For the Alliance! (Kaybee and Practical insanity)


Oct 12, 2011
Ilea had spoken a lot of curses today, against the titans, against the alliance, against her own foolishness... It had seemed like such a simple plan, sneaking through Alterac and down towards the hillsbrad foothills. The rogue had already spent several unpleasant weeks braving the cold and snow of the mountains, her leathers proving quite inadequate against the biting winds and furious storms, and now that she'd arrived in the foothills on the other side the area was crawling with alliance of all types.

When Ilea had departed the undercity, glad to leave the stench and constant undead behind, the horde had been primarily in control of hillsbrad but the tide had turned since her departure and now she was quite a bit deeper in enemy territory than she would have liked. Not only were the alliance common but they were watchful too, expecting the horde to make a push to take back the foothills any day now and all the more vigilant for that expectation. They patrolled constantly, and more than once she'd been forced to hide away, spending entire days avoiding the motley squads of men and women rather than making her way forwards as she should have been.

This was one such day, hidden in the dried stump of a lightning-struck tree, listening to them pass in and out of earshot constantly. She was sure that their rogues were tracking her in some fashion, though perhaps it was simply alliance paranoia when they referred to the possibility of horde infiltrating the area. She doubted she would be so lucky, she hadn't been so far.
RE: For the Alliance!

In the time since the Cataclysm, the Alliance had lost their strongest hold on the Hillsbrad Foothills, Southshore. The damn sea had might as well of opened up and swallowed the whole settlement with the way that the tidal wave created by Deathwing's emergence had come over the small town. Fortunately, there was a recent demand by King Varian Wrynn to reclaim a foothold in the foothills and Alliance heroes from far and wide had answered the call. One such 'hero' was Ivan Raelthorne. Ivan was far from a real hero, though. In fact, before Gilneas had closed down her ports and shut the great wall, Ivan had been a pirate captain. His ship had been docked in Gilneas when the ports were locked down and he had become trapped there during the spread of the worgen curse.

He didn't answer to Varian Wrynn, or any King for that matter. He did, however, answer to the sweet jingle of the coin that was offered in compensation for aiding the effort. If he happened to find anything nice on the dead Horde then that was a nice bonus too. What? You can't possibly think that looting a couple of bodies was below an old sea dog like Captain Raelthorne. In fact, he had been rummaging through the coin purse of a dead orc when she caught his eye.

There, darting between the trees below the ridge upon which Ivan stood, was a blood elf woman. Her beauty was almost hypnotizing, as was the way her leathers hugged her womanly form and the way that her stark-silver hair blew in the gentle breeze. Normally, a live captive would be a lot of trouble and not much worth the effort, but Ivan was prepared to make an exception if this woman looked as good up close as she did from this distance.

"Well aren't you a tasty little treat," the human mused to himself. The irony of the remark brought a smirk to his lips as he slipped into the shadows of the trees and began to make his way towards the elven woman. As he grew near, it became obvious that she would stand little chance against him in a direct confrontation. Even in his human form, Ivan was about six feet and four inches tall, which was several inches taller than the tallest elven women - well, of this kind of elf, anyway. He was about a foot taller than 'average' high elven and blood elven woman.

Aside from his height, he was just much more muscular. Overpowering this woman would be an easy feat. He just needed to wait for the most opportune moment to strike...
RE: For the Alliance!

Unaware that she had been seen and had become truly hunted, the blood elf hurried through the underbrush. She'd counted herself fortunate when the patrols had begun to drift away from her an hour ago and she'd been left alone in the woods to slip out of her hiding place and make progress at last. She was making better time today than she'd made all week by her estimations, even as she neared the edge of the forest and caught the scent of oil, leather, and metal on the wind from beyond the treeline.

Moving more cautiously she began to hear the now familiar sounds of alliance patrolling back and forth ahead, and as she approached the edge of the forest she drew to a halt some meters back, examining the multitude of races occupying the hills. There were many groups, moving in patterns that seemed irregular, walking odd zig-zagging courses over the landscape as she watched. Secure in the knowledge that the rogues in the employ of the alliance thus far had been clumsy and bumbling men and women -every last one of them heard and evaded before they ever caught wind of her presence- Ilea focused on the human patrols ahead, sharp green eyes seeking a pattern in the movements. Slowly it began to emerge before her, patterns very clever indeed and with several deliberate holes intended to trap an unwary infiltrator She shifted from brush to brush, staying well back from the treeline as she did so, questing for a true opening in the defenses, a crack for her to slip through, relying only on her ears to warn her of any alliance stumbling upon her from behind.
RE: For the Alliance!

