Game of Thrones: Motherly Love (Celebstars x Assume)


Oct 27, 2012
Tommen Baratheon had just celebrated his sixteen name day a few weeks ago. The young King walked through the peaceful gardens of Kings Landing. It had been a few years since he had become king, taking over since his brothers death. It had greatly affected his mother, but to him it didn't really do much. Joffery was always cruel to him. Though he never hated him. Tom was always gentle even now as he was becoming a man. He never really hated anyone. Sitting on the small bench in the middle of the garden near a water fountain, he managed to relax a little bit. Finally a moment to himself without guards, his grandfather, his mother, and everyone.

Suddenly he heard a soft meow, as he looked down onto his lap to see that his cat had found his way onto his lap. Ser pounce, purred as he rubbed his face into the Kings stomach. Petting the cats head, he sometimes envy the creature. Being a cat, Ser pounce had no worries. All he got to do was play and chase the birds all day. He had no responsibilities, but for Tommen he would soon have one of the greatest responsibilities ever. It was said that he would wed Margery Tyrell, that their houses would combine together. Tommen didn't know much of Margery. She was a few years older than him, and extremely pretty. Other than that she was a stranger to him.

His grandfather had told him that he was marrying to create a stronger kingdom, that he would be doing it for his people. Sighing, he kicked as the floor. Tommen had dark leather pants and boots, and a red silk skirt that held the symbol of his house.
RE: Game of Thrones: Motherly Love

Margaery was sitting in the gardens of Kings Landing with her Grandmother Olenna. "My beautiful Granddaughter, you know I never mean to pick on you, but I believe you are overstaying your welcome as am I. Joffrey is dead, your husband is dead, I think we ought to leave and go back home."

A weary smile fell upon the Granddaughter's face as she waited for the guardsmen to pass on their patrol. "Really?" She grinned, raising one eyebrow above her left eye. "Heavens no! These guards follow us like we are criminals!" The elderly woman said. "How is your efforts with the boy coming along?" Her voice a little louder and more freeing since they were now alone.

"Frustrating, he wants what I can't give. Won't give." Turning her face, she saw the new King walking on his own before stopping at a bench near the fountain. She kept her gaze on him, not breaking eye contact. "He is sweet, nothing like Joffrey. I just cannot sleep with him, it doesn't feel right. He has just turned sixteen, I am not sure it would be right?"

Her soft silky hair blew up in a slight breeze before falling back down on her shoulders. Her Grandmother watched her, confused by her. "Joffrey was no more older than what he is now. What is different?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe because he is innocent in all of this. He has escaped the poisoning from his mother, she was to interested in Joffrey as he was the eldest and King. Sadly, I don't think Tommen will have much more time before Cersei manipulates him."

Olenna knew she was right, "Your secret meetings with him must count for something. You can offer him something his mother can't. Just open your legs once and he will be yours until you marry one another."

"I hate when you talk like that Grandmother, you are meant to be a Lady are you not?" Margaery said, finding Tommen finally saw her looking at him. Lifting a hand up, she used one finger and gestured for him to come over towards her. She smiled seductively at the King.

"You have just summoned the King to your feet. If only all of us could do that" Olenna said, struggling to get up from her chair. Once she did, she kissed her Granddaughter on the cheek and walked slowly away.
Tommen slowly made his way over to the area which Margaery was sitting with her grandmother. Tom didn't even realized that she was there until his gazed wondered over to her. He still held onto Ser pounce in his arms, holding onto the cat as if for some confidence. Though he was King, it didn't mean he was good with women. "Lady Margaery!" he said bowing offering her hand, when he suddenly realized that the cat was there. "Sorry.." placing the cat down on the ground, Ser Pounce went over to Margaery and brushed himself against her. "I think he likes you.." Tom said blushing a little bit, as he reverted his eyes back to hers.

