Silent Hill: Endless Void (Eldrithe Whisperwind & Malin)

Eldrithe Whisperwind

May 10, 2014
FBI agent Lauren Heckler and Evan Faust are involved in a car chase where a suspected abduction is taking place. Lauren was at the steering wheel swerving to miss oncoming cars as she speeds down the road. She picks up the walky talky off the dashboard, “Officer Lauren Heckler here. The blue Honda Civic is headed towards Silent Hill, out of our jurisdiction. Please advise.” A mumbling squeal emitted from the walky talky. “What the hell?” Whispers Lauren as she throws down the device. “Screw this, I’m not letting this asshole get away.” She says while flooring the accelerator.

As her partner tried to say something to her, a painful buzzing noise enveloped her ears causing her to go deaf. Without thinking, she covers her ears and squeezes her eyes shut in an attempt to dissipate the pain. The car is suddenly launched into the air and is flipped on top of its roof where it skids for several feet before stopping on the edge of a small cliff near the edge of town. The squeal of grinding metal and sparks makes Lauren open up her eyes. “Evan? Evan, are you all right?” she looks over at her partner who is dangling next to her in the passenger seat. As she reaches over to him to see if he’s ok, the subtle rocking of the police car suddenly sends it tumbling down into darkness.

Lauren forces herself to open her eyes; the world around her looks fuzzy and disoriented. Gaining her senses she slowly pushes herself up off the damp mossy ground. Pain shoots through her leg that she must have twisted when they crashed. “Damn it.” She curses while lowering herself back to the ground to massage the injury. Once again she attempts standing; success. Walking over to the car, Lauren surveys the damage. The car resembles a crushed soda can that had been stomped on repeatedly at the fair. Glass from the broken windows litters the ground around the car in tiny crystal shards. The car’s siren is stuck up in a tree, the wires draping over the trunk of the car like a lovers caress. An unsettling fog starts to set in around her.

Realization that she doesn’t see her partner hits her. In a fit of panic she starts screaming his name in hope of a response. “This is all my fault, why do I have to be so stupid.” She says quietly to herself before going back to screaming Evan’s name into the endlessly dense fog.
Evan had been trying his best to tell his partner that they had zero visibility, and that the speeds they were going at, chaise or no chaise were reckless, when he felt like something had struck him in the back of the head moments before the car flipped. His vision went blind and the car jacked up, as they were flipped he lost consciousness. The feeling of falling only really seemed to help with the idea that he had died some point between the car flip, and being struck, but some how when the crash happened Evan had been thrown clean of the car.

When he awoke he was in a damp puddle of mud, his body feeling numb as he woke up. Getting to his feet he felt staggered. Pressing on the ground his gut gave out and his chest heaved, a moment later his stomach was empty of it's contents. In truth Evan was a little grateful for all the pain he was feeling. At the least he knew he was alive even if that came with the tag line that he was also at least partly concuss. Getting to his feet his sense of self and of the world around him slowly started to fade in. The thick fog obscured much of his actual vision, and left him with the ability to have only a very limited range of sight. He couldn't see the car from where he had been thrown, but his body wasn't covered in glass either. Brushing himself off he heard his partners voice screaming for him.

Walking towards the voice he gave his own call for Lauren. Searching himself he didn't exactly have any weapons on him, and he wanted to find one as quickly as possible even if it was just something like a wrench it would be better then nothing which meant he wanted to find not only Lauren but the car. However as he walked through the fog it took a moment to actually find her. "You... are never driving our car again."

It had only been a couple of weeks since he had been assigned as Lauren's partner. In truth Agent Heckler was normally surprisingly good in the field, and they had already closed several minor cases together. He was willing to chalk up the car crash to the low visibility or the idea that today is simply an off day for her, but at the same time however she was most certainly going to be the one to fill out the paper work on this crash, and request a new car for the two of them. That said looking at their old car they certainly could have managed a better parking job. "Help me get stuff out of the car, the radio's and anything else useful."

As he spoke he checked the passenger side door. He was trying to be carful to check that there was no fire of any sort after the crash, the last thing they needed was for the car to explode on top of everything else.
Lauren is relieved that the thirty-four year old is safe and she can’t help but laugh at his remark of her never driving their car again. “Yeah, from now on you’re driving.” She retorts back. Lauren was partnered up with Evan not too long ago. They seemed like a pretty good team. Hell, they were a great team. But sometimes Lauren felt like Evan was a little over protective even though he was only five years older than her.

