He's A Rebel [Crusade x Psycho] - Stand By Me RP -


Apr 16, 2012
He's A Rebel

Name: Autumn Winters
Nickname: Auttie
Age: Newly 18
Siblings: Thomas "Tommy" Winters (12 years old)
Setting: Castle Rock, 1959

It had been barely two weeks since Tommy and I moved to this new small town called Castle Rock. And already, the arguments ensued. He had promised a new town, with a new job and a new life would change him for the better. But the reality was, my father was a drunk since my mother died two years ago. He had never had a drinking problem until then, and prior to her death, he was a calm man. Now, he was a raging lunatic with a violent temper, and even I could barely handle him. Although I was a woman, I could handle my fair share of a fist fight. I had no choice. If I wanted to protect my baby brother, I had to fight my madman of a father off physically. Because Tommy was a young boy, my father seemed to think punching him, burning him, and throwing bottles would make him a better and bigger man. And after the last incident, where Daddy dearest tried to burn Tommy's cheek off, I very well nearly bludgeoned my father half to death. Since that day, I vowed to kill my father if he ever put his hands on Thomas again. So far, he'd listened. But as for me, I'd began to take the beatings instead, but I considered it well worth it.

Today had been just another day. Another argument; another fight. I could only do one thing to escape, and that was leave the house. Luckily Tommy had joined a group of local 12 year old boys who hung out in a treehouse and often slept over and each other's houses. Lately, I had encouraged him to house hop, just until I could find a place for us to stay. Nevertheless, his new friends also brought new worries and more trouble. Because word had spread that the group was a target to an older gang of bullies, I had become increasingly concerned. Although, Tommy kept most of his group endeavors to himself. I figured the less I knew, probably the better. But I already knew too much; that Chris' brother, Eyeball, was an asshole and personal pet of the Cobras gang leader "Ace". The latter of which I could not stand. Our interactions had been bitter, borderline hostile, but still he thought he owned the whole town - and I hated arrogance. Despite this, I tried to avoid the jack rabbit of a gutter snipe. The last thing I needed was to be forced to move away from indulging in trouble. Just two weeks, and so far, there was too much it.

I had been driving around town, trying to pick up some odd jobs. I applied to any place that was hiring, but in a small knit town - being the new comer was a disadvantage. Still, I had heard about a job down at the barn which was a small ways away, down a long country road. Unfortunately, my old 1950 Chevy truck and the tough country roads did not agree. Half way there, a loud pop that sounded like a gunshot echoed throughout the country plains. "What in Jesus-!" I shouted in my startled state. Something had punctured my tire, and it had completely blown. The car slowed, and I could hear the prominent smacking of the flopping truck tire on the road. "God dammit!" Pulling over, I angrily slammed the clutch into park and flew open the truck door. I hung half out of the vehicle to check my back tire - she was the one; the one that popped. "Shit..." I hissed under my breath; staring directly at the chewed up tire that blossomed like the flowers that surrounded me. Hopping down from the Chevy, I groggily walked over to the back wheel, sighing immensely as I calculated how much of a delay this would set. In my eyes, it was a pretty big one.

Wasting no time, I grabbed a pair of mechanic gloves from the glove box and slipped them on. I unlatched the back of the truck and snagged the tool box and jacks. I threw them to the ground and began to set up the jacks - slowly and brutally lifting the corner of the car one push at a time. Luckily the truck wasn't on a drastic enough incline to start rolling- at least, it hadn't rolled yet. I moved on to get the tire, which weighed so much I could barely lift it. As tough as I thought I was, I nearly fell right over as I lifted it out of the truck.
He's A Rebel

Name: John Merrill
Nickname: Ace
Age: 23
Setting: Castle Rock, 1959

I was raised by my piece of shit uncle. Never knew my parents. Never really got to know my uncle, either. He was too busy getting wasted and dealing drugs to give a fuck about me. Maybe that's where I get my bad attitude. Could be why the law disgusts me. Who knows.

That day was like any other, though. I met up with Eyeball and the two of us headed down behind the house to put a new layer of wax on my '49 custom convertible. Christ, that thing was my fucking baby. I don't think I ever cared about anything the way I cared about that car. The leather seats, the craftsmanship, the angles of the body. Better than any girl I'd been with.