As Margaery and Tommen began their conversation. Lord Twyin Lannister was standing on the long balcony against the wall of the garden. He looked down as he observed Tommen and Margaery. "The wedding should be soon" Twyin said to his son Ser Jamie Lannister who was right at his side. "The sooner we merge these houses together the better..though it seems your sister doesn't like that idea.." he said shooting a gaze at the other side of the balcony as he saw Cersei sipping a cup of wine while she was staring down at the Tyrell girl. "I informed your sister that she will be marrying ser Loras Tyrell, in order to strengthen our relationship with the Tyrells." Jamie listened to his father as his eyes widen a little bit as he smirked. "I can't help but think...she didn't it take that well?" Jamie said rather sarcastically. Lord Tywin gave a son a cold look before slowly marching off towards his daughter. "She doesn't have a choice, and she's going to learn that." Approaching his daughter, he noticed as she didn't even move, he wondered if she had even noticed his appearance.

"They look lovely down there don't they?" Twyin said spiting her somewhat. "I plan to have them marry on the new moon. Then hopefully they'll have many children and produce a new heir. Once our houses are together, no one will be able to test our powers. Not even that dragon girl and her dragons." Tywin leaned against the railing of the balcony as he gazed out in the open. "Tommen won't be the only one who's marrying. You will be marrying ser Loras soon after. You aren't getting any much younger, soon you won't be able to have anymore children, and after that, you'll be worthless" it was harsh but true. "A woman who can't be bred, is no use to a man"
"You do not bow to me, you are the King" she smiled, feeling his hand touch hers before he lifted up. "King's do not apologize either" she giggled, "you are lucky I am me, and not your mother." Gesturing her hand to the chair her Grandmother was on, Margaery wanted Tommen to sit. "I think he does like me, although I am more interested in knowing if something else likes me" her eyes lit up and gazed at the King's. These two men of the King's guard then appeared and stood in front of the pathway a few feet away. After what happened with Joffrey, they weren't going to take any chances. Despite him wanting to be alone, they could only keep their distance so far.

"I'll have a special surprise for you tonight, when I see you in your chambers. I think it is time we made our...'friendship' more interesting" Leaning down, the Tyrell girl stroked the cat.

The mother was very bitter about her son's death and now his wife was planning on bedding his brother who was just 16. "Look at her, trying to get her claws in to my boy. As if one Lannister wasn't enough for her" Of course Cersei wasn't sure if Joffrey and her ever did anything, but she was certain they hadn't. Her eyebrows lowered and her teeth clenched shut tightly as her father mentioned her marriage to the Tyrell boy. When he mentioned her having more children, she felt humiliated and even more degraded at his last comment.

"You speak to me like I am a dog!" She yelled, her voice echoing in the great halls of the castle.
Tommen couldn't help but giggle at her comments. "My mother really does mean well." It seemed he was still a boy at heart, having a strong connection to his mother. Where everyone saw her as a cold bitch, he saw her as a misunderstood woman. He loved her after all. "To see if someone else likes you?!" Her question made him blush instantly. Tommen didn't noticed as the guards had walked in on them. Little did he know, they were doing more than just protecting him. They were spying in on his conversation in order to report back to the queen.

Before Tom could answer her first question, he gazed at her as she told him about tonight. "Really..? I haven't been telling anyone!" Tom wasn't sure what she had in mind, usually they would just talk. It was nice to chat with someone. "And what do you mean, by our friendship?" he asked her softly, with a smile as she petted the cat.

Meanwhile up above them, Tywin looked on at the two as his daughter was yelling. ""I speak to you how I want are my daughter and you'll listen to me! I wouldn't have to speak to you like this..if you could just follow simple orders." His voice was raised in a heavy firm tone. Turning his eyes from his grandson, he looked at his daughter. "Her claws are going to take him away from you quickly than you think." Tywin said as he stood up from the railing. "Once a boy his age sees what a real woman, and not his mother, has to offer. They'll sooner push their own mother off a mountain. She'll be able to pleasure him in ways you can't...there's things she can do that you can't. Once the boy sees that, you'll never get him back. You can't baby and protect him forever" Tywin said strongly, hoping to break the strong bond she had on him.

"And judging from the approaches the Tyrell girl has been making on him, it seems you are out of time.." Turning around, he started to march his way back into the castle.
"You will see tonight your grace" Margaery spoke, liking that fact she had the element of surprise. "Here" her voice motioned, picking up the cat and giving it to him. "I have errands to run, I must write my letters to my homeland otherwise they will worry about me" Standing up from her seat, she walked over to the boy and kissed his lips with a short wet peck from her own. Pulling back, she smiled and held her hands together in front of her stomach. Now walking away, she stepped between the two guards and wondered off in to the gardens.