The unknown buzzing she had experienced earlier had completely disappeared. “Hey Evan. Did you experience any buzzing noises earlier before the accident?” she inquires wile walking over to the car to help Evan procure some items they could use. Unhinging the driver side door, she found her gun laying on the inside roof of the flipped vehicle. The radio had been badly damaged during the fall. “Damn it.” She hisses while she continues searching for anything useful. During her search she hears the squeal of the walky talky she had thrown down earlier.

Maybe it’s the station calling them on the status of their pursuit. ‘Where the hell is it?’ she thinks bitterly while frantically searching, her blond pony tailed hair whipping back and forth over her shoulders. She didn’t want to risk the chance of taking too long and the person on the other end hanging up. “Evan, can you help me find the stupid walky talky please.” Mariah stands and closes her eyes in hopes of pin pointing the direction that the noise was emanating from. To the left. She follows the winding road to her left, listening closely. Fifty feet from the car was where the device had landed. Even in the thick gray fog Lauren could easily spot the black rectangular object. “I found it!” she yells back down the road, hoping that Evan can hear her.

Lauren pulls the walky talky close to her dry pink lips and presses the send button. “Hello, Is anyone there. This is officer Lauren Heckler. Officer Evan Faust and I were involved in a car accident right outside Silent Hill. We require assistance. I repeat...” Lauren let go of the send button in hopes of a response. Nothing, just a high pitched squeal. “Shit, I hope the stupid thing isn’t broken.”
Evan searched for the radio for a moment, but instead found a set of flashlights down in the glove compartment of the car. Taking one for himself he was quick to toss Lauren the other, checking that they both worked. They would be handy for later on, but sadly the radio was gone, and the Walky Talky was going. He sighed, looking at the cliff they had fallen off of, it was actually kind of amazing that the two of them had survived that crash at all. He stretched and walked towards his teammate. He was a little worried about her, but she looked like she was in better shape than him at least.

Lauren's question about buzzing made him curious for a moment. He blinked remembering the feeling of being struck in the back of the head, and how his head had rolled for a moment, nearly loosing consciousness but there hadn't been a buzzing. "No, but it felt like I got punched in the back of the head hard." He breathed checking himself over after everything that had happened, and then started walking. "We will have to go into town, find a phone, and call it in." He said lightly at this point he was certain that the walkytalky was broken.

The thick grey fog made the air damp, and cold. It seemed like there was nothing above them, or any kind of town around, but they hadn't been far from silent hill, he remembered the last sign that they had blown past saying that they were only ten or so miles. If they set to walking they could probably get into town quickly. "Are you okay to walk?" He said lightly knowing they had a while to go, just because she was willing too walk around didn't mean she wasn't hurt, heck his side still hurt from the way he had landed out side of the car.

"Come on Lauren." He said starting to walk along the cliff side. The road into town was up above them, and that meant that eventually they would get into town if they followed the road. It was the only logic he had at this point, and the only down side he could think of was that they were down here, while the road was up above them. Once they got into town they could use a phone, and call for assistance, and a new car. Till then he wanted to get as far away from the crash, and as close to town as the two of them could manage at the moment. Something about the fog, and the dark grey dampness of everything was making his skin crawl slightly but he wouldn't be an FBI agent if he let those feelings get to him. "We still need to find our convict before the trail gets too cold."
Evan was right; they needed to go to town in order to get help. Lauren balanced on her right leg and lightly rotated her left ankle to help loosen up the stiff muscle for the walk she had ahead of her. “My ankle hurts, but I can walk.” She tells Evan. Lauren looks up at the road ahead of her, secretly dreading the hike. The road they were going to follow consisted of dirt, decayed blacktop and overgrown vegetation, which indicated to Lauren that there was little to no chance of stumbling on a passing car. “That’s fantastic, I just had to get us stranded on an abandoned road.” She grumbles to herself while walking along the cliff side with Evan a few steps ahead of her.

Eight miles down the road they stumbled upon an old rest area. The buildings wooden exterior was moss covered and decayed, the window frames devoid of glass. “That’s odd, why is there a rest area here?” Lauren looks back down the way they had came and shrugs, “This road could have been the original roadway into Silent Hill.” Lauren noticed the fog had become increasingly thicker as they approached the building; it was almost made it unbearable to breath. The metallic sound of something being dropped inside the rest area building caught her attention. Lauren pulls out her gun, “Is someone in there?” The broken walky talky she had clipped to her belt erupts in a fit of high-pitched squeals. As she looks down at the black box the loud buzzing noise she experienced earlier swarms around in her head.

