RP: Doctor Who: I've Had Friends (Horror_Show & Pysch13)


Feb 15, 2010
The TARDIS came crashing to earth right after his regeneration. So many people he had to leave and say goodbye but an adventure was just beginning. The TARDIS never took him where he wanted to be but exactly where he needed to be and right now that was in the backyard of a little girl who would be his reason for living, for continuing his journey. She would be one of the very few who the doctor would truly love but right now none of them new their fates, but there paths were about to cross on this stormy night. She would be the girl who waited, waited for the doctor.

The TARDIS had flipped over and everything had wrecked havoc inside the control room. He had managed to get a rope and push the doors open. He didn’t look to be in the greatest condition. His hair was tangled and matted, he was wet and his clothes were a little torn and raggedy. He barely pulled himself out of the side of the police box and fell forward hitting his face. He already had scrapes and a gash on his head that was bleeding. He squinted and realized it was thundering and lightening above and could feel rain pouring down to make things even worse. He lay there laughing manically, laughing because he was alive, laughing because of all the pain he felt internally.

That was when he noticed a young girl gawking at him…he rolled over trying to raise himself on his elbows on the mud to have a good look at her.

“Ah…hey there,” rain was trickling all over his face and lips as he spoke, “I promise you I am not just a stranger in your backyard…no need to be alarmed…just a pit stop.” He said smiling.


Alice Whittle sat on her bed staring at the crack in her wall. She was a young girl, only 9. But, she had wise eyes that showed they understood way more than they should. She eyed the crack in her wall with a nervousness that you get while watching a horror movie. Having there feeling something was going to jump out at you or scare you. Just not exactly sure when.

She managed to pry her eyes away from the crack in order to get on her knees by her bed. She put her hands together in a praying motion and prayed..... To Santa Claus.

"Dear Santa," The little girl started, her British accent sounding adorable with what she was about to say. "I know your probably confused as to why I'm praying to you and not God. Well, I'm sure God is busy helping other people who are praying to him. No one prays to you so I thought you'd be able to help me. You see, there's this crack in my wall and it's really scary." She glanced behind her at the crack nervously.

"I hear things... whispers coming from the crack. I can't sleep with it here. I feel like a sitting duck waiting to be catched. And I'm really scared. So, could you please send someone to help me?" And right at that moment she heard something in her backyard. She ran to the window, only to see a police box outside with a weird light coming from it. "Wow Santa, you work fast." She mumbled to herself before running around her room grabbing her coat which she put over her puppy covered pajamas. Then, she put on her converse running out of her room.

When she arrived outside she walked hesitantly towards the box. She didn't mind the rain. She loved it. And after that a man fell out of the box and began saying how this place was just a pit stop and not to worry. Pit stop? "Are you here about the crack in my wall?" She asked curiously. This man... he seems quite strange.
When she spoke about a crack in her wall he frowned and scrunched up his eyebrows. He crawled and finally pulled his body up staggering but limped over to a tree eyeing the girl with a finger pointed up. “A crack in your wall? Odd…” he limped pulling his hand away from the tree and fell towards her and ended up falling grabbing onto her shoulders. She was amazingly able to carry his weight even though she stumbled back a little herself. “Sorry…so sorry just a little,” he fell to he knee’s jerking his neck coughing until he exhaled energy, “Ahhh…” he said with his eye’s lit up. The rain still drizzled over them both, the doctor was soaking wet. “Are you afraid…” she was already answering saying she just thought him strange when he interrupted her, “the crack in your wall…it scares you?” he said kneeling up head level holding both of her shoulders. “Yes…” she answered.

In this moment he saw that she was an exquisite beautiful young girl, with beautiful big unique eyes. Even in the rain and darkness he could tell one eye was lighter than the other, which was rare in human DNA.

