Eroticar: The Legend of Sari (sispuppet x Kaybee)


Apr 23, 2014
“Come on Jane, over here!” The young man shouts behind to the girl behind him without slowing his pace. His sister, Jane, was never particularly fast or athletic, and walking off the path in this forest wasn’t exactly easy. She was short, barely a hair over 5’3”, and didn’t have much in the way of muscle on her. Her long wavy black hair, kept getting snagged by branches, making her yell out to her brother. “It’s not much further!” He assures her, starting to move up a hill, occasionally turning back to make sure she was still in sight.

“Seriously Jack, wait up!” Jane shouts angrily, throwing a twig at her older brother. He just laughs it off, grabbing his sister's hand to help her up the crest. Jack stands over her at nearly a full six feet, with a more athletic physique. He has the same black hair, though cut much shorter, of course. After helping his sister up, Jane walks over to the spot he had found earlier. A fallen tree rests in front of circle of rocks that look like they were used to keep a camp fire contained. “Okay, we’re here, so is this really all you wanted to show me?” She asks, clearly not all that impressed. She huffs, blowing a loose strand out of her eyes as she looks around the clearing that must have been abandoned for a long time now.

Jack sits down on the tree and pulls his sister over to him. “What, you don’t like it? Come on, it’s remote, and you have to admit, the view is pretty nice too. Plus, the place is really quiet” He whispers suggestively in her ear, gripping his sister's waist tight and giving her a knowing look. Jane stands up, rolling her eyes in annoyance. “What?! You you know that these studies are very important to me. I have to make sure that my training as an oral master doesn't go to waste. You should take this stuff more seriously.” Jane mutters under her breath, something about her big brother being a perv, and begins to stomp off, kicking one of the rocks for the campfire out of the way.

When she does so, the circle begins to sink as cracks appear. “Jane!” Jack shouts out, jumping up from his spot and running over to grab his sister. It’s too late though, and the ground beneath their feet collapses. The two yell out as they start to fall down a long tunnel, holding each other throughout the slide. Closing his eyes, Jack clutches his sister tight, preparing for the worst. Luckily that doesn’t happen. Instead they crash into a large pile of goose down pillows and silk clothes, the smell of expensive fragrances filling his nose. “What the…” Jack mutters, looking up. It seems they fell into a large room surrounded by candles, and in the middle of it is the largest bed he'd ever seen. “Hello, is anyone here?” Jack calls out, standing up and checking to make sure Jane is okay.

His sister sits up and grumbles as she looks around. "This is the worst prank you've ever pulled!" She yells at her big brother. Movement on the bed catches their attention though, and Jack quickly puts himself between it and his sister. They both watch expectantly, wondering what was there. Slowly, they start to walk over to it. "J-Jack, what is it?" Jane asks nervously, clutching her brother's back. Her free hand moves to the dagger at her waist. No one ever left home without some kind of weapon on them, and she was no exception. A flash of something blue catches their attention. "It's... a girl?" She asks, looking at the sleeping form on the bed.

"More like a hottie." Jack says, staring in surprise at her. He moves over to the bed for a closer look. Some of her pale blue hair had fallen over her pretty face. As far as he can tell, she was around their age. "Who is she? I'd have noticed a girl like her at the village." He says as he brushes her hair to one side. Jane tells him she doesn't know, having never seen her before either. Not seeing much of any other choice, he starts to shake the girl awake, much to his sister's disapproval. It doesn't do any good though. "Maybe this is like a fairy tale." Jack suggests with a wink before leaning down and kissing the girl on her lips.

"Ugh, Jack, gross!" His sister yells, smacking his head. "It didn't even do any good. Besides, how can you do that? What if she's... you know... dead." Her older brother looks over at jane and rolls his eyes.

"She's breathing just fine, and still warm. Yeah, she isn't dead." He says. His hand moving up the girl's body. This doesn't go unnoticed by his sister. "What? We need her to wake up to show us how to get out of here. Plus, I can always use more practice." He says as his hand gropes the girl's breast in his hand. Jane just rolls her eyes and stomps off, calling him a disgusting perv before getting to work looking for an exit. Jack ignore her, turning his attention to the blue haired girl. Her clothes are quickly pushed out of the way as he spreads the folds of her pink pussy. Wow, he hadn't gotten to practice as much as he liked, but even still, he'd never felt or smelled one as nice as hers. It was like it was begging him to continue, and he couldn't stop if he wanted to. Putting his skills to use, Jack slowly starts kissing along the girl's lower lips, sucking up the moisture as it forms. His tongue flicks out, running along her clit and rubbing it before he closes his mouth around it and sucks gently. He feels her squirm under him, and as she hits her climax, the whole room is bathed in a bright blue light that bursts forth out of the hole. "H-holy shit!" Jack Yells, jumping back, looking around in surprise as he finds the three of them are back in the clearing next to the fallen tree.
In a dreamless sleep all sense of time is lost and so Sari's only perceptions of the passing ages were the touches that sent her into her slumber and the first ghosts of the sensations that came to awaken her. A feather's touch upon her forehead, then a gentle warmth against her lips, firm and yet fleeting. She moved slightly in her sleep as she felt a hand upon her chest, palming one breast and giving a gentle squeeze, the distant waking world coming closer as one hand was joined by another, both roaming lower and lower.

Dimly she was aware of voices, so distant that all she could make out was tones of anger and disgust. Sari reached for consciousness slowly, too slowly as she felt it begin to slip away from her, then finding herself rising towards it again as fingers pressed against her sex and parted her folds delicately. The flush that had started on Sari's cheeks began to spread as Jack's ministrations began, creeping down her neck as her even breathing quickened in response. He may not have been a true master of the art but all that was required was the art itself to release the bonds that held her consciousness and with her reaching for wakefulness from within, willingly taking the pleasure into herself as it sent her speeding on her way back into the world of the living...

Her womanhood is well and truly leaking now, liquid arousal mixing with saliva as Jack works his way up and down her folds when he decides to go for the kill. Low moans tumble from Sari's lips and then escalate, becoming sharp and breathy cries as his tongue finds her clit, pushing her to the very edge of orgasm before he finally locks his lips to the sensitive organ and sucks. A cry of ecstasy pierces the air, the last manualist's back arches and she trembles uncontrollably as her eyes fly open, glowing blue light filling the chamber, reflecting back along the tunnel and searing straight upwards into the sky as the earth begins to shake around them and the world is washed away.

The world returns shortly though, and with it comes consciousness, true consciousness. Sari takes in a long breath and lets it out as she opens her eyes, prepared to see the temple and the sages who put her to sleep, to say hello and ask how long she'd been asleep.

Instead light diffused through a leafy canopy and a startled scream greet her ears, prompting her sit up and at the same time try to scramble backwards. There are no familiar faces, not familiar roofs, not even a bed beneath her but a forest floor, hard packed earth and tree roots beneath her buttocks as she presses her back to a tree. "H-hello..." She greets cautiously, recognizing the two -now that she has a chance to look properly- as oral tribe people, two teenagers who could hardly be older than her, if not the same age, a brother and sister judging by their similar features. "I'm Sari..." She introduces herself slowly. "And you two?"
The siblings are stunned silent by what had just happened. How did they end up back in the clearing? Who was this girl? Just what the hell happened exactly? They were now able to get a better look at the girl named Sari, and could tell she wasn’t from around here. Her green eyes were a contrast to the normal blue of the villagers, and her skin was considerably lighter to their own tan complexion. She was taller than Jane, her legs running longer than the younger sister’s. “Wow, she’s even prettier than I though.” Jack finally manages to mutter before looking at his sister. “See, I knew that would work.” He tries to tease, but she clearly isn’t in the mood for it. Jane is looking around, trying to find the hole they had fallen through, but it’s gone. All that remained was a few of the silk clothes that had been there with them. Not wanting to be rude, Jack steps forward and holds his hand out. “My name is Jack, and that’s my sister, Jane. Not that I’m complaining but how did you get here? I know I would have recognized a pretty face like yours if I had seen it before.

A twig hits the back of his head, causing Jack to yelp out. “Seriously you perv! Just hold off on flirting for one minute!” Jane yells at him as she walks over, holding some of the clothes out for the girl to get dressed. “I’m sorry about him. He fell in a gutter as a baby, and we never were able to get his head out. Are you okay? I’m sorry about Jack’s um, method, of waking you up.” Jack just rolls his eyes, but steps back to let his sister help the girl up. She always was a bit on the prudish side. Her shyness really didn’t make any sense. Sexuality was something to be celebrated, not hidden away. It had really been putting a hamper on things for him, especially, since she was the only girl in the village who was close in age to him. Well, she was, at least. Now that Sari was here though, maybe his training could properly get under way.

~ - ~ - ~

Back in the Southern Lip Village, people gather outside of their homes to look at the sky, muttering among themselves what it could mean. The village elder stares off in the distance with a concerned look on his face. Across the sea, a group of monks gather around the candles that have suddenly come to life in a blaze for the first time in 100 years. “She’s returned to us!” They declare, quickly getting to work to prepare for her arrival.

A day’s ride from the village, a small battleship makes its way through the sea. The sudden light had brought with it a fierce wave that they had managed to recover from. “What was that?” The young man asks, his eyes fixed on the spot where the blinding flash had appeared. Prince Zach turns to face the old man next to him. “It has to be her. That’s the Southern Lip village, isn’t it?” He proclaims. He stands tall, his fiery red hair tied back in a ponytail, a scar along his eye causing him to twitch. “Soon, I’ll be able to return home.” The prince proudly says before turning back to the crew. He shouts commands, wanting them to get to reach the village as soon as they possibly can. “Soon, soon I’ll have her in my grasp.” He mutters to himself as the old man gives him a worried look.
With the siblings seeming as stunned as she had been Sari began to pull herself to her feet slowly. "I knew that would work!" The boy was exclaiming to the girl, prompting a spark of hope in her heart that there might be something familiar amidst all this confusion, she had been put to sleep in a temple with her parents around her and she had awoken in a forest with a boy and a girl who clearly weren't manualist nomads like her after all. The boy was stepping towards her now and she took the proffered hand, shaking it delicately, feeling slight callus on his palm and the shifting of his muscles under his skin beneath the sensitive tips of her fingers as he introduced himself.

Then the boy yelped suddenly when he was struck and Sari recoiled instinctively as the girl walked over with familiar looking clothes... She flushed as she recognized the clothes as her own, suddenly aware of the cool air that met nothing but bare skin on her body. "I'm fine thank you, but why are you sorry?" She asked, tugging the loose-fitting pale yellow shirt on before wrapping a short and similarly pale orange skirt about her hips, leaving her midriff exposed. She didn't question why there had been no underwear amongst the clothes, since the nomads never bothered to wear such garments anyways. "Some kind of power was needed to wake me up, if he hadn't known oral I would still be asleep right now."

A question occurred to Sari then as she looked about again. "Did you really find me here? In a forest? My parents put me to sleep in a temple, an underground one..." Then another question as she realized the deeper implications of Jane's words. "Wait... Do you mean you didn't know? I was put to sleep with manual arts but any practitioner of an art could wake me up..." She trailed off, putting one hand to her forehead as she tried to put the pieces together. "Just how long has it been?!" Then as she remembered that her slumber had been known only to her parents and a few other elders of the Manualist nomads she changed the question slightly, glancing from Jack to Jane and back, a little bit of fear in her voice. "What year is this?"
“W-well, because you were asleep! He shouldn’t have, you know…” Jane stutters out, surprised at the question. Jack can’t even bother trying to explain to her right now. He’s far too distracted by how sexy Sari looks in her outfit. It was definitely better than what they had. He was wearing a light blue folded shirt, held together by a belt, and a pair of dark blue pants. His sister wore a similar shirt, though it was long enough to be a dress, and low cut enough to show off a bit of her cleavage. To his disappointment though, she wears a pair of pants similar to his instead of the shorts most other ladies seem to prefer. Jane finally gives in though, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Well, I guess if it was needed to wake you up.” She mutters.

The two siblings look at each other before turning back to Sari. “Well, we were in a temple when we found you, I think. It definitely looked like one.” Jack explains. Wait, did she say the manual arts? “Hey now, it’s not funny to joke about that.” He tells her in a serious tone. People took that tragedy pretty hard, but, he really gets the feeling she wasn’t trying to be funny. Jack looks over to his sister, sharing a worried expression with her. As Sari starts to panic though, they both move over to comfort her, Jack even forgetting to cop a feel as he focuses on calming the girl down. “Hey now, it’s okay.” He lets Jane hold her hand, figuring a woman’s touch might be more comforting right now.

The two of them start to slowly lead her back down the path. At Sari’s question, Jane opens her mouth to answer, but Jack cuts her off. “Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s get back to the village. You could probably use some rest and something to eat. I know I would after an orgasm like that.” He says in a flirtatious tone. Really, it was just an excuse to distract her though. He had a feeling that telling her the year would only freak the girl out even more. “So the manual arts, huh? I’d love to know what that’s like. Maybe we can get together later and see what we can do.” He puts an arm around Sari’s shoulder and together the three keep heading down the path. Jane looks miffed, and about ready to yell at him, but Jack shoots her a look, and she seems to understand, calming down a little for now.a
"No one without some skill in the arts could have ever awoken me, that's how the spell was laid." Sari explained slowly as she began to calm down, "How hard is that to understand?" The girl, Jane, she reminded herself, was truly baffling in her reluctance to embrace the four erotic arts, had she been asleep so long that the arts were fading? And what had that been about... Sari narrowed her eyes at Jack, "I wasn't joking you know, I am a manualist, and neither of you have told me what year it is yet." Where hope had once been there was now a sinking feeling that was only reinforced by the somewhat forced cheer in the Jack's voice.

Sari dropped the subject after that, walking alongside Jack as her guided her through the forest. It was strange, seeing places that look almost familiar and yet were slightly off, little details changed, trees that looked older or were missing altogether, curves in the path that hadn't been there before. "Sure!" She replied to Jack absentmindedly, curious to see what his arts could do, suspecting that the faint sensations and the distant climax that had awoken her would be quite different to experience while awake. Another question occurred to her as the familiarity of the forest vanished briefly and she remembered another detail of the siblings' story. "If you found me in a temple, then how did we get into the forest again? What happened?"

Jane walked behind Sari and Jack, grumbling slightly, arms folded across her chest. So little makes sense about this, the manualists have been dead for decades and only her brother could actually practice the erotic arts to her knowledge. If it weren't for the demonstrations he'd performed upon her -which she still hadn't completely forgiven him for- she would never have believed they really existed as anything more than an old story and yet as though the universe wanted to make fun of her skepticism a girl who claimed to be the last of a long-dead people and a pracitioner of those peoples' eros at that... It just seemed so unrealistic, so oddly convenient to boot. What if she was the agent of some sort of elaborate deception by the Anal nation meant to find any erotic users left in the tribes and mark them for death? What if they were about to be attacked? That burst of light could have been seen for miles and the earth had shook besides, for all they know that was the signal!

Silently she fumed, eyeballing Sari as she and Jack carried on ahead, her suspicions had so little basis it would do little to air them now, but she could keep an eye on the strange 'manualist' girl at least. Make sure she didn't do anything suspicious...
Jack was happy to finally have someone else explain this to Jane. There was no point in being so shy about things. He’d be happy to practice on her some more if she was just more accepting of it, but she always had to act so hesitant and awkward. There were some fairly attractive older women in the village that were more than happy to let Jack train. Some men had even offered to help him practice, though he’d turned them down so far. He knows that to truly master the oral arts, he would have to do it one day, but he wasn’t in a hurry, especially when there was no one to practice on him in return.

He ignores Sari’s statements for now. Her clothes and looks definitely weren’t from around here, but the world was huge, and he hadn’t seen any of it outside of their own quiet little corner. He’d always heard that the manualists were wiped out at the start of the war. Maybe a few of them had managed to keep themselves hidden away though. Her other question leaves him a bit confused. “I figured it was a part of the spell.” He tells her. “I mean, getting in wasn’t easy. I thought that when you woke up, it also triggered something to send us back up.” He shrugs his shoulders. “For the best, I think. We didn’t want to be stuck in there, though that bed did look comfortable. I’m sure we could have put it to use.” He looks back to see his sister walking behind them, and can’t help but slow down enough to whisper in her ear. “Hey now, no need for you to be jealous.” He gives her a wink before running to catch back up with Sari, putting his arm around her shoulder once more.

The trio enters the small village’s entrance, and is immediately surrounded by the small population. The Southern Lip village used to be larger and more prosperous. Their cuisine brought in tourists from around the world, and it was said that the unofficial motto was, “The food is better than the sex”. After the war started though, things changed. Resources became scarcer, no one was able to travel just for fun, and without the oral masters, it was impossible to keep up the quality of the food. Anyone who showed signs of being an oralist was either put down, or captured and carted off to the anal kingdom. The large village was now just a fraction of its former size. The elder of the village, Jack’s grandfather, slowly steps forward. “Now who is this?” He asks, looking the girl up and down.

“Uh, granddad, this is Sari.” He explains. He looks back towards the girl with a worried expression. “Hey Jane, why don’t you give her a brief tour? I’ll catch up with you two in a bit.” Before his sister can respond, Jack taps on his grandfather’s arm and leads him back to his small hut, checking to make sure no one else can hear them before explaining what had happened. The first thing the elder does is smack the boy on the back of his head, telling him that he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.” Jack grumbles as he rubs his head before looking back out the window. “I didn’t want to tell her what year it was. I think she might have hurt her head or something. I mean, there’s no way she’s actually a manualist, is there?” He asks. His grandfather doesn’t answer though, sitting in quiet contemplation.
Sari for her part was content to carry on in silence once Jack explained, though his explanation raised yet more questions. The temple had been underground for the most part, and if it had been a truly long time -as she was growing quite certain it had- then it could have become even more buried she supposed. More concerning was Jane's hostility for her anyways. Sari hadn't missed the glare the other girl had shot them both at the suggestion that they might have used the bed and it was quite difficult not to be aware of the mistrust and dislike that was practically radiating off her. She supposed she couldn't blame the girl in some ways but Jane baffled her, prudish in a way no other person she'd met was and skeptical to boot.

Though she'd never seen the southern lip village before, Sari had heard tales and when it came in sight around a bend in the path she could see also that -while it certainly did not live up to those tales- it might have once done so. Abandoned huts in disrepair, more makeshift encircling walls constructed to protect the small area in which the population actually lived. "What happened here?" She whispered, but was given little chance to carry on the question any further as people approached, some emerging from huts, other simply advancing from whatever they'd been doing in the square. A semicircle formed around them and slowly a man that Sari realized must be the leader stepped forward, a slight similarity between him and the siblings suggesting what was confirmed to her a moment later as Jack stepped forwards and introduced the man as his grandfather.

A moment later Jack was pulling his grandfather aside into one of the huts and Jane and Sari were left alone. The adults kept a watch eye on both of them, even though many of them returned to their tasks stirring pots over small cookfires or gathering vegetables from small plots of land next to their dwellings. She'd heard tales of the village's cooking in her time but without any oralists... She shook her head, it was so strange, being in this world where eros was the exception rather than the norm where common play had become perversion, and where so many old and venerable constructs seemed to have died out. Quietly she turned to Jane, "You really don't believe me... Do you..." She offered sadly.

The strange girl's question surprised Jane as it came with little provocation. For minutes Sari had simply been staring out at the village as though lost in thought only now she turned to her? "No." She replied shortly, emboldened by the fact that Jack -who she knew would defend the girl given the chance- was in conference with Grandpa. "I think you're insane. Eros is just an excuse the assholes made up to let them do what they wanted once they conquered most of the world, fucking everyone else over at their own expense. They killed all the manualists too, and I don't know why you'd pretend to be one, everyone knows they're all dead." She added spitefully, missing the hint of anger that flared in Sari's eyes.

