The Hobbit: Tale of Tauriel and Legolas ( Celebstars & Assume)


Apr 28, 2012
Tauriel was walking along the Elven path through the forest. The ancient track had been beaten up by the plants with weeds growing in between the cracks and the roots of trees breaking the stonework in half. As head of the Elven guard, it was her duty to protect the lands of her people, hence the reason she was in the forest. Scouts had alerted herself and the Elven King Thranduil about an infestation of evil which was plaguing the forests. The King immediately sent Tauriel out to rid the beasts from their lands which didn't surprise her as it was her job. She wouldn't be alone though, instead having a companion, the Prince by her side.

They had been walking not to far when they saw webbing scattered across the branches above. "They have got nearer since sunrise" Tauriel explained, taking her bow from her back and holding it in her right hand. Drawing an arrow from her quiver she pulled back it back and scoured the sights around her. The fact they had seen the shoots of web meant they were getting closer.

"I hate spiders" she said openly. Walking slowly, Tauriel, like all Elves were light on their feet and made hardly any sound. The place was quiet, very quiet. The darkness the spiders had brought with them had driven the natural habitants away.
RE: The Hobbit: Tale of Tauriel and Legolas

Legolas walked closely ahead of Tauriel as he gazed around at the webbings. The further they went the thicker it seemed that it would grow. They were getting closer. Legolas was surprised when his father, the king, had requested him to help aid in the task of destroying the evil that lurked in the forest. Being the Prince of Mirkwood, this normally wasn't his job, but Legolas was known far and wide as one of the greatest Elvish warriors. His skills were said to rival his own fathers. It seemed his father wanted this infection gone as quickly as possible he thought, if he wanted him to come along. "Aye..they have..normally these webs are deeper in the forest.." Legolas exclaimed as he touched the webs, it seemed as if they were freshly made.

Suddenly the floor started to shake a little bit, as a loud screeching noise could be hear. Quickly grabbing Tauriel he pulled her behind a pillar, as she was tucked closely to him. "Ssshh..!" he said placing a hand over his mouth. Gazing at the mammoth size spider, he watched as it was spinning its web around something. Upon further look Legolas could see that it was a person. He couldn't make out what race the person was. As he or she had been completely mummified in the web, but from the movements they were at least alive for now. "What are they doing?" Killing the spiders wasn't a problem, Legolas could have taken on three or four dozen of them. What he wanted though, was to figure out the reasoning behind their movements.

"We're going to follow that spider okay? It seems as if its meal over there is alive..hopefully it leads us to the hive..whatever you do, don't let them hurt or kill whoever is in that web. We can question them." Waiting a few seconds, Legolas watched as the giant spider grabbed the web string and carried off the victim. After a few seconds of waiting he quickly started to run after the spider. Hiding behind pillars to keep out of view of the spider along the way. "Follow my footsteps.." he told Tauriel.
With her back against the ancient stone pillar, Tauriel listened quietly to the noise of branches and twigs being strained or broken. Looking above, she saw the underside of the huge beast walking with it's eight legs and carrying a live person in it's mouth. The sight made her skin crawl but equally made her feel angry that such creatures roamed her forests.

As Legolas stepped forward, so did Tauriel, following in his footsteps. Ahead the forest got so deep that the sun couldn't penetrate it's leaves from above. Darkness ascended on both of them meaning they had to be extra vigilant. A screeching came from the tress, the spider either screamed or moaned as one of it's legs caused a branch to break. The arachnid almost fell and because of this, dropped the person from it's mouth.

The thought of someone possibly dying was enough to make Tauriel act. As the body fell through the air she quickly used her bow and shot an arrow in to the sky. Her skill was undeniable as it struck the webbing the man was encased in and struck a tree. The captured soul was hanging by the single arrow at about twenty feet above the ground. It squirmed and fought inside before managing to use it's weapon to cut itself free.

What Tauriel saw now was shocking. It was an orc which looked just as shocked as the elves. "What are you doing in these lands!" She yelled, drawing an arrow again and pulling back on the bow. Before an answer could come the spider which had dropped him fell to the ground on all eight legs. It was joined by it's group surrounding the elves and orc.

Suddenly, they were charged at from every possible angle, leading them to fight for their lives. Tauriel grabbed an arrow and swung it behind her, stabbing a spider between it's many eyes before using it to draw on her bow and killing another.
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