Rivalry Between Heroes [Marvel] (Bass x Naomi)


Feb 14, 2013
Jake Blaze smirked as he flew across the sky. Now, Jake wasn't a hero by regular means. He had no super powers, but he took the path of his close friend, Tony Stark. Jake was a young man of twenty years, with flame red hair and ice blue eyes. He was six feet tall, and muscular. But his strength was the suit he wore. The Azure Knight Suit. (Soulgain)

He flew across the sky, before noticing that a bank was under armed robbery. He chuckled and flew down to engage.
Hayley Grace was a mutant, but not just any mutant. Then again, all mutants, people who had super powers, were all unique in their own way. She could control the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Air was the one she was best at. Water, she was second best at. Earth, she the third best at. Fire, she was fourth best at. She wore a suit, something to disguise her identity. She was fresh out of high school, having barely turned 18. She too, was very tall, standing at 6 feet tall as well. She wasn't muscled, but her strengths were in her powers, but she wasn't a slouch. She had blonde hair, and bright green eyes. Her suit was bright red, and she flew faster than Jake, the air whistling by him as she speeded past him.
Jake's eyes widened as a bolt just zipped by him. "The hell?!" He muttered, pushing the thrusters as hard as he could. He landed, and burst into the bank.
Her face was completely covered, holes only for her eyes, nose, and mouth. Her suit had stars on them, falling stars... She landed in the bank before she did, and she was already doing her work. The wind was howling inside of the bank, and she was using her power over the air to rip away the weapons of the robbers, and to immobilize them.
(How curvy is she?)

Jake just stood in shock at what was happening. Mutants weren't supposed to steal his thunder!
(Very, the suit is very tight, so it really emphasizes all of the right places on her)

There were some cheers amongst those in the bank, chanting,"Morning Star! Go Morning Star!" Hayley was smiling, she was just waiting on the cops right now. She was shaking them up and down, forcing them to drop everything they had stolen.
Jake fumed. He tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me..."Morning Star" I saw this place first." He asserted, glaring at her.
"Seeing a place first doesn't necessarily mean that you got here first." she replied briskly, unafraid of him. She smiled when the cops arrived, she heard sirens. And saw the rushing policemen and women enter. Then there was a clamor amongst those in the bank, all pointing to Morning Star as their savior.
Jake bristled, his face obscured by his helmet. He wasn't going to let some newbie steal HIS fame! He stormed out of the bank and flew off in a huff.
Hayley was smiling, the police and citizens were thanking her again. She lowered the air currents to let the police cuff the criminals, and she watched them take them away. She flew out of the bank, her work was done. The Morning Star had done it again.
Hayley swore, feeling something wrong in the air currents, and she used the same air currents she was riding on to crush the missiles. Amazing, really, how air could tell her so much, even when she wasn't on the ground. She turned around, shouting,"What was that for?"
"To see what you're made of. That was my task that you stole. You're stealing my fans, my fame! Stop now, or I'll make you stop!" He warned, floating in place.
"One, I'm not scared of you. Two, don't be a hero for fame. Three, don't be a douche. Four, don't threaten me, or it will end badly for you." she replied, her hands lighting up on fire.
"Yeah sure. I'm sure you wouldn't understand why I want fame and to protect at the same time. And my armor is state of the art. Those little embers can't hurt me." Jake taunted.
"Of course, I could always use the air inside your lungs to make you implode. Shall I test that?" she slyly replied. She started swirling her hands, and the sky slowly began to darken. She spoke,"Why can't we just share? It's much more logical than what we're doing. Oh wait! Your ego won't allow you to share!"
"I'd be fine sharing, but you've been hogging everything for the past few weeks!" Jake shouted, large blades extending from the arms of his armor as he dashed at her, ready to slice.
"You didn't get there first, plain and simple. Timing is everything when it comes to crime fighting." she replied simply, unfazed by the blades that extended from his armor. She spoke, pointing to the crowd beneath them,"Do you really want to upset the public by hurting one of their new favorites?"
She sighed in relief, she didn't want to fight him, she flew off as well, flying home... To her base of operations. She quickly stripped off her costume, showered, put on normal clothes, and put a new pin on her Mundane Crime Wall. She had two maps. One for the normal humans, the other for powered people like her. As expected, the humans had more crimes, but she was looking for patterns in the Powered Crime Wall, and she was seeing a disturbing epicenter.
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