Then the blue haired girl was entirely too close, one arm snaking around Jane's waist and keeping her from flinching back while the other hand rose. "You're lying..." She hissed, tears at the corners of her eyes. "M-my people can't all be dead, they would never, they'd never leave me like this..." Sari's hand shook slightly. "I'll prove myself if I have to, I'll demonstrate the power of the manual eros." She offered, lowering the hand slightly. "I promise you'd enjoy it, it's not like anything your brother can do."
The silence is all the answer Jack needs. “Grandpa, come on. What is it you aren’t telling me? How could there still be a manualist?” He asks, turning to face the older man. He watches as Elder Joseph stands up and walks over to the window. They look at Jane and Sari a bit. The two girls seem to be discussing something, though they can’t tell exactly what it is from where they’re standing. They return to their seats, the elder leaning back and thinking things over for a minute before deciding to tell his grandson what he knows, or at least suspects.

“You’ve heard the legend, I’m sure.” He finally says. “The story of the Eroticar. Manual, Oral, Vaginal, and Anal, the Eroticar can truly master the four eros, the basic forms of all sexual arts. The last one was born amongst the manualists. He or she disappeared though, just before the war started. No one knows what happened. When the manualists were wiped out, the Eroticar should have been born to the oralists, but that never happened.” He turns his head and stares at the window, though Sari and Jane are no longer in sight. “We didn’t know what that meant for a while, but now the answer seems clear. For some reason, they head the Eroticar away, and now, after 100 years, she’s been awakened. You may have been thinking selfishly, but your actions could well help save the world.”

The elder stands back up and heads to his desk to write out a message. “I will send word ahead to North lip, informing them about Sari. She needs to go there. Jack, I want you and Jane to take her. Jack opens his mouth to speak, but his grandfather cuts him off. “You’ve had dreams of mastering your talents for years now, but there is only so much you can do here. Go with Sari, keep her safe, and at North Lip, both of you can get the training you need to become master oralists. She must master all four eros if she wishes to defeat the Anal kingdom.” Jack thinks about this.

Going on a journey with Sari would be a dream come true. He could finally train in his arts, and he could think of worse people to have as traveling companions. It would mean leaving his home though. Most of the battle capable men and women, including his dad, had left to help in fighting back the Assholes. He would be leaving the village undefended. He’s knocked out of his thoughts by a loud crash, and the sound of people yelling. “What happened?!” Jack asks as he runs outside. The first thing that he sees is Sari and Jane running towards him. Jane’s outfit looks somewhat askew, and there’s a deep red blush on her face. Before he can question her though, his attention is drawn to the center of the village. Jack sees red, both figuratively and literally. "Jane, take Sari and go hide, now!” He shouts before charging towards the soldiers.

~ - ~ - ~

The ship lands on the shore, and the stairs are lowered. Troops decorated in red and black armor run down and across the shoreline, drawing their spears, they push the people back, corralling the citizens towards the center of their small village. Prince Zack slowly descends the stairs, dressed in a lighter garment and with a sword strapped to his waist. He looks around at the older people and the children, trying to find out who among them was the person he was looking for. “Where is she?” He asks in a loud, commanding voice. “I know the Eroticar is here. Give her to me, and your village will be spared.”

He sees a young man around his age charging towards him with a dagger drawn. Pulling his own blade out, Zack knocks it from the boy’s hand, sending the dagger flying back before kicking him hard in the chest. His opponent falls to the ground in a crumpled mess, trying to draw in a breath. The prince lifts his foot up and presses it down against the young man’s face, pushing him into the ground. “Pathetic, why would you even try? This is your final warning! Deliver her to me, or we stop asking nicely!” He hears the boy under him tell him to go to hell, but ignores it. The prince scans the crowd, looking for who might give up the answer to him.
Jane knew what saying yes would result in and found herself stuttering as she tried to formulate a response. While she thought her brother entirely too interested in sex for his own good she had never had a 'training' that had been precisely unenjoyable. She'd been embarrassed on occasion but never dissatisfied by his performance, and if Sari could do anywhere near as well with her fingers... She got even more tongue-tied as the strange girl tugged her skirt upwards and was sliding her hands against her stomach, down towards her womanhood. Sari was pressing close enough now that they were practically in embrace and Jane could feel the other girl's breath hot on her neck, a warmth beginning to grow inside her in response.

Then the ship loomed about the edge of the bay and both girls were rudely interrupted by the the ground's shuddering as it began to ground itself. Both of them hurried for the village center but while Sari was willing to run when told, she ran only as far as one of the buildings, hiding about the corner to look on at the proceedings as assholes swarmed from the ship, menacing the village people, corralling them at spearpoint into a tight group.

Sari's eyes widened at the prince's demands and Jane gasped as the courageous boy took a vicious kick that sent him sprawling. "The Eroticar?" Jane whispered. "What is that? It sounds familiar-." She stopped, noting the almost haunted look in Sari's eyes. "It's me... The one who can master all four basic eros, the one they're looking for is me..." Sari swallowed. What has happened to the world since I was put to sleep? My mom and dad... They probably really are dead... Everyone I knew, the manualists... It all swept over her like a wave, making her tremble a bit at it's passing.

