A Hogwarts romance. (Naomi David x Wolfman)


Jun 3, 2014
Thomas Bourne-Riche had never known hardship like his hero, Harry Potter had. Thomas was the son of two successful muggle parents, his father a rich inventor and his mother a famous norwegian model. Thomas had inherited his mother's blonde hair and blue eyes and his father's quick brain and goofy smile. Now, at fifteen years of age, he had grown into a somewhat lanky but handsome young man with a ready smile and quite a few friends in both the muggle world as well as the magical one. But he much preferred the magical world, truth be told.

A little over four years ago, a couple of weeks after his eleventh birthday, Thomas had received a very mysterious letter from a 'Minerva McGonagall', telling him he'd been accepted at 'Hogwarts'. Thinking this was a rather elaborate and eccentric joke, Thomas' parents had nevertheless called the department of education, only to be told that yes, the school was real enough, but that further questions were to be directed at the school itself. One thing led to another, and soon they had been on their first shopping trip to Diagon Alley. There were quite a few closed shops there, and the Gringott bank had apparently sustained some damage from an escaping... dragon?

They had done it all and loved it: Taking pictures that moved, purchased a wand, bought an owl. The owl was a small barn owl Thomas had named 'Huldra', a name from his mother's native country. His parents had seen him off at platform nine-and-three-quarters and Thomas had been off to his greatest experience yet. He'd been sorted into Gryffindor, to his immense pride and joy.

The school looked like a castle that had been under siege and severely bombarded, which, it turned out it had been. The first year muggle born wizards and witches listened wide-eyed as they were told of the battle of Hogwarts and the many deaths that had occured only a few months earlier. Thomas immediately wanted to know more, pestering the older students to tell him tales of the battle and the boy who lived. The only one willing to talk about the events was Luna Lovegood, but her answers were infuriatingly vague.

As the years passed, the students that had taken part in or knew something about the battle graduated, and Thomas was left to the tender mercies of books written by sensationalist journalists. (Rita Skeeter first among them.) As the immediacy of the battle faded, myths started developing. Peeves went around scaring first-years with tales of Voldemort and how his ghost roamed the castle, along with all that had fallen during the battle.

In short, the last four years had been a whirlwind of new impressions and new knowledge that both fascinated and scared Thomas. Mythological creatures were real. Magic was real. All the disturbances and freak storms a few years back had been caused by giants and wizards and whatnot fighting among themselves. The new knowledge had galvanized Thomas. He wanted to know more. He NEEDED to know more if he wanted to protect himself and his family. And so he applied himself, getting above average marks in Defense against the dark arts and potions.

He'd tried out for quidditch and had earned a position as an alternate beater. He'd played in two matches, but his performance wasn't spectacular in any way. He applied himself in a new discipline at school, muggle sports. They had started teaching self defense classes without wands, much to the consternation of the ones raised in the wizard world. But they had seen the wisdom of it when one of the teachers outlined one single scenario: "You're underage in the muggle world, and you're assaulted. Or you've just been disarmed by expelliarmus. What do you do?"

It was the evening of the first day back at Hogwarts, and Thomas sat among his mates, waiting for the speeches and the feast to start. As he'd done four years ago, a gaggle of nervous first-years timidly walked in the double doors and up towards the head tables to get sorted. Among them was a strikingly beautiful girl. You could hear a pin drop as everyone watched her stride up behind the first-years. The boys (and some of the girls) watched her, gobsmacked by her beauty. Most of the girls shot daggers with their eyes. Thomas sat close enough to touch her as she passed by, her scent teasing his nostrils and awakening a reaction in his body that made sitting still uncomfortable.

The hat broke the spell by starting to sing, and then the sorting was underway. Thomas couldn't help but notice that the beautiful girl was waiting among the first-years. What was going on?
Astrid DuBois had gotten her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, which was of no surprise to her. She had already been to Beauxbatons, the Witch and Wizard school for the French. She had already been to Durmstrang, the Witch and Wizard school that primarily taught Dark Magic. For her first two years of school, she went to Beauxbatons. For her third and fourth years of school, she went to Durmstrang... And now, she was going to be sorted into her House at Hogwarts.

