The Orc's Fallen Star {darkest_fate&Malfrost}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
It had been hell. They'd come out of no where, summoned by magic. No warning, no nothing, just a magical portal that appeared in the city, streaming them forth. At first, the populace couldn't believe it. Sure, they were used to strange things coming out of no where; they housed the Teen Titans, after all. Aliens, supervillains, robots, all that and more terrorized the city, had for years now. But orcs? Orcs utilizing magical weaponry and rampaging through town as though they'd walked out of some strange fantasy novel? The sheer lunacy of it all had been overwhelming. Most of the popular had succumbed within hours to the surprise onslaught. The Titans had rallied, but the attack hit all sectors of the city. They'd sent out a distress call, but it had almost been more of a warning.

The government had certainly taken it that way. They'd sequestered Titan City off from the rest of the country, insisting that was the best way to solve the problem. Albeit, the military couldn't do much against the orcs. Most of their weaponry simply failed whenever they got within range. Others just didn't work. A skilled fighter, someone who could fight hand to hand, mind, could do much against the orcs. Robin had proved that, had fought hard and valiantly. It all proved in vein, however.

Without any other options, the Titans had gone underground. They would not give up the city, not so long as they drew breath. However, they also knew better than to attempt a full frontal assault they'd surely lose. They'd done this before, or at least something like it. So they'd resorted to guerrilla tactics, launching surprise attacks against orcs, inflicting causalities to be sure, but likely causing a lot more in the way of annoyance. The hope was to stall till someone made a mistake, till some opening could be had.

No one had expected it to be the Titans who did so.

They'd gotten caught by the chief, a fierce warrior who seemed nearly unstoppable. Robin had fought him well, had even impressed the warrior, but he'd been losing. So Starfire had leaped to the rescue, literally plowing into the chief and, using her flight, getting him far away. Robin had attempted to rescue, had shouted, protested, screamed, and in the end, had simply yelled promise that they'd save Starfire, somehow.

So the perky alien found herself the captive of the orcs. They'd dragged her back to their camp, a desolate section of what had once been the park but had now been covered with various tents of stretched hide. Starfire didn't want to think about what had given its life for those hides.

The lanky Tamaranean looked very out of place among the orcs. They swelled, most with knotted muscles, several with pot bellies to match. Their heights varied, and the tall heroine did top several of them in that regards. Her brilliant orange skin stood out among the sea of green and gray, however. As did her vibrant, red-hair. Brilliant green eyes stared out from a face far more beautiful than the cruel creatures that swarmed about. They looked out from a strikingly pretty face, usually vibrant with a smile or other expression. The Tamaranean's sorrow weighed heavily upon her, however. It sunk her slender shoulders and made her lithe, muscular body almost fall in on itself.

Currently, the prized teen had been staked outside the chief's tent for all to look and examine. At least one bold orc had already blown his load upon the poor girl: a streak of thick cum having splashed her cheek and drizzled down to the skin-tight purple top. It streaked along her modest breasts, seeming to have glazed the teenage flesh. None dared get closer than that, however. the exception had been a shaman who had decorated Starfire's bared stomach with a symbol to match the chief's family totem. This labeled her as property, though of course the girl didn't know it. Said shaman had also placed a hefty collar around the girl's neck, claiming that it would diminish her powers, though perhaps not completely.

Defeated, Starfire hung there, both arms tied to stakes, legs loose but hopelessly so. The orcs loved to come over and flip her skirt up, and even now the tight purple had rolled to show the white panties that lay beneath. They'd left her alone for the moment, so Starfire wiggled, attempting to draw the skirt down and retain some modesty. She had no clue what the plan was for her, and if she did, chances were her spirits would be lower than they were even now.
The orcs of Mo'grash were a savage race, no doubt. They were created by an insane warlock with the sole purpose of slaughtering populations and civilizations, ridding worlds of their males and enslaving the females to indulge in their nearly endless sexual drive. Countless worlds had fallen to their onslaught, with the females ultimately dragged back to the home world where they were used as sex slaves, and for breeding to create more females of their kind. Orc semen itself was special, in the fact that it altered itself so it could impregnate any female from any species and the birth would always result in another female of the slave's species, but with slightly altered genes as to make the new born more desiring of sex when they came of age. By the second or third generation of children, most species were little more then sex craving machines.

The orcs were divided into clans, each of which had a specialized purpose in their society. Despite being savage and violent, the orcs were rather organized, they needed to be to conquer so many worlds. Gor'rash was the massive leader of the Malfor Clan. He stood a good 2 and a half to three feet taller then most orcs and was very well built and muscular. He was the elite of the elite, a warrior created to slaughter the best warriors on each planet, and to mate with best females to produce the greatest of offspring. He hand command of the entire Malfor Clan, some half a million orcs in total. His clan was only the first wave of a typical invasion force. Once they had a firm and established encampment, more orcs would follow, and the grand total of a whole invasion force normally reached somewhere at or near a billion combat able orcs the the invaded world.

This world, Earth, had been no different from any other world they had invaded. They had arrived and taken the populace completely by surprise as they slaughtered all who attempted to stop them. They had driven away the cities most gallant defenders, the Teen Titans. Now, they had a firm encampment in the ruins of the city. More orcs would soon be on their way over, but Go'rash was surprised when he was challenged to single combat by the apparent champion of the city, a boy named Robin. He was impressed by the vigor and determination of the boy, any orc could at least respect a fellow warrior who gave it their all. Still, the chief had been too much for the boy and as he was getting ready to deliver the finishing blow, he was struck by a young woman, one not of this world. He quickly dispatched the girl and took her as his personal slave, his property.