Then she squared her shoulders and stepped forwards, ignoring Jane's protests as she calmly walked from her hiding place and towards the anal prince. "The one you're looking for is me. The last manualist." Her eyes were hard, determined. She might have slept through the death of her people but she could save these people, the ones who'd awoken her. she owed them that much at least. "I will go with you, you will leave them alone." She could hear Jack and his grandfather saying something, could hear the rest of the villagers murmuring, some of it angry, some sorrowful, all of it concerned for something. "Okay?" She knew what probably awaited her (although there was no chance she was planning to simply wait and see what horrible fate she would be inflicted) but right now she needed to get the assholes away from these people. They weren't even eros users, and so far as she could tell every one of the soldiers there was an analist, if they got involved in this they would only get hurt.
Jack’s eyes widen when he hears Sari talk. He tries to shout out, but his voice is muffled by the Anal prince’s boot. Struggling to get up, Jack finds he’s completely out of luck. “She’s lying! She’s not the Eroticar!” He tries to shout, but the prince just pushes down harder to silence him. “Sari, don’t do it! Run away! This guy is dangerous!” Even Elder Joseph steps forward, trying to block the girl from reaching the soldiers. Jack looks on helplessly, bringing his hands up to grab the prince’s leg and trying to force him off to no avail.

The prince just scoffs, kicking the boy aside before turning to one of the female soldiers. “You, handle the old man!” He shouts. The soldier steps forward, grabbing the elder’s wrist and dragging him off.

“Grandpa, no!” Jack shouts, but he quickly realizes the smile forming on the old man’s face. “Y-you fucking perv…” He mutters, wondering how he could be so happy about this right now.

“Don’t worry about me, Jack! I’ll endure. Keep her safe!” The old man says, offering no resistance as he’s pulled off to the side. Some other soldiers step forward, grabbing Sari’s arms and pulling her aboard the ship, following the prince’s orders to lock her away in his cabin. Jack finally gets back up and charges again, but the butt of two spears are slammed into his chest.

“Dammit…” Jack mutters, looking around as ten soldiers gather around him, weapons pointing down. “I knew it. I’m surrounded by assholes.” Thinking for a moment, he knows that he only has one way to get out of this alive. “Okay fine, you got her. I surrender. There’s nothing left in this village for you. Just leave.” He sees, kneeling down and putting his hands behind his head. They watch him warily, but the prince shouting for the soldiers to get back to the ship has them scrambling back. As it pulls away, Jack looks around. No one else was hurt, fortunately, and it looks like his grandfather is a bit dazed at worse. More than likely though, he just had the time of his old life. As the ship departs, Jack quickly runs over to the elder’s hut. He rummages through the stacks of paper but after ten minutes, he still can’t find what he’s looking for.

“It’s with your sister.” Jack looks up in surprise. His grandfather seems to have made a speedy recovery. The two stare at each other before the elder nods with a smile. “The map of the world, it’s with Jane. She always was better than you at any studies that don’t involve your mouth. That’s why she needs to go along. She’ll be more familiar with the destinations along the way. Plus, she can be more diplomatic at times.” He walks over to a drawer, opening it up and pulling off a false bottom. “These may also prove useful.” He says, dropping some items into his grandson’s hand.

Jack examines them closely. There’s a small jewel attached to a clamp, what looks like a strange ring, though it’s too large to be one, but isn’t quite big enough to be a bracelet either. The last is a small egg shaped object with a cord attached to it. Jack’s eyes widen as he realizes what he’s holding. “These are… fetishes!” he says, looking up at his grandfather, who simply nods. “They’ll come in handy. Thank you grandfather!” He starts to run out before turning back and giving the old man a hug. “Good bye, you old pervert. The next time you see me, I’ll be the greatest oralist who ever lived.” He says before heading back into the village.

Jane is already waiting for him, a couple of back packs filled to the brim. It seems like the whole village knew they would have to go. “Everyone, I promise. We’ll get the Eroticar back, and bring this whole war to an end!” Jack says, slinging his backpack over his shoulder before grabbing Jane’s wrist and running towards the forest. At the shouts of where he’s going, he explains. “Back to where we found Sari. We don’t have a ship or anything, but the Manualists had to get here somehow. They wouldn’t have left her behind without some kind of travel. We need to find it.”

~ - ~ - ~

Back aboard the ship, the crew is hard at work, pushing the ship to its limits on the course back to the Anal Kingdom. “Finally, we’ve captured her. I can finally go home. They’ll see, father, sister, all of them. I will win back my rightful place, my honor will be restored!” Prince Zack heads down to his cabin, ignoring the look his uncle gives him. The two guards on either side nod at him before opening the door just enough for the prince to go through. “Leave us.” He commands them. “I won’t need any help keeping her subdued.” Once the door is closed, Zack looks over at the young woman in front of him. The blue hair was an odd look, but it suited her. She was quite attractive, but not particularly imposing. “So then, you’re the Eroticar? You certainly don’t look like much.” He says, scoffing as he starts to strip off his armor, revealing the lean, athletic body underneath. “Have you even practiced any of the arts? How powerful can a little virgin like you be?” He asks with quite a bit of venom. “I suppose there’s only one way to find out.”
Sari didn't struggle against the soldiers as they guided her into the ship, the stoicism only beginning to fade from her expression as she looked back to see the hull closing behind her, cutting her off from the village, from the outside world, leaving her in the hands of enemies. The ship roared, the deck thrumming beneath her feet as the engines pushed into a full reverse, backing out of the bay and turning to point seaward while the anal prince's ranting echoed down the corridor behind her. She did her best to keep track of the corridors at least, especially as they passed an open hatch through which sunlight streamed, prompting her to make doubly sure she memorized the sequence of turns to get to it.