“Who are you…” she asked and he smiled looking into her eyes. “I don’t know yet…I’m still cooking,” he then jumped up on his sneakers and looked down at her with a sparkle in his own eyes, “Well then…no time to lose. I’m The Doctor, do everything I tell you, don’t ask stupid questions and don’t wander off…” he said almost painting catching his breath. He then paced in front of her and tripped over the swing set and literally knocked his already wounded head into a pole and laughed out in a groan. He let the rain just fall on him until he saw the beautiful brunette look down at him with her head cocked.

“Y’all alright?” she said in a comical matter and he laughed out again, spitting out water. “Steering’s a bit off…” he then randomly quickly sat back up and pushed himself up. Blood was now trailing down the side of his head but he didn’t show pain at the moment. “I’ll protect you…I just got to get myself sorted out.”

Alice tilted her head at the man's strange words. What did he mean by 'still cooking'? And what was that light that came out of his mouth a few minutes ago? It was then she noticed the blood trailing down the side of his head. He was hurt? She mentally yelled at herself as she thought that. Of course he's hurt. The first time she saw him he fell on his face and then just now he knocked his, probably already injured head, onto a pole.

And sure, he may say he's fine but he must definently is not. He's in pain. I mean really, how could that not hurt? And she voiced her concerns. "Your in pain and your bleeding." She walked closer to look at his head. She once hit her head. It bled just like that she her mum cleaned and bandaged it. But, it also really hurt so she knows for a fact he's in pain. "Here, we need to get you inside." She said grabbing his hand and began dragging him inside.
“I am quite alright miss” He trailed off as she forcefully pulled him through the yard. Lightening danced across the sky and thunder shook the ground. “I am the one who makes the decision—“ he was pulled under an archway through a little garden and saw her two story house. He saw her look back at him with a mocking stare but there was trust in her eyes, which led him to follow willingly. They entered through the back door into what was the laundry room, both soaking and dripping puddles. He stood there as she instructed him not to leave just as he did her moments ago. As he left momentarily he observed the little laundry room and the frames on the wall. He hiccupped with more energy coming out when she sat stuff on the kitchen table. He poked his head around the corner. He kicked off his sneakers and rolled up his ripped pant legs and walked in, she was holding out a chair for him to set in and he did making a rather funny face.

“What’s your name?” he asked as he grabbed a fresh clean towel and dried his hair, it was now tousled. He then used it to pat dry other places, he was still drenched. Puddles were forming on the tiled kitchen flooring. He noticed she was still wet as well and offered her a towel off of the stack she brought down and caught what he thought was a grin. “So about that crack in your wall…how long has it been there?” he flinched jerking as she applied peroxide to his cut. She dabbed it clean and other places on his face cleaning up the dried and wet blood with gauze. Then she applied ointment and bandage a few cuts. He had a big bandage over his left eyebrow and few small ones on his cheek.

And she was correct. He tried to play it off as of he was fine but, in the end he followed her instructions and she was able to bandage his wounds. Sure, she wasn't an expert at medical stuff but she'd got in enough incidents in her short years of life to have learning how to handle these things. Such as cuts and things if that nature. During that time he asked for her name. "My name? Alice. Alice Whittle." She said as she introduced herself.

She'd paused as he questioned her about how long the crack has been there. She didn't answer and instead kept on working. After he was done being bandaged she put away the supplies before grabbing a chair and sitting in front of him.

"The crack? The crack has been here for a few days. I'm not sure exactly. One day it just appeared out of nowhere." She explained, doing her best to remember.
He smiled and nodded to himself. “Alice-Whittle.” He said with a coy distinct accent with a smirk. “That’s a brilliant name, a spectacular name.” He said watching her put away the medical supplies. “Are you a nurse?” He asked and watched her role her eyes. Its when she sat in front of him and told him about the crack in her wall his face turned serious. “Right, the wall…but first,” his stomach growled and he looked a it, “been awhile since I ate…do you mind if I?” He said already getting up looking through her shelf’s.

