Hogwarts Studies (w/SlytherinDesires)


Mar 31, 2014
Albus' deep red Quidditch robes were already on. The 7th year Gryffindor Chaser was waiting, broom in hand as his little sister entered the room. He knew he shouldn't give her the password, but she was his sister, after all, and no one could really refuse the daughter of Harry Potter in the Gryffindor common areas.

Shaking his head, he indicated her robes with his broom as she walked in. "You must be feeling pretty confident if you are going to play me in your class robes. I'm guessing that's the case since you don't appear to have any other robes on you."
Lily's thoughts were too busy being everywhere but here for her to think to bring her Quidditch Robes. Between the constant obsession with sending gifts and love notes to Professor Malfoy, keeping up with her friendship with Scorpius, and what was going on with her brother, she barely could concentrate. But she was doing her best to focus on what was in front of her so she didn't fail her classes or end up with no friends or something. She was a fifth year Chaser for the Slytherin team, so she did need to practice. So she headed up to the Gryffindor Common Room to see her brother. Once she was inside she waved to him and walked over to where he was standing.

"Oh! It must have slipped my mind!" Exclaimed Lily, bringing a hand to her head. She ran it through her red hair and she said, "You have my backup, right?" She started stripping right there in the common room as if it was nothing. She knew she had to change. It wasn't odd to do what she was doing, simply because she was so used to it. Though removing her top made her slightly uncomfortable because she was really self-concious about the size of her chest. "Um, so, my backup?" she asked, holding her hands in front of her chest, turning pink. Even if it was covered by a pink bra.
Albus sighed, shaking his head with an extra flourish for added effect. "See? Things like this are why I am the better Chaser. Well, that and your decision to follow a Malfoy into Slytherin. What do you see in that guy anyways? I get that Dad wanted us to get along with them, and I've made nice enough, but I think you treat him more like a brother than me sometimes. I wonder at what point I can call you a blood traitor."

"Yes, I have your backup." He went over and pulled a robe from under his bed. "Maybe I should keep some extra pink bras for you as well. I'll just assume they were Gryffindor red and got faded." He approached her with the robe extended out to his side, forcing her to remove at least one arm from in front of her chest. "I suppose I should at lest be thankful you didn't get green underwear."
Lily couldn't help but frown slightly when Albus talked about how he was better than her at being a Chaser because of the way she was in Slytherin and the fact she couldn't think straight. She didn't like when he talked like that, but it wasn't like she totally wasn't used to it. As the only Potter in Slytherin, she got that from basically all of her family. "Scorpius? He's sweet, to me, anyway. And he's my teammate. So what if he's a Malfoy? When are you going to get over these stupid prejudices?!" said Lily, sighing. She shook her head when he threatened to call her a blood traitor. If he was going to do it, she wasn't going to stop him. She'd be upset, but she wasn't going to be able to fight him. "Well at least he acts more like a brother than you," she mumbled, thinking about the kinds of things she had done with Albus compared to what she had done with Scorpius. She hadn't done anything with Scorpius and Al...those weren't things she was willing to talk about right now.

She sat on the edge of one of the other boy's beds while waiting for Albus to bring out her backup robes. She blushed at the thought of him keeping backup underwear for her. She moved her arm to slip it into the sleeve of her Quidditch robes, and she kept her other arm firmly in place until she had to put in the other arm. "I do actually have plenty of green ones...and black ones." She smirked slightly. While adjusting her robe her hand touched her brother's thigh and she yanked her hand away and cleared her throat. "Lets head out to the pitch now, she said, hurrying down the stairs out through the common room and out to the pitch.
Albus scoffed at Lily's mention of how "sweet" Scorpius was. "He isn't like a brother, Lil. Hell, he's more like your puppy, just not as physically imposing." Albus, though only 5'8", had a fairly powerful build, and he enjoyed pointing out the weakness of other men. "I'd say he's more like your servant, but he's not the one helping you get dressed for practice." He grinned as he slid the sleeve of her robe over her extended arm, not hiding his intent to look her over as he waited for her to extend the other. He noticed the touch on his thigh, and chuckled quietly.

"You're filling out nicely, by the way." Leaning in, he tapped her bra with the back of his finger. "And a little rivalry is good for you. Speaking of which, if I ever see you wearing Slytherin underclothes in here, I'll take them off and burn them." He watched as she took off out of the room hurriedly, casually following her.
As Lily hurried out the door to the pitch, she couldn't help but think of what Albus had said. She didn't treat Scorpius like a puppy! Or at least she didn't think that she did. He was her best friend and she loved him. Well...in a friendship kind of way. Granted, they had been drifting a part slightly since her obsession with his father, but she still tried to let him know they were still friends. She hated when Albus brought up his build though. So he wasn't that strong! Didn't mean he wasn't a good person. But his father though...now he had a build. But he had been through a war and the reconstruction of it all. He still wasn't as built as Albus, but he also was a seeker in his day. But there was just something about Professor Malfoy she liked. She wished he could just whisk her away and be her prince charming. If only he'd pay attention to her notes that she was sending him!

The thoughts of Albus's threat soon pushed through her brain. She wondered if Albus knew about her insecurity about her chest. He probably did, which is why he tapped her bra like he did. She didn't like that at all. Or at least that's what she thought. She wondered if Al was seriously thinking of burning her clothes if she wore them into his dorm again. Being a Slytherin, as shy as she was, she still had a devious side so she planned on wearing a lovely emerald underwear set the next time. Just to see if he was serious. Once she got to the pitch, she grabbed her broom from the shed and waited for her brother to join her. "Ready to hit the skies?" she asked, smiling brightly at him once he got there. Quidditch always seemed to put her in a good mood.

She climbed on her broom and started to float upward. She didn't really realize how windy it was until she started going up, and she almost fell off her broom trying to keep her robe from flying upward and exposing her bony ass to the world. "Maybe today isn't so great for Quidditch?" she asked. Even if technically they played in all weather, she didn't like this wind. She'd learn to get over it though. She then mentioned, "We can't practice for too long....I have to get ready for my detention...
Albus smiled to himself as he made his way to the pitch. Drawing attention to her breasts had always been a good way to make her feel vulnerable, and he loved touching and looking at them no matter what the reason. He kind of hoped she would wear a Slytherin-colored bra soon so he could justify baring those breasts again. It had been too long. He wasn't even worried about her fighting it. Not only could he easily overpower her, but she seemed to like when he beat her at things like wrestling or when he tossed her around.

"Lead the way. You'll need the head start." Despite wobbling quite a bit from an unexpected gust of wind, he laughed at her near fall as well as the brief glimpse from below. Even though he'd seen much more earlier, the fact that she was supposed to be covered made it more enjoyable. Albus had always enjoyed the forbidden things more.

He flew up closer beside her, tossing her one of the quaffles before launching his through one of the rings. "Detention? What for?"

Using his wand, he "accio'd" his quaffle back to his grasp.
It wasn't that she had terrible breasts or anything, it was the fact that for a fifteen year old girl hers were much bigger than the others in her year. Plenty of people made fun of her for it and guys would make obvious crude jokes and it just made her totally uncomfortable. She felt ashamed to be so big when it came to her chest when she felt like such a little girl because she was so young. She laughed when Albus told her that she would need a head start. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. He may think that he was better than her, but she'd show him! Or at least that was the plan anyway. She tossed the Quaffle around before finally answering the question that her brother had asked her a few minutes earlier regarding the detention that she had just mentioned.

"Apparently my skirt was too short in potions," she said, shrugging, "Professor Malfoy wanted me to come to his classroom for detention."

She flushed a slight pink color because even saying her Professor's name made her feel all tingly inside. She really was downright obsessed with him and she wanted him to fall in love with her so badly. She and her brother tossed around the Quaffle for a little while longer before she decided she had to get going. She landed her broom and put her things away.

As soon as Albus was back on the ground she gave him a nice, loving hug because he was her brother. She did her best to angle herself so her breasts weren't pressed up against him, but it was way too difficult because of their size and the fact she couldn't really give him a good hug without doing so. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading to the potions classroom. Unfortunately she didn't have much time to change so she just decided to leave her Quidditch robes on.

She rapped at the door and called in, "Professor Malfoy? Are you there?"
Albus shook his head in disbelief. He didn't know about her little crush on Professor Malfoy, something that was definitely for the best. He wasn't crazy about Scorpius, but could at least write him off as harmless. Malfoy, on the other hand, was a former Death Eater and general pain in the ass. Lilly knew he had no interest in hearing positive things about him. "Your skirt was too short?" He reared back and threw the Quaffle at her more fiercely.

"So...is Professor Malfoy taking the opportunity to pick on his rival's daughter or is your Slytherin influence just leading you to break the rules? Or maybe now you need help dressing yourself? I could help with that."

Chuckling to himself as he noticed her blushing now, he landed and approvingly accepted the hug, slipping a hand around to the small of her back and pressing in, pushing their centers together, inevitably causing her breasts to mash slightly against him as well.


Professor Malfoy opened the door to the Potions classroom where he'd instructed her to report for detention. Looking her over, he raised an eyebrow in skepiticism. "Dressing appropriately is not a strength of yours, is it?"
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