Astrid was an avid Quidditch player, ascending to Quidditch Captain at both Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, she was a genius at flying, doing death defying stunts, really insane stuff, but doing the insane stuff always won her the match. She was an excellent Beater as well as a Seeker. She liked being a Beater because she got to possibly bust heads if she hit the Bludger in the right direction. She liked being a Seeker because of the glory that came with catching the Golden Snitch.

Astrid had been taught how to fight like a Muggle would at Durmstrang, and she excelled at that, she liked the feeling that winning a fight, magical or not, made her feel. And now, she was certain that she would ascend to Quidditch Captain to any House she was sorted in, she was that good. She was an excellent leader, she had a way with words. Of course, being half Veela helped her as well. She could get guys to do what ever she wanted them to do.

Right now, she was waiting amongst the First Years to be sorted, and Headmistress McGonagall announced,"Students, we are implementing a new system, every year, we will be exchanging students amongst Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Right now, we have a transfer from Durmstrang, who had transferred from Beauxbatons. I welcome our transfer Astrid Dubois!" Astrid had an exquisitely bored look on her face, which suited her well. She hated the welcomes, they were soooooo boring.

TIme went by, and Astrid's name was called to be Sorted. She went in front of everybody, waiting for the Hat to be placed on her head... The Hat was indecisive, not sure which House to place her amongst, since she had the fairness of a Hufflepuff, the cunning of a Slytherin, the brilliance of a Ravenclaw, and the bravery of a Gryffindor. She was thinking that she really wanted Gryffindor, so the Hat shouted,"Gryffindor!" Astrid sighed with relief, and she got off the stool, and went to sit at the first empty space at the Gryffindor table.
The hall went silent as McGonagall spoke. Transfers from one school to another? Well, if it could engender a better understanding between the schools, why not? There had been enough strife among wizards for everyone to want peace. Or so the assumption went.

The hat went on Astrid's blonde hair. Thomas knew that time all but stood still when the hat sat on your head, and he knew that she and the hat had a discussion of where to place her, as was the case with many if not most of the students. Nevertheless, for those on the outside it was but a second before the hat roared 'GRYFFINDOR!'

The roar from the Gryffindor table more than made up for the silence of the other tables. The blonde blue-eyed lithe beauty sat down one seat over from Thomas, an eager first year student between them. She was uncommonly beautiful, easily outshining the rest of the girls in the room.

Thomas didn't believe in wasting any chances, so he tried addressing the fairhaired beauty, only to be blocked by the first year student, believing he was addressing her instead of Astrid. Ever the gentleman, Thomas engaged in conversation with the eager young girl who'd just been sorted into Gryffindor. Some of his classmates sitting across the table seized the opportunity to try to talk to Astrid, but they mostly ended up fawning and staring at her. Thomas could only look at her longingly as the young girl next to him blathered on about how happy she was to have been accepted at Hogwarts and Gryffindor.

As the feast progressed, the house ghosts made their appearance. The only ghost missing was the Bloody Baron, the Slytherin house ghost. But he, along with Slytherin house, had kept a low profile ever since the battle of Hogwarts, despite attempts of forgiveness and reconciliation.

"What?" The first year girl had just asked Thomas a question. "I SAID, are you a mudblood?" she said, an impatient expression crossing her face. The nearby students quieted down in embarassment. Thomas never raised his voice, but he was angry at the casual way she'd insulted him. "One thing you need to learn right now, Polly (that was her name): We never refer to muggle born as 'mudbloods'. It is an insult. But yes, since you asked, my parents are both muggles. Not that it matters. I love them because they're great parents. And if you need proof that muggle born are just as capable as those from magical families, I have one name for you: Hermione Granger."

Polly sniffed at that. "Pfft! She is only famous because she was friends with Harry Potter and ended up with that Ron Weasley! I bet she wasn't as great as the stories make her out to be." Thomas felt as if she'd slapped him. She'd just insulted one of the greatest muggle born witches ever, and she'd insulted him by implying that he wasn't a good wizard because he was muggle born. He'd expected something like that from a Slytherin. He was disappointed to hear words like this come from a Gryffindor.