"Your daughter or not! I am the Queen!" She had never played that card with her father before, she wasn't sure how he would take it. Whilst looking out in to the open at her son and that Tyrell whore, Cersei listened to Tywin bark in to her ear. He was so close that she could feel his breath as well as some drops of saliva land on her cheek. His lecture of Margaery being able to do things which she couldn't nearly made her laugh. Thankfully she kept it to a small smirk.

When he left, Cersei spoke to herself. "I can do the things she can father....and I will" sipping the rest of her wine, she left the glass on the balcony and left.
Taking Ser Pounce into his lap, he nodded as he was about to get up himself, but before he could he felt as her soft lips pressed against his. His eyes widen, and a tinglingly sensation in his pants could be felt. Quickly turning around, he watched lustfully as she walked away, his eyes were zoomed in at her bum, obviously checking her out. Once she left one of the Lannister guards came and told Tommen that he would be needed in the throne room. Getting up from his seat he placed Ser Pounce on the ground, knowing that the cat would always find its way back to his room. With one guard escorting him to the throne room, the other guard made his way up to the queen.

As he made his way up the steps he watched as Lord Twyin came storming out of the balcony as he was yelling at his daughter. "The Queen? Heh, let's see how long you can hold onto that title." The guard stood at attention as Tywin made his way out. "Lord Tywin ser!" he said. "Yes yes..." Tywin said as he walked down the stairs. With the Queen along, this was a perfect time for him to report what he heard. "Your grace.." The guard said bowing. "I did as you asked. Lady Margaery mention to King Tommen about a meeting tonight in his chambers..she said umm.." the gaurd suddenly paused, as he decided to use her exact words. "She said...'I think it is time we made our...'friendship' more interesting'...King Tommen seemed to understand what she meant, and he seemed..excited." The guard said as he stood there quietly as he awaited the Queen's orders.

Inside the Throne room, King Tommen had already began his daily routine as King. It was a busy day, he had to hear the daily struggles of his subjects and tried his best to tend to their needs. After a few hours, he was exhausted. Luckily the sun was setting and the hearings of the villagers were done, at least for today. Getting up from his throne, he made his way to his chambers. Though he was tired, he could't help but feel extremely anxious and excited about having Lady Margaery visit him. What was she going to do? Tommen of course had a few fantasies in mind. Entering his chambers, he quickly changed into his sleeping clothes. A silk white and blue stripped shirt with a matching pair of pants. Climbing into his large size bed, he placed his hands onto his stomach as he waited for Margaery to come.
As Cersei had finished talking to her father and staring at her son, she saw the guard come up to her with information. Listening, she almost went red in the face with anger. It seemed Margaery was making her move much faster that originally thought. "Thank you. You have done well" she nodded her head. "I want you to stand outside her chambers all night. If she attempts to leave you tell her it is for her own protection. That is all." Leaving him, she walked by and smiled to herself, attending to some of her duties, she had a plan which would commence tonight.

The castle was still, silence had fallen over it given that it was midnight. She left it late enough to make sure that no one else would be roaming the castle walls apart from the guards. Cersei Lannister needed no reason to be out this late, she was the Queen and therefore had to answer to no one, although her father would disagree. Her golden locks were unusually tied up in to a bun and the normal heavy dresses she wore was replaced by a thin gold robe made of silk. It was only affordable by the richest of riches, something the Lannisters could buy with mere change of their fortune.

Gracefully walking the halls, she saw the two guards outside the boy's room with their hands on their swords, ready to draw them at any time if needed. "Leave" she said. "We are here to protect the King. Tywin Lannister......"

"Tywin Lannister does not rule!" She fought back in a hushed but loud tone. "Yes my Queen" he said, both sets of guards leave their posts to return to their own quarters. Pushing the handle of the old wooden door, it creaked as Cersei entered. The room was dark apart from a candle which projected an orange glow by his bedside.

"Hello....your grace" she said, coming out of the shadows towards her son's bed.
The guard listened well to Cersei's orders. Heading back into the castle, he attended to his daily duties. Once night had fallen and he was finished, he made sure to head over to Lady Margaery's chambers. No matter what, he would make sure to keep her shut in her room. He knew his punishment for letting her get pass him would be far worse than anything Margaery could do.

