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Feb 14, 2013
Peace had won that day. That day when Robin the Tactician sacrificed his life, and survived, in order to kill the fell dragon, Grima. Ylisse, Regna Ferox, Plegia, and Valm were at peace. However, a shadow would fall on the horizon, when a lone mercenary would bring news of a dire threat.

Jake was a young man of twenty years old. He was six feet tall precisely, with flame red hair and ice blue eyes. He wore a traditional mercenary garb, a red tunic, black boots and pants, with armor plating here and there. He couldn't afford to lose mobility for his vocation. But he wasn't in Ylisse for a job. He was here from far, far across the ocean, to warn the Exalt, Chrom, of a dire, dangerous threat.

"Halt! What business do you have with Lord Chrom?" The castle guards inquired forcefully.

"Please, sirs. I will disarm if need be, but I must see the Exalt. Our lives depend on it!" Jake pleaded.

The guards talked amongst themselves for a while, before beckoning him inside.

He was soon in the throne room. Chrom, his beloved wife Sumia, their growing daughter, Lucina, and their daughter from the future, Lucina, were present.

"My men tell me you have dire news. Please tell me." Chrom said calmly.

Jake nodded. "I come from the continent of Canith, far to the north of this continent. The entire continent has fallen under the rule of one man. Daskar the Invincible. He is unnaturally strong. His armor...seems invincible. He is oppressive, and wants to conquer the world! Starting with all of you! Please, you must listen!" He said urgently.

Chrom looked thoughtful. "Lucina? Sumia? What do you think?" He asked.
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