Weldrich was a large enough kingdom than it's four corners were markedly different from one another, and even though in the north it was just starting to feel like spring, here near the souther border, it was in full bloom. Birds were singing loudly, a chorus of creatures seeking mates and claiming territory, and does traveled cautiously with young fawns. The world was alive and happy, a peaceful scene for anyone, but not for the huntress that was stalking slowly through the underbrush in search of her prey. Varena had had to shed a lot of her layers to not feel like she was roasting her armor this far south, but she was still well-protected, and well-armed. She hated coming down here this time of year, or anytime after it, having grown up in the northeast, near the border with Oberfell, but also only a stone's throw from the edge of the badlands. It was cooler there, that was what she was used to, not this oppressive heat and humidity.
So close to Ruavia though, this area was a hot spot for Hunters, beasts from the jungle often came north looking for easy prey, humans and their livestock were kittens compared to the creatures that roamed that hell-kissed place. Usually she avoided taking jobs down here unless the pay was good, but well, for this job the pay was good. She only wished she knew more about what she was after. The townsfolk hadn't been able to get a very good look at the beast, they knew it was reptilian, and that it had been killing livestock in the area for weeks. It wasn't until it ate two people that they finally sent word to the Hunter's Guild.
Typical. These fools had hoped that the beast would move on, or maybe that the problem just wouldn't get worse, and that they might just save some money not having to hire a Hunter, and now two people were dead. People never ceased to make Varena wonder why she bothered at all. Then she remembered it was because they paid her to. Anything not to end up a farmer like the rest of her family, and to be able to live in comfort when finally did get the time to relax in Aramoor, Weldrich's capital and currently where she officially resided.
So now here she was to clean up the mess, following a rather large set of foot prints. They were definitely reptilian, but that begged the question of what it was, not a dragon, they flew more than they walked, and if it was a dragon then it was young, as these prints were large but not that large. Then what was it? There was no telling with it having come from Ruathia. New beasts emerged from there all the time. The Huntress mulled this over as she walked carefully, one hand holding her sword back and out of the way of her legs as she had to high step through the brush, the other pushing low hanging branches out of her way. The sun was starting descend, but there was still plenty of light coming down through the canopy over head, illuminating a woman in her mid-twenties, her dark brown hair pulled back in a pony tail and pale blue eyes searching her surroundings alertly. She moved much like a predator, slow and precise, but with confidence and purpose.