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What do we love in video games?


Feb 25, 2014
Not in Vegas
Seeing the thread about what annoys us in video games, and me being more of a happy positive person. I must ask, what do you all love in video games?

As one can guess I like a challenge. I like a game that can be difficult without being unfair. I've hinted toward this through my references with dark souls. Can the game be difficult? Of course! Is it downright unfair? No not really, it requires you to learn a lot, but that is the point of the game.

What about everyone else?
I love creating my own character, and I love when that character has some impact or significant involvement in the story.
I like being sucked into, and immersed neck deep in a game that has a plot, but builds up the games atmosphere around it to the point where it's an experience and not just a game. Very few games have done that for me, but when it happens, I am in love.
For a short list? Custom character creation, engaging and original stories, fully voice-acted games with GOOD actors, fun and engaging canon characters, and an open world that can easily be taken to the forums to be played in with another wonderful writer.
Sometimes it's the mindless violence. After a stressful day, it's fun to just cause lots of damage. Dynasty Warriors you get to blow through hundreds of soldiers with ease. Ninja Gaiden has insane amounts of blood and brutal executions. Borderlands has bloody headshots with goofy dialogue.

There are times where I play certain games just because it's fun. Kirby would be my go-to for that. I could play Kirby games for hours and still have fun. Mario games would be another game I'd play just for fun.
When I'm playing Dynasty Warriors and I slice through a massive gaggle of peons.
The combination of music, and a well written scene put together it can create a rather memorable experience playing a video game.
The element of leveling up... Just something about grinding levels to get stronger, gives me a feeling of accomplishment. However, this isn't always the case with some "RPG" games. Game needs to have good story, along with variety of how I can level up and expand my skills.
If a game has any of the following (all for bonus points), it can and usually will grab my attention for the better:

-A good story (Doesn't have to be perfect but it does have to have some effort put into it plus a bit of originality.)
-Interesting characters, protagonists and antagonists. (In fact, there are some games in which I like the antagonists more because they're that well made)
-Good music (This is a must for me, at least as I'm a very musically-inclined person)
-Good scenery (Also a must for me)

That's honestly it on my behalf. I'm not otherwise overly picky.
Any freedom of movement in an open world. I'll never get to fly a jet or shoot webs out of my hands in the real world, so I love any experience like that in a game... as long as it's well designed anyway.
For some reason I really like PlayStation One graphics. I think it's mostly nostalgia, but something about the graphics from that period just really seem cool to me.
Mitsu said:
For some reason I really like PlayStation One graphics. I think it's mostly nostalgia, but something about the graphics from that period just really seem cool to me.

I 100% agree with you. Not just because of the graphics but also because of the stories and the games were a lot longer.

Anyway, personally, I like finding bugs and glitches in my games. I don't mean the annoying ones that cause you to die for no reason, make your game crash or they are just plain annoying. But the ones that are hilarious to find.

Like the amazing glitch found in Assassin's Creed lV: Black Flag.

Or something like these.
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