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Camping With The Guys [Ten & Prince]


Jun 5, 2014
"I think I'm addicted to naked pictures and sittin' talking bout bitches that we almost had..."

Max was driving to the rendezvous point where the guys would be waiting for her, rapping a long with the music that blasted from her car, throwing up gang signs as she did so. She was excited, it had been well over a year since she'd last seen her bro's, she couldn't wait to kick back and relax, like they'd always done before she'd left. Her parents had decided over a year ago to travel the world, go to most of the famous cities and places and unfortunately she was forced to leave her life behind and go with. The travels wouldn't have taken so long if only her parents hadn't decided to DRIVE from point to point, the only time they took a plane was when there was a sea between them and their destinations and so she was forced to do home schooling for a year, unable to make friends are do anything normal teenagers did because she was always on the road.

Now, finally after what seemed like forever she was back in town and the thought of a camping trip with the guys seemed like a godsend. They'd all just finished their senior year at high school and this weekend was their celebration for graduating and for the boys winning every soccer match for the entire school year, walking away champions. She was disappointed that she hadn't been there to watch any of them, especially since a few years ago she'd be the one playing soccer with them around the neighbourhood. Finally she rounded a corner to see the boys and their cars all waiting in the parking lot and she pulled, music still blasting up until she switched the car off and stepped out to greet her bro's.

Over the past year and a half, Max had changed a lot, it seemed as if puberty finally decided to hit the late bloomer and the androgynous boy/girl had filled out quite well. No longer was she flat chested and flat-assed, but instead her hips had broadened, ass had grown and breasts had blown up to quite a substantial size. Her breasts annoyed her, they made movement a bit harder but luckily that's what sports bras were for, and those were the only kind she wore. A long with her body growing and developing curves, another very noticeable change in her appearance was her hair, no longer was it the super short pixie cut that made her look like a pretty boy, but instead her mother had forced her to grow it out over the year, leaving her with long wavy warm brown hair that reached half way down her back when it wasn't tied up, which wasn't very often.

Even though her body had changed drastically, Max still felt and behaved exactly the same as they'd remember, just one of the guys. She didn't even consider for a moment that her appearance would be noted or affect the group in anyway. Even her dress sense remained the same as they'd surely notice. She wore a pair of baggy black basketball shorts that reached just below her knee, a matching baggy basketball vest that concealed most of her newly developed assets, her new well endowed chest almost completely indistinguishable if not for the protrusions, some high-top sneakers and her hair pulled out of her face and into a tight high ponytail. Beneath her clothes she wore the same type of underwear as always, a sports bra and woman's briefs, both plain black. She'd never been one for girly lingerie.

"Sup bitches!" was the first thing that escaped her lips as she approached her sorely missed friends, her bag in one hand and her other reaching out to fist bump the guys. "Hope you guys didn't have too much fun with out me." she teased.
Dylan was waiting with Javy, his co-captain on the soccer team in the nearly empty parking lot. The other three guys had decided to head up to the campground minutes earlier, bored of waiting for their unexpected surprise sixth guest. Dylan had his backpack loaded and ready to go and was sitting with Javy on the hood of their Jeep with rap music blasting from the car speaker. Both of them were already drinking beers, cans of which made up the bulk of the weight in their backpacks. Their clothes were also similar, flip flops, board short style trunks and tee shirts, with flat brimmed baseball hats on.

"It'll be cool to see Max... I wonder if she's changed?" Dylan asked Javy after taking a swig of his Coors Light.

"Nah, that gurl can never change. Total tomboy. Probably the only girl that would want to go camping with five guys," replied Javy. "What, you think she suddenly is all hot and into you finally? That's like wanting to fuck a dude.. you gay bro?"

"Fuck off Javy. Not Shit when she left we were still pretty young... ya know, not partying much.. no one was fucking. This has been a big year... maybe she'll think we are all freaks now!"

"Haha, just you man. You the only freak."

Just then a familiar car turned the corner and entered the dusty parking lot. Dylan got down to wave, unnecessarily as the two were easy to spot, and the car pulled up next to them before Max hopped out with an enthusiastic greeting.

"'Sup bitch to you!" exclaimed Dylan, rushing up to give Max a fist bump with a huge smile on his face.

"'Sup baby!" interjected Javy as he came up behind Dylan, eying Max's figure appraisingly. Being half-Mexican, he liked to play off the fact that Latinos were more extroverted and hugging girls at school was now a popular greeting for him. He ignored Max's fist and wrapped her in a big hug, the squeeze confirming his suspicions that her loose and baggy top was hiding some new developments in her body. Shit, those felt pretty big....

"Easy Javy," grumbled Dylan, sulking slightly at Javy's more enthusiastic greeting that had upstaged him.

Javy released Max, but let his hand linger on her hip as he smiled at her. "Damn girl, you all grown up now."

Dylan's eyes roamed Max at Javy's comment and narrowed as he started to finally notice some of the differences that Javy had already spotted. The clothes were the same, basketball shorts and a baggy top. Plus the hat. But there were curves there she didn't have last year. Both around the hip and around the chest.... interesting.

"The other guys went to set up camp, let's get going and catch up while hiking up the trail. It'll be dark in a couple hours and we should get there in time for a swim or something," Dylan said, snapping his eyes back up to Max's and a fresh smile on his face. Little Max had grown up it seemed!
It didn't take Max a long time to see that the boys had changed too, well not too much, they just looked bigger and older and buffer. They were both still good looking, as they'd always. As she fist bumped Dylan she returned the bright smile he was giving her, figuring he was just glad to see his friend, until she was interrupted by Javy's tight hug, she felt her smaller body press into his large muscled one but her arms didn't return the hug, instead she just looked up at the sky awkwardly as she waited for it to end. It was weird hugging her bro's, but she figured that he'd just missed her too.

