Anthology of Smut -- Mystearica x Fancy_Brat


May 20, 2014
Lethe & Lyre

Lethe groaned as she slowly came to -- black spots danced before her eyes, resolving themselves into greater shapes as her mind desperately tried to unscramble itself. Unfortunately for her, all she could see was blackness still but for faint creases in it -- almost like... like stonework. Lethe twisted her head away from the ground she'd been staring at, trying to bring her arms around to push herself up but... it was to no avail -- her shoulders burned and her arms were asleep, a sure sign of being bound roughly by the wrists and forearms.

As her arms burned to life in a series of unpleasant pinpricks, Lethe rolled herself forcefully onto her back, arms whinging in pain when she did so. She could feel her legs were bound at the ankles as well, though that didn't inconvenience her much as she rolled onto her bottom, tail flicking out of the way so that she didn't sit on the end of it. With that done, she slowly inched her way backward until she pressed her back against the wall.

"Ugh... Lethe... Lethe, is that you?" came an all-too-familiar voice.

Lyre was the younger of the two twins, and accordingly looked entirely like Lethe, but for longer hair and a preference for red over her sister's green.

"Yeah, it's me. Hold on one moment and I'll get us out of this," Lethe said, closing her eyes as she flexed every muscle in her body, willing herself to transform. Electricity suddenly ran throughout every vein and along every nerve of her body, elicting a high cry from the young laguz. "Agh!"

"Lethe! What's wrong?" Lyre asked, trying to rotate herself on the floor so she could see her sister.

"Can't... transform," Lethe managed through ragged breathing. There was a choker -- a collar, rather --'round her neck from which every bolt of electricity ran -- she couldn't see it, of course, but she could feel it there, constricting.

"What happened?" Lyre asked, her voice growing quiet.

"I... don't know. But if I had to guess by this cell and whatever they did," Lethe said with a derisive note, "I think we've been captured by beorcs."
The laguz siblings would have a little more time to regain themselves and make heads and tails of their surroundings, though they'd soon hear footsteps coming from the other side of the walls. It was dim in that cell they were held in, though that probably wasn't too much of a problem for the laguz. As the large doors in front swung open, the bright light of torches slipped in, and a small group of men came to step in front of the sisters. As Lethe had deduced, their captors were beorc, another way of referring to the humans. Beorc and laguz had for many years held some bit of tension and prejudice between each other, and it wasn't uncommon for skirmishes to raise out. There were some less than pleasant practices each side would take part in, and with high-ranking laguz like Lethe and Lyre, they might have been in for a rude awakening.

"Looks like our little kittens are awake finally. Took them long enough." There were 5 men in total, three of them moving to Lethe with the other two going to Lyre. They didn't have to worry about these two lashing out and causing them any harm, and it was all thanks to those collars they had fixed around their necks. It would be all too troublesome to have these two transform, and in their human forms, they wouldn't be able to get them off by trying to tug it off. "These special collars look quite nice on both of you. We had them specially made to make sure you wouldn't be getting all nasty on us though. You two are rather lovely for sub-humans, so it would be a waste to harm you."

The men worked to loosen the girls' chains a little bit, undoing the ankle restraints, but they kept the restraints on their arms as both girls were brought up to stand on their knees. "Now it's pretty simple why you're here. As our prisoners, we really can do anything with you that we please." One man with Lethe lifted her chin up to make her look up at him. "Hmm...I wonder what the soldiers under you would think knowing you got caught by us? Oh well, we'll be sure to have a lot of fun with you both. No need for your sister to be left out." His free hand came to cup one of Lethe's breasts in his hand, giving it a firm squeeze as he continued to grope her. "Heheh, when you aren't looking like those beasts, you've got bodies just like us.

The men looked to be nothing more than lowly bandits, but in a little skirmish with the group of mercenaries, they had set a trap to snatch any laguz really, and they were lucky to snatch these two right here. There was no way they'd ever let these two get away with what they had planned. "Might as well forget about your commander. Doubt he'd be able to please you like we're going to right now." On the other side, one man had come up behind Lyre, groping at both of her breasts while the other worked to remove her clothes, forcefully if need be. They were aiming to rip through them as they didn't think their new pets would be needing them anymore.
Despite her human appearance just then, Lethe snarled when she realized just who their captors were, entering their cell. "Don't you dare touch me, you filthy beorcs," Lethe said, her voice almost a feline hiss. Perhaps they were right to have three go to Lethe, as she kicked and lashed out at them at every turn, only stalling when forcibly grabbed and dragged unwillingly to her knees -- at least her legs were free. If she could only get one of them in the groin, she could potentially escape... She snarled again as she was called "subhuman" and one of the filthy beorc started to roughly grope her through her gauzy top.