Meanwhile on the other side of the castle, Tommen was waiting quite a while in his bed. He wondered if she had forgotten about him? Rolling over to his side, he gazed out at the moon that shined through his chamber window. Admiring the stars and the moon, he watched as Ser Pounce had managed to climb up the balcony and entered in his chambers. The cat walked around the room for a little bit, as it jumped onto his large bed finding a cozy spot, to rest himself.

Tommen began to close his eyes thinking that Margaery had forgotten or something, when he suddenly heard a voice. Getting up from his sheets, a large smile grow on his face, but soon faded when he saw it was his mother. "Mother?" he said a bit confused. "What are you doing in my chambers? Is something wrong?!" Tommen thought something might have been wrong if she was to personally come into his room at such a late hour.

Gazing at her he couldn't help but noticed her golden silk robe, that matched her hair. Part of him wondered if she always went to bed like that? The only other woman that he saw in her night clothes was Margaery and she never wore something as exquisite as what his mother had on before him.
She had just finished making herself look beautiful before slipping on a hooded cloak. The hood fell over her face and red hair, nearly making her unrecognisable. Going to the door, the woman opened it up to see a large man in armour standing with his back to her. She stopped in fear of him, what was he doing outside by her chamber. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"You tell me.....your grace" Cersei muttered, the last two words sounding more sarcastic and bitter then when she said it a minute ago. "King huh? You think because you sit on the Iron Throne you can just sneak behind my back?" Standing in front of the bed, the candlelight flickered with a soft breeze from the window. Noticing this, the mother went over to the opening and gazed up at the stars. "Did you know I was looking at these very stars when I gave birth to you?" She lied, she was in her bed of course surrounded by handmaidens. "A coincidence that they appear here tonight of all nights." Turning around, she left the window open and moved towards him once more. Her feet were very silent because they were bare.

As she walked in the thin gold robe, Cersei's hips were swaying outwards with each step, her figure being more fine and exquisite than anyone could imagine. The clothing she wore during the day hid such traits, not that it bothered her. No one in King's Landing was good enough for her affection so she didn't want theirs.

"I'm very upset with you. You were my favourite, I loved you more than Joffrey and how do you repay me? Having secret meetings with that Tyrell girl?"
"Sorry Lady Magaery, but I have orders to keep you in your chambers. For your own protection you aren't to leave" The Lannister guard said in his armored suit, and red long cape. "Please return to your chambers my Lady" Moving in front of her, he stood tall and made sure she couldn't get passed him.

"What? Sneak behind your back?" Tommen had no idea what was going on, or what she was talking about. Listening on, as she suddenly turned the conversation to his birth, he thought she was going crazy or something. Though he was king, Tommen still feared his mother some what, and didn't dare continued to talk back or ask more questions. Things started to make sense when she mention the secret meetings. With his eyes wide open, he looked like a child who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Tommen didn't bother to try and lie to her. She always seemed to know what he did, no matter where he was. Somehow Tommen believed that Magaery knew what she was doing, he thought there was no way she would get caught, but he was wrong.

It was the first time she had mentions Joffrey's name since the incident. "Mother..I...she came into my chambers. I didn't think it would be wrong. Grandfather said we are suppose to be married sometime. He said a king must have a queen. We haven't done anything, all we did was talk....that's it. She likes Ser pounce a lot too.." he chuckled a little bit, hoping to make her mood better.
Margaery had no other choice but to go back in to her chambers. Closing the door, she rested her back against it for a few seconds before walking over to her bed. It dawned on her that the guard looked familiar, like the one who was standing near her and Tommen earlier that day. He must of over heard her speaking about seeing the King tonight. No doubt he would have gone straight to Cersei and told her what was happening. Shaking her head, she could never understand why she was hated by her.

The fact that Tywin came up in conversation angered Cersei to the point she yelled at her son. "I am your mother!! I come first!!!" Pointing to herself, she looked at him and felt guilty. Sitting down on the bed, she waved a hand at him and cupped it on his cheek. "I'm sorry. It just feels like everyone is taking my children away. Your uncle shipped my daughters away, Joffrey was....." she paused, she couldn't say it. "Now you.....your going to marry her and forget about me." Turning her face away, pretending to cry, the Queen had a smirk on her before quickly looking at her son, making out she was upset.

