fallout 3 (ac3flame x IronMaiden24)


Jun 27, 2014
United States
ace falls falls over writhing in pain and rolls into a trench dropping the caps he found on mercenary and mutant bodies. he then manages to get into a semi sitting position and start randomly shooting at rooftops nowhere near Irena's location except for a stray bullet that grazes her through hair making it lift up from the bullet as it speeds through not even so much as scratching her.
Irena dived for the ground in reflex, slightly anoyed that she didnt kill him out-right, elbow-cravling to find a better vantage-point from vhere she could get the man back into her sniper-sights. Guided by his distant moans of pain, she had a general idea vhere he vas inside the trench.

""Vhoever that is, its no mutie..." she thoght "...but he picked the vrong spot to scavenge in!"
ace uses the time he bought to bind the wound with his shirt, after quickly taking off his winterized T-51b power armor (going of the operation:anchorage expansion)as well revealing his muscular build and 6 pack for just long enough for her to catch a glance after she had honed in on his location then ducked behind a barrier.cursing up a storm for not scanning the area for enemies before looting
A sniper bulet impacted the barier he taken cover behind barely a half-second later, vith a loud *ziiiiiing* sound.

"COME ON BIG BOY, shov your face again!" he herd a shout from his atacker, a vicious-sounding female voice.

"Even if it'd be a shame to just kill him... he's hot..." she culdnt help but think, unconciusly biting softly her lower lip, as she kept steady aim.
puts his armor back on and shouts right after as he ducks and runs for the nearest barrier to try and flank her. hahaha ull have to come and get me im to fast for u then mutters under his breath:ull see my face shortly when i put my last mag in u or shove a missile down your throat which ever i can find first
//lol How about vriting that in something resembling a real sentence, dear? XD//

"Riiiight... as if I'm that dumb. Vhy bother? I'l just vait right here for you to come out of the trench." she thoght vith a smile, cravling away from her latest position, and this time geting higher-up, to one of the former Mutant guardposts, vhere she had a good viev of the whole trench, just vaiting for him to show up again.

But then something else caght her atention to the left... a Mutant Master, just rounding a corner of the ruined building. The creature spoted her...

"Die, litle woman!" the mutant grovled in that raspy voice, spooling-up its minigun...

"Fuck!" she snaped, leaping behind a sandbag. But she vas too late, and one bullet from the mutant's weapon grazed her arm, making her drop her sniper, vhich gone flying beyond her cover. Now she vas left only vith her 10mm pistol sidearm, facing a Mutant vith a Minigun.

"Not good..." she grimaced, as the mutant's barage of bulets started to destroy her sandbag cover...
peeks over top then sees this happening and that the mutie is close by and then mutters to himself* enemy of my enemy is my friend. he then jumps out and rips the pressure cord out of the muties minigun using a stealth boy so it cant fire then tackles the mutie to the ground and snaps its neck in the process knocking his bandage of making him start to bleed out again then immediately drags the mutie using it as cover to a flanking position just to be safe then watches where he felt she was at pulls out a grenade then calls out* i got him i saw u get shot i guess this makes us even im coming around to u u try and shoot me ill splatter u with shrapnel
Irena peeked above her cover, aiming her pistol at him in a steady 2 handed grip. The graze vasnt deep, and she still had use of both arms, even if it did hurt, and bleed a bit.

"Not realy. I'm still good... but yes, thanx for the help. Guess its a good thing I didnt kill you before..." she grinned, keeping aim on him vith the pistol as she picked up her sniper again then slung it.
yells over the mutie* where do u think ur going im gonna patch u up nice and good and dont u dare say to patch it up myself i saved your ass your gonna at least let me have a conversation and get us fixed up now store that 10mil or ill shoot it out of your hand. * to prove hes able richochets a shot off a rusty car making it just barely graze her breasts then off a railling then through her legs and into the dead mutie
"Nice trick... my turn!" she hissed.

Then she shifted her aim up, tovard a broken lamp-post above the mutant's corpse, and fired one bulet herself. The shot ricochet off the metal post, down, landing right betwen the man's legs, actualy slightly grazing his crotch.

Then she did holster the pistol, and valked-over.
chuckles and sits on the muties back and looks at his leg which has now over bloody his shirt grabs his med bag and pulls out a stim pack and stabs it straight into his legs and takes his armor off revealing his now sweaty,but not grimy abbs* ugh if it werent for people like you taking potshots at me i wouldnt have to wear this hot sweaty armor almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter. *points to a cement block* sit.....NOW!!!!
The woman glared, crosing her arms... "Are you dim, or just stupid, tin-can? Sure, lets lick our vounds here, in plain sight of any mutie that might still be lurking about vaiting for a chance to take a shot at us? Come on... lets get inside one of these buildings and out of the open!" using a piece of cloth to temporary bandage her graze.
no just tired and woozy i lost who knows how much blood out there. ~he says that but its pretty obvious that something else is causing it.~ *slowly stands up then hears a roar of either a behemoth or overlord then mustering all his strength grabs her in a firemans hold and takes her to the nearest well fortified building ,sets her down and finally takes his helmet off revealing a handsome young man in his early 20's
// Srry, have 2 override here :), buster. If he tried 2 grab her in any kind of hold this soon, vithout her permision, she'd definitly fight him off. Not 2 minutes ago they were still enemies! //

The man stood up and atempted to grab her. Her eyes narrowd... Reflexivly, she tvisted-asyde to the left, throwing up her left arm to deflect his hands past her, then she pivoted past him, and gave him a hard shove-kick vith her right leg to the back, making him stumble-forvard out of balance to bang against the near-by pile of ruble.

