Opposites Attract (Riven & MysticSparxman)

Battle Bunny Riven

May 16, 2014
Alluras'aretti, or just Allura to the very few people whom she considered friends, or even just 'Slave' to one of the Overseers back on Korriban, had been given quite the interesting assignment. Oh, right; let's start from the beginning. You see, in the interest of increasing their numbers and their total strength, the Sith Empire had recently began allowing force-sensitive aliens to train as Sith. That is how Allura even got to Korriban. The young twi'lek had been plucked from the fields and thrown into the harsh deserts of the Sith homeworld to prove that she was worthy of her force sensitivity. It was a wondrous opportunity for her. She would either become a Sith and earn her freedom or she would die trying. Either way, she was free from her former Masters. Well... Sort of.

One of the Overseers on Korriban had taken a liking to Allura, and by liking I of course mean that he was trying to get her killed. He did not agree with the Dark Council's decision to allow aliens to become Sith and rather than voice his opinions on the matter and likely be killed for questioning the Dark Lords, he made it a habit to just weed the slaves out of the herd. It was a good plan, but ridding himself of Allura had been quite troublesome.

Now, the red-skinned twi'lek found herself on her most dangerous mission yet. The Overseer had heard a rumor of a Jedi Temple on the planet Tython and of course, he decided to send Allura to confirm this. On top of that, she was given a secondary objective. If the Jedi were, in fact, hiding on Tython, then she was to bring a living Padawan back to Korriban with her. Yeah, Allura didn't see herself walking away from this either, but she wasn't going to go down without a fight.

She had managed to sneak onto the planet in some supply crates that were being flown in for a small twi'lek settlement on the planet and after a few days of being there, she'd hidden herself away quite well among the twi'lek refugees. This settlement had confirmed for Allura that the Jedi were, indeed, on this planet but that put her in quite the predicament. How does one abduct a Jedi Padawan?

Oