There’s the sign. Welcome to Kentucky. Jake was relieved to be out of that last godforsaken State. He didn’t go back to Tennessee very often. Only three times since moving away at age twenty three. Jeez… it had been twelve years already, he realized. What brought him back this time was his little sister’s wedding. It wouldn’t be fair to take out his problems with his parents on her. Just a few miles after crossing the state line, there was a rest stop. He pulls off and uses the facilities.
After using the restroom Jake looks in the mirror into his own green eyes, realizing what a mess he is. He pulls a comb from his jeans pocket and cleans up the brown mess that is his hair. His face is covered in a short stubble. He tries to straighten out his shirt but fails.
Jake walks back into the night and opens his trunk. He looks around. There’s not a soul to be found. He strips his shirt off, puts on some deodorant he pulls from a backpack, and places a new plaid button up on. All he could think about was that his sister and her new husband were probably having at it right now. He wasn’t particularly picturing them doing it, just the fact that they had each other. It reminded him of when he used to have someone - which then reminded him of all the hurt that came along with that someone when her life fell apart thanks to drugs. Shit. Let’s just forget all of this, he thinks to himself. He gets back into his car, lays his head back and pulls his cock out of his pants, beginning to pleasure himself. After a minute or two he stops cold turkey. This is pathetic. Freaking Tennessee always screws me up, he thinks. Jake covers himself back up and begins to drive. He cruises down the highway in his jeep, wanting to get as far away from the Eastern seaboard as possible.
After using the restroom Jake looks in the mirror into his own green eyes, realizing what a mess he is. He pulls a comb from his jeans pocket and cleans up the brown mess that is his hair. His face is covered in a short stubble. He tries to straighten out his shirt but fails.
Jake walks back into the night and opens his trunk. He looks around. There’s not a soul to be found. He strips his shirt off, puts on some deodorant he pulls from a backpack, and places a new plaid button up on. All he could think about was that his sister and her new husband were probably having at it right now. He wasn’t particularly picturing them doing it, just the fact that they had each other. It reminded him of when he used to have someone - which then reminded him of all the hurt that came along with that someone when her life fell apart thanks to drugs. Shit. Let’s just forget all of this, he thinks to himself. He gets back into his car, lays his head back and pulls his cock out of his pants, beginning to pleasure himself. After a minute or two he stops cold turkey. This is pathetic. Freaking Tennessee always screws me up, he thinks. Jake covers himself back up and begins to drive. He cruises down the highway in his jeep, wanting to get as far away from the Eastern seaboard as possible.