After me and Eyeball washed the car and shot at beer bottles, I'd had enough of his company. Sending him on his way, I got into my newly shined ride and proceeded to take some country roads with it. Probably should've washed the bastard after I planned on taking it through a maze of dusty dirt roads, but I was never one to think too far ahead.

It was nice to just be alone and let the engine do most of the talking. I'd driven a good twenty miles of back roads when I headed down the lone country road that led to the largest barn in all of Castle Rock. The road was nothing but large potholes and navigating took some getting used to. I'd memorized where every last one of them was, but it looked like the truck with the blown out tire up ahead wasn't so fortunate.

I drove by doing about 30, kicking out a cloud of dust behind me. I caught hardly see through the dust, but as I kicked the car back around to head the other way, I got a good look at the driver who was trying to pop a spare on the thing. From what I could gather, it looked like that little bitch, Auttie. New to town, she was already a thorn in my fucking side. Her little brother had bad taste, having befriended Eyeball's queer little brother and the rest of them. I already got an earful from her. She was lucky I was feeling extra generous. If she wasn't so goddamn attractive, I would've kicked more dust into her face.

Pulling up behind the truck, I got out, wearing a pair of tight jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I switched the toothpick in my mouth from one side to the other and then nodded in her direction as I made my way over to the side of the truck she was on.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I smirked and watched her struggle for a few more seconds before actually speaking. My eyes took in the sight of her, looking like the least feminine woman he'd ever seen grace Castle Rock, but I liked it. I liked the fact that she didn't mind getting dirty. It said something about her. "Auttie, Auttie, Auttie. What the hell are doing down this way? This road'll leave you in a ditch if you don't know it good enough," I said, taking the spare from you, carrying it over to the tire in question.

"Looks like today's your lucky day, though. Don't say I never did nothing nice," I added, using the wrench to pop off the lug nuts. I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead before tossing the flat in the bed of the truck. After putting the spare in its place, I worked the lugs back on and then looked back at her, smirking as I flipped the toothpick to the other side of my mouth again.

"Done," I said simply, lifting myself up, wiping the grease onto my jeans. "You owe me one, Winters."

Although I could hear the running engine echo in the emptiness of the country side, I didn't bother to attempt to wave it down for help. I didn't even turn my head as the car passed my truck, that is, until a storm of dirt washed over me. "What the-" Letting go of the tire, my hands came up to my face to wave away the dust that sophisticated me. The tire fell back into the trunk of the truck, while I coughed and moved away from the cloud of dust. As it settled, I could finally open my watering eyes. As the slit of my eyelid opened, I could see the convertible I had learned to hate had swept by me. It was Ace. That crumb of a human being didn't even have the decency to move over a lane. "Ass wipe." I mumbled under my breath.

As if I wasn't dirty enough from the blow tire, now I was showered head to toe in dirt. I wiped the sweat and dirt off of my forehead with my wrist and forearm before heading over to the driver side. After pulling open the driver's door, I looked through my purse and found my hair elastic and bandana. I through my hair up and wrapped my bangs to keep my hair out of my face. While I rummaged through my car, I hadn't noticed the very car that had title-waved me in dust was in fact, turning around. I had been leaning into the driver's seat from outside of the car when I heard the dirt road crunch until the convertible's tires. Leaning back, I poked my head out to see the face I dreaded. “Praise the Lord.” I mumbled sarcastically and rolled my eyes slightly.

Pulling myself from the door, I made my way back over to the trunk to grab the tire. I was dressed pretty down compared to other women in town. I just didn't find myself comfortable in dresses and skirts, so instead I sported high-waisted jeans that were rolled up several inches above the ankle. Normally, I would be showing some skin at the ankle, but my lace up brown leather boots covered that area. Instead of a nicer going-out shirt, that most average girls would normally tuck into their jeans, I was wearing a checkered shirt that tied at the stomach. It was tied just high enough to show a tiny sliver of skin.

“Just the face I didn't want to see.” I called out to you as the you were getting closer. Still, despite talking to you, I didn't make eye contact or turn around to greet you. It wasn't until you began to speak that I turned around. I gave an unimpressed smirk, as you walked over to me. My eyes looked over the body that had exited the Ford. It was so unfortunate that an ass like you could ooze manliness, but the reality was, bullies were never physically repulsive – they just had shitty attitudes.