He looked rather funny with no shoes, no socks, his pants legged rolled up, half wet, with crazy hair and bandages looking for food. “I need food, I have cravings…mhhmmm cravings,” he spun around with a finger on his head as if a light bulb flashed. “That’s new…never had cravings…apples…do you have apples. I love apples.” He said and watched her get one from the fruit basket. He took a bite smiling and then made a face and spat it back out wiping his mouth. “Apples are rubbish…ugh…nope, something else…” he took the liberty of walking to her freezer and grinned. He grabbed fish fingers and custard. Fifteen minutes later he was sitting in front of her eating fish fingers and custard in a plastic container. She watched him drink it straight from the container and wipe it from his lips. He saw her laugh.

“Am I funny? Funny is good.” He said chewing with his mouth full of food. “So where’s your mum and Dad?” He asked licking his fingers and looked at her concerned when she said that she didn’t have any, just a grandmother that looked after her and she was out. “Your grandmother she’s out at this hour?” he asked confused, “and she left you all alone?” he asked irritated. “Are you scared? No of course not, your not afraid of anything, a man fall out of a blue box in your backyard, you take him in your house, a man eats fish custard and look at you…just sittin there. So you know what I think?” he moved in closer to look at her, “Must be a hell of a scary crack in your wall.”

Alice gave him a look of confusion when he asked if she was a nurse. She's 9. A 9 year old nurse. That'd be something for the history books. "No. No, I'm not a nurse." After she'd explained the crack to him he turned serious for a period of time while she spoke. She thought it looked strange. Seeing such a serious look on his face. She had mixed feelings about it.

The serious moment was over however when he then mentioned he was hungry. And after that.... she couldn't be sure what happened but all she knew was that when it was over he was sitting down eating fish fingers and custard and she had a nice bowl of ice cream. Him eating it was hilarious to her. He ate as if he hadn't in years. This actually made her laugh

He then asked if he was funny and that funny was good. "Yes, you are funny. Very funny. And yeah, funny is a pretty good trait to have." He then asked her about her parents and she went quiet for a bit before she answered. And she also told him about her grandmother. That didn't go well.

He then questioned her about her wall before commenting how it must be pretty scary for her to be scared. She got out of her chair and grabbed his hand once again before dragging him upstairs to her room in order to show him the crack. When they got there she pointed it out. "There it is." She said nervously backing up from it.
He walked to the wall and examined the crack letting his fingers trace over it. By now his clothes were almost dry but he still looked quite the raggedy battered doctor. His torn pants legs were unrolled and hanging over his bare feet. “This crack is solid, completely through the wall…anything could get through this. How is it here?” He pondered and then stepped back scanning it with his sonic screwdriver. “Even if you knocked down this wall it would still be here, you wanna know why?” he looked back at her with an exciting smile on his face like a fascinated kid at a carnival, “its because its two parts of space and time that was never meant to touch, pressed together.” He then saw how frightened she look and it worried him.

“Do you hear things, voices coming from it?” he asked walking over to her bedside table, he grabbed a glass and threw the water out of it and put it to the wall. He could hear screaming and alarms but couldn’t quite make it out. He stood back up. “I need to grab a couple things from my TARDIS and do a little work work and then I will come and get you and were fix this crack that just so happens to be in your room.” He said bending down fixing his pants while letting one finger touch her nose.

Alice tried her best to listen to him but it was weird. It was as if she was underwater. She tried to open her mouth to speak but she couldn't. Only a strangled gasp escaped her lips. And inside her head she heard voices. Inside her head and out. No, they weren't voices. They were nothing but a mash of snarls, growls and hisses in her mind. Like a million different horrible creatures screaming in her head, screaming to be free.

But, on the outside she was perfectly calm except for a few details you'd have to be paying close attention to see. The paleness of her skin. The sweat on the back of her neck, the hairs stranding up. The slight shiver and tremble of her body. And the fear buried deep in her eyes. All of these facts proved she was hopelessly and massively..... Terrified.

