Plaything of the Hutt (Naomi David/Kalu)


May 12, 2009
Nal Hutta, the name meant "Glorious Jewel" in Huttese, the native language of the species that now controlled the planet. Nal Hutta was the capital of Hutt Space and was located in the Y'Toub system. The planet was controlled by the Grand Council which was comprised of members from the various Hutt clans or kajidics.

However, once one landed on Nal Hutta it became clear that the planet was neither glorious nor was it a jewel. Originally the planet was a lush jungle world with vast oceans but it soon became a polluted and barren wasteland once the Hutts took it over. Now much of the planet's surface was covered with flat, marshy bogs, muddy puddles, and sickly marsh grass. Even its atmosphere was polluted but the planet was still able to be inhabited. Several of its animals soon developed ways to survive the pollution caused by the Hutts. The Hutts build all kinds of palaces, pleasure gardens, and clan houses all over the planet.

The Hutts themselves were primarily gangsters and slavers. They saw themselves as vastly superior to other creatures. The various Hutts clans also took every opportunity they could to stab each other in the backs. They did not get along and did not trust one another.

The capital city of the planet was Bilbousa, which was a large port city. The Bilbousa bazaar and spaceport were points of interest in the city. Bilbousa was also where the Hutt Grand Council was located and from there the Hutts also ruled Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa which was also known as the Smuggler's Moon.

Kalu Desilijic Tronus, was the head of the Desilijic clan...a clan notorious for its members interest in humanoid females, extravagant tastes, hedonism and expensive palaces. The Desilijic clan was one of the most ruthless of all the Hutt clans and were the bitter enemies of the Besadii clan.

Kalu had built his palace outside of Bilbousa. It was a large structure, meant make anyone who saw it feel small and worthless. Four spires surrounded the structure and served as watch towers. The structure itself was round in design and a brownish-gold in color. From here Kalu controlled his various criminal enterprises and was always looking to form new alliances and deals with anyone who had no scruples about forming an alliance with a notorious crime kingpin.

The Hutt himself was currently awaiting the arrival of a slave girl he had just recently purchases. The slime on his skin seemed to glisten slightly as the dim lighting from his palace shone on his body. Kalu settled back in his throne and puffed on his hookah.

It was bad to be a female Twi'lek, for more often then not, you were sold into slavery. Indeed, Aola Ven was one of those unfortunate female Twi'leks to be sold into slavery. And she had the misfortune of being sold to a Hutt to add insult to injury. She would have been happier... Or at least, less repulsed, if she had been sold to a human, they didn't have a horrid appearance like Hutts did.

Instead, she had been bought as if she was a mere object in a store rather than a sentient being, and she was suffering the indignity of being put into a cage and pretty much being boxed up with a bow on top like a present for her new Master. She had to be of extreme value to the Hutt, she had many guards surrounding her cage as she was brought before the Hutt. Privately, she was wondering how many credits she was worth to the Hutt.
Kalu smirked as he watched the cage being brought in and laughed at the sight of the bow on top of the cage, causing his rolls of fat to quiver and jiggle like jelly. His large red eyes looked the scantily clad, blue Twi'lek girl inside and made no mood to hide his lust. Considering that she was a Twi'lek and he was a Hutt, she must already have a pretty good idea about what he wanted with her.

His thick, dripping tongue poked out his mouth and he nodded to his guards. One stepped forward and opened the cage...reaching in to grab Aola. Once he was able to get a grab on her, he would then move to shove her towards Kalu, where the Hutt sat eagerly awaiting the press of her body to his own slimy girth. Kalu was drooling freely now as he kept waving his hands as if telling his guards to hurry up.
Aola Ven was exquisitely angry at how she was being laughed at by the Hutt. One would assume that she would have abandoned hope by now, to have resigned herself to a life of pleasuring a Hutt, but she was always the odd one. She hated being given orders, she hated being told what to do, she was a free spirit.

Oh, yuck, she had the misfortune of seeing his horrible tongue roll out of his mouth. She dug her heels in when she was grabbed after her cage was opened, and she continued to dig her heels in to slow the inevitable. Gross... His body was super slimy, so disgusting!
Kalu narrowed his eyes at Aola as she dug in her heels. Like all Hutts, he wasn't known for his patience. He growled deep in his throat and the guard continued to struggle to drag the Twi'lek in before him. Eventually he was successful and was able to press Aola to the Hutt. The grotesque crime lord trembled and sighed with pleasure but still kept his eyes narrowed at his newest slave girl.

"I can see I'll need to teach you some manners," he rumbled.

His tongue poked out again and this time it smeared itself along her cheek. With a wave of his hand, another guard walked forward to clip a collar and chain around Aola's neck, moving to hand the chain to Kalu who grasped it in his meaty hand.
His body was so gross, she was wondering if he even knew what a bath was, or if he even knew what soap was, because he smelled horrible, too. She made a face when he told her he'd need to teach her manners first, and looked angry when he had one of his guards clip a collar and leash to her.
Kalu smirked at the face Aola made when he said he'd need to teach her some manners and he laughed again as the angry look spread across her pretty face. The Hutt settled back in his throne, still holding onto her chain before turning to face his musicians were huddled off in one corner of the throne room. Although he had written a contract for them to perform for him and did give them some money, they were little more than slaves. Soon his band broke off into a slow, exotic tune for the Twi'lek girl to dance to.

"Dance for me," he rumbled.
Aola hated the chain on her neck, how very tempting it was to wrap it around his neck, and strangle him... And she had the physical strength to do it, but she was so very outnumbered and outarmed, she had no weapons on her. She grudgingly obeyed his command, knowing, wanting to have time to bide to figure out how to escape this nightmare.
Kalu settled back in his throne, grinning as he watched Aola dancing before him. The Hutt gave another tug on her chain...wanting to draw her in closer to himself once again. He wanted to feel her body brushing against his slimy wall of flesh every once in a while. He was looking her over lustfully and he knew his guards were doing the exact same thing. He was in a good mood and he planned on letting his guards have her for a bit once he was finished with the Twi'lek beauty.
Aola did her hardest to hold back a shiver of disgust when the Hutt tugged on her chain, she was once again subjected to the misfortune of her body having to touch his slimy, filthy body. She wondered if he ever took a bath, or was ever clean, or didn't smell bad, just once. Ugh.
Kalu laughed at her disgust and he looked Aola up and down lustfully, drooling some. His hands reached up to run up her body...working on yanking off her metal bikini top. The Hutt tossed the top off to the side leaned in and began to lick at her bare breasts teasingly and playfully. His hands ran up and down her body.
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