Ivan kept a safe distance as he followed the elven woman through the forests of the foothills. Was she truly going to try and stage an assault against the Alliance soldiers by herself? Was she carrying one of those forsaken's toxic bombs? If that was the case, Ivan could not allow this woman the chance to plant the device and turn all of these men and women of the Alliance into forsaken soldiers. While Ivan, himself, did not serve the Alliance, he would have preferred that they were the ones to win this damned war - especially after all of that fuss over Godfrey, Sylvanas, and Shadowfang Keep. Ivan's loyalty was only to himself and Sylvanas Windrunner had placed a vendetta deep into Ivan's heart. He was no fan of the forsaken.

The pirate's hand moved to his hip and grabbed ahold of the large dagger that hung there. He had wanted a more opportune time to strike, but he could not risk giving this elf a chance to strike if she had one of those plague devices. His foot twisted in the dirt, making a small scuffling sound that the elf might have heard, but she would not have had any time to react before the human man appeared behind her with the tip of his dagger pressed to the back of her neck - a masterful Shadowstep.

"Keep silent and place your weapons on the ground," the human spoke in a deep commanding tone as he appeared at the silver-haired beauty's back. "If you try to fight then those soldiers will hear us. I don't think that either of us want that."

Now that he was not in the shadows, the human's form was in full view. Standing at six feet and four inches tall with a well-defined and toned form, Ivan was a sizable man. His hair was long and black as a raven's feather; tied back into a neat and tight pony tail. His jawline bore slight black stubble; a rugged look brought on by a handful of days without shaving. His eyes were a deep blue as he glared at the elf and watched her movements carefully.
RE: For the Alliance!

Elven ears were not so large for show and the scuff of leather and earth behind her had Ilea whirling, reaching for her weapons only to freeze as she felt the cold point of a dagger resting against her spine. The voice behind her was male, too rough to be a night elf but not deep enough to be a Draenei and lacking the distinctive accent of a dwarf. A human then... Had the blood elf not been so tense she would have shivered, for a mere human to have gone unheard by her he would have to be incredibly talented, how long had he been stalking her? Waiting?

Moving slowly, Ilea withdrew her daggers completely from their sheaths and let them fall. "Why wouldn't you want your own soldiers to know?" She shot back, her voice a hissed whisper. She didn't really care about the answer to the question -not yet at any rate- but she wanted to keep him talking, sizing him up in her mind. His voice had come from above her head, not far, but far enough to make him about a foot taller than her, and by the prickling sense of having someone just a little too close to her she could tell he was broad chested, likely a fine specimen of human maleness, if somewhat oddly proportioned to elven eyes.

If he was skilled enough to sneak up on her, he was likely skilled enough to track her, or he would know a hunter who would be able to track her. Most alliance wouldn't hesitate to kill a blood elf, especially a rogue since her sort could do all sorts of nasty things with their poisons and tricks, but this man hadn't yet... If he came back with other soldiers to track her -and a proper flight would leave a trail- they would kill her without question, as long as it was only she and him, there might be a chance to get away if she was lucky, to find a new hiding spot...
RE: For the Alliance!

Ivan was quite surprised when the elf complied with his demand. Given the situation, it wasn't like she had any real choice, but Ivan had learned that it was not like Hellscream's Horde to just give up. This act of obedience meant that the elf valued her life, which was good. If she valued her life then she would follow his instructions so long as he remained the one with the upper hand. He would have to be sure that he did just that.

"My own soldiers?" the human man responded in question. "You have misread me, blood elf. There is no fame or fortune to be had in the blind service to any one King. I serve myself and the happy jingle of a full coin purse. It simply happens that the Alliance are paying good coin for the war efforts here in the northern territories; otherwise I would be laying back in Booty Bay with tall jug of rum and more than my fair share of fine women, which brings us back to you..."