And when he said he had to leave she felt her panic grow. No, he can't leave! She can't be alone. The voices. They won't stop. "No! Please don't leave me! The voices, please!" She begged him running to him and wrapping her arms around his middle which was all she could reach. She never wanted to let go.
The doctor was about to head down the stairs when he heard her cry out; before he could turn around he felt her small arms embrace him from behind latching on. He stumbled back and his eyes went wide. He was able to squirm within her arms and face her while once again making himself eye level. He wasn’t just any ordinary man. He was the doctor. He noticed how awfully pale she was and how she was sweating and her hairs were on edge. He couldn’t leave her right now, not in the state she was. The TARDIS was in no condition for her to follow, she would fall straight into the pool and god knows what.

“Alice…I’m here, I’m not going anywhere.” He said brushing her moist bangs back; her hair was soft and cascaded down past her shoulders. He noticed she smelled of flowers for some peculiar reason. “Your still wet…we should get you changed into some clothes and then bed, it has to be past your bedtime.” He said winking. “Go on, get changed…I won’t leave.” He said ruffling her hair. The fact this girl was putting more than just trust in this man, she was acting as if he was family or more? She walked to her door and turned to eye him as if suspicious he might leave and he shook his head and nodded for her to get changed. When she entered her room he noticed she left her door cracked. He stood waiting twiddling with his sonic screwdriver, the door opened minutes later and he saw her freshly changed into new pajamas.

He walked into her bedroom and sat on her bed, he patted the spot and saw her look at him as if protesting. “I won’t leave, were take a good nap, whadda say?” he said with a gorgeous smile and she slowly walked toward him. He took her hands in his, letting his fingers intertwine with hers. “Your still scared…here are very still.” He let his hands slowly travel up her arms, up her neck until they rested gently on her head and he could he could the growls, screams from other prisoners. “No wonders your scared, noisy bunch of blokes aren’t they? Let’s fix that….” He pointed his screwdriver at the crack and put a seal over it, just so for the night it was sound proof. Then the doctor scooted back in her bed lifting the covers as if inviting her to lie beside him.

Once she crawled in he covered them up and felt awkward until he felt her small back press against his front. Out of reflex he let left hand message through her hair, brushing it back while propping his elbow on her pillow. In a way they were almost spooning but because she was so young, he wouldn’t think of such a thing.

Alice was hesitant to let him out of her sight when he told her to go change. What if he left? What about the voices? She shook her head, ridding herself if those thoughts. He wouldn't. She allowed herself to change into her pajamas. After she was dressed he motioned for her to sit on the bed next to him where he proceeded to place his hands on the side of her head. She felt something poking at her mind before the noises appeared again causing her to whimper in fear.

He then used the long thingy with the light on the end to place some kind of shield on the crack causing the voices to disappear. This caused her to sigh in relief. Glad for the silence in her head. After that they laid down to sleep. Her back pressed against his front and him rubbing her hair soothingly.

And then quickly, and peacefully, she fell asleep. Perfectly content.
The doctor could have fallen asleep with Alice pressed firmly against him, something about her presence felt right, felt secure. As she was sound asleep his eye’s kept traveling over to the crack in her wall and why on earth it would appear in a little girls room of all places. Then he kept wondering where her grandmother was and why she was staying by herself in this big house. He didn’t want to disturb her so he carefully pecked her head. He let his lips linger on her hair a little longer than he should have but slowly raised back feeling odd; he couldn’t quite place the feeling.

“Be right back Whittle.” He barely whispered while making sure to make no sound as he got out of bed and made his way back down to the backyard to his broken TARDIS. As he was climbing back into it he looked back up at her house. He thought he was going to come right back and fix her wall and possible take her with him. Who on earth deserves a child they don’t look after, he could look after her, he quite like the idea of having a kid with him, he was rather energetic like a kid. He could be a parent like figure. It least she wouldn’t be alone, it least he wouldn’t. His heart would ache knowing years later that she had waited for him and there was nothing he could do. With one last look he started climbing the rope back until a splash was heard from him falling in the pool and the noise of the TARDIS de-materializing.
Alice was asleep soundly until she heard a sound that jerked her out of her slumber. A very familiar sound. She felt her eyes jerk open in realization at what was happening. She jumped out of bed running downstairs and out of the house. "No! Please! Don't leave me!" She screamed out as she saw the TARDIS disappear.