Running her hand from his cheek, she let one finger fall off his bottom lip before catching up with her hand down his chest. Going to his groin area, she placed her hand underneath his shirt and rubbed his tummy with her gentle hand. "I know Margaery can offer you things, things a mother shouldn't. But this shows how much I love and care for you!" The hand left his stomach and roamed in to his pants before finding his bare cock underneath. She gripped his member and balls in her palm and rubbed them gently. Pulling her golden robe with her spare hand, it came loose and fell off her shoulder, hitting the bed where she was sitting. These perky mounds of flesh on her chest stared at his eyes. Taking a clip out of her hair to, the long golden locks fell below her shoulders, some even over the front, covering the breasts from view once more.

"Am I allowed to show you my love?" Cersei said, her hand rubbing his cock.
Tommen started to feel a bit scared, he was worry about his mother now. When she pointed to herself saying that she was more important, he flenched a little bit. It was obvious he thought, that she was upset about Joffrey's death. At the moment, he was her only child. "I'm not going to forget you mother. You took care of me, how can I forget that?" he said reaching out to place a hand on her hand. When she started to cry, he felt a sinking feeling in his chest, he didn't want her to be like this. The last time he had saw her cry was during Joffrey's Funeral. Trying to comfort his mother, he watched as the conversation and her emotions suddenly changed.

"Mother?!" Tommen, said grunting as she placed a hand under his shirt, rubbing his stomach. She was quite experience, Tommen realized that this wasn't an ordinary kind of touch. It was making him, arouse. When her hand went for his cock and balls, he jerked his hips up into her hand as the covers feel off of him. Ser Pounce even got curious as he jumped off of the bed meowing loudly. With his legs spread wide he gave her the room she needed to work her magic with him. Being sixteen it meant that Tommen was a man now, with his mothers hand on his cock, it instantly harden. He was at that age where sex was constantly on his mind.

Panting a little bit, he looked on as she started to remove her top. With her breast in view, his eyes widen at them. The breast that he once drank from as a child, now turned him on as an adult. When she asked if she could show him, his eyes instantly jumped to her owns. His body was frozen. Part of him, if only a small part, thought that Margaery was going to be the first to show him. " me..mother.." Tommen said softly, he wasn't sure why, but it felt right. She was his mother, this was suppose to be wrong. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for her? He wanted to please her, or maybe he wanted to just be pleased himself. Whatever the reason was, he knew he was going to enjoy this.
"Good boy, you always were a good boy" she said, her right hand still rubbing his now erect cock. She had to pull it out of him pants now though once she stood up. The remaining robe which clung to her waist fell down her legs and revealed her bush. It was as golden as the hair above but a little bit thicker. Lifting both hands to her hair, she pulled it behind her shoulders so her breasts could be seen by him. Standing naked, Cersei moved on to the bed, her knees taking her weight as she got on all fours. Each knee was played wither side of his legs with her hands either side of his chest. Her breasts hung in the air over his face nearly and dropped lower down because she leant in with her mouth. Kissing his lips, Cersei closed her eyes and inserted her tongue. Her left hand ran on to his clothed chest and went further down to his waist. Pulling on the cloth, she wanted him to take it off.

Breaking away from the kiss, she sat up and rested her bum on his bulge. "We are going to take it slow, I don't want your seed to soon" she spoke, helping him to sit up and rest his back against the headboard. Pulling his shirt up, she watched him lift his arms in the air before suddenly becoming topless. Admiring his skin, she rubbed a finger against his arm and smiled. "You are going to need some muscle on them bones if you are to be King my grace."

Leaning in, Cersei started to kiss his neck with her hand cupping his cheek. Her warm breasts leant against his cold chest, making her nipples erect and stand tall. Now kissing his shoulders, she worked her way down his torso, kissing his nipples and stomach. Pushing herself off his bulge, she worked her body down his legs before getting on her knees once more. Her fingers slipped in to his pants and pulled them down to his knees. Seeing his cock poke out and stand tall she had a smile on her face, a look like a predator had seen it's prey. Taking her left hand, Ceseri held the erection at the base and leaned in with her tongue to lick it from top to bottom. It glimmered in her saliva, shining in the dull light of the candle. Her right hand came forward and rested on his stomach, her fingers spread with gold rings on the middle and index fingers.

