her in the end to protect her. She had seen him a while ago but didn’t speak of Luke or Heather. She was embarrassed in sort of a way, thinking he might get jealous or mad. Though she knew that was silly, and another part of her feared that the same thing might happen to Heather. The only thing was she knew the safest person to be with was the doctor but it also came with a risk. Ever since then she had been even more protective of when he might show up.

“You call me if anything happens…. alright, anything. I left money on the card, order you guys some carry out this weekend, get groceries just be safe.” Sarah said kissing her daughter on the forehead. Luke came out behind K-9 with a gadget and she ruffled his hair, kissed his head and said her goodbye’s before finally rushing out the door.

That night after eating dinner and making sure Luke was settled in her room, Heather went to go lay on the patio furniture in the backyard. A storm was coming in and she loved storms. She stretched out listening to her headphones. She was happy to just have some peace for once and mellow out.

She had no idea that tonight she was about to meet the same man that had swept her mother off her feet and showed her the stars. The only difference is the doctor this time around wasn’t going to just let another companion slip away….he would find that Heather Jane Smith would be one of the few companions he fell for and gave in too. She closed her eye’s as a strong cool breeze blew in.




The Doctor had already visited so many of his companions that were still living or in this dimension. Jack Harkness had Torchwood, Martha Jones and Mickey Smith, well, they had each other now, didn't they? He had said goodbye to them, all in his own little way. He couldn't come out and say it because he knew they would worry, but just getting to see them again, to tell them how fantastic they had always been, that was enough. Because it was time. He could feel it in his two beating hearts, it was time to go, to move on. Soon he would have a new face and the Doctor, the man he was now, would die. There was just one last stop to make.

When he opened the TARDIS doors he was in her backyard, his dear Sarah Jane Smith. There's a saying that you leave the best for last, and since his beautiful Rose was in another dimension, well, Sarah Jane was a very very close second. And that made her the best, in this dimension anyways. Her backyard looked cozy and he could imagine all the fun times she had here in this yard with her son and K-9. Good old K-9! What a good dog he was, taking care of Sarah Jane for him.

The Doctor ran a hand through his crazy brown hair and dusted off the front of his brown trench coat. He straightened his tie, he couldn't wait to see her, to make sure she was doing alright. If he knew she was doing alright he could go in peace, he knew he could.

However, he saw a young girl in lying on the patio furniture and he thought for a moment that he had gone to the wrong time, because there she sat, reclining in the chair. Sarah Jane Smith, as young and beautiful and vibrant as ever.

"Sarah Jane?" His eyes grew wide, hoping he wasn't messing up any of their timelines in the past. But then he looked at the girl again, this time more closely. No, this wasn't Sarah Jane, she looked remarkably like here but there were differences from the real Sarah Jane.

"Hello there, is Sarah Jane at home?"

((I’m changing a few things in my post to kind of match my last one. My character was laying in the back yard on the patio so she should have actually seen the TARDIS materialize. I felt like it might be more dramatic, more intense for her to see it. So sorry for changing things, if you could just edit yours, if not we can just ignore it and keep going ☺))

Heather was listening to music getting lost in the moment, just relaxing. She was trying not to think of anything. She felt a strong breeze blowing in and just stretched out her legs and wiggled her feet, which were in short socks. She opened her eye’s to notice the lightening getting closer in the distance. She lay there just watching it and noticed the wind picking up. It was an electrical storm and as she slowly sat up with her legs pulled to her chest, she saw the most bizarre and unbelievable thing. The TARDIS materialized right in front of her over to the side beside the garden. She pushed up with one knee from the patio chair looking like a deer in headlights. She gulped and kept blinking; she took her headphones off resting them on her shoulders.

It was a blue police box of all things? What the hell was a blue police box doing in her backyard? It was lit up and illuminated, and then she saw it open and cocked her head as an impossible man walked out in a suit. Soon as he saw he gave a charming smug smile. He was gorgeous, gorgeous couldn’t even remotely describe the beauty and attractiveness this man held. But he had just appeared out of thin air in her backyard. The man was dressed oddly in a suit, long brown coat and converse…. converse stuck out. The man looked just as shocked to see her and laughed out.

“Sarah….?” Then he walked closer, the wind blowing strongly against them both. He thought she was her mother, she didn’t take any offense. Her mother was beautiful when she was younger, just as Heather was.