Alice sobbed as she fell to her knees. He left her? Why? He said he wouldn't leave. She covered her face with her hands, tears streaming down her face. But, she was quick to wipe them away stubbornly. No, he wouldn't. Maybe he had to leave to do something important and he'd be back? So, Alice sat down on the ground with her hands in her lap.... and she waited. She waited all night and ended up falling asleep.

Her grandmother doing m fount her outside asleep, shivering from the cold. He didn't come back but, Alice wasn't discouraged. Even as the voices came back making her unable to sleep on her room most nights. She tried to tell her friends and her grandmother about the Raggedy Man in the Blue Box but no one believed her. Her grandmother even sent her to a phycologist. To try to get her to realize it was all just a dream and nothing more.

Alice went to 10 of them and bit them all when they even tried to convince her. She was an outcast of the town. People called her crazy. But, she didn't listen. She wouldn't. She was so sure he'd come back but.... He never did. She did make a friend however. His name was Rory and he had a huge crush on Alice. That's the only reason he stayed with her through thick and thin and played the 'Raggedy Man' to her little games.

But, after 7 long years of waiting and hoping, he never came back. She didn't expect herself to stop believing. It was sudden. She was drawing a picture of the Doctor when she felt a pain in chest. She then realized she was heart broken. He left her.... And he wasn't coming back. She cried herself to sleep that night and ever since then she never spoke of her 'Raggedy Man' ever again.

When she was 18 her grandmother passed away and she inherited the house. And she became a famous YouTuber. Some of her most viewed videos were about 'The Raggedy Man'. She was.... Content with her life. Not happy, content. She was sure she'd never see the Doctor again.

But, 10 years after that fateful night when the Doctor came into her life and then left..... He came back.
The TARDIS one bright sunny afternoon mineralized once again in Alice’s backyard, this time it was upright in the right position. He opened the door and stepped out expecting it to still be storming and the same night that he had left…but it wasn’t. He squinted his eye’s and held a arm to shelter from the sunlight. He saw a butterfly flutter pass him and looked back into his TARDIS wide eyed. Was it the next the day? He hoped it was the next day? He gave the TARDIS a menacing look before pacing through the grass and under the archway. The doctor looked exactly as he that night, in raggedy clothes, bandages and all. For him it had only been a couple of hours, for Alice it would have been ten years.

He used his sonic screwdriver to open her back door and walked in noticing things looked completely different. Things looked remodeled and clean and more colorful. Time had defiantly passed, just how much.

“Oh no you didn’t….oh no…” he trailed off under his breath making a finger keep tapping his head. He started jogging up the staircase.

“Alice….Alice Whittle I’ve come back….” Before he could make off the stairs he felt a smack, a hard hit and lost his balance tumbling back down the stairs. He groaned out and stayed in the position as a young teenage girl slowly descended the stairs holding a baseball bat. He breathed out somehow still giving off a weak laugh. He opened his eyes, which were watering from the hit, and made out the young woman, she was beautiful.

“Who are you and why are you in my house.” He heard her demand as he still was lying on his back helpless. One side of his face was completely swollen red. Cosmetic injuries weren’t really always healed during regeneration, that’s why he still was battered.

“I’m…the doc-tor.” He exhaled passing out.
"And so uh, yeah. That was me playing Slender. Um, guys? Don't make me do the next part of this! This game seriously scares the crap out of me. But, knowing you guys you probably like seeing me scared. Anyway, I love you guys and um...bye!" Alice waved at the camera cheerfully before hitting the stop record button. She sighed, taking a deep breath. She just finished a YouTube video for her gaming channel. Slenderman: The Eight Pages.