"Get off of me! And... get away from my sister!" Lethe shouted, suddenly glancing over to where Lyre had been pulled up as well, her cheeks going red as both of her soft breasts were groped and kneaded, and one man was tearing through her clothing.

"P-please, stop!" Lyre said weakly -- perhaps the reality of the situation was clearer to Lyre, or perhaps she'd been hit a little harder, but the clothing was being shorn from her taut, pale body in great ribbons. She was even less scarred than her older sister, perhaps being the comelier of the two.

"No! Let her go and you can do anything to me! I won't fight!" Lethe said suddenly.

Lyre's eyes went wide. "N-no!" the younger laguz called out.
Of course, while the bandits had the advantage over the two lovely cat laguz, they didn't intend to be discouraged by Lethe's fierce hissing and threats. They had planned ahead of time to have more men restrain her, knowing that she had quite a nasty temper and was well-known for her contempt toward humans. "Woah woah! Such a feisty little kitten we have here! I think you better watch what you say to us though." The man holding her by the chin released her temporarily, only to give a firm smack across her cheek. He was rough, but he didn't do so enough to knock her out or bruise her, but just to silence her and remind her of the unfavorable situation she was in. The man behind her didn't cease his groping, being especially thorough on teasing her nipples through her clothes. He wondered if they'd get hard enough for everyone to see through her clothes.

Since Lyre wasn't struggling as much as Lethe was, the two men continued to have their fun with her, stripping her forcefully of her top and leavin her torso bare. The man groping her chuckled softly as he had some fun with her bare breasts, gently pinching and tugging on her cute little nipples. The men all looked to Lethe with a grin as she spoke up suddenly, saying how they could do whatever they wanted to her if they left Lyre alone. The man groping Lyre have her nipple a rough little pinch as the younger sister spoke up. "Hey now, our big sister is offering to keep you safe."

He continue to hold Lyre against him as the man in front if Lethe grinned down at her. "Oh? We can do anything we want to you huh? How bold of you to so something like that for your sister. All right then." With the man still holding Lethe still, the man in front started to loosen his belt, undoing the buttons on his pants before he fished out his semi-hard cock, all thick and reeking of his musk. He gripped a handful of Lethe's hair gently as he brought her face close to his cock."Let's start off with you tending to my cock then. Use your tongue and mouth to get me hard and make me cum all over your pretty little face." Of course, he knew the dangers this catgirl posed even with what she had said. "And no biting, kitten. If you become unruly, I'll have those two go right ahead and rape her in front of you. If you be a good girl and satisfy us, then we'll think if letting your sister go off the hook. You better do a darn good job though. I hear you laguz girls are good at sucking cock, so you better live up to that."
Lethe's cheeks were burning. From the shame, from the anger, from the smack the burly beorc had laid across her face -- she was a proud laguz soldier, but she wasn't going to pretend like that stung. The bastards would have just laughed harder anyway. The shame only increased as her body indulged in a small betrayal, rosy nipples hardening into nubs and pressing against the white cloth of her top, making it plain for all the men to see.

Lyre's breathing was growing heavier as she was stripped to her waist by the two men. Her skin flushed as her nipples were teased to hardness as well, her breasts mauled in a way that wasn't entirely unpleasant -- her cheeks burned, her eyes growing half-lidded. She seemed to have a more sensitive body than the tougher -- physically and mentally -- sister. "Please, no Lethe, you don't have to do this," she nearly whimpered.

"J-just shut up, Lyre," Lethe about growled, recoiling in disgust as the man began to undo his pants, letting his foul dick fall from its cloth confines, staring her straight in the face with his musky member. "You'd better let her go," Lethe said, glaring up at him as she was dragged close to the cock by her orange hair. She sniffed around the head of his cock -- she was repulsed, but the scent spoke to a deeper part of her. Pheromones she couldn't detect by scent alone, but her body certainly could. She still had to fight back the urge to bite or spit up as she leaned ever closer, finally touching the tip of her tongue to his cock.