That was when Ivan struck. The dagger that was pressed against the back of the elven woman's neck never moved. He had struck at her with his free hand. It was a heavy-handed swing for the base of her skull and, given the elven woman's small size, the force of the attack would have been more than enough to accomplish the desired effect - to disorient her. Rogues and their Sap techniques...
RE: For the Alliance!

Ilea's mind raced as the human spoke, only taking half note of what he said. A mercenary could be bought but she doubted she had the money to do the buying if her bidding opponent was the Alliance itself, which left her back where she had begun in the end. But why had he captured her? Ilea considered herself attractive for a blood elf yet it never occurred to her that races other than her own might be attracted to her. She'd heard stories of course, so many of her people were self-indulgent to the point of hedonism and willing to experiment across the whole spectrum of races but Ilea had always assumed it was a few deviant members of other races who partook in such things.

"Oh Sunwell..." She breathed. 'Women' he said, could he mean to..? No... No way... Green eyes darted back and forth frantically but then pain exploded at the base of her skull and she stumbled, stars bursting in front of her vision. Without an arm in front to catch her though, the forward force pushed her away from the dagger, gave her space to move, and the moment she realized the lack of immediate danger instinct kicked in. Fight? Or Flee? She could see metal gleam on the ground, her daggers lying at her feet, but she had no more than a few seconds, a few seconds...

She dropped, scrabbling for her weapons only to fall to her knees as she moved too quickly, her force-addled mind unable to keep up. Pain bloomed at the tips of her fingers as she tried to grab at a blade and she hissed, pulling her hand away, shaking her head to clear the fuzz and stars from her vision only to realize that she had taken far too long, and any instant now the man would be upon her again.
RE: For the Alliance!

A wicked smirk played at Ivan's lips when the blood elf woman stumbled forward. In truth, his attack didn't quite accomplish what he had hoped, but the cursed human would not allow this to spoil the mood of the moment. The blood elf woman might not have fallen unconscious like he had planned, but now she would be able to give him a little bit of a fight - a little bit of fun before he conquered her. Her actions following the impact also told him an important piece of information about his opponent. She had fallen to her knees and was struggling to get her hands on the daggers that Ivan had made her discard. This told the dark-haired human that his prey did not have any weapons hidden on her person. If she did, she would have gone for those as they would have been more accessible.

As Ilea had suspected, Ivan was on her again before she could recollect herself from the impact, but h did not strike her again. Instead, his free hand reached down and grabbed a handful of that long and lustrous silver hair. His grip closed on those beautiful locks and using his impressive strength, Ivan ripped the blood elf back to her feet so that she could not get her hands on her discarded weapons. In that same motion, Ivan dropped his own dagger to allow that hand to become free. Not a moment later, the newly freed hand reached around to clamp down on the blood elf woman's neck. His grip was firm - firm enough to keep his prisoner from crying out from the pain in her scalp.

"Now, now, don't go making any loud noises or my friends over there will hear us," the man whispered into the blood elf's ear as he pulled her body back against his own. The hand on her throat remained while the hand in her hair slid downward to allow that arm to wrap around the small woman's waist. "What will it be, elf? Your body or your life? All that I want is a good fuck and I will let you live. My friends might not be so generous."
RE: For the Alliance!

Though Ivan no longer held his dagger Ilea knew she wasn't about to escape from this position, a cry of alarm dying in her throat as she realized who she would have alerted as much as he did. There was no chance that the human wanted her for anything else given his admission and as a result Ilea was forced to weigh her options, cursing her fortune again at having the misfortunate chance of being caught not just by a human but by a human that was deviant enough to want her. She knew that without that lust she would most likely be tortured in captivity or killed outright but being that she was in the situation where her life was safe for the moment she could, and did allow herself the luxury of indignation for that brief second.

In truth, there was very little contest between getting fucked by a human man and dying on his blade, especially so far from horde lines where there was no chance her humiliation would be witnessed. "You swear you'll let me live?" She asked softly, her common becoming more thickly accented in her fear. She was no blood knight or martyr who would choose to die for her kind, few of her kind were for that matter. Given the choice, she would choose to live, even if it meant humiliation. "You swear?" She repeated nervously. She didn't want to die...
RE: For the Alliance!

