Poison Encounter (with delightfullrevenge)


May 12, 2013
Alex walked down the sidewalk with a spring in his step. He just finished his last final of the Semester and was eager to get home and out to the bars. The tall blue eyed man shifted his backpack as he looked across the street at the park... Rumor had it that people disappeared out of there... It was Gotham City after all and that didn't surprise him.. he wondered if it was gang related or one of those super villains.

His thoughts turned back to the bars and thinking about picking up a girl tonight. They should be in a celebrating mood as well and he thought he could get a little lucky tonight.....
Poison Ivy

The crackling sounds of growing vines as it grew around her neck and wrists, bracing together as her new necklaces and bracelet, the curvy, redhead women continued to walk down the street during the quietness of the night. Ivy didn't know any better - everything was a joke to her. At this time of moment, she was walking down the dark side of the block, only covering but darkness, hiding herself anywhere the lights were. As she was walking steadily, taking each step in a skillful yet careful matter, her eyes was soon caught by the attention of a man across from her. Her entire body halting and watching the figure from the distance, her eyes lingered and watched him as he walked alone. ALONE. For some reason - just by looking at the sight, she couldn't but smile. Surprised to see a man - walking in Gotham city...alone...it was very surprising for Ivy, especially when she knew people disappeared around the area; but not her; she was safe from the danger.
Alex started to hum to himself as he walked down the lamp light street. Across the street next to the park was dark, too dark for him. All the various shops, now closed for the evening were on his side of the street. He passed the book store his pace slowed, caught the site of someone walking down the street, the dark side of the street. As he slowed his walk he could see it was a woman, even in the darkness, he could see her curves... Alex shrugged and walked across the street to intercept her "Hey, you really shouldn't walk in the dark.. a lot of people went missing around her miss..."
Noticing the figure had stopped in the middle of his walking and was setting his eyes upon her direction, the eyes of Ivy's soon averted from the scene when they began to notice he was approaching her way; her spot-cover soon 'exposed' to the 'light'. But then again, they soon looked back up after hearing the sudden voice of the man, catching him saying it was dangerous to walk around the darkness of the sidewalk. However, just by listening to the comment, her reaction towards the comment made her disappointed to hear. Her eyes lighten up with a less satisfied glance, but her lightgreen eyes admiring his blue ones. "Danger? I don't see here..." With eyes looking up and down, gleaming at what he was wearing for this night, she smiled. "But...I do see a handsome man who is now standing now in front of me...Are you lost?"
He smiled and shook his head as she asked the question, but he was flattered at her comment on his appearance. His eyes squinted in the dark trying to see her better. She had something on, a one piece or something... maybe she was a gymnast?? "No I'm not lost... but thanks... I was getting ready to go out for the night." He sifted his stance, maybe he could get her to tag along. "You don't look to bad yourself miss." Even in the dark, he could see her beautiful red hair. "Anyway, its the danger you can't see in the dark. Maybe I can walk you to where your going?? I'm Alex..."
Not even once blushing at his comments - or more like compliments, she only smiled at them. "Interesting," she only replied, attempting herself to take a step back but leaving her eyes off the presence of the man, known as Alex. "..sometimes I like to travel home by myself, but I don't mind for one night. From here, it's not a far walk." Looking away, she glanced over across the street. "Alex, eh? Name's Ivy" She then answered. After awhile, she lost interest of the sight from across and began to walk off, to home.
"Ivy huh?? That's an unusual name..." He started walking her home curious about her. "So what brings you out here tonight?? They say people should go near the park, and yet here you are..." He smiled trying to be friendly, at worst he wanted her phone number, at best something will happen tonight. "I just finished my last final.... are you a student here??" He was quiet for a moment, not trying to be overtly needy.
It was not unexpected but funny when he repeated her name. If Ivy was ever to mention the word 'Poison' Ivy, then they would all know her true identity and probably also know she would be done for. For many years, policeman and other high-tech men were on the search for her ever since the same exact day when she bombed the lab with one of her poisonous creation - and experiments. However, not once she was she ever caught. As she walked down the block, still capture by the darkness, she realized the man she trying to catch up and yet, ask more fellow questions. Ivy couldn't help but blinked her eyes at the rhetorical questions that was asked. "Student you say? Hmm...I prefer to recall myself a scientist." She blurted out, feeling the vines around her neck grew more causing the crackling sounds again. "Also, since you mentioned this before, then why are you walking on this streets?" From distance, Ivy was strangely able to hear a loud alarm of sirens, but knew for the fact it was coming around this area.