She was slow in starting, her small tongue bathing the head, before she cocked her head back and leaned forward, dragging her tongue along the underside of his dick, before dragging it back to the head. She continued in that fashion, her neck craning every which way as she gave his manhood a bath from stem to head, trying to make him hard. At last, her hips wrapped around the head of the dick, her lips sucking hard on the head as she bathed it with her tongue. It wasn't her first blowjob... but she hoped it would be the only one she ever had to give to a beorc.
It was definitely a lovely sight seeing both of those girls get all flushed and worked up with a little bit of groping. The men wondered just how experienced these two were with sex, but they were going to make sure they had all the fun they could have with Lethe right now. The man that had been groping her chuckled softly as he felt her nipples poking out in her top, and he couldn't help but pinch them both a little between his fingers. These two seemed to be pretty sensitive and receptive to this, and the men were planning to take full advantage of that. The men with Lyre were enjoying the sight of the younger sister looking so dazed as she was reacting much more than her sister. The cute little sister must have been new to this sort of attention.

The man grinned at Lethe's little threat. "That all depends on you, kitty. If you don't do a good job pleasing us, then I can't guarantee your sister won't have those two teaming up on her. They do have to sit still and watch, so they'll be getting antsy." The man was still just a little nervous seeing her mouth move closer to his cock head, especially with those sharp canines. He let out a soft groan feeling her tongue gently press against his length, soon darting over the head rather skillfully. Even if she was reluctant to do this, it seemed to the man that she was putting some real effort into it. Ah, the love for her sister was such a nice thing. He let her go about bathing his cock in her saliva, getting him to reach his full length of 8 inches.

As she started to suck on the head, he gently rocked his hips against her, encouraging her to take in more. "Not bad. It seems to me like you've got some experience with sucking cock after all. Is that how you keep those soldiers you lead under control?" Where Lethe was, the men reluctantly ceased to go any further with her, though the man groping her didn't intend to stop just yet. He was a little gentler to keep her aroused longer, his fingers rolling her erect nipples around as he breathed against her neck.
For all her hatred of the Beorc -- and of these men in particular just then -- she managed to keep herself from biting his dick clean off... though her teeth did ever-so-gently scrape him when the man behind her tweaked her nipples slightly. Her body was receptive to the attentions, having been deprived of a man's touch for so very long. Lyre's body meanwhile, even less experienced than her hotheaded older sister's, was even moreso.

Lethe took in a deep breath, trying to keep from gagging from the scent, and closed her eyes as she leaned forward. She took in inch after inch after she got him hard, her lips forming a tight seal around his dick and sucking hard on him as she bathed him with her tongue from all angles. She bobbed her head, forward and backward, dragging her lips and tongue across the thick body of his cock, making a deep "mmm" sound in the back of her throat; the fingers on her nipples were arousing her more than she'd care to admit.

She leaned back, giving the man tweaking her nipples a nasty look, before glancing back up to the man. "No," she said, a simple note of finality. That was it -- just get through this, get Lyre out, hope she'd get to the others, and laugh to herself as Ike and the others slaughtered these cretins. Just focus on that, just focus on that, she kept repeating to herself as she leaned back in and suppressed her gag reflex, leaning further and further in and taking his dick into her throat.
The man made sure to watch Lethe carefully as she slowly took in more and more of his cock. Oddly enough, the bit of risk in knowing she could still bite him made this a little more exciting for him. Here was a girl that could really do some harm to him, in more ways than one, and being in a position of power over her really made his ego swell. He, as well as the man groping her had noticed how receptive she was to the attention she was given, The man held her head gently as he eased her down on his cock more, and he felt that vibration from the little groan in her throat washing over his cock then. A bit of his precum starting to leak from the tip onto her tongue.