Well, it was doubtful she was going to get any sleep tonight but not it's official. She took off her headset before she began uploading the video to YouTube. While that was going she was planning on going downstairs to make herself some tea. She left her room rubbing her head absentmindedly. The voices that plagued her mind when she was little continued over the years but she learned to live with them.... Sorta.

They were voices in the back of her mind she tried to push away but that only caused her headaches. Tea always soothed them.

When she was leaving the room she heard something. A terrifyingly familiar voice called her name. The voice that used to give her comfort and protection now gave her chills. Good and bad chills. She shook those thoughts away from her head. It couldn't be him.... Could it? She grabbed the closest thing she could grab which was a baseball bat and held it high and began moving towards the voice. As soon as she saw him she immediately hit him in the back of the head.

He crumbled to the floor and she demanded to know who he was and prayed it wasn't who she thought. He then said he was the Doctor before passing out. She dropped her baseball bat. It really was him?! She panicked trying to figure out what to do. She ran to her room searching around for the pair of handcuffs Rory gave her as a joke. Any normal person would've called the police but she's not a normal person. She is Alice Whittle and the men she just knocked out was her imaginary friend. Nothing about this was normal.

After finding them she then began the task of dragging him to the heater in the hallway before handcuffing him to it. She breathed hard, he wasn't nearly as heavy as he looked. She looked down at her outfit that consisted of basketball shorts and a tank top. She had to think of something and fast. Against her will she thought about the slutty police woman outfit she was dared to wear for Halloween. Eh, it's not that bad.

So, she reluctantly changed into it. Which consisted of dark blue mini skirt with a belt and a fake gun on the side. A white button up shirt and a dark blue blazer with her badge on the front. And a fake radio on the shoulder. Then she wore some black tights with black combat boots. Her hair was stuffed under a police cap. She put on lip gloss and a little mascara and was ready to go.

She entered the hallway only to see him begin to wake up. She took out her fake gun before she began speaking into her radio. "White male, mid twenties, breaking and entering. Send me some back-up. I've got him restrained."
The doctor woke up with a throbbing headache and he groaned out leaning back as he vision came back into focus. In front of him a young teenage girl appeared, or a policewoman. She was dressed awfully provocative for a policewoman. He heard her talking into a walkie-talkie.

“Am I under arrest…. did you hit me with a baseball bat?” he said seeming appalled more than anything. “You didn’t have to do that….-“ he was cut off by her pointing the gun and he got quiet and beady eyed, almost in a pathetic adorable way.

“Aye I did…you’re an intruder. Why are you in my house…. who are you!” She demanded and the doctor looked even more confused and delirious than before. His bandages were bleeding.

“Your house…. that’s impossible, where’s Alice…. little Alice where is she?” he said trying to get back up but saw he was handcuffed and fell back down. “You restrained me?” he said glairing back up at her.

“She’s gone…she no longer lives here.” Alice said lying wanting to see his reaction and he looked horrified. Then he eyed her closely and then leaned back. “Oh no, no, no no, NO!” he yelled and slammed himself back into the wall sitting down with one leg up. “Oh Alice….” He breathed looking up at her, she had grown into a beautiful young woman. “I had just left….just for a few hours, look at me…..I’m the same! Same clothes, same injuries…..look!” He pleaded.

Alice watched him apologize and try to convince her that him being late was not his fault. That it was still the same man she saw all those years ago. Alice walked closer to him slowly before kneeling in front of him. She tilted her head before taking off her hat letting her hair fall down in waves. She looked down before she looked back into his eyes speaking.

"Why were you late? I-I waited for you. I waited 7 years before I gave up. I thought you abandoned me." She felt tears well up in her eyes from anger and sadness with a hint of betrayal.

"I know it's you. I know it. Just-just tell me why you left me. You promised.
“Of course its me!” He said in a matter of face way. He tried to get as close to her in his sitting position as he could while being handcuffed to the heater. When she took the police cap her long thick brunette hair came cascading down making her appear even more beautiful. She had grown into a lovely young woman. “I didn’t leave you….I mean I did, but I didn’t.” he said trying to explain seeming desperate. “My ship…the blue box, she was damaged and I had to fix her and I was only gone a couple of hours but her coordinates must have gotten messed up and she came into your future….I am so so sorry.” He said and looked her straight in the face. He let his free hand slowly and hesitantly cup her cheek. They were inches from each other. “The girl who waited…” he breathed and felt her pain and let one thumb wipe away a falling tear.

