By The Sea {EverUndine&&Malfrost}


Aug 4, 2013
All of time and space.
She couldn't believe she was back. It had seemed like she'd been gone forever and yet nothing seemed changed about the tiny hut. She stood on the hill above it, looking down at the waves crashing against the shore. And there it sat, more welcoming than it had ever looked before. Luna stepped down toward it, eager to get inside and be able to get at least a partial night's sleep. The war was still raging even after Harry had given his life to save everyone. Voldemort had taken Hogwarts and McGonagall and Snape were dead, along with countless others both Muggle and Wizard. Luna had been on the front lines for three months now, so it was a relief to finally walk through the cottage door and feel safe for once.

The first thing she wanted was a shower. Her blonde hair's normal luster was dimmed by the dirt as was her pale white skin, even her blue eyes shone a little less these days. She had never really been the same ever since her imprisonment at Malfoy Manor. She shuddered to think of the place.

It was warm in the cottage, which was wonderful but strange seeing as no one should've been there. But when the witch looked around she saw signs of the place being lived in, dishes in the sink and such.

"Hermione? Are you here?" She called into the house as she shut the door behind her and set her small bag and wand on the kitchen counter. She looked into the cupboards, needing something to eat, even if it was just a little something. There was no answer to her question and she began to get worried.

"Ron? Is that you?" She looked out the window at the sea, watching the waves crash against the shore was one of her favorite past times, it was so peaceful.
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