She glared, loosening her arms, despite the persisten pain from the graze... "Hands off, punk! Next time you try that, I'l plant your face into the pavement!"
//yeah its fine lol i was making it as a save her life thing but that works to//
just as she does that a behemoth foot stomps right where she would have been if he hadnt have tried to pick her up* cmon stop being so damn fiesty and get to that building over there ill distract him!!!! *yells to the behemoth* hey u big foot over here!!! *runs to a trench that connects to the underground part of the building he told her to enter*
// lol Funny thing hov it just apeared out of nowhere hehe //

Irena didnt need to be told twice, running to the main entrance of same building, after she snaped-off a shot from her 10mil tovard the monster's head, vhich didnt have much efect on the tough creature. She made it it a second before the behemoth's huge club smashed the spot she vas just standing in.

"Too close..." she thoght.
after shes clear and safe pulls out his fatman and aims directly at its face* say ello to mah little friend!!!!!!*vwoosh its a direct hit and critical hit plus help from mysterious stranger perk killing it as she feels the explosion rock the building then he goes to loot the behemoth and finds some "interesting" stuff on it*
/// lol i had to it was the perfect moment////
Meanvhile, Irena was geting comfortable on a relativly well-preserved sofa inside, after she made sure the building vas vacant. She taken-off her top Talon combat armor-piece, leaving the bottom pants-piece on, revealing her well-defined, trained arms and abs, though not bulky or misproportioned, and firm, shapely, midsized breasts under a plain tank top-like gray shirt. A tatoo of a bird's talon graced the left side of her lower-trunk above the ribs, and a stylized rendition of a cobra just below her right breast, covering most of it, and extending dovn-below the waistline. Even if most of her body vas covered in old scars, evidence of her many battles and close calls as a member of the Talon company, she vas still fairly beutiful, if intense-looking.

"You done vith that thing? Come inside before more show-up! And dont vaste time scavenging, remember vhat it almost cost you the last time?" she yeled tovard the entrance, after the explosion gone-off, then adjusted the dressing she had on her right bicep, vhere the bulet grazed her. It vas soaked in blood already, so aparently the graze vas deeper than it looked.
finds a boblehead some caps and a few ~toys~ should the need arise then walks in sees her bandage and immediately grabs for it* we need to fix it right away ive got high medical as well as combat skills. *starts replacing the bandages and pulls out a bullet which had supposedly just grazed her* you are one lucky girl right now any more movement and an artey could have been cut
// Look, can you cut down on game-talk? Skills/bobleheads, criticals, perks, etc? It realy breaks the imersion and the "4th wall", makes the RP feel so silly. This is suposed 2 be "real life" feel 2 Fallout world. If I want 2 "play" F3 I can do it by myself easily XD. I dont. And please start using capital letering and punctuation? //

She bit her lip brifly as he puled-out the bulet, but didnt scream, being used to pain.

"Ahh... thank you. You got field-medic training, I see? Vhere from?" Irena asked, glancing at her arm.
Now that's a secret u can learn in do time if u hang around me enough. *winks at her as he finishes bandaging her then goes to work on himself* so what were you doing trying to snipe me anyway i'm not a Mutie or very nice to people????
By way of ansver, Irena just glanced at the many pieces of gear he looted from the dead Talon mercs already. Then she gave him a direct look, growling:

"The answer to that seems to be obvious, drifter! Anyone looting Talon gear is dead-meat. Frankly I shuld kill you right now, if I vere going by the standing orders. Lucky you I'm the apreciative type, and you did save my life... And we dont take kindly to people sticking ther nose into our business in any case. We have an op here, to take the capitol building from the Mutants. Anyone else gets in the crossfire - their mistake!"
Hmmm here u can have it back at 1k caps if its so precious to u that ud shoot me for it. *pulls everything he found on their bodies out for her to see* as far as the op goes ur friends are all dead by now but if ud like i can help take it I love agility and heavy weapons
Irena shok her head: "Just leave it here, not like I can cary it all aniway. I'l radio for someone to come pick it up. But... go on and keep 2 pieces of it, as a thanx for saving my life."

"As far as the op goes... no. This is just the start. We took more loses then expected, cant argue there, but we're not all dead, no way. Hold on..." she puled-out a scavenged radio from her belt.

"Base, come in, this is Scout 12-41." she spoke.
"Base, acknovledge! Over." she aded, only static coming out.

Finaly a tiny static-blured voice culd be heard:

"12-41, vhats your status? Orders are to pull out to Raly Point Gamma, and wait for reinforcments. The Muties are more organized then expected, and we dont vant to draw atention from those Brotherhood assholes too."

"Understod. I'm the only 1 left from my squad, we took heavy losses here at the south side! Vhats the status of other squads?" Irena replyed.

"Not too good, we took around 50% loses, counting in your report now, had to pull everyone back. Ve're putting the op on-hold for the time being. Expedite your arival here as soon as posible!"

"Yes sir. I scavenged plenty of gear from our boys, we'l need someone to take it back too. 2nd building from the left." Irena added.

"Leave it there for now, but hide it, we'l send a retrive-party vhen we can. Over and out." as the radio gone silent again.

Irena looked at the man.

"Well, thats that... the shit is FAR from over!" she smiled, then added: "I'l have to make my vay thru the subways to the rally point, but not right now... best to wait for night-fall vhen there are less muties around. So that means siting here for the next few hours holed up. Good idea for you too, I'd say, until theres less mutant presence outside." as she leaned back, thinking...

"If only I had something to pass the time..." as she streched lazily, giving the man kuite a few tantalizing views, her hard body straining the tank-top in all the right places.
Hmmm sounds like i was right, and sure uve got something to pass the time.... me!!!! *takes his full armor off and gives her the best site yet as now hes only wearing silk pants meant to keep the armor from causing irritation in key areas then sits beside her trying not to get caught peeking at her*
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