Reach out to the New Truth (me/Mystearica)


Money, Hoes, Bionicles
Aug 19, 2013
"Jake! pull the Trigger! PULL IT!"

"RICK!" Jake gasped as he shot up from his slumber in a slight cold sweat. He sighed before relaxing and leaned against the pillow. "Dammit... had the dream again." He sighed rubbing his face and checked the time. "Oh yeah... today's my first day of school." The tall native American let out another yawn before hopping off the bed. Being a tall boy, it was a bit on the small side with his feet hanging off the edge. But it was still nice. His eyes glanced over seeing the Yasogami High uniform and quickly got dressed. "It's a bit tight but... it'll stretch out." Jake smiled softly before grabbing his school bag, vita, some comics and...
"... You ready... Rick?" He smiled picking up a necklace which had a few stones and a small black feather on it. The necklace had belonged to his brother Rick before... well... the incident. His face went solemn before hearing a cheery voice.
"JAAAAKE-KUUUUN! BREAKFAST IS READY!" It was the voice of Nanako Dojima, his 'host sister'.

"Okay I'll be right there!" He hollered back sliding the necklace on and headed downstairs "Hey where's Ryotaro?"
"Huh? Oh he had to leave early... Ummm... here!" The little girl smiled handing him a bento. "I made you lunch!"
"Aaaw thanks!"
After a quick breakfast and a walk with Nanako he sighed before heading towards Yasogami high. "Aaand here we... are..." Jake smiled and opened the door to see Mr. Morooka who quickly glared at him.
"..Tch so you're the foreign kid. Great now I gotta speak slowly..." Mr. Morooka groaned "Alright you brats this is Jake Duvalk from America. He's our foreign exchange kid this year."
"Oh... ummmm h-hi." Jake smiled a bit shyly as people were slightly taken aback by his height.
"Alright let's find you a seat. Oh hold on... Ret's Finda Your-a Seat-a." The teacher muttered in broken english.
"...Er... I can speak Japanese just fine Sensei..." Jake muttered as he scanned the class to find a good seat.
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