As you took the spare from me, I was slightly surprised. I rolled my eyes at your minuscule lecture before letting out a half chuckle. “Don't sugar me, Merrill. What is it they call you? ”Ace”? How dreamy.” Sarcasm saturated my mocking compliment. I glared at you with a puzzled look on my face. I tried not to get lost in the sight of the sun bearing down on your toned figure as you dirtied yourself fixing my tire. I was shocked you were even helping me. “So the devil has a soul. What happened? Did you go to church today?” As you stood up, I snatched the wrench right out of your hand before walking over to the tool box on the ground. Crouching down, I put all the tools away. “I didn't ask for your help, and I especially don't need help from someone like you.”
I tucked my hands into my jeans pockets as I heard you spew your vitriol. It was exactly that attitude that had been the source of our spats in the past. In a way, I liked that you didn't back down. Nothing ever came easy with you and I liked challenges.

I couldn't help but study those pouty lips of yours as you spoke, crudely imagining their use elsewhere. I shook my head and moved to the hood of your truck. Vaulting up, I took a seat on it and let out a sigh as I get more comfortable. "Auttie, I think it's time you apologize. I mean, I just did you a solid and this is the thanks I get? Is that little shit of a brother rubbing off on you or something? I thought you were better than that," I said, knowing just by merely mentioning your brother, I would strike a chord.

Leaning forward, I spit some of the dust that seemed to still hang in the air down into the dirt, adjusting myself so my back sort of reclined against the windshield. I knew you wouldn't take kindly to me sprawled out on your truck, but then again, I really didn't give a fuck, either. "I think he's your problem. If you didn't have to worry about what that stupid fuck was doing with Chambers and LaChance and them, we'd be so much better off. Instead, I get this fucking attitude. I don't like it, Winters. I don't like it at all," I said, my eyes never leaving you or that body of yours.

Even though you were only showing a hint of skin beyond that tied up shirt, I couldn't help but let my eyes gravitate towards it. I wanted to untie that shirt and see what lied beneath. I wasn't sure if it was how sexy you were or the fact that I sort of got off on the fact that you were sort of a bad girl that had be reeling, but either way, I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it.
"You're sitting my MY truck and you want me to apologize?" My expression went from mildly amused to completely unimpressed. But it was more of a sarcastic unimpressed smirk, before I leaned my head back and rolled my eyes. I mouthed the words, "Lord have mercy." without actually emitting a sound, as if I was speaking to God himself by motioning to the sky. Letting out a sigh, I shook my head as I looked over to you, slightly leaning my head to the sight as I wondered what I would do with you. My smirk turned to a grimace as you mentioned my brother. "Shut your asshole about my brother, Ace. He's not your god damn punching bag. If you've got beef, you take it up with me." I grabbed the tool box and threw it into the back of the truck. "They're just kids. Doing what boys do. I can bet 10 beers you were just as big of a little shit as they were when you were 12."

I jumped onto the back of the truck, causing it to bounce slightly. "Hell, you're an even bigger shit now." Seeing you sprawled out on the back of my truck evoked sinful imagery in my mind. A hot summer day, out in the country, on the back of my pick up truck? I'd be lying if I said that didn't appeal to me. But I was better than that. I wasn't that easy. I'd rather walk through the flames of hell than submit to a character like Ace.

I threw the spare tire towards the back of the truck - completely disregarding the fact that you were sitting right there. It was clearly on purpose, and the satisfaction of striking you with a tire was well worth it. I took a few steps towards you; my standing figure towered over yours. "Now get out."
It was clear that I only brought up your brother to get a rise out of you and it worked brilliantly. Seeing you angry was just about the best thing I could have done in that moment. I loved that attitude. Not like all of the meek girls of Castle Rock who were too prude or stuck in their doting housewife shtick to show any sort of personality.

The last thing I'd expected was to see a tire flying my way, but as it made its way towards me, I rolled to the opposite side of the truck and then sat back up, a smirk on my face as I eyed you. I'd gotten the message loud and clear. You telling me to get out wasn't at all necessary, but I had other plans, anyway.

"The way I look at Winters is, if I didn't change your tire, you'd still be here, getting dust and sweat all over that pretty little face of yours. But, I'm not one to overstay my welcome," I said sarcastically, lifting myself to my feet in the bed of your truck. As I slipped by you, I reached back and gave your ass a firm slap, smirking to myself as I hopped down onto solid Earth.