“I’m not ever going to leave you again Alice Whittle but you have got to trust me. I didn’t mean for time to get away…. I’m here now.” He let his forehead lean on hers. The moment was more surreal than anything else. You would have thought he was going to kiss her from how close they were, she could feel his breath.

Alice was close to just leaning in a bit more and pressing her lips to his but she thought against it. He was forgiven but he wasn't getting all that. Alice leaned forward and kissed him at the corner of his mouth softly. "I forgive you, Raggedy Man." She said with a smirk after the kiss before pulling away from his reach.

She then took out the key from it's place in between her cleavage, don't judge her she had to keep it hidden. She then kneeled by him once again and then pressed the key into the lock before opening it allowing his hands to go free. She then stood once again pulling down her skirt trying to cover more skin. It revealed wayy too much of her legs than she was completely happy with.
The Doctor let one hand message his wrist where the handcuffed had been but then he quickly got up. He cracked his neck and moved his shoulders trying to stretch. He knew his clothes were tattered but they suited him. He was a man that had been through battle and had many faces. He eyed Alice with a raised brow at the outfit and she rolled her eyes.

I was trying to intimidate you! It’s a Halloween costume.” She said folding her hands across her chest and the doctor looked appalled and raised a finger. “You let other people see you like that….” His eyes traveled down to her legs and he quickly looked back to her face. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it but she was very young, very beautiful and he was protective. The last time he had seen her only hours ago she was a little girl, now she was a bloody teenager and it was hard for him not to keep his eyes off of her.
Alice raised an eyebrow as she saw his eyes wander down her body. This caused her to raise her eyebrow in question with a smug grin. "And yeah, other people have seen me in this. It's a Halloween costume. That is kinda the point of a Halloween Costume. For other people to see you in it." She explained to him crossing her arms slightly.

She gave him a smirk and then let eyes obviously wander over his body much like he did to her. And to say she was impressed was an understatement. She never noticed him really due to her young age but, now she sees the clear attractive male that is the Doctor.
“Right…. not any more. You need to change.” He said shaking a finger at her making a face but he could tell she was eyeing him just as funny as he was she. He stood there awkwardly for a moment and then pulled out his sonic screwdriver. “Go change and I’m going to do a scan on your house…. make sure nothing else has escaped.” He said and Alice looked a little confused. He walked down the hall as Alice went upstairs to change. “Young females….” He mumbled under his breath.

He went from room to room scanning with he screw driver, you could hear its famous buzzing noise all over the house. He had been gone for only a couple hours that had turned into ten years. He was afraid for what could have gotten through the crack. The crack in the wall, had it gotten bigger? He ran back up two flights of stairs and busted into her room forgetting she was supposed to be changing. The young girl was in her undergarments, well thankfully a tank top and her underwear but he went wide eyed and flushed red spinning around.

My bad…I should knock, should always knock.” He exclaimed making hand motions facing the wall away from her. He didn’t know how to deal with the fact the little brunette he had seen last night was bow a blossomed young youth.
Alice raised an eyebrow at his blushing face. What was the big deal? Sure she was a bit un-clothed but at least she had on a tank top. But, she decided to keep her thoughts to herself and she spoke to him. "Yeah, knocking is actually very important actually. But, I will let it slide for now. But um, mind leaving?" After he left she finished getting dressed. After she was done getting dressed and putting on slight make-up she walked out of her room. She had a very unique style. It wasn't anybody else's style which is another reason why she was an outcast in this god forsaken place. When she fount the Doctor she crossed her arms. "Happy?" She asked him after motioning to her outfit. She changed clothes, just like he asked.
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