Finally she was led one deck down and into a cabin that seemed entirely too luxurious to be a prison, decked with tapestries and a number of both weapons and anal-focused fetishes that she knew she couldn't use given her complete lack of training in that particular eros. She would have to learn eventually if she was to become the Eroticar but for the moment they were far beyond her capabilities. The door opening behind her startled her from contemplation and the prince entered, confirming the suspicions she'd held. This was his cabin, and given the posturing and aggression in his stance and voice, he intended to have her well subdued by the time they got back to the anal nation.

She glared back at him and made the first move without warning, resorting to her training in manual eros. She was skilled in the art, her ability probably equal to his all things considered, but she didn't factor his natural advantages of strength and greater combat training into her estimate. Had he been a member of the anal nation of her time she might have stood a chance but today's militarized assholes were far more capable of subduing an enemy than those of her time had ever been.


Jane knew Jack was likely looking for the map but didn't bother to tell him as she prepared the packs, two of them, for him and for her. It was obvious her idiot of a brother would go after Sari and she would have to go along to keep them both out of trouble and despite her misgivings about the whole thing she knew she would never forgive herself for the lost opportunity if she didn't. The village likely wouldn't forgive her either come to think of it, so many of them had dropped by to offer little possessions, long-unused but still good bedrolls, old cooking utensils, warm clothing...

By the time Jack finally emerged the packs were nearly bursting at the seams with a multitude of potentially useful items. It was easy to get swept up in his enthusiasm for the venture, though her brow furrowed as they took off up the hill and into the forest they'd come from not an hour earlier instead of taking one of the canoes. "Shouldn't we follow them by sea?" She asked uncertainly, though Jack's answer made sense. She still wasn't sure what to believe regarding the eros and the sexual, all her life it had been grandfather's perverted stories and her brother's perverted fantasies but she'd seen extraordinary things come from those perversions and it was getting easier and easier to simply believe that there might be something to the old tales after all.

"Alright then..." She replied slowly as they took off up the path again, looking back over her shoulder as she jogged in her brother's wake knowing that it would be a long time before she would see her home again. Then they rounded the first bend and the trees screened the view suddenly, the village vanishing from sight, and Jane quickened her pace, hoping that her brother was right about transportation in the buried temple, though her face turned from thought and concern to perfect confusion when -rather than the hole that had led them down to the temple, they found the bed perched in the middle of the clearing, the very same one as Sari had been lying on.

Slowing, she came to a halt up next to it. "How did this get up here? It's blocking the hole..." She frowned, wondering if she and Jack would be able to lift the heavy-looking thing. After all, they would need to get back down there to look for something the manualists had used to travel there right? "Come on, we need to move this thing."
The prince paces around the room, smiling evilly at the Eroticar. She tries to move around him, Zack notices, but he grabs her arm and throws her back. The Eroticar is sent falling forward, her short skirt moving up to reveal the delicious pale ass and pink pussy underneath. “Really now, we’re both eros users. I’m sure you know how these battles are handled.” He tells her as he picks up a small bottle resting on his desk. Opening it up, he pours a bit of the purple lotion onto his hand before moving closer to Sari. He spreads her ass, his finger running a small circle around her tight hole, and making her jerk in response. “Hmph, this sensitive… This’ll be easier than I thought.” He remarks before stepping back and completely undressing. His cock stands fully erect, throbbing in anticipation of being put to use. As he rubs more of the lotion along his member, the purple shimmers slightly, signifying that it was taking effect. It would be interesting to see just how much she could stand.

Moving forward, his throbbing member at the ready, Zack holds Sari down, gripping her hips. “Now, let’s see what you can do against the might of an analist.” His cock head pushes forward, pressing against the hole of the girl’s ass. With a fierce thrust, it parts for him, and he buries himself halfway inside her. The prince groans in pleasure and pulls back to thrust, finding her ass squeezing him tight. With a grunt, he tries to remain in control, pushing away the thought of how much better this feels than any previous partner he’s had.

~ - ~ - ~

“Why is there a bed here now?” Jack asks, circling around to examine it. Jane starts to push and pull against it to no avail. “It’s big.” He remarks. The whole thing was larger than any bed he’d seen before. It could easily fit multiple adults on it. He climbs on, much to his sister’s chagrin. “Just hold on. Why would this be here? Maybe it’s something to do with how she got to this place.” Jack moves some of the pillows out of the way in search of a switch or anything really. It was a long shot of course. By all accounts, this would just be a bed, but he had to try all possibilities. “Well hey, maybe it’s powered by eros!” Jack suggests, looking over to his sister with a smirk.