When Javy finally released her and spoke she took a step backwards and out of the reach of his hand, replying with a roll of her green eyes, "So have you too, probably still can't play for shit though." she teased playfully, she was well aware that they were great soccer players. After Dylan suggested they leave she nodded and pulled her backpack onto her shoulders as they began their hike.

"So, how was 'senior year'?" she asked, emphasising the words as if she was an announcer. It wasn't as if she hadn't spoken to them at all over the past year, she just hadn't seen them, but still it seemed like the right question to ask to fill the silence. Just from being around the guys she felt more relaxed, it had been far too long. She took in a deep breath and released it as she walked, trying to push the hug out of her mind, the truth was that Max had always had a little crush on the guys and she was ashamed of it, bro's didn't crush on bro's. She buried it deep down though, almost completely hidden beneath her desire to keep the friendships going. Besides, the guys had probably assumed that she was a lesbian a long time ago, since she never expressed any signs of attraction to men and would often join in when they spoke about girls. She wasn't the type of girl they liked anyway, not girly, pretty and always in need of a man's help. No, Max was far from that.
The three friends set off on the fire road eager to catch up. The trail to their campground diverged a short distance from the parking lot and wrapped around to the far side of the lake where there was a more remote, and less popular, campsite for hikers.

Dylan couldn't help but notice the differences in Max's body now that Javy had pointed them out. She seemed the same from a personality standpoint, but there was just no denying she was a woman. And it looked like a fairly attractive one under those baggy clothes! When he'd run the idea of inviting Max to join them, all the guys had said yes remembering the tomboy that used to blend in so well. It would be interesting to see how the other three were going to react to this new version of Max when they reached the campsite.

"Senior year? It went well... I mean, even Dylan finally got laid! Did you hear?' answered Javy to Max's question. "Yeah... Dylan finally got some girl to do more than give him a handjob! Unbelievable right!"

'Fuck off Javy," replied Dylan with a flip of his middle finger. "And Javy probably got three new STD's this year with all the skank ho's he's banged."

"Don't hate the player...." answered Javy with a wink at Max.

"What about you Max?" asked Dylan with a smile. "Anything new in your love life?"

Javy cocked his head at the question as well, eager to see what Max had to say. He was the most promiscuous of the group, and had been for a while. The combination of his confidence, some might call it arrogance, and good looks had made senior year his most successful ever, in terms of fucking girls. He had his game down cold at this point, but Max was an interesting new development. How did one make the moves on someone who had been viewed almost like a male friend until now? Someone who called bullshit on him like any other guy?
Max followed nearby the two handsome young men, every now and then shooting curious glances at them, at the way their clothes clung to their large muscular bodies. It seemed as if she wasn't the only one that changed, the guys were young men now, though they still seemed to behave exactly the same as she remembered. She let out a laugh as they teased each other, same old, well except instead of just talking about sex they were actually doing it now, something Max had yet to do. The boys may have thought she was into girls, but she wasn't and at the same time her boyish-ness wasn't very attractive to most guys.

At Javy's wink she responded with a simple smile and shake of the head, what was up with him? She barely had time to try and answer her own question when the attention was turned to her causing her to look up and see Dylan and Javy looking back at her expectantly. She stopped moving for a moment as she realised that she was behind on the sex thing, another thing she wouldn't be able to trade stories about with the guys...and she knew how often sex came up as a topic, a lot, or was it different now that they were older?

After a brief moment of pause she simply let out a laughing breath and began walking again, pretending to be focusing on the path ahead when infact she was avoiding eye-contact with them, "Psh. You mean between the endless hours on the road with just my parents?...Yeah, lot's of opportunities there." she said, covering her slight embarrassment with sarcasm as she shrugged, "But, whatever..." she said, hoping the conversation would go elsewhere, preferably on a topic she could participate in without feeling awkward.
Dylan and Javy both noticed Max's sudden reticence on the topic of sex and dating. The lack of eye contact and the feeble attempt to change the subject made the two boys glance at each other behind Max's back and exchange little, knowing grins. Max was still a virgin. It didn't even need to be said out loud, the signs were obvious especially since they knew her so well.

"I see.. no time, must have been a long, hard year. Well maybe not 'hard'', perhaps 'hard' is what you were missing?" joked Dylan, suddenly eager to rib her on this topic.

They'd made sex cracks before with her, but that had been... different. She had been one of the guys and her boyish figure had made her almost safe to joke with.

"Yeah, I mean Max, you went a year and got no play at all? Not even some fooling around... ya know, maybe someone fingering you? Licking some pussy?" joked Javy, purposely trying to increase the raunch level to see how Max would react.

"Hopefully you had some time alone to blow off some pressure!" added Dylan, chuckling.

It was a strange feeling, this kind of conversation would have backfired with a normal girl, but with Max you could get away with it under the assumption she thought she could take anything the boys could dish at her. Dylan and Javy were eager to see how she responded.
The short reprieve had Max thinking that they were done on the topic of sex, but she should have known better than to think they'd let her get off with it that easily and not a moment later she heard Dylan's voice and knew exactly what was coming, the imminent teasing. "Shut up." she laughed back at his first comment followed by a similar though slightly more intense "Shut up!" to Javy's comment and then finally, "Oh My God! Shut up!...Assholes!" she yelled back at them, still laughing slightly.

