Rehabilitation for monsters. [malin and Jelly]


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Schrodinger stood outside the doors to Sir Integra's office. His cat like ears twitched constantly as he heard every word that was going on inside the room. it had been almost 30 years since Alucard and him had disappeared, and in that time Millennium had become nothing more then a faded memory.

In the end the Major did not get the world war that he had dreamed of, and all of the people that the warren officer had ever known, all of the people that he had worked with and called family, were dead, and just when he thought he would have been content with his own death, Alucard, had managed to break the seal holding the two of them. Schrodinger was capable of leaving the hellsing facility, he had the ability to be anywhere and yet no where. Yet he couldn't escape the fact that the entire world had become a prison for him now.

"So why didn't you kill him?" Sir Integra's voice echoed through her office curious as to why Schrodinger was allowed to come back with the vampire.

"If I knew how, then I would have." Alucard said rather uncaring. "Just like if he had known how to kill me then he would have. The fact is we hit a stalemate."

Integra let out a long sigh. "So what are supposed to do with the Nazi warren officer in the hallway?"

Schrodinger rolled his eyes at this point he hardly cared. He turned and walked through the halls of the mannor. Hopefully he would find something a little less depressing then listening in on how two people were going to decide how he lived out the rest of his immortal life. Especially since he didn't have anything left.
Dark and dreary. That’s what the world had become and somewhat boring on the side. Seras started up into the graying bricks of her ceiling, complicating on what she should do. She had lived in the Hellsing mansion for decades now, doing as she was told without question. Her master had left, leaving her to obey and take care of Sir Integra since Walter… No, this wasn't the time to reflect on that.

With newly found abilities since becoming a true vampire, she had become a valuable weapon when it came to killing the undead. But every time some new existence of a ghoul or pure one rolled about, the same routine of search and destroy, search and destroy. She lifted her arm, looking at the bloodbent appendage covered in a false sense of skin. She glanced over her palm, sighing lightly to herself.

“What to do… What to do…”

She closed her eyes briefly, wanting to drift to an endless sleep, drowning in a slumber unbroken. The ideas was unsettling yet somewhat welcoming. Until she felt it. The special sense or connection, if you will, that she shared with her master. Eyes snapping open and jumping forth off the bed, she ran up the old passageway and into the main halls of the mansion. But she stopped. There was something else there. Something she felt that was wrong and out of place.

Something like her.

She stiffened and cautiously made her way down the halls, red eyes blinking in unnatural light. That’s when she spotted the intruder. He was familiar, so familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on who he was.

“What are you doing here?”, was her lone but warning hiss.
[OOC: sorry this took so long, I had some real life problems that I needed to deal with, and kind of lost my confidence for a while]

"Ah Fraulein." Schrodinger spoke more or less out of surprise seeing Seras for the first time in a long time. It wasn't exactly a nice feeling to see he at the same time however she wasn't exactly all that terrible of a sight. His ears twitched at her defensive tone and he gave a small shrug. She would probably have been more comfortable with having Integra or Alucard do the de briefing.

"Currently I am just walking down zis hallway. I'm going to be living here so I may as well learn the place." He said in a sly tone making fun of her question and warning hiss, however as another second passed she seemed to not recognize him at all. He had grown a bit in the past 30 years thanks to being sealed in a room with Alucard, but she really didn't seem too know him. That's when it him that he was currently wearing a hellsing uniform, and the hat was covering his cat like ears.

Taking off his hat he smiled his pink eyes looking into her unnatural red. "Do you recognize me now Fraulein?" He said giving a mock bow. "It's been a while but ack to just be forgotten and here I thought we were such good friends." The more he talked the lighter and more joking his tone became. It was almost like he was trying to provoke a reaction or something.

His ears twitched for a moment as he was still picking up the rather angry conversation from down the hall. Though he decided to quickly roll his eyes at that and instead focus on Seras, what ever the hellsing organization decided to do with him, it wasn't like they could remove him from the premises. Still there was a part of him that seemed to be physically hurt that Seras didn't actually recognize him at first.
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