Thomas kept silent for the rest of the feast, his mood darkened. After a while, the prefects gathered all the first years to show them to their rooms. And although she was all but surrounded by admirers, Thomas caught Astrid's eyes and asked of her: "Would you like me to show you where the Gryffindor common room is? Your clothes and gear is already in your bedroom, but I guess you knew that." With a show of boldness he didn't necessarily feel, he held his hand out to her.
Astrid didn't even notice Thomas staring at her, well, she didn't even notice the other guys staring at her, she was used to boys looking at her, but it served her well some times, she could get guys to do what ever she wanted them to do. Though she was listening in on the conversation between him and the little girl, who as it turned out, had the mouth of a Slytherin than a Gryffindor. She was about to say something nasty, Astrid could tell, so she carefully extricated her wand from her sleeve, and stealthily whispered,"Langlock!" The spell glued one's tongue to the top of the mouth till the spell wore off, but it ensured she'd have a meal without rudeness bothering her.

Astrid caught Thomas's eyes this time, and she spoke,"Yes, I'd like to know that... And when are Quidditch tryouts? I want to try out for both Beater and Seeker." She shook his hand, as it was the polite thing to do. She knew quite a bit of jinxes, hexes, and curses from Durmstrang, so if any guy tried to get fresh with her, she could do some damage if she needed to.
He hadn't meant for it to be a handshake, but fair enough. He noticed she had a haughty arrogant air about her he knew only too well. His mother had been a model, and she had had visits from some of her fellow models at their mansion. Some of these girls had the same look and bearing Astrid now had. It was a smug, almost condescending attitude towards people they viewed as inferior to themselves. But Thomas had been taught to always be polite, and so he took it upon himself to be her guide as they walked to the Gryffindor common room.

"Yes, I'd like to know that... And when are Quidditch tryouts? I want to try out for both Beater and Seeker."

And there it was. That almost commanding tone he'd expected of her. Maybe she needed to be taken down a notch? It really wasn't his place.

"Quidditch tryouts will be posted if and when necessary. I'm on the team myself, but only as an alternate beater. I guess I'm not like Harry Potter. He made Seeker in his first year, even though first years normally aren't allowed to play. I'm not sure they need a new seeker OR beater for that matter. But like I said, if and when necessary they will post on the boards in the common room."

He took her on an extended tour of the castle. He pointed out spots of interest: where people had died during the battle, the significance of some of the paintings relating to Hogwart's history, warning her of the changing staircases, and more than anything: rambling about Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

Presently, they arrived at the portrait of the fat lady. With a regal mien she looked at them: "Password?" Thomas had memorized it. "Quod erat demonstrandum." The door swung open, and they entered the Gryffindor common room.
She had an excited glint in her eyes when he told her that the tryouts would be posted if and when necessary. She spoke,"I get such an adrenaline rush from being on a broom, there's also the wonderful feeling of freedom, you get to be up in the air with the birds..." She listened carefully to his words and she watched closely to her surroundings, she did not want to miss a thing. She even memorized the password to the Common Room after he had spoken it in front of the Fat Lady's portrait. She followed him into the Common Room, and spoke,"Wow... This place looks wonderful!"
Thomas wondered if maybe he'd misjudged her. She had to be naturally guarded, being a girl and looking like she did. Another lesson from his mother. What he thought was arrogance on her part regarding quidditch turned out to be raw enthusiasm. And she seemed to cling to his every word as he showed her around the castle, which he found immensely flattering.

Her assessment of the Gryffindor common room won him over, and he smiled brightly when she exclaimed: "Wow... This place looks wonderful!"

"It is rather nice, isn't it?" he replied, a shy smile gracing his lips. He gave her the quick tour of the premises, ending with the dividing staircase separating the girls' dormitories from the boys'.

"I cannot show you to your room. There's a ward to keep boys out of the girls' section, for some reason. But I trust you'll find your way. It has been a pleasure showing you around the castle, Astrid. I wish you a pleasant evening." He shook her hand as a way of parting before ascending the stairs to his room. He quickly got his clothes and gear in order, and scribbled a note to his parents before sending Huldra off. The owl seemed eager to stretch her wings again, hooting excitedly as he placed the note in her pouch.

Then he spent an hour fending off questions about the new girl before he retired to bed.
There were a few things she missed about Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Beauxbatons because of the wicked looking ice sculptures. Durmstrang because of the races on brooms.

She spoke,"I very much so appreciate you showing me around this place and the castle... Eh, you have a broom, yes? Want to race around the pitch when we have some free time?"

She went her way to the girls dorm, as he went his way to the boys dorm. She made sure they had taken utmost care of her broom, as well as her precious Great Grey Owl, Twilight.
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