From Tamaran With Love (Myst x MellowYellow)


May 20, 2014

Tamaran was in trouble. It was always a potential danger on a world so dedicated to the strong, for the lower classes to try and rise up and throw off the ruling class, and in a world of superpowered people whose weakest members trumped even the mightiest of most sapient species, well... problems tended to arise.

The Guardians had come to Tamaran, had spoken with king and queen and had taken their daughter Koriand'r away to spare her from the bloody fighting. It had been a long journey through the cosmos, made mostly in silence as Koriand'r considered the implications of all of this. She hoped her world -- her family, her allies -- would be alright. She was sure they would, but... assassins had come for her more than once, and if she would be safe anywhere, it would be on Earth. And if she was safe with anyone, it would be with a Lantern.

She'd been directed to the atmosphere of Earth, told where to go, and with a resigned breath in that vacuum, survivable only by her Tamaranian heritage... she began to fall to Earth.

Bathed in fire that seemed so natural to her name, Starfire fell through the clouds, trailing atmospheric dust and a tail not unlike a comet's, hurtling at hundreds of miles an hour through the sky. All at once, her eyes flashed green and she pulled back on the rapid descent, the air around her a haze of brilliant fire and star energy as she smashed into the ground some miles outside of the city. She was sure that the Lantern entrusted with her protection would be there soon...

After that whole debacle with Hal ordan going completely off the deep end, there came a need for a new Green Lantern in that sector of space. As it happened the Guardians of Oa entrusted that duty to Kyle Rayner. Up until that point he had just been a freelance comic artist, and now he found himself as a full time member of the Justice League, fighting all kinds of boogeymen and snarly monsters.

But that had gradually settled into a routine of sorts. The dark-haired male had certainly been surprised when the little blue dwarves entrusted him with protecting an alien princess of a distant world called Tamaran. Apparently she had become a target of some kind in the midst of some political upheaval, and she needed someone to protect her and put a safe roof over her head.

He had been flying about in full gear when he got the signal of her arrival near sol, though her entrance had come as a shock. She was like a comet, a star falling to earth wreathed in flames and atomic light. He had feared the worst, that she had been shot down before he could even meet her and Kyle had wastedno time getting his ass into gear and surging toward the crash site with a glowing green trail following his heels.

Fortunately there was nothing to be afraid of. He had hung suspended in the air, in direct contempt of gravity, as the beautiful gold-skinned woman stood erect from the crater she had formed. The Guardians said she would be exotic but Kyle just thought that meant she'd have tentacles coming from her chin or somesuch... no, this woman was beautiful no two ways about it. Like the statue of a goddess come to life. Princess Koriand'r in the flesh...

"Can you speak English?" he called down to her. It didn't much matter, his ring would translate to Tamaranian if he needed it to. But it would make things a little awkward for any other humans she met...
Koriand'r straightened up slowly, a figure of nearly golden flesh confined in clothing too simple for the typical view of a princess -- a purple, midriff-baring and sleeveless shirt that confined her ample chest, and a tight purple skirt that clung tightly to her hips and fell to a relatively modest length down her thighs. Whatever that material was, it had to be stronger than it appeared to survive what had amounted to an orbital drop. As Kyle appeared in the sky above, Kori turned, vast swathes of red hair almost floating behind her, swishing as if in zero gravity as she looked up to him... and merely smiled.

She came off of the ground as if suddenly weightless, floating up toward him like a leaf on the wind, still baring that same smile. She said something in Tamaranian -- perhaps he'd catch it. "I can't understand you, but..." She floated ever closer, and was faster than that leisurely float implied as she oh-so-suddenly invaded his personal space, one hand wrapping around his lower back as the other held tight to his jaw, her eyes closing as she suddenly kissed him -- and hardly chastely.

After a long moment she pulled away, her hands moving to interlock behind her back. "There we are! I can understand the English, now," she said, flashing him that same smile from before as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Her words weren't without their hiccups in another language, but it was perfectly understandable as the very language he naturally spoke. "And you are the Green Lantern? The Guardian said that you would come to see me," she said.
He had watched as she approached, unmoving and unchanging while she just grew more beautiful and radiant with each inch. He'd seen a few different kinds of alien both on the League and as part of the Corps... but he'd be damned if he could think of any as attractive as Koriand'r. "Ah, I see... Well that's no issue," Kyle replied once he caught what she said. Whatever it was, it was hardly a human tone. He raised his ring hand up, all but set to fiddle about with the translation options...

Kyle paused then, looking up and blinking in confusion when she wrapped a strong arm around his waist... and then his cheeks looked like they'd been set on fire when her hand stroked his jaw. Before Kyle could utter a word or ask a single question his lips had been captured to the Tamaranian's own skilled maw, a noise halfway between a moan of pleasure and a squeak of shock becoming lost inside Starfire's mouth.

And then it was over, she pulled back speaking perfect English and he was left blinking and dazed as if he just felt a nuke go off beneath his feet. "You can learn languages... by kissing people?" he asked once he managed to string two thoughts together again. "I... yeah, I'm the... The Green Lantern. You can call me Kyle Rayner, or just Kyle for short." Okay, he just needed to play it cool... all that was was a... a crazy alien custom and nothing more.
Starfire cocked her head to the side, brilliant red hair cascading over one shoulder as she merely gave him a confused look, as if HE were the odd one here. Well, from her perspective... "Yes! The voice is... in here," she said, reaching out to brush her fingers across his lips. "And I can borrow it. It makes everything much easier, yes?" Starfire asked, giving him a hopeful smile with her large green eyes glimmering brightly -- unnaturally bright, as a matter of fact.

"A pleasure to meet you, Kyle Rayner. My name is Koriand'r," she said, slowly flitting around him, her eyes freely sweeping over him as if wishing to look him over from every angle, making a low humming noise under her breath as she did so. The skintight suit look... very much complemented his appearance. "Come along, Kyle Rayner! You are to take me to your home, yes? I would very much like to see this Earth and its Earth customs," Koriand'r said, reaching out to grab him by the hand, floating backwards through the air, tugging him gently toward the city that loomed on the horizon in a haze of lights.
He really wished the Guardians would have made some reference on just how 'friendly' the Tamaranians were. As it was he was still a little stunned at the method she used, but Kyle figured if it was strictly biological and not romantic then it was nothing to dwell too much on. Still, the way Koriand'r flitted about and examined him like a jungle cat sizing up some captive prey... well it didn't help Kyle feel much more at ease. "Well, I suppose there's no point in wasting any time. Just follow me... oh, and be careful. Buildings here can get pretty tall, so you gotta be on your guard while you're flying."

No doubt this would be a strange experience. While metahumans were nothing new, the people would still be quite curious to see more of this strange alien beauty. Kyle led the way through the skyline, occasionally glancing back to make sure she was still with him. He was paranoid, but this was his first major task from the Guardians after all. Both of them landed through the large open window of Kyle's apartment, his feet setting on the hardwood floor. It was wide and spacious, with a large couch, TV and bookshelf and a door to a small kitchen to the right. The left end had three doors, a bathroom, Kyle's bedroom (Where he did much of his art) and another small bedroom that he planned to let Starfire use.

"It's nothing glamorous, but I still hope you enjoy your stay princess."
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