"Nnng...that's a good kitty. You're pretty eager to have a bit of my special 'milk' huh?" Even while he knew she wasn't doing this willingly, she was doing an incredible job of teasing his cock all over, using her tongue and lips so well. "Just keep going like that, and I'll cum soon. Don't slack off now though." The two men chuckled a little at her response to the question. It didn't stop them from being curious about how well she was doing. Perhaps they could still find out in time. The man in front managed to keep himself from suddenly thrusting into her throat as she took him in, loving how she slowly swallowed him up. He started to rock his hips a little more, pushing more of his cock into her throat as he wanted to feel her lips around the base when he came. "Keep going, kitty. I'm going to cum soon, so swallow up my cock like a proper laguz slut."
Lethe was at war with herself -- every part of her wanted to bite down, that primal laguz instinct coming in to tell her to rip and bite and murder all of them... but she couldn't. And if she tried, Lyre would pay the price. Her animal instincts and racism warred with her soldier's discipline and her duty as a big sister... she'd just have to swallow her pride and his cum in equal measure.

He forced herself forward more, his cock pressing her tongue down into her jaw, messily bathing the underside of his cock as she took him further and further down her throat, right up until she had her lips pressing against the very base of his groin. She couldn't breathe this far in, but she held it and immediately started to rock her head back and forth, rapidly fucking her own throat with his cock. Just cum... just cum and get it over with, she thought to herself, willing him to finish with her so that she could know Lyre was safe.
The man took great pleasure in seeing how torn Lethe was. It was all too obvious that she was wanting to get back at him for subjecting her and Lyre to this humiliation. Of course, if Lethe didn't do a good job here, then Lyre would end up with those men stripping her naked and going to town on her. It was rather cute seeing her all conflicted, even as she eagerly took in more and more of the man's cock. The man reveled in the fact that he had Lethe in this position, sucking him off against her will.

As a bit of 'encouragement', the man behind her did not cease with teasing her breasts and nipples. And with Lethe finally swallowing up his cock completely, the man couldn't help but grind his hips to push her lips against his groin more. "Good girl. Here's your reward." He pulled back a couple times to gently thrust into her throat before holding her down all the way. She'd feel his cock throb like crazy before his hot load splashed at the back of her throat and dribbled down into her belly. He was letting out an impressive amount too, not letting her move her head away for a while. When he felt himself calming down, he started to pull back, the last few spurts falling directly on her tongue. He pulled out and let his semi-hard dick gently smack against her cheek, still coated with a bit of his seed and her saliva. "Clean it up, kitty."
Dark spots danced at the edge of Lethe's vision as he held his cock so far down her throat, starting to deprive her of oxygen as her throat spread around the invader. As the man behind her continued to tease her nipples, it started to feel even better, causing her to squirm as she sucked hard on every inch of the dick in her mouth. She let out a moan entirely despite herself as she felt every inch begin to throb, pumping cum directly down her throat, spurt after spurt after spurt, until he began to pull back, spraying yet more on her small tongue.

At once, Lethe doubled over, coughing up a few flecks of cum and sucking in deep breaths. The moment she was finished, she turned bleary eyes up at the beorc bandit, looking from his face to the cock slapping her in her own face. She turned into it, her tongue lapping up around the head and down it, licking up every bit of salty cum as well as cleaning it of her own spittle.

Lyre, meanwhile, was twitching off to the side, slowly rubbing her long legs together as she watched her proud sister debase herself by sucking a man off -- and doing a very fine job of it at the same time. She made a sound in the back of her throat, looking almost transfixed by the affair.
The two men with Lyre were quite aware of how the lovely laguz was acting, and the man groping her made room for the other to reach for other parts of her body. One hand gently ran over her rear, teasing her tail a little around the base. "Oh? Are you getting excited from seeing your sister suck cock?" One whispered teasingly in her ear, glancing back as Lethe reeled over and coughed up a bit of seed before tending to the man's member once more. "Are you envious of her? Such a naughty little sister you are." The man groping her gently rolled her nipples as he breathed against her neck. If she was getting off from this, maybe they could still have their fun.