"Until next time, Auttie," I said, getting a good look at you as I walked back to my car. "I'll follow you out in case you fuck up another tire." I smirked and got into my car, starting it up. I almost got off on the purr of that fucking engine. Revving it a few times, I sat back and waited for you, not at all wanting this random meeting to be the last time I run into you. If anything was clear after that little time together, it was that I wanted you. And I was going to have you.
"Really?" I questioned, bitterly. "I'm pretty sure you have a knack at it." I was referring to over-staying welcomes. It was evident you had long over stayed your welcome the moment you pulled over to help me. But that's how I was. I wasn't good at "thank you"s and I was even worse at apologies. I threw you a bit of a smirk from over my shoulder as I watched you dodge the tire.

As you approached me, my deep blue eyes watched you intently. Right before departing, you just had to go out with a bang. When you slapped my ass, my eyes nearly exploded from my face. Immediately, my jaw dropped and I smacked your arm. “Pig!” I pushed your the side of your face with my hand. It wasn't a slap, but it wasn't entirely playful, either. It was just enough of a smack and shove to force you off the back of my truck. “Uck.” I shook my head, disgusted, as I debated if I should smack that little cunning grin right off your little face.

Deciding against it, I frowned slightly as I hopped off the bed of the truck and slammed the door shut. I walked towards the driver's door, but looked over my shoulder to see if you were actually leaving. Seeing that you were getting in your car, I turned back to get into mine. As soon as I looked back ahead of me, I fought off a glint of a smile. I couldn't admit I was charmed, but even if I didn't admit it, I was drawn.

The keys had stayed in the ignition the entire time, but as I went to turn them, the car did not start. My eyes widened, “No, no, no...” I tried to start the car again, except this time, the engine tumbled to a sad, withering screech before chugging dead again. “You have got to be kidding me.” Today was just not my day.

Completely enthralled with embarrassment, I didn't even bother getting out of my car. Out of pure frustration, I leaned my forehead on my arm against the steering wheel. I had been defeated, once again.
Your reaction to my coy little slap on the ass was exactly what I had in mind. I could tell you were surprised, but not all that pissed off I'd done it. Sure, you played it off like you were, but I could read you like a book. You were as into me as I was into you and the more opportunities that presented themselves, the more I'd take advantage of. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long.

After having revved my engine an obnoxious amount of times, I was wondering why you hadn't started the truck. My plan was to follow you down the road and it still was, but as my car started to idle and I could actually hear what was going on in front of me, I couldn't help but laugh as I heard your truck not turning over. Looked like I was going to have to play hero again.

Turning my car off again, I got out and walked over to your truck, the smile never leaving my face. I reached your door and saw the look of sheer exasperation tattooed on your face. It was almost sad in a way, but not quite. I was going to use this opportunity to my full advantage.

"Sounds like something's not right under the hood there, Winters. Do you want me to check it out or are you so repulsed by me that I should just get on my way and let you pretend you know what the hell you're doing?" I asked, leaning my arms against the frame of your door, my head snaking forward so if you were so inclined, you could probably roll up your window and crush my windpipe.

Before I even gave you a chance to reply, I extricated myself and headed around front, popping the hood. I propped it up with the stand and took a look. I was by no means an expert, but I could see that one of your belts was completely shot. Unfortunately, it wasn't something I just carried with me. Ultimately, it would mean you'd have to ride into town with me and we'd get a little bonding time together. This day couldn't have been going any better.
As I collapsed my arms onto the steering wheel out of pure frustration, I sunk my head further into the hold of my arms; as if to bury all of my shame. I was so brutally embarrassed, and the sound of your laughter in the close distance only enraged me. Being way too proud to display any sort of uproar, instead, I took a deep breath and looked up towards the window of my seat to see you standing there.

Just listening to your lips spur the words “repulsed”, my stomach began to churn. I made a face of disgust, though it was grossly exaggerated in order to take away from my feelings of total regret. I shouldn't have come out here alone in the first place, but I was way too stubborn. I just had to swallow my pride and let up a bit. “Don't bother.” I fessed up, though despite my words, I glared at you as you popped open the hood. You could look all you wanted, but I already new what the issue was. “It's the belt.” I shouted from the driver's seat – without even so much as taking a peak under the hood.

“Fuckin' belt...” I spat under my breath, before grabbing my duffle bag from the passenger's seat and exited the vehicle. Slamming the door behind me, I didn't even bother to make eye contact, or even come over to see what you were looking at. Instead, I turned my back to you instantly, and walked over, angrily, to your car. I threw my bag into the backseat of your convertible – which was fairly big for a woman to carry around. Though, the truth was, it was just my errands bag. And for this particular trip, I had packed a spare change of clothes; a dress, some heels, and makeup. It was my pre-interview prep outfit I used to get jobs.

I threw my legs over the door, without even opening it, and slipped comfortably into the passenger's seat. Looking over to you standing at my car, I smirked and said in a calm tone - “You going to offer me a cigarette, or just stand there?”
Before I even diagnosed the problem to you, I could hear you do it yourself from inside of the truck. I didn't understand how someone so inept at changing a tire could've known what was wrong under the hood without even taking a look, but it must have been a recurring problem or something like that.

Instead of dwelling on your talent, I dropped the hood and reached into my back pocket, grabbing hold of a rag I often carried around when I messed around with my car and I wiped my hands clean. Tucking it back into my pocket, I made my way around your truck to find you already inside. At least there was no hesitation. After the rocky start, I figured you'd just as soon walk and not swallow your pride, but I loved the sight of you in the passenger seat.

When you mentioned a cigarette, I got into the driver's seat and reached down into the center console. There was the pack, along with my lighter. I grabbed us both a cigarette and handed you one, letting you put it in your mouth before reaching over to light it for you. Afterwards, I did the same for my cigarette and tossed them back into the console.

"Wasting my time, smoking my cigarettes...you good for anything but lookin' good, Auttie?" I asked sarcastically. It was strange, at first, things felt as strained as all hell, but the longer I was with you, the more comfortable it became. I figured you felt the same way since you so readily got into my car. It also could've merely been the fact that you really wanted your truck fixed. Whatever the case may have been, I liked it.

I hadn't immediately noticed the fairly large duffle bag you'd stowed in my car, but when my eyes caught a glimpse of it, I quirked an eyebrow. "You spending the night, too? My place is a mess," I added with a straight face as I looked over at you, finally driving back down the bumpy country road that had been the source of your headache. With one hand on the wheel, I took a drag of my cigarette and hit the gas a little harder once we'd cleared the stretch of bumpy terrain. I was never one to shy away from the gas pedal.
I had turned my head to stare out into the distance. The roads and ambiance was beautiful – if only I had known the strain it would place on my old, beat up truck, I would have changed my route. Still, I wondered why this was all happening. It seemed strange, and unlikely; crossing paths with my worst enemy. Nevertheless, I just had to run with it and see what road it took my down.

Looking back over to you as you got in your car, my eyes following your movement from picking up the cigarette and lighter, to offering me one. I slipped a cigarette from your fingers and licked my lips before placing it between them. With two fingers balancing the cigarette, I leaned forward to allow you to light it. I took a nice long puff before pulling it from my mouth with my right hand. My head sunk into the head rest of your car as I let out an exhale of smoke and closed my eyes for a moment. The sound that escaped my lips was a light, extremely discreet moan of relief.

Hearing your remark about my looks, I actually couldn't help but crack an amused smile. I chuckled lightly before opening my eyes and turning my head slightly towards you. “Good at using my mouth.” I raised my eyebrows quickly in a joking matter before retaking a drag. Oh, I was cruel. Although I was talking about how I had a big mouth and it always got me in trouble, I had drenched that statement in sexual innuendo. I chuckled almost evilly, figuring your head was probably diseased in the thought of my lips on you. I was a tease, and I loved that look on your face.

With mention of the bag, I glanced at it briefly and grinned. “Is that an offer?” Taking another puff, I held the cigarette over the edge of the car and flicked. The ashes were quick to disperse amongst the force of the wind. Normally, I would have laughed in the face of a comment like that. I was a classier girl than that. But the reality was, I was somewhat homeless, and would rather defame my reputation than spend another night in my father's house.
Just when I thought I might actually be able to focus on the road, you hit me with your little comment about being good at using your mouth. "Fucking Christ," I breathed out, shaking my head with a grin. I looked over at you out of the corner of my eye, thinking about those lips and that mouth and how it might feel being of real service to me. You were the one who'd brought it up, so you couldn't blame me for letting my mind wander.

"Since you brought it up, you might as well prove it. Growing up here, I've never really taken people at their word. I need more than that," I said, licking my lips as I looked over at you after hitting a red light, one of the few in Castle Rock.

I took a long drag of my cigarette, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction. When I'd mentioned the bag and you staying with me, I had been sarcastic, but I was oblivious to you needing a place to crash. I really didn't know much about you aside from the fact that you were Tommy's big sister. He wasn't sure if you were being serious or not, but I wasn't above having you stay with me for a while. It sounded like it had the potential to be a really good time.

"If you need a place to stay, my door is open. As long as you want," I told you, my hospitality actually coming off as sincere, despite the fact that my mind was still centrally focused on other activities. I took the final drag of my cigarette and tossed it, finally coming to rest on the main drag of Castle Rock, where the small hardware and automotive shop was.

"I'll be right back," I told you, jogging into the store. It didn't take long for me to find the right belt. I paid, turned and quickly left just as fast as I'd entered. Bounding towards the car, I hopped over the driver's side door and sat back down, handing you the bag. "I think I'm going to let you fix it. I really enjoyed watching you struggle with that tire," I said with a grin, driving back in the direction we just came.
Hearing you swear, I couldn't help but start to laugh. It started off as a shallow laugh but quickly turned into and out burst. Quickly containing myself, I exhaled in relief. It was one of those exhales you give out when you've had a good laugh. “You're so easy.” I teased, with a smug little grin on my face. I took a final puff of my cigarette before flicking the drag out onto the dirt roads.

My head swooshed to the side to face you as you mentioned proof. “Proof!? HAH!” I lightly smacked the edge of the door where I rested my forearm. “That's the funniest shit I've heard all day.” I let my eyes wander to the scenery once more before answering. “I don't need to prove anything. I'm Auttie fucking Winters. I am the proof.” I enjoyed being a tease. It was especially fun torturing a man like you, Ace Merrill, who owned the city. It gave me power.

As we pulled up to the shop, my eyes settled on yours. I was surprised you were being so genuine. My once mocking smile faded into one of light concern. I gave a nervous smile, trying to figure out if this was some sort of trick or not. But oddly, I placed a profound amount of trust in you, and I couldn't explain why. “That's uh...” I said, mostly in shock, “That's real kind of you.”

The moment you handed me the bag with the part, I smiled lightly. A genuine smile. It was sweet, you even paid for it. I would never admit yet, but I was beginning to fall for your charm. “Oh, I can fix it. And I did NOT struggle with that tire! You just took the glory.” I smirked, leaving the bag on my lap. I let a moment of silence sink in and the drive extend before throwing you a loop.

“So what's with the tough guy act, huh?” I questioned, leaning my head in towards you for the answer. “What are you trying to prove?”
If I had a weakness, it was definitely women and the more I surrounded myself with your wit and subtle charms, the more I realized you were definitely my weakness. The way you flaunted your sexuality and let it just drip from you drove me fucking crazy. Even your vulgar little mouth had me biting my tongue, just wanting nothing more than to see you in action, that same dirty mouth wrapped around my cock. In my own twisted way, that was me falling for you. I couldn't get enough of Auttie Winters.

"I knew you were the type, Auttie. All talk and no show. I've been around enough girls like that to know you're just like all the rest. You talk a mean game, but when it comes down to it, you're just a scared little girl. Ain't that right?" I asked, smirking as I leaned over and gave you a nudge. I wanted to tease you in the same way you teased me. I knew you were a proud woman and probably wouldn't step down from a challenge.

After having retrieved the part and started back towards your broken down truck, I was greeted by a completely random question, one I hadn't at all expected. "I'm not trying to prove anything. And it's not an act, Winters. I've never been a fan of authority and I get off on doing things I'm not supposed to do. If I just sat back and went to church and smiled and waved at everyone I saw, I'd be doing myself a disservice. That ain't me. And I think you're exactly the same way, whether you wanna admit it or not," I said, turning the tables on you. I could already see it in you. Most of the prude little bitches of Castle Rock would be hard pressed to sprinkle sexual innuendo into any conversation, but you just threw it out like it was nothing. You cursed like a sailor and dressed the way you wanted to dress. You were as much a rebel as I was. That was why I was so drawn to you.
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