Jane rolls her eyes and argues with her brother before yelling as he pulls her onto the bed, his hand reaching around to squeeze her breast. The only thing that accomplishes though is earning him a smack. “Oh, come on! You’ve seen what eros can do now. It may be our only chance to help her.” His sister sits back though, crossing her arms. “What, don’t tell me you’re just doing this out of jealousy.” He says, half joking and half curious if it might be true. “Look, I’m serious Jane! Yeah, I like to joke around and practice, but this may really be the only way to help Sari! If we don’t save the Eroticar, then the whole world may be doomed!” Suddenly, at the mention of her name, the bed lurches forward. “Wh-what the hell?!” He shouts, clutching Jane tight to him as a pair of wings sprout from under the bed. After a few flaps, it’s in the air, making a beeline for the ship where Sari is.
Sari struggled as he grabbed her, unable to keep his fingers from probing at her rear to make her shiver slightly as she was unable to twist away. Face down and her ass in the air she was in the worst position possible to use manualism and as his cock buried itself in her ass she found herself quite distracted in any case, the size and sense of fullness making her shudder as the prince began to thrust. It felt good, too good, pleasure that made it difficult to think, that made it difficult to do anything but moan. She struggled weakly still, but those were beginning to fade, Sari's lack of mastery over the anal eros making it impossible to fight back and Zack's skill in it making it harder and harder to resist with every passing push of his hips.

But there was something familiar... Something just at the edge of her understanding, teasing her with it's presence. Sari reached for it furiously, her eyes beginning to glow softly as she felt it come at her desperate call, then more and more intensely as she felt something surge through her. Where before there had been nothing now there was knowledge, names she didn't know but fully understood, techniques, tricks, secrets laid out before her.

Suddenly she was tightening, her ass gripping his cock in a slippery vise, a faint echo to her moans as though another voice spoke alongside hers. Sari bucked back, slamming her hips back up to meet Zack's thrusts until she pushed off with her arms too, taking control completely as his feet left the ground for a moment and she pushed him over. She didn't stop riding him for a moment, her tight sphincter clenching so hard about his length, the inside of her ass seeming to ripple against him, clenching and unclenching, milking him for his cum. She didn't even stop with one ejaculation, and she barely even listened to the protests that began to emanate from the prince as she did so. Everything seemed so simple to Sari, so easily understood, as though all of eros was an open book before her. The prince was strong, but his technique lacked finesse and those mistakes he made, those little misalignments of his movements, the slight offsets in his timing, those were openings, wide and easy to exploit.
Zack is pleased with himself, holding a clear advantage over the so called Eroticar at first. His powerful thrusts rock her body forward, his balls slapping against her loud enough to fill the room with the smacking sound. Sweat forms on his brow as he roughly fucks her, his hands holding her body down while he makes her his bitch. It doesn’t seem to last though. Sari’s grip tightens on her as he clenches. At first, Zack thinks he’s still in control, and that this tightening was just from his own actions causing her to give in to him. Then she starts pushing back to meet him, and the analist finds himself slowly giving up the power to the Eroticar. Before he knows it, she’s leading with the thrust of her hips, and Zack is moving to meet her.

The prince’s eyes widen in surprise as he’s lifted off the ground and finds himself on his back. “N-no, what are you…” He starts to ask before letting out a groan of pleasure. His hands stay on Sari’s hips, the tight walls of her ass gripping and milking his cock so thoroughly that before he knows it, Zack is letting loose in orgasm, cumming deep inside the younger woman’s asshole. He thinks this is the end and moves to push her off. With her on top, that proves difficult, especially as he discovers that he’s not softening. Whether it’s the grip she has on his cock, or some power that she possesses, he doesn’t know, but all Zack can do is grunt out for her to stop while his own body works against him. His hips move upwards to meet her thrusts, his own cum acting as a lube to let him slide along her. Zack stares up at the back of Sari’s head. So this was the skill of the Eroticar?

“D-dammit, I can’t…” The prince grunts out as he spends his second load inside of Sari’s ass, collapsing back against the floor. He’s completely and thoroughly drained at this point, not even able to get himself to draw a breath for nearly a minute. He doesn’t know how long he’s out for, but when Zack finally comes to, he sits up groggily and looks around. “Wh-where’d she go? Guards!” The prince shouts when he realizes that the Eroticar is gone and that the door to his room is wide open. He jumps up and immediately starts to fall back on shaky legs. Getting dressed, he yells for his men to find Sari and bring her back. Zack turns back to his desk and looks around, picking up some items before realizing that a few of them are missing. Yelling in a rage, he runs out of the room in pursuit of her.

~ - ~ - ~

Jack pulls some of the pillows up from the bed, examining it with a fascinated look on his face. “I didn’t think that anyone outside of the Anal kingdom even had access to things like this anymore. Um well, I guess she would if it’s really from a 100 years ago. Still, this is amazing!” He moves over to the headboard, peaking over it at the open sky ahead of them. Some fish leap out of the water below them, and the scenery rushes past as the wind blows against his skin. Okay well, the scenery trots past him. “Dammit, doesn’t this thing go any faster?” He complains. “Hey, come on, uh, bed, thing. Go faster! Sari is in trouble. The Eroticar is in trouble. The world is in trouble?” Nothing he says works to get it moving again. “Okay, so that was just to get it started. Oh, maybe eros makes it move faster!” He says, turning to his sister. “Come on!” He tells her as he pulls Jane by the wrists to bring her closer to him.
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