On her left hand, she still wore the wedding ring, regrettably but she had to. She was a widow and had to show she still loved her late husband. Opening her mouth, Cersei took Tommen in and started to bob her head up and down slowly, wanting him to enjoy himself.
Tommen offered a weak smile when she told him he was always a good boy. It was true, he was the only one who would ever listen to her without question. Watching as his mother got up and her robe fell down, his eyes lit up. Staring at her chest his eyes quickly sunk down to her private area that was cover in a thick golden bush. He couldn't help but gaze at it with lust. Something about it turned him on, it was the color. Being a Lannister his favorite colors was always the sigil of his house, red and gold. Seeing her 'golden' pussy, was something that would separate her from Margaery. Almost as if he was in a trance, he motioned his hand out to touch it when suddenly he realized that she was on top of him straddling him.

As her lips met with his he instantly returned the kiss back, though a bit inexperienced, he sucked on her tongue and gave her his own. When she broke from the kiss, he was gasping for air as she spoke. "Take it slow..?" He questioned, watching and letting her strip him of his clothing. Tommen managed to blush slightly when she poked at his arm. "I know, a lot of people tell me that. I've been training a lot recently..." His grandfather had gave him a personal trainer to practice his swordsmanship. Tommen thought they were going to take a break, maybe this was what she meant by taking it slow, but he soon found out that he was wrong as she started to kiss his neck. Groaning he cocked his head back against the bedpost.

Her soft breast against his chest sent a tingling sensation into the pit of his stomach. As she pushed herself off of his couch, he groaned a little bit. He would miss the softness of her ass. Though the rest of her body was soft, he had never realized this before. Sure he had hugged her many times, but this was different. She felt different now.

As she got on her knees, he gazed down at her seeing her golden hair as the moonlight shined off of it. Suddenly he felt a jolt of pleasure as she gave his cock a lick. "Awwwww..." he moaned out a bit loudly as he pushed his hips into her, as she took his cock into her mouth. He was going crazy now as she had his seven inch thick cock in her mouth. Moving his hands, he grabbed onto her golden hair as he held onto it for support pulling and tucking on it.
Her long blonde hair, golden and shimmering in the moonlight covered up her face, hiding the source of pleasure she was giving him from view. The moist tongue wrapped around his shaft almost like a serpent would it's food, squeezing the life out of it. Cersei had skill, she certainly knew what she was doing. His penis hit the back of her throat, she wanted to swallow it, feel him throb inside of her throat, to be as close to him as she possibly could. Her hand continued to jerk him off from the base with slow pulls of his skin whilst the free hand ran along his bare tummy, fingers spread wide and caressing the soft muscles.

She loved him taking hold of her hair, pulling and tugging on it, it showed his forwardness and his ability to take control. He obviously wanted to see the impact, the mouth submerging his cock in to the depths of her throat. Taking him out, she held his cock up, pushing it towards his belly as she dived her head down and licked his balls before continuing up to the tip of his member.

"You taste so good your grace" she said, now lifting up and straddling him again. Aiming his cock at her lips, she sat down on it and felt him enter her. "Mmm" she moaned, Cersei then ran her hands through her hair, combing it so it all fell down to her lower back. Slowly circling her hips, she wanted him to feel every inch of her insides.
Tommen couldn't believe how good this felt. Though he was inexperienced, he knew that his mother was extremely skilled. It felt as if she was going to suck his cock right off. Letting out moans as his hips rolled into her face, he felt himself ready to blow. As she took out his cock, he started to pant, huffing and puffing as she laid his wet cock against his lower stomach. Like his mother, he had a golden bush that was visible to her now. With his member out of her mouth, his hands fell lifelessly to the side of him. With her comment of him tasting so good, he couldn't help but smirk a little. One of his hands managed to raise up as it went to touch her full tender lips.

Straddling him, he gazed up at her watching as she pointed his cock right at her lips, in an instance it vanished right into her pussy. Letting out a loud groan, his hands wrapped and squeezed her ass. "Awwww..." he cried out. The feeling was amazing! It was better than her mouth, it was different he thought. "It's warm, and wet.." he told her, as she circled his hips he could feel everything.