Surprise flushed over his face, he wasn't hitting on a faculty member was he? She sounded so young to him. He didn't know if she could see him that well in the dark. "A scientist huh? So your a professor at the university? What kind of science?" He continued to walk with her as he heard a slight sound, but he shrugged it off. "Well, I wanted to make sure you got home alright, anyway, I haven't heard of TWO people going missing at the same time. So whoever it is, doesn't want to take a chance. Besides, its not like on of the cities super-villains is hiding in the woods.... "
After hearing him ask the question, her body lifted to moment of delight and smiled widely. "Well, no I don't work at professor at the university. However, I actually have done a few teaching at place somewhere but that was a long time ago, maybe around my 20's. Yeah, something like that. But anyway, I am a scientist and a person who studies for planets" Her eyes then suddenly lowered, "But not anymore...Not anymore after my terrible mistake - when my experiment when wrong." More crackling sound of the vines growing throughout her body it began to spread down her legs. But for now, she ignored the subject about the two people missing and looked back up, realizing they were at the entrance: The gate. She spoke again then, "Well then, that's very nice of you. I guess I could use the company, especially from the hiding super-villains who don't normally lives in the woods?" For some reason, she chuckled at the comment and turned around. "And... I guess...I can take you on a quick tour. Like said, we can't let anyone go missing again" Smirking, she began to walk off.
He blinked and felt sorry for her... what she worked for and loved she can do any more... it was tragic really. He smiled and looked over at her in the dark "Well, I'm sorry to hear about the experiment... it went wrong?? I hope no one was hurt at least... I cant imagine what I think if I did something...." He broke off wondering if he was opening an old wound. He arched his head again, trying to listen... what was that sound? He looked up at the gate and over at her. "Well, we are here.... I'd love a tour Ivy... I suppose knowing you loved plants, your name makes some sense.... I suppose you loved plants as a kid??"
When the gate opened and the two had already inside, Ivy couldn't feel anymore but happier to be home. Where they were walking at the current moment was the front yard: dead leaves and vines laying lifeless on the solid grounds. Additionally, when passing the front gate Ivy had remembered it was almost covered with vines. Strong and hard to break. Walking through the alley's path she began to up the small flight of stairs, however, she didn't out the keys in the meantime. Already, from a distance, the door looked opened. But, she didn't seem to worry at all; she knew on one would dare pass the line of home unless she gave permission to. Smiling at the thought, Ivy finally nodded. "Yes, I use adore plants when I was a youth. And I still do today...by the way, ignore this unattractive scene; the plants hasn't grown since last winter" With that, she opened her front yet unlocked door and stepped in.
Alex followed her for a bit down the path to her front door. He looked around, to see what her could. She was right, the place looked like it was ready for spring to come around. He could hear his feet crush leaves as he walked her to her front door. "Yes, I suppose the plants do smell a little. But Spring will come along and they will grow again... I'm sure you will be tending them once they do." He remained outside after escorting her home, she didn't exactly invite him in but his good deed was done. "Well, I suppose you made it here... anything else I can help you with tonight Ivy?"
Quickly shutting the door and spinning around with the sudden, her attention soon returned to Alex. "Wait, please don't go yet!" She said, her eyes widening with her big lightgreen eyes. "If a chance you do have time, maybe you can explore things- or take a quick tour before heading back? I promise it would only take a minute" She 'promised', yet thinking it wasn't probably a good to let the boy go alone where he was going nor missing out the funniest things that no one would want to miss. Smiling down she waited for a respond..
He smiled, he sorta hoped she was interested in him and he nodded. "Ya, I'd love to take the tour Ivy." He paused a moment "The bars can wait if I get to hang out with you." He walked back up the steps and next to her. "I want to see what kind of place a girl named Ivy has that is interested in plants... I'm sure you have some surprises." He smiled, she was attractive and she would be just as good or better than anything that he would find down at the bars tonight.
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