“Oh…no, she’s gone for the weekend…. wait, I’m talking to a strange man who just came out of a blue box. I’ve gone mad,” She said making a strange face talking more to herself than the doctor, “right, wait…who are you again. Am I loosing my mind? Do you need my mother?” The girl asked looking at him. Then without even letting him finish she walked straight past him toward the garden. She stood there looking at the TARDIS, flabbergasted. She looked at it and then back to the doctor. That's when it clicked, of all things like a ephiony, he was the doctor.. A wind blew again, blowing her hair as if it was some scene out of the movie. As she would be standing in front of the glowing TARDIS, the doctor would state stuck in a trance, as if it was a sign. To take her as provocative as that sounded.



He was stunned into silence. And that really never happened.

"You...You're her!" He gaped at her with his mouth open, "Noo!" The Doctor rocked back on his heels and grinned at the girl before him. "I can't believe Sarah Jane had a daughter! I bet you're just as mischievous as she was!"

He watched as she stared at the TARDIS and then back at him. Obviously Sarah Jane had made him the stuff of bedtime stories. He ran to the TARDIS, placing himself between the girl and the TARDIS. He snapped his fingers and as the TARDIS doors opened he stepped backwards into the ship. He extended a hand to the girl. He wanted to bring her along with him, just think of it, gallivanting around the universe with Sarah Jane's daughter, what fun they would have!

"I'm the Doctor, love. Craving an adventure?"

He couldn't say he wasn't delighted when she took his hand and stepped into the TARDIS with him.

"So what's you're name dear girl? How old is Sarah Jane's Daughter then?"

He let her soak in the extraordinary interior of the TARDIS, each time a companion entered the TARDIS for the first time he could feel the excitement, it was one of his favorite parts. He tinkered with the console as he waited for her to soak in everything.

As the doctor snapped his fingers the TARDIS doors opened theatrically behind him, his body was illuminated with golden light from the inside. He was like a beacon. As he held out his hand she felt her heart skip a beat. Did he sweep her mother away and take her on the many adventures? She always wondered why her mother never chose to stay with him. Her mother never told her what happened, how he left saving her life, to protect her. In doing so she was able to live a happy human life where she made two beautiful children, one, which he would fall in love with. She slowly took a step and took his hand and he pulled her into the TARDIS.

She stood in amazement at the interior of the TARDIS. She couldn’t believe she was inside but what made it more different is that she had been told stories. It was like living a fairy tale. It had a relatively open floor plan; the control console was precisely in the middle of the room. It looked like a crazy alien spaceship. It was very coral like, it felt more organic. The walls were golden, with smaller, hexagonal impressions. The room consisted of a circular area, with a red tiled ramp leading from the doors to a hexagonal platform. On the platform was a second, circular platform.

The entire room was supported by six coral pillars arranged in a hexagonal pattern that met with the top of the time rotor at the room’s ceiling. There were also several black wires connecting to the time rotor. The most notable was it was dim, illuminated by the green glow of the time rotor. 

She walked one barefoot in front of the other up the ramp examining the room like a little kid would in fascination. She could hear the hum of the machinery and the heart of the TARDIS. She was leaving puddles everywhere but didn’t mind it. The young girl could have looked like a model on the TARDIS. She complimented it.

Heather looked back at the doctor who had a sheepish grin on as he was taking everything in. “My names…Heather Jane Smith and I’m on the edge of seventeen.” She said almost wishing she was younger considering the doctor looked older, but he was so much older and it wouldn’t matter.

“So your really going to take me with you…to see the stars and different planets? Can I stay with you?” she asked completely ignoring the fact when her mother found out, it might be a little hectic but she was ready heart throbbing for the wonderful man in front of her.



He let her absorb her new surroundings, after all the TARDIS was an amazing and beautiful ship! He often referred to her as 'sexy' although only when he was alone, although he would never admit to it. So she wasn't even 17 years old yet. For a moment he thought of his Rose, his beautiful Rose, with her blonde hair and bright smile. She had been so eager to see the universe with him, just as this girl seemed to be.

"Heather Jane Smith, good strong name!" He grinned at her and took her by the hand, turning it so he could place a kiss on the back of it.

The Doctor worked it over in his head. Sarah Jane wouldn't be too pleased if she came home and her daughter was missing. Not pleased at all. But He had a TARDIS and he could have her back in literally a minute, they could go all over the galaxy and still be back before Sarah Jane got home.

"I'll take you anywhere you want to go, anywhere in time and space! And I can still have you home in time for supper!" He spun her around, he delighted in the hope in his new companion's face, the wonder in her eyes.

"Well Heather Jane, where would you like to go?"
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