Lauren grabs her head and kneels down to the ground. What is going on? Why is this happening? Something in her peripheral vision caused her to look up. A human shaped creature shambles out of the building through the empty doorway. At least she thought it was human. Fear struck when she realized that the person that came stumbling out looked as if their skin had been melted together, it’s right arm was sticking out at an odd angle behind it while the left elbow was melded into its purple chest with its free forearm and hand reaching toward them. The face was empty of features except for a black slit that reached from the forehead to the chin. “What the hell?” She breathed in shock. The black slit on its face slightly opened up as it screamed.
Evan laughed a little hearing Lauren's comment that she had gotten them stranded on an abandoned road. He could think of worst places to be abandoned on, and really at least she wasn't hurt. He was also pretty badly banged up, but they would both live, and the hike presented a rare if a little cold opportunity. Walking along the road the trip into town was rather creepy there was simply no other way of describing the road they had managed to get themselves on. "It could have been worse." He said trying to keep his tone on the lighter side of things, the less she blamed herself for the crash the better. As they got to the rest station he rested for a moment leaning against the building in question until he head something drop. As his partner grabbed her weapon he held his flash light tightly, reaching for his own gun he placed a careful hand over it but kept the light on the building.

The radio went crazy, and there was a buzzing in the air, all as a creature that Evan could hardly describe as human walked or rather seemed to lumber out of the rest station. His mouth fell open in a gap for a moment he wasn't sure what the hell he was looking at, he didn't even really want to look at it. The creature was very much inhuman, and it looked like it had been beaten and tortured. As it went after his partner opening it's slit maw and screaming Evan did the only thing he could think of to react. He hit it in the back of the head with the hilt of the flashlight as heavily and hard as he possibly could. Then he hit it again. All the while a mix of adrenaline and the buzzing in his ears were keeping him from thinking clearly.

He was horrified of this thing, he didn't want to get close to it, but if left unchecked it would have hurt his partner, and he was not about to let that happen, as he brought down the flashlight on the things skull still uncertain if it was male or female as it just looked too damaged to actually have a gender or identity of it's own. He bit down on his lower lip trying to bleed out the buzzing which he could have sworn was coming from the radio hitting it hard. "What the fuck! Shoot it!" He said backing away as he clearly drawing it's attention, it's short for arm reaching for him as it walked towards him still screaming. In a moment of panic Evan lost his footing and stumbled backwards falling over and dropping his flash light onto the ground.
Lauren was dizzy, her vision a blur of white dots. Evan was fighting that creature with his heavy flashlight, she knew she needed to help but shock had rooted her to the ground. ‘Come on Lauren, get your ass up. Your partner needs you.’ Her body shook with each attempt to stand; she couldn’t even move her arms to shoot the thing. The screams that emitted from the monster made her skin crawl. With each wail Lauren thought of her abusive husband; that bastard, she was glad he was gone. But something deep down inside of her felt sorry for him, almost like she missed him; why should she, he’s the one that left her.

Evan’s screams for her to shoot the monster brought her back to reality. She saw him fall to the ground, the monster almost on top of him. With a sudden surge of anger she brought up her gun and shot at the things head, a hole passed through its face interrupting the deafening shrieks. Everything went silent. Lauren looked down at the gun in her hand; she was in a state of disbelief. Where had that sudden urge to kill come from? She lightly shook her head trying to clear out any remaining dizziness.

She finally built up the courage and strength to walk over to investigate the thing she just killed. The creature’s purple bruised body twitched and writhed on the ground, dark magenta liquid dripping out of the ragged burnt hole in its face. “What could have possibly happened to this person? Where they tortured?” Whispered Lauren as she bent down to get a close up. She rolled it over onto its back to get a better look at its face. With her fingers she placed them on either side of the slit and delicately pushed it open, there was nothing inside, almost as if it was a black hole or void. “Creepy.” She muttered. Suddenly the creature surged toward her, grabbing a hold of her golden hair that was dangling close to its body. In a flash, it thrust its face dangerously close to hers. Lauren screamed. ‘I don’t want to die!’ She jammed her gun into the void in its face and fired.

The creature’s body collapsed onto the ground for the second time. Lauren stood up and emptied the rest of her magazine into the creature’s corpse. Adrenalin wracked her body causing her heart to race. “Evan, are you all right? We need to get the fuck out of here. I really hope that monster doesn’t have any family members.” She glanced down at the quiet walky talky, “What the hell is going on?”
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