Any other girl probably would have been offended or gotten upset about the teasing, but Max was one of the guys and was well aware that teasing was a big part of the group dynamic. It was almost as if they were obligated to give each other shit about stuff, but even with this understanding, the teasing felt different this time, perhaps it was the fact that they were referring specifically to her and her womanly parts in such a raunchy way. It was weird to hear them talk about her like she was a girl and what was worse was that she had no way of returning the mockery because she had no experience on the topic of sex. She'd spent a lot of time masturbating over the past year, it seemed that her late development was accompanied by her teenage hormones and she found herself horny almost all the time, but she wasn't going to tell the guys any of that.

The sun was bearing down on them as they hiked towards the camping spot and Max could already feel a thin layer of sweat forming on her skin, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand and rearranging her baseball cap to block the better protect her face from the sun's rays. She hoped that Derrick, Carl and Mitch would be less enthusiastic to tease her than Dylan and Javy were, she doubted that any of them were sexually inactive enough to draw the attention off of her. All five of them were very attractive, charming and talented in their own way and it probably wasn't very hard for them to get girls.
"A little touchy, huh? Just cause you ain't getting any you don't have to be a hater," said Javy laughing at Max's obvious discomfort.

The one thing that had changed since Max had hung out with them was that sex was no longer a theoretical concept. All of the boys were fucking, and Javy was fucking a lot. Good natured ribbing was a bit more awkward when you were the only one that had no experience in the subject matter!

"Allright, fine Max.. we won't make fun of you because you are a virgin," Dylan said, knowing just saying it again out loud was further embarrassment for Max. "Besides, for girls its not bad to you know.. be a whore like Javy."

"Fuck you Dylan," replied Javy. "I ain't no whore."

"Tell that to those two girls you fucked one after the other during the same party!" replied Dylan, chuckling. It was a fun to throw Javy under the bus a bit, but also shrewd planning for Dylan. He didn't like the way Javy had been eying Max's ass and sweaty legs and sensed that if the nature of the friendship with Max was changing for anyone, he had to make sure that Javy was not the guy to beat him to exploring Max's new feminine side.

"Whatever... yo Max.. you brought a tent I hope?" asked Javy suddenly.

Dylan groaned and realized she might not of. He had told her that they had all the gear required.

"Shit, we just have this one big six person tent..."
Max said nothing to Javy's little comment, simply shaking her head slightly as she kept her gaze on the path ahead, green eyes scanning the lush wilderness that surrounded them, pretending to enjoy the view when in fact she was just avoiding the conversation. So maybe things weren't going to be exactly as they were, it seemed like this sex thing might become a continuous problem for her...great.

Then, as if to confirm her suspicions, Dylan went out to call her the 'V' word, causing Max's head to hang in shame at the accusation. She didn't have a problem with being a virgin, the problem was that she was no longer on their level, she felt as if she'd been left behind in some self-deprecating way. When Dylan turned his attention to Javy, calling him a whore and going on to tease him about sleeping with two girls at the same party, Max felt her mouth twitch at the ends but she stifled the smile and laugh, not wanting the attention back on her.

Even though she hadn't been around for a long time, the story didn't surprise her at all. Javy had always been the bad boy of the group, so in all honesty his active sex life was to be expected, he certainly had the arrogance part down. She couldn't help but smile as she thought on Dylan's comment, most people would say it was the complete opposite, but of course the guys liked the idea of girls being whores. Max did share the opinion though, sort of. She didn't see any reason that men should be encouraged allowed to sleep around while women couldn't.

"Tent? But you said..." she began as Dylan asked about the tent but was cut off as he seemed to answer his own question, frowning slightly at his groan. "What? No one wants to share a tent with the virgin?" she said sarcastically. She didn't see what the problem was, there were six of them and they had a six person tent. A soft sigh escaped her lips, was it because she was a girl? That had never been a problem before. At that thought she felt a small trickle of uncertainty run through her.
"Nah, we are fine with that... Dylan is just a prude and doesn't want you to see his small cock," replied Javy. He knew what Dylan was trying to do and the best plan was to go on the offensive as well. Dylan as likely his main competition as the two of them were closest to Max and the alpha males of the this group. And of all their areas of competition, girls was definitely the one that Javy held the edge. He wasn't going to let his skinnier co-captain maneuver in on Max, if the opportunity presented itself.

"You don't have a problem with us all sleeping naked, right?" added Javy mischievously.

"Dude... that image is so gross... it's not even funny," said Dylan faking a sick look. "Really the issue is Javy's farting. We'll just kick him out if it becomes a problem."

Some motion in the trees ahead caused Dylan to slow down and he gestured for Javy to do the same. The distance between Max and the two boys grew as she continued unaware.

Suddenly, three figures jumped out from the side of the trail, screaming bloody murder as they ran at Max. Derrick, Carl and Mitch had been hiding behind two large trees at the final bend before the campsite, waiting to surprise Max.

Cries of "Got you bitch!" and "You scream like a girl!" rang out as the three other boys surrounded her, exchanging fist bumps and in Carl's case a playful ass slap and cry of "Day-um Max got some booty now!". Derrick was the smallest of the five guys, black with dreadlocks and a star forward known for his blazing speed. Carl was the resident clown of the bunch. A big defender, but mostly known for his willingness to do any stupid dare given to him and for having a perpetually goofy personality. And finally Mitch was the goalie, tall and the quietest of the three.
Max just continued walking as the boys started teasing each other again, shaking her head and laughing under her breath. The image of her sleeping in a tent, tightly packed between the five naked boys crossed her mind but just as quickly as it appeared she shook her head and got rid of it. Things were already going to be a bit awkward with her being behind on a year of happenings and of course the darn virgin thing wasn't going to make it any easier. The last thing she needed was to throw girlish thoughts of how she was alone in the woods with five attractive guys into the pot of awkward topics.