Meanwhile, the man with Lethe watched her clean up every last inch of his cock until it glistened only with her saliva. "That's good, but you have two more to tend to. Be good and take care of them too. The man behind her stayed just to hold her still, and the third had been stroking himself off a little so he was erect already. "Let's put these breasts of yours to good use." He reached down to forcefully tear her top to reveal her perky breasts, and he lowered himself slightly so his cock would slide up right between them, the tip resting against her lips. He gently pressed her breasts together over his length, rocking his hips gently to smear his cock against her face more. "Get to sucking on me too. I don't think you've had your fill yet."
Lethe glared -- an expression of utter hatred and revulsion at the beorc who'd just made her suck him off. "... release my hands, and I can speed this up," Lethe said. She figured it would be to no avail, but she could try, couldn't she? Besides, being able to give handjobs as well WOULD speed things up. She gasped suddenly as her shirt was torn to shreds, unleashing her perky breasts which she squeezed together by bringing her arms together, just in time to feel a cock slide up between the soft, perky mounds of flesh. "Ah... fine, you bastard," Lethe grumbled, leaning forward to take the head of the cock between her lips, sucking softly as she began to rock her body forward, squeezing the base of his cock with her tits.

"N-no," Lyre whispered as that voice taunted her. "I'm not," she said as his hand ran over her firm behind, her eyes widening slightly as his fingers brushed across the sensitive base of her tail. Her tail stiffened and her cheeks darkened, letting out a very light sound that sounded almost like a mewling cat. She groaned softly as those fingers rolled her nipples, her eyes shutting tight, trying to shut all of this out of her mind as her nethers grew slick.
She was already getting to sucking on the head of the next man's cock, though they did consider her words. They did have to be mindful that she could still potentially harm them with her hands free, but she was only as strong as a human would be in this form of hers. She only had one other man to eventually suck off, so they figured they could let one arm free. The first man went behind to loosen her bindings just enough for one arm to slip out, and then he would tie her remaining arm to her body still. The third man came to her side where her right hand would be, not getting in the way of the other. He took hold of her wrist and guided her to his cock, getting her started in stroking him off a little already. "Keep it up. We're still not quite done with you even after this."

The man who had been teasing Lyre's tail made sure to continue, gently stroking the entire length before he'd give the base a gentle squeeze. "You know, you don't sound convincing when you're making noises like that. You should listen to what your body is telling you." The man teasing her nipples gave them a gentle squeeze and tug. "See how honest your body is here? I'll bet I can find other ways to show you how your body wants this..."
Lethe had to fight every impulse, every instinct as her slender fingers wrapped around the thick cock. The instinct to rip, to tear, to KILL these men that dared to touch her in this manner. But... she had to do this for Lyre. To get her sister out of there relatively unmolested. And if they DID go back on their word? Well... Lethe was getting them to trust her. To think things might be okay before she ate one of them alive. She stroked the man's cock slowly as she took in a deep breath, leaning forward to begin to lick at the head of the cock that had been shoved in front of her small mouth.

"Nngh~" Lyre groaned, her tail twitching in the man's hand as he massaged it, squeezing the bottom of it. It was a very sensitive place for the Laguz, their animal parts; heightened animal senses always made pain more painful... and pleasure more pleasurable, her juices starting to soak through her panties. "Ahh... ahh... l-like how?" Lyre asked, so innocent and so inexperienced. She was outright WRITHING by that point, her hips slowly rotating as she fought against the sensations he was putting into her body... and oh-so-slowly losing.
It was all too obvious from Lethe's behavior that she was so close to just biting one of those men, but hen Lyre would be at their mercy. Of course, she might have been too focused on those men to notice what was going on with her sister. Both of the men she was tending too knew to be cautious around her, but it was incredible nonetheless to have her tending to their cocks so gently. Her hand was so soft, getting plenty of low groans from the lucky man, while he one that would teceive her oral treatment gently placed his hand on her head to guide her. He let her go without putting it in her mouth for now, letting her get accustomed to the size and taste. Maybe she'd come to get used to it? He men definitely would have liked to keep we around. He pushed his hips forward to press his cock against her lips more, eager to have her take him in her mouth.

Those lovely sounds that came from Lyre made sure those two teasing her wouldn't stop until she was mewling out more and maybe even havin a little fun herself. She definitely seemed more willing to comply, whether because she was scared, curious, or both. The man tending to Lyre's tail continued to stroke her tail, giving the occasional squeeze just to catch her by surprise. He wetness between her legs definitely was a good sign, along with her innocent questions. "Well...for one, you're getting awfully wet down here." The man behind her let a hand trail down her middle just above her panties. "This means your body is getting ready for one of those things big sis is sucking on. She's preparing it in her own way of course. See, a female like you has gotta have a male...or a mate o course. This is our body's way of showing your readiness. And the way you're rolling your's like you're trying to entice me."
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