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Seeking long term, literate female partner for realistic roleplay (Messenger only)

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Nobody's River

Jun 8, 2014
Massachusetts, U.S.
Hey ladies.
I am looking for a mature, open-minded, fun, intelligent female (18+) to roleplay with, hopefully for a long period of time. Below I have provided a detailed outline of my expectations, rules, interests, etc.


I ONLY do roles over Yahoo instant messenger AOL Instant Messenger, or Trillian. I do not do threads, or private messages. PM me with your yahoo/AIM or Trillian ID and I will add you, should you desire.


I am very particular about my roleplaying partners and as such I have a small set of rules that I wholly expect my partner to follow. I'm a pretty laid back and easy going person, but I will not compromise on these rules

1. I fully expect my partner to have a reasonable grasp of the English language. I WILL NOT tolerate things like "lol" "gr8" and whatnot in the role play. I'm fairly forgiving and will tolerate a few innocent, honest mistakes but blatant misspelled words and acronym use will result in me ignoring you.
2. I am in my 30's and due to legal as well as ethical reasons, I will NOT role play with you if you are under the age of 18.
3. I will only participate in a role play where both characters are adults.
4. I will not do any rape scenes or roleplay as a jealous, controlling character that is abusive or violent towards women.
5. Absolutely no bestiality, anime, futa, vore, humiliation, whatever.
6. I do not play multiple characters.
7. I fully expect my partners to communicate with me and be active. I don't always expect quick, rapid responses but after I don't see a response for three or four days I will ask what's up. If I don't hear anything for over a week, I'll most likely end the roleplay. I understand that life happens and always comes first, but if you are unavailable to roleplay on a somewhat regular basis, then I am not interested.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot follow these guidelines DO NOT pm me. I don't care if you're the best role player in the world, but if you can't accommodate to the rules listed above then I am absolutely not interested in communicating with you.

While I am open minded to most ideas, these are the roles that I have scenes for. I have several ideas for each role and am open to combining them:

Married Couple
- Happily married, or cheating on one another
Babysitter/Kid's father
- Best friends or casual friends
Sister's friend
Ex Lovers
- Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, WoW, Star Wars, etc.
Sci Fi
Old West

I also am first/third person flex, so I am happy to roleplay either one. I usually leave that decision up to my partner.

Again, I have multiple scenes for each of the roles I listed. The roles listed are not the only ones I do, so if you have a suggestion I am more than willing to hear you out. I will let you know though, if I am not interested in your suggestion and I would appreciate the same in return. If you provide a role or suggestion have a scene ready. I'm not going to write a scene for a role that you suggested. I am more than willing to make adjustments to the scenes I have, should there be a few minor details you're not fond of. I am not a mind reader! If you expect me to know or "guess" what you want without knowing your interests and desires then I will tell you goodbye and won't even bother with you.

NOTE: If you find that you do not enjoy roleplaying with me, please let me know that things will not work out. I'm an adult, and I understand my taste and style isn't for everyone and that I am very rigid about certain things. I will take no offense if you would rather not roleplay with me due to these reasons. I will likewise do the same to you. If I do not enjoy your style, tastes and whatnot I will let you know politely and we can both move on. But if the situation arises, please act like an adult about it. My number one pet peeve is when my time is wasted. Do not waste my time. If I feel like you are wasting my time I will block you without question.

ANOTHER NOTE: If I decide that we will no longer work out as partners, I will send you a PM through here letting you know that I will be ending the roleplay. I will also be removing/blocking you from my messenger list and will place you on my ignore list on this site as well. This is not to be vindictive or malicious, it's simply a precaution so that I can keep my messenger list clean and have an archive of names to avoid in the future should we stumble upon another down the line. I absolutely despise "ghosting" and even if I'm not particularly fond of you, I will still send you a notice because I am a mature adult. Should you receive one of these messages, please do not take it personally. It is not an attack on you and likely not your writing skills. Please do not attempt to change my mind. If I have ended a roleplay with you, I did so for a reason and likely have no interest in role playing with you again.

Please send me a private message if I haven't scared you off yet, or just add me at one of my listed messengers below!

YIM: redcanyonblues
Trillian: WolfMichaelHall
AIM: (working on it!)
RE: Seeking female partners

Like I said before, don't be shy!
Still looking for partners. Some of the ones that have gotten in touch with me have proved unsatisfactory.
RE: Seeking female partners

I'm not into women with tails or excess fur.
I don't understand why people find that sexy.

If you're looking for something NORMAL, hit me up.
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