She'd been lost in thoughts about how if it had been any other girl, the five guys and one girl in the middle of the woods probably would have been the only thing on her mind, be it for good or bad reasons, but luckily Max wasn't any other girl. Then, suddenly there was a loud outburst from the bushes just beside her which caused her heart to do a little jump along with her body as she balled her fists up and raised them infront of her as if she was going to punch someone, which is exactly what she would have done if the boys hadn't been out of reach.

"FUCK! You guys, I thought I was about to be cougar meat!" she growled as she realised it was the rest of the guys, a nervous laugh escaping her lips as they approached, teasing her as she greeted them, a slight wince as she felt Carl slap her ass and comment on it. "Shut up." she laughed as she turned to see Dylan and javy approaching from a distance, her eyes narrowing knowingly, "Douches...all of you!" she said with another laugh.

"How've you assholes been?" she asked, now finally calmed down from the massive fright they'd given her as she followed them back to their campsite which was only a dozen footsteps away. She paused for a moment to take in the view of the lake, wiping some sweat from her brow for a second time as she did, the hike had been bearable, the sun...less so, as was evident by the thin layer of sweat that covered her mostly concealed body.
"Welcome to Camp Fuckwads" said Carl, giving a mock bow and gesturing with his hands to show Max the campsite. "In the cooler we have a full assortment of beverages.... beer, light beer, more beer and a couple bottles of water for Mitch."

"Fuck you Carl."

"We have a campfire here with a log and three stumps to sit on," continued Carl getting into giving Max the tour. "We have open air bathroom facilities on all sides, please be careful about poison ivy. And lastly we have our shelter, one luxurious Walmart special tent for six very close friends or three couples."

The tent definitely looked cozy.

"Day-um we all are sleeping in that? Maybe I'll sleep outside," grumbled Derrick.

"You are free to, but we don't have any other mats other than the big one in the tent," replied Carl giving Derrick a sad face. "So no farting and we'll put the girl on the side next to me to keep her safe from all of your perverts. Don't worry Max, I'll protect you... I'll be your big spoon!"

Javy had pulled his shirt off, revealing his rock hard body. The guy had a sick six-pack and never minded showing it off.

"Let's go for a swim, I'm hot!" the latino dreamboat said, eying Max with a look that might make her question whether he was referring to the temperature or his body. "The lake is right down this trail."

The other guys were soon stripping off their shirts. The rest had on trunks already, except for Carl who turned and dropped his shorts, mooning the entire group to catcalls and shouts of disgust, while rummaging through his backpack to grab some trunks. His bright white ass was glowing in painful contrast to the rest of his skin which was tanned after a season of practicing shirtless on the soccer field.

"Last one in is a total fucking loser!" shouted Derrick, sprinting down the trail easily ahead of everyone.
Max let out a little laugh at Carl's very unconvincing tour guide persona, he had always been the clown of the group and certainly seemed like he hadn't changed. Infact, Derrick and Mitch felt as familiar as they always did, the only difference being that they all seemed far bigger, buffer and more handsome than she remembered. Only now did Max realise how small she was in comparison to her five friends, a fact that she cursed in her mind though it couldn't be helped, she was a girl after all, no matter how much she tried to deny it.

Several more laughs escaped her lips during the 'tour' and of course Carl finished off by teasing her about being a girl like he always did, "Sure you don't mean 'tiny spoon'?" she teased, smirking at him before her attention was drawn to something else, something...breathtaking.

Her green eyes widened ever so slightly as her gaze met with Javy's bare muscled body, he was quite literally ripped and sexy as hell. When he spoke Max caught herself watching him and quickly shook her head as if he'd said something stupid. God, he's hot! she heard the voice in her head shout and try as she might, Max couldn't bring herself to disagree, so instead she turned her head in order to avoid eyeing Javy anymore and was greeted by even more sexy, topless, muscled bodies. Oh god... Her heart sped up slightly as Max felt her body heating up at the sight of them all, she may have been 'one of the guys' but her raging teenage hormones certainly weren't.

She let out another short laugh as Carl dropped his pants, turning away only to be greeted with the sight of Mitch's tall hard body, she turned again and there was Derrick's in all chocolate splendour and then finally her green eyes came to rest on Dylan, lingering on his bare form for a while, watching as his muscles just beneath his skin.

Max had long since been holding her breath, though she doubted anyone had noticed, but now she found herself biting her lip nervously, her body flaring with arousal while she tried in vain to douse the flames. She watched gratefully as Derrick shouted, sprinting towards the lake with an impressive speed, her attention on the topless bodies finally broken as she reached down and pulled her baggy basket ball vest over her head, taking her baseball hat and hair band with it.

The top disappeared to reveal a very curvy upper body, a thin waist that widened at the hips, toned abs and a black sports bra which, while not too revealing, would certainly have erased any lingering uncertainty of Max's 'development'. Her hair fell freely around her face and down her back in long deep brown waves that glowed as they caught the rays of the sun, the new length was probably the most feminizing change in Max's development from androgynous tomboy to young woman, though it certainly wasn't unrivaled by the rest of the changes. Lastly she dropped her basketball shorts which fell into a dark pile at her feet as she effortlessly stepped out of them to reveal firm toned legs and thighs, a long with an equally firm yet plump behind wrapped in a pair of tight black briefs.

Max reached her hands over her head as she stretched her body out in preparation for the swim. Her back arched, pushing her chest out and plump ass out whilst revealing the slight outline of her ribs beneath her warm coloured skin before she finally returned to her normal posture, pulling a strand of her long hair from her face as she began to make her way towards the lake, in no rush.

As she walked towards the water, she couldn't help but feel grateful for it, she was sweaty and hot, in more ways than one after seeing her friends sexy shirtless bodies. A dip in the lake was exactly what she needed in order to cool herself and gather her wits. Even as she walked she cursed her teenage hormones for their reaction to the guys muscled bodies.
Dylan lingered the longest, eyes on Max and wondering if she was going to change somewhere. He'd seen her embarrassment as the guys had started stripping in front of her, Carl literally going bare assed before them. Her head had swiveled from Javy, her eyes almost bulging at the latino's chiseled form, and apparently found no relief anywhere she looked in the athletic, muscled and toned forms of the five soccer playing friends. Dylan had given her a little grin as she had settled on him, sensing her turmoil.

It was going to be a lot rougher for the former tomboy to be one of the boys when they'd all grown up in the last year!

"I guess you'll be the loser!" Dylan joked as he turned and jogged after the other boys. As much as he would have liked to have stayed and watch Max pull the basketball top off that her fingers were resting on the bottom of, he figured she might want some privacy if she did have to change outfits or something.

The lake was refreshingly cold, but tolerable, and Dylan followed the other's lead and just dived in after running through the shallows. Surfacing, he was treading water with the other guys when he heard their banter lessen and their faces turn to the shore. There was a mix of shock and awe on their faces, like something terrible was happening. Spinning, Dylan watched Max heading down the trail towards the lake and knew exactly what they were feeling.

Max had definitely grown up.

Their former tomboy was all girl now. Everything from the long hair that bounced behind her to the endless curves that the tall girl now offered up from apparently every angle. Wearing a set of black briefs and a sports bra, she wasn't exactly in the sexiest possible swimwear, but her body more than made up for it in the eyes of the five horny teenage boys that watched her stride towards them. She was a total fucking bombshell. A hottie that any one of them would gladly violate the bro code and cock block to claim as their own.

And she was sleeping in the tent with them all weekend.

Some unspoken ripple of acknowledgement passed through the five guys, like the ripples in the water around their splashing bodies. Game was on. Every man for himself. May the best man win.
"I guess so." Max said with a laugh as Dylan ran off towards the lake, a loud sigh of relief escaping her lips, finally she had a moment to breath. When she finally neared the lake she noticed that all the splashing and noises coming from the guys had quietened completely and looked up curiously to find all five at them staring in her direction. The combined attention caused her to freeze on the spot for a moment, a worried expression crossing her face as she looked behind herself to see what they were staring at, but she saw nothing. She felt a sudden shiver run up her spine, were they staring at her? Had she done something? Was she falling into another one of their traps?

"What's going on?" she asked as she returned her attention to the guys and strode into the lake, disappearing beneath the surface for a moment before emerging again and running her hands through her hair. "Thank god. I was overheating." she said as she enjoyed the feeling of the cool water on her skin.
"We are just surprised you are wearing clothes," joked Carl, seizing the awe inspired silence of his lust struck friends as an opportunity to grab the spotlight with another joke. "I mean, we are all skinny dipping and left our trunks by the trees!"

Carl found humor as the best way to deflect social awkwardness. He hated it when people were all serious and intense, and took his role as the group clown with a sense of duty. That didn't mean he wasn't just as interested in exploring this new, very feminine side of Max as any of the other guys. Rather, he just used humor as his weapon to hit on girls. Get them laughing, make them think you are funny, get close to them and soon they'll be falling in your lap.

Their approaches were all different. Javy might take his shirt off, flex and stare at a girl with his sultry, latin eyes. Dylan would smooth talk them and play off his own good looks and more classic American appearance, the quintessential homecoming king type jock. Derrick would subtly brag about his cock size (it couldn't be that big, right?) and go after girls that liked his dreads and dancing ability, especially white girls looking for something more taboo. And finally Mitch was the strong silent type, hoping to magnetically attract the girls that didn't like aggressive courting by cornering them for intimate conversations with his soul searching eyes.

Carl's tack was unique from his friends, and one that he hoped would play well with Max. After all, she had a sense of humor and had always laughed at Carl's jokes. If she was going to break her tomboy relationship with the five guys, it would be with the one she felt comfortable with, right? The one that could make her feel the least awkward about giving in...

"Don't worry, I can help you get them off..." said Carl, wading closer to the dripping wet girl with a smirk. Damn, she looked incredible like this, water glistening on her creamy skin and her back arched slightly as she wrung excess out of her hair. Those breasts were naturally perked forward, rising just above the waterline and drawing the eyes of all five guys like moths to a flame. His hands came up towards those tempting melons in a mock show of help, but he planned on using it as an excuse to grab her and wrestle a bit before giving her a dunking. Who wouldn't want to get their arms around Max after seeing her like this?!

The question was, how could he let go?
Max simply rolled her eyes at Carl's words as she moved closer to the group of handsome young men, all of their eyes still on her, making her feel a bit uncomfortable. What about her could possibly be so interesting that continued to watch her in silence? The more she thought about it, the more she realised she hadn't a clue what their reasons could be. Had Dylan and Javy told the rest of the guys that she was a virgin? Was that it? Max shrugged the thought off, deciding it best to ignore their gazes until the hurdle had been passed.

Carl was the only one who didn't seem to be rooted in place as Max watched him slowly stalk towards her, arms outstretched as he offered to 'help' her out of her clothes. Her eyebrow raised suspiciously as he got closer, although she stood her ground until he was only a step away, the mischievous look of the young man's face making her step back, "Carl, what are you doing?" she asked in a warning tone as she took another step back, "Dude!" she started, but it was too late, Carl lunged and had her in his grasp as she tried in vain to break free of his grip.

Water splashed about as the bigger and stronger young man swung Max around a few times, his body pressed tightly against hers and arms wrapped firmly around her as he continued to mess around before dunking her. She came up with a short gasp of air, still in Carl's grasp, "Dude, come on. We're not nine anymore!" she laughed as she pressed her ass roughly into him and forced herself free of his grasp before turning to look at him, a small laugh escaping her lips and she ran her hand through her wet hair, pulling it out of her face and over her head. "Ass!" she added with a splash of water directed at his face.

"Yes it is a nice one!" Carl had jibed back at Max, not missing a beat as the girl splashed him.

The feeling of the suddenly all grown up tomboy in his hands had been delicious. Her wet but warm body had felt so curvy in his arms as he'd wrestled with her, fitting against him and sending a tingle through his skin that reached his cock. And that final thrust as she broke free, her much rounder and fuller ass pushing against what was a slowly waking cock, almost made him gasp. He couldn't get a woody right now, not with his bros around, so he was almost happy that Max wriggled free. A second longer of her squirming against him would have been unbearable!.

A glance at his friends showed Carl that they were already springing to action, not wanting to be outdone by Carl in flirting with Max. Javy was there first, sneaking up behind Max to wrap her waist up in his own strong arms. Instead of dunking her, he fell backward and dragged her with him, submerging both of them underwater and no doubt enjoying the same squirming fight of Max's scantily clad body against him that Carl had just experienced. Imitating bastard!

Dylan dove underwater to 'save' her, but Carl imagined he was going to find a way to accidentally get his own brush against Max as he wrestled her out of Javy's arms while beneath the surface of the lake.

"Yo, maybe we should all take off our trunks and see if she'll go along," said Derrick with a grin at Mitch and Carl as the water churned with the three friends wrestling with Max underneath.

"Yeah, so you can wave you black mamba around and scare her off?" joked Carl in reply.
Max barely had time to catch her breath after escaping Carl's grasp when she felt two large strong arms wrap tightly around her waist, pressing her back against hard muscled abs as they hoisted her up and pulled her backwards and beneath the water for a second time. Once again she tried in vain to free herself as whoever it was, continued to hold onto her beneath the water. Her weak attempts at escape were suddenly overpowered by another set of hands on her body as Max felt yet another large muscled body press against her front, shakes and tugs intensifying as the underwater wrestling match continued.

After a short while the three re-emerged, Max gasping for air as she did, only now realising what happened. Javy had pulled her under and Dylan had attempted to wrestle her back to the surface. She still found herself pinned between the two handsome men's large muscled bodies, the heat of their skin burning against hers and sending sensations straight into her womanhood. Her hands were resting on Dylan's hard chest when she finally realised what happened and forced both boys off and away from her, pushing each of them back with one hand and keeping her arms stretched out cautiously.

Her green eyes darted from Javy on her left to Dylan on her right, "Okay. Let's all stop trying to drown me." she said, still slightly out of breath. Each intake of air causing her well endowed chest to rise ever so slightly before dropping and rising once again. Her heart was beating rapidly, not from being dunked underwater but from the thought and feeling of being pinned between Dylan and Javy's large and strong bodies, the familiar flare of arousal burning deep inside of her. God, why was she like this, it had just between some playful wrestling, nothing to get excited over. But every glance at the handsome boys and their beautiful bodies only reminded her of the sensations she'd just experienced underwater.

Max may have noticed it before, but now she was overcome by the realisation of how much bigger the guys were compared to her. When they were younger she'd always been more or less on the same level and even when they'd grown and were bigger than her she'd never really felt small but now, everything had changed. Their large hard bodies had been pressed against her smaller, curvy frame and her attempts at fighting them off had been almost unnoticeable. Once again, Max had to face the realisation that they'd all grown up.
Dylan's impulsive decision to dive down after Max and Javy was motivated completely by jealously. He would freely admit it. The image of Javy grabbing his suddenly smoking hot friend, literally dragging her out of sight to do who knows what to her, was simply too much to bear. Javy, never known for subtlety, was making a statement that Dylan was not going to let go unchallenged. If he thought he would snatch up Max before Dylan's eyes, he would quickly learn that there was going to be a fight, even a war.

Of course, when Dylan finally found the pair, or rather when his questing hands found Max's squirming body, Javy was momentarily forgotten. All that mattered was the sweet feeling of Max in his own strong arms as he wrapped his hands behind her back above Javy's limbs. Dylan could feel Max pressed against him as he tightened his hug, her large breasts grinding and rubbing against his bare chest as she struggled between the two muscular boys that were literally in an underwater tug of war over her! Sandwiched between them, every one of her twists, turns and tugs was rubbing some delectable part of her nubile young body against one of the two boys. Beyond her breasts, her stomach was sliding against Dylan's abs, her legs were fluttering silkily between his own, and even their pelvis' bumping. Dylan's cock was thankfully soft, but the electric feeling of her thighs rubbing against his bulge threatened to change that. Dylan couldn't help but imagine how close he was to her core. If he was hard, how perfectly their hips were lined up and how easily it would be to bury himself deep into her.

Yes, this was a pretty nice position in which to have her and the fact that Javy was helping pin her didn't seem to bother Dylan, at least right now. Hidden behind her, Javy was almost completely irrelevant. More of an aid than a hindrance in fact. Working together, this might not be a bad position in which to share her. Javy could take her rear and Dylan the front. Although switching might be fun at some point...

What was he thinking?! His mind had gone down some dark hole and Dylan struggled to pull it back up. Max wasn't the kind of girl to let two guys fuck her at the same time. Hell, she was a virgin! And she thought of them like brothers. She probably was unlikely to let one guy even touch her on this trip. He had to get a grip.

Some residual vestige of self-control snapped Dylan back to reality and his feet found enough of the soft mud of the lake to guide the trio up to the surface. By some unspoken agreement due to lack of air, everyone cooperated and they burst out into the sunlight gasping for air together. Dylan and Javy were both grinning playfully as they held the object of their desires between them, with Dylan getting the benefit of Max facing him, her breasts in the thin, wet material of her sports bra pressing so tightly against his chest that he could feel her hard nipples like diamond nubs. Javy was also more than content, however, with Max's firm ass pressed into his crotch, his own cock nuzzling between her ripe ass cheeks in his trunks as they wobbled together in the unsteady shallow water.

They both let Max push them away, even though they could have kept their smaller friend pinned between them easily. In fact, while even one of them was strong enough to overwhelm her, the boys had a tacit realization, unspoken, that she was absolutely helpless against the two of them together. In any event, Dylan and Javy both didn't mind some distance. Any more of this teasing contact would threaten their dwindling self-control and the arousal she was causing would quickly be evident in their crotches. It was very dangerous, as hormone overloaded teenage boys, to wrestle with barely dressed girls for too long.

"What were you guys doing down there?" asked Carl with a laugh. "Who came first?"

"Yo, who else is going to go skinny dipping!" yelled Derrick, holding up his swim trunks in one hand as he stood in the waist deep water nearby. "Who's with me?"
Max may have been grateful for the air, but she was even more grateful for the space between the two muscled boys' bodies and her own. Their bulges pressing into her front and backside hadn't gone unnoticed, the very thought of them sent electric sensations through her body, sensations that she'd struggled to keep at bay until finally the boys had released her from the compromising position.

They seemed to accept her request for a ceasefire, none challenging her words by attempting to 'attack' her again and for that she was thankful. Another loud sigh of relief escaped her full lips as she lowered her arms, allowing herself to relax for a moment only for Carl to comment on them and cause her to roll her eyes and stick a middle finger up at him. "Shut up!" she laughed, still trying to make it seem like everything that was happening wasn't a big deal.

Her hand ran through her wet hair once again, pulling it over her head and out of her face as her attention turned to Derrick, curiously wondering what he was on about. But, when she heard the words 'skinny dipping' and saw the handsome young man holding his trunks in the air she visually stiffened, a small gasp as she realised she wasn't out of the woods yet. In fact, she was in the middle of the woods, both literally and figuratively.
Max didn't respond to Derrick's comment though, she wasn't about to volunteer to strip naked just because one guy did it, the rest of the boys were still in their trunks so she had no reason to feel pressured into it. Instead she just acted cool, emerald green eyes gazing off into the distance, enjoying the view as she tried to ignore the creeping thoughts of Derrick's naked body in the water only a short distance away from her.
"Damn Derrick.. it's like you want to show your fucking monster cock off anytime you see a girl!" yelled Carl, lunging forward and grabbing Derrick's trunks before wading quickly out of the lake holding the shorts up like a trophy. Derrick started after him, realized he would be naked and that no one else had joined him in stripping off, and stopped. A string of curses and threats came out of his mouth as Carl started to leisurely walk up the path towards camp.

Fighting back laughter, Mitch waded over and grabbed Max's elbow gently and gave her a little, protective push towards shore. In this testosterone filled scene with everyone half-dressed, he knew things could devolve quickly. He'd seen all of his friends literally tugging over Max, grabbing her, or trying to get her naked, and knew his horny teammates might spook the girl if they continued. Better to get Max more comfortable and try to get her to think of him as the safe protector. Mitch wasn't worried about being friendzoned, his long in development strategy of getting girls to trust him and think he was more genuine than his more flamboyant friends had worked well enough. When it came time, Mitch knew how to close the deal.

"Hey, let me escort you away from these barbarians. We should go up and set up the camp for dinner anyway," said Mitch as he helped Max towards shore. He added in a lower tone, just for her as he stared at her with his intense brown eyes, "You go away for a year, come back very attractive, and these clowns can't even figure out how to behave properly. Just be yourself and it will all be fine. I'll shield you until their hormones have returned to normal levels."

Dylan and Javy were both stunned as Mitch seemingly scooped Max out of their hands, but couldn't do more than agree that it was probably time to go back to camp. They followed Mitch and Max and left the cursing Derrick behind, who was no doubt trying to figure out if Carl was ever going to return.

"So... I hope you aren't regretting coming on this trip?" asked Mitch again quietly.
Max tried to stifle a laugh as she watched Carl snatch Derrick's trunks and run out of the water, leaving the cussing man naked in the lake with no means of escaping without flashing everyone. Unfortunately her attempt was unsuccessful and she let out a cute laugh that was a little more girlish than she'd have liked it to be. It seemed that even though they had grown up, there were still parts of the boys she'd spent her childhood with lingering, most notably their crazy antics and love of pranks.

She was surprised when, seemingly out of nowhere, Mitch appeared with a gently yet protective grasp on her arm and began guiding her to the lakeside. A friendly smile was granted to the tall soccer player as Max followed his lead. Mitch had always been the calmer, quieter one of the boys, sort of the rock of the entire group. Time spent around him in silence was never awkward, he just had a sort of comforting presence, something Max had always thought to be a great quality. "I'm not THAT different." she said, dismissing the subtle compliment he'd given her while still managing to stare at the ground and play with her hair shyly.

"So... I hope you aren't regretting coming on this trip?"

Another short yet sweet laugh escaped the young girl's lips at Mitch's comment, followed by a dismissing exhale of air, It'll take more than an underwater wrestling match and an anaconda to scare me off." she said confidently, "Remember, I'm tougher than I look." she said as she punched his muscled arm playfully, to emphasise her words. She of course had never seen Derrick's dick, but she played along with the guy's mentions of it's size by calling it an anaconda.

As the two of them stepped out of the water, Max's firm yet luscious lower body came back into view, it's entirety glistening with water droplets as the remaining rays of the sun hit them, adorning the young woman's curvy form. With each step her waist swayed slightly from side to side, a small yet noticeable jiggle on her firm yet large ass.
While Dylan, Javy and Derrick got to watch Max's luscious ass walk away, all of them unconsciously edging towards the shore to keep it in sight, Mitch had the privilege of escorting her back up the trail. He would have loved to have a view of that curvy, swinging rear as well, but consoled himself by stealing glimpses of her breasts, impressive even under that sports bra, as they chatted on the way back to camp.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll be subject to more hijinks tonight. Javy and Dylan are pretty competitive with the ladies these days, so they'll be trying to pull you in two directions. Derrick is always trying to impress with his, uhm, physical attributes. And Carl, well Carl is just Carl. If you want someone to shield you in the tent tonight, I'm happy to be your buffer. All I ask is that I get to be the big spoon!" joked Mitch as they continued.

It was good to catch up with her and they touched on other subjects of her year away before they suddenly were back in camp. Carl threw them two beers and got to work on building the fire while Mitch started getting dinner ready, hot dogs for tonight of course. And for breakfast tomorrow. And most likely lunch and dinner tomorrow as well. Javy and Evan arrived and helped drag over some logs to use as benches by the fireplace. Derrick waltzed in a minute later, making no effort to his naked body.

"If ya'll want to see the black snake, ya just got to ask!" announced Derrick as he strutted around the camp swinging his manhood in an exaggerated fashion. Mitch couldn't tell whether he'd fluffed ahead of time or not, but his flaccid dick did appear quite large, hanging down at least six inches despite no being hard. Carl eventually threw the black boy's shorts at him with a groan of disgust.

As they settled in, Dylan and Javy maneuvered carefully to plop down on either side of Max as they started cooking hot dogs on sticks over the campfire.

"Hey, wanna get high?" asked Carl with a mischievous grin.

"Is that a stupid question, or what?" replied Javy, grinning at Max to see how she was responding.
Mitch's words about the guys fighting over her like she was just some random girl drew a deep sigh from Max's lips, her emerald gaze moving to the ground. Had she really changed that much? In her mind she was still just 'one of the guys', or perhaps this was all part of some elaborate prank? She wouldn't put it past them, the guys did love a good laugh at a friend's expense after all.

"I wish you guys wouldn't think of me like that." she said softly, although more to herself than to Mitch. After that the conversation adopted a more casual atmosphere as the two old friends caught up on some details about the years events as they approached the campsite. As they arrived, Carl tossed them each a beer which Max wasted no time in taking a gulp of, the underwater wrestling match had worked up quite a thirst.

From there on, everyone seemed to shift into a relaxed work mode as Carl went about building a fire and Mitch began getting the food ready. "Hot dogs, of course." she said with a short laugh at how unsurprising the meal choice was. She helped here and there, passing anything that the guys might need onto them but for the most part she was just watching.

When Dylan and javy finally rejoined the group, they helped move some logs near the fire for them to sit on and Max wasted no time in planting her plump ass down in the middle of one of them, just in time to get an full view of Derrick's 'snake' at eye-level. At first her eyes widened in shock at the sheer size, which he proudly displayed, but after only a split second her hands went to cover her face in an attempt to conceal the shy blush and naughty smile that was on it. She may have been a virgin but she'd watched plenty of porn movies and even she could tell that Derrick had a monster between his legs.
Thankfully, Carl seemed to have had enough of the dick wagging and tossed Derrick's trunks at him, allowing Max to finally lower her hands from her face.

Once that ordeal was over, Dylan and Javy wasted no time in sitting themselves down on either side of Max, their large muscled topless bodies near enough that they grazed her soft skin every so often, sending tiny tingles shooting through her. By now the fire was already going and it's warmth and light flowed onto Max's bare skin, giving her tanned skin a bright glow as the flames reflected in her emerald gaze.

It didn't take long for the topic of weed to come up and just as soon as Carl suggested it, Javy butted in, turning his cute grin in Max's direction as he waited for her response. One of her small hands made it's way through her damp hair before she allowed herself to answer, "Hell yes!" she said excitedly. Now it was beginning to feel like old times, a bunch of friends camping in the woods while getting wasted.

While the guys got the pot ready, Max straightened her slim arms up above her head as she arched her back, trying to get into a more chilled mood. The arching of her back caused her large concealed breasts to perk out even further as once again the fine outline of her ribs could be seen beneath her skin before finally her back straightened out and her arms fell to her lap, a satisfied smile on the young woman's face.
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