It didn't take long for him to cum either. Thrusting his cock a few times into her, it started to quickly spray and squirt the warm clear thick liquid into her. His grip on her ass tighten, as he slowly injected his load into her. Once the last drop left from his cock, he release his strong grip as his cock soften inside of her. "That..was amazing..." he grunted, because it was his first time, he didn't know that he was suppose to last longer. He thought, she would have enjoyed it and orgasmed the same as him.
She was starting to enjoy it, feeling a cock inside her was always something that calmed Cersei. Still running her hands through her hair, she smiled as he touched her ass cheeks, squeezing them firmly in his grasp until he came...suddenly. Looking down with almost distant eyes, Cersei tried to manage a smile as he came. "I now have your seed" she said, clenching her teeth in anger and disappointment. Taking a leg and swinging it over him, she stood at the side of the bed, placing the robe back on. "You will get better with time, soon you shall ride me for hours like a true King." Tying the golden robe at the waist, it clutched her body and showed off her curves again. "Sleep now son, you have a big day tomorrow." Leaning in, Cersei kissed his lips with hers, her tongue sliding in and finding his. Pulling away she smiled and then turned her back, disappearing out of his chambers towards her own.
Tommen didn't notice the disappointment and anger his mother had, all he could think about was how good she made him feel. It was amazing. The thought of her now having his seed turned him on, but her statement after that turned him on even more. The image of him riding her for hours popped into his head, he wasn't sure if that was even possible, but since she mentioned it he figured out it was true. The thought of him going at her for hours on end, riding her like he would ride a horse into the sun was something special. As she started to tie her robe, his eyes couldn't help but lust after her body watching her smooth curves. "Yes mother...good night" he said a bit sadden, he wished she would've been able to sleep in his chambers tonight, but that wasn't the case. Once she left he would quickly fall asleep, having wonderful dreams of riding and drilling her.

Morning soon came, and Tommen was awaken by a soft voice. "Mother..?" he said as he softly opened up his eyes to find one of servants tending to his sheets. Yawning Tommen wanted to sleep in, but he knew that he had work to do. After all he was the king. Getting up from his bed, the servant went over to fetch his clothing. Bring a few choices to pick from, Tommen choose the middle one not really caring what he wore. Once done dressing, he stood tall in his black leather pants, dark boots, and red and black silk tunic. Placing the crown onto his head, he left his chambers as he was escorted into the dinning hall. Everyone was gathered around for breakfast. He could see Margaery and her family, along with other lords, but what caught his attention was his mother.

Quickly walking down the hallway, he took seat right next to his mother instead next to Margaery like he usually did. "Morning Mother..." he said with a cheeky smile as he began to eat.
A smile appeared on her face to as he chose to sit by her side. "Morning your grace" she answered, now turning to give Margaery a devilish look. "Your King has arrived" Cersei said to the Tyrell woman in front of everyone. Of course, they all said nothing, just waiting in silence. "Morning your grace" she said, upset he was sitting opposite her. She gathered he was angry or mad that she didn't show up, but she had to explain to him what happened when she got the chance.

As everyone was eating, Cersei slipped a hand under the table and started to touch her son's thigh. She kept her eyes above of course, scanning the room before fixing on Margaery. The two stared at one another, locked in a battle waiting for the other to break first. It was hardly as dangerous as a real war yet neither wanted to show weakness.
Innocent Tommen hadn't even noticed Margaery until his mother mentioned her presents. Looking up at her, he gave her a small smile. "My lady.." Nodding his head for her, he instantly went back to his meal as if nothing had happened. Tommen was completely oblivious to the tension between his mother and his future wife. Feeling her hand under the table, his eyes instantly lit up. He made sure not to look down, he knew what they did was wrong, everyone would look down upon them. Instead, he pretended that nothing was going on, as he laced his hand against his mothers.

Everyone happily ate their breakfast, laughing and chatting without a care in the world. All except Margaery, and Tywin Lannister. Seeing how happy his daughter was, he realized that she somehow managed to get her claws back on her son. He was disgusted, at the whole scene. When everyone had finish eating, and was starting to leave he walked over to Margaery approaching her. "Meet me in the gardens at noon..we're going to have to pull that boy away from his mothers breast.." Tywin said quickly walking away from her as he went to begin his daily duties.

Tommen quickly followed his mother after he was done eating. "Mother, what are your plans today?" He questioned her with a big smirk across his face.
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