For the past few hours, Go'rash had been nursing the wounds he acquired in his bout with Robin and communicating with the Warlords on Mo'Grash of the invasions progress. He heard the constant shuffling of his clansmen outside his tent as they examined her newly acquired prize. He took a deep drink of ale from his flask as he let out a bleach, all orcs enjoyed ale. He walked out of his tent and blew his war horn, summoning his clansmen to assemble in front of his tent. The orcs amassed quickly, all knowing what to expect from him at this point. After all, a prize was meant to be used.

"Lo'tarlo! Mola ga ish loma!" The chieftain cried out as he pounded his chest multiple times as the assembled horde let out a collective roar. He motioned for silence after a moment as he then pointed towards the chained up Starfire. The orc seemed to lick his disgusting lips as an extremely large bulge was now apparent in his leather trousers. As he walked towards the captured, he ripped his pants off to reveal his throbbing, massive and vainy cock. It was by far the largest sex organ Starfire had ever seen in her entire life, and male Tamaranean's were known for being pretty well-endowed.

"Mala! Intaro mo ga forda!" The chief called out with a roar again as he undid the binds from Starfire's wrist as he roughly pulled her towards him. He pressed her back against his massive chest as his cock rubbed up against her firm ass. His rough and large hands reached down and ripped her panties from her body as he tossed them aside. He lowered his cock down and began to rubbed it against her now exposed pussy as he wrapped his arms around her and his callused hands squeezed her lovely breasts through her top, his fingers, with long, sharp nails, rubbing against where her nipples were.
Certainly Starfire had seen a few members in her relatively short lifespan, as her people were not exactly known for their modesty. Yet she did not even process that what dangled between this orc's legs was actually one of them. It was simply too big to be allowed. Such things had to be designed in order to enter female's bodies, after all, and Starfire knew firsthand that female bodies could be tight. Her own lean frame would be quite tight indeed, considering her constant training, her superstrength, and the innocence she wore for so long. There was simply no way a member that big would fit into the slim Tamareanean. At least that would solve one of Starfire's problems; for even her innocent eyes couldn't help but notice what went on in the camp around her, as the orcs took various human females and enjoyed themselves.

The orc leader barked something, and Starfire wished she understood. True, to find out such a thing would require lip contact, the thought of which made her stomach churn, but it would be a small price to pay to understand her captor's wishes. Somehow, Starfire doubted that he was stating that he'd let her go. Indeed, his rough hand grabbed her wrist, yanking her toward him, the bindings not lasting long before his insistence.

A thick back pressed against her, reinforcing their terrifying size difference. Starfire had to be a fourth of the size of the orc, if not more, and she could feel his hefty member pressing against her back, no, not her back, her ass. Those twin small globes had been squeezed by the tight vinyl skirt, encased perfectly like fruit on display at market. Now they felt something hefty placed against them, and Starfire didn't know whether to be relieved that the size difference would make copulation impossible, or to be worried at the orc's insistent rubbing.

Hands ripped the delicate panties, and Starfire yelped as she felt her sex being exposed. The thin slit was slightly darker than the rest of the girl, a little line of almost blood-orange among the rest of her. The lips looked incredibly tight too, almost like the slit of a peach or some other exotic fruit. Indeed, that lower half had been lightly used, despite her race's known proclivities.

"Please stop!" said Starfire, bringing her hands down to at least try and pull the skirt, "You have damaged my uniform and---eep!" This last came as rough hands went to her small, tender breasts. They pinched them through the uniform, pulling Starfire's chest as if to rip them straight through the protective fabric. Two nipples began tenting almost immediately as blood rushed to them. Pain shot through Starfire and she squirmed, trying to slide away. "Those are my grebnecks!" she informed her captor, "and they are not going to be useful to you, as I am not in the correct bodily position to produce the milk."

Which would be the only reason to do such squeezing, correct? Starfire hissed and squirmed, her arms abandoning her skirt for the moment to try and push away the hands working her chest. The hero's strength still remained to some degree; the orc would actually feel the resistance, if nothing else.
Go'rash seemed amused at the girl's reactions to him tearing her panties off and the groping of her breast. He felt her struggle against his massive body and it only served to arouse the beast within him more. He felt Starfire doing her best to remove his hands from her breasts, but his strength caused his hands to remain where they were as his fingers went to her now erect nipples. He rubbed them through her purple fabric before tugging on them forcefully. He pinched and rubbed and tugged on her sensitive nubs as he continued to stroke his giant cock against her lovely ass, his cock grinding between her two fleshy globes.

After a few moments though, the chief lowered his cocks to her recently exposed silt. He rubbed the tip of his rod against the tight entrance of her lips before lowering it as he rubbed his throbbing cock against her pussy lips, his tip pushing up against her clitoris, the most sensitive part on almost any female's body.

One of his rough hands left her breasts and slithered down the front of her body, passing over her smooth stomach until it reached its target. Her clitoris. He pulled his cock back as his fingers went to work on her nub, rubbing and tugging on the erect nub as he pressed the tip of his cock up against her entrance once more.

He grinned as he licked his chops lustfully and then looked out the the gathered orcs. "Untaga! Or'dangan!" He howled as the horde let out a cheer. The chief then looked down at his property and began to push his massive deep into the girl's tight sex.

The girth of his tip alone was enough to cause the walls of her pussy to begin to spread of he pushed more and more of his gigantic cock into her. His length was great and his girth greater as he easily reached her cervix in a few moments and soon pushed his tip passed that as his cock began to invade her womb. He was moving extremely slowly at this point in time, inserting portions of his cock at a time into the tight woman. He heard learned early on that if he went to quickly, he would tear a woman apart and ruin her forever. Better to slowly and carefully open her up, as to get her used to repeated uses. After all, he would make use of her nearly every day so long as he remained her on Earth.
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