"There is no price on your head," the human stated rather matter-of-factly as he tightened his hold around her waist and pulled her round rump back into the growing bulge of his groin. "You are worth absolutely nothing to me if you're dead but so long as you are alive then you're an alluring prize to be bedded and conquered. There is absolutely no reason for me to end your life. Unless you give me reason to do so, I will not end your life."

The elven woman would have been wise to read the man's words carefully. 'So long as you are alive then you're an alluring prize to be bedded and conquered.' As long as she lived... This man had absolutely no intention of releasing Ilea. Even once he had had his fun, Ilea would not be freed. She would be taken to his ship which was docked in the bay near the Arathi, Hillsbrad boarder. It had been some time since his crew had been offered a woman to ease their stress and frustrations. This elf would surely make them quite happy. Of course, Ilea had no way of knowing that his human was a pirate. He had presented himself as a mercenary and most mercenaries would not have the resources to house or keep a prisoner. There was no reason for her to read his words this way.

"Is that your answer then, elf?" the human asked with a seemingly eager tone. "You will trade your body for your life?"
RE: For the Alliance!

The implications in the human's words were clear and she took another moment to think. She was a rogue, and a rogue could always find a way to escape captivity but she would not be let go, and one humiliation might lead to another should she take too long to get away afterwards. She was acutely aware of him pulling her against his body, of the broad tautness of his chest and the bulge of his member pressing against her ass, feeling far bigger than any blood elven male's.

"Yes..." She answered at last. Being fucked by a human once or twice, perhaps being dragged back to whatever hideout he had. She entertained the possibility that the mercenary might have fellows he ran with and shuddered at it but even with the chance of that looming over her she could only answer in affirmative. One's life as more important than one's pride was one of the first and foremost lessons a rogue was taught and it was why so few of her people ever took on the profession, and it wouldn't be the first time she'd performed sexual favors in exchange for something, though both times she'd done that her partners had been other blood elves. She hoped this wouldn't be too different...

"I will trade, you get my body, I keep my life..."
RE: For the Alliance!

"You have made a wise decision," the human whispered into Ilea's ear again. His hot breath crashed against the back of her neck. "So where would you like for me to claim your dignity, elf? I would assume that you would not want to do so here and offer those soldiers the chance to overhear us and come to investigate. I cannot be held responsible for their actions if they chose to kill you... after they rape you, of course. I'm confident that a naked blood elf would be used before she is killed and discarded."

There was certainly truth to the human's words. If the two of them were to engage one another here then there was a good chance that they would be discovered and, as Ilea already knew, she was an attractive elven woman. If she was already naked, wet, and ready to accept a man into her body then only the most disciplined soldiers would be able to resist her. She would be raped, and not in the way that this human was taking her. He, at least, had given her the option to concede. He was raping her, in every sense of the word, but she did have a consensual voice in the situation. These soldiers, however, would be violent and there would not be a lone man to please. There would surely be many.

"There is a cave to the North," Ivan spoke to her again. "We could find some privacy there, I believe."
Ilea shivered as she felt his breath wash over the back of her neck, "Not all men are deviants like you..." She shot back quickly. "Most of them prefer their own species..." Though come to think of it, she didn't actually know that, she just assumed it, and given the confidence in Ivan's words, Were the other races really so depraved? "They wouldn't... Would they?" She wondered to herself as much as Ivan.

She knew of the cave to the north and she nodded her assent slowly at the proposal. She'd thought of hiding out there when she'd passed it earlier since it was deep enough to conceal herself in and would ensure that no other soldiers would happen upon them. "I will lead the way?" She asked, knowing the answer. Even an unarmed rogue was someone no sensible person wanted behind them and Ivan was very sensible indeed as far as she could tell. Ilea barely even waited for him before she set off slowly, looking about for patrols once more as she prowled through the woods, the man's constant presence as he stayed close to her making her think twice about any attempts to flee even now that her head was clear and she was no longer quite so bound.

Soon enough, the cave came in sight, and Ilea led the way in cautiously, producing a small stone that shed a soft yellow light from a pouch on her belt. "Alright then..." She turned back to him once the mouth of the cave was well behind them, an unspoken following statement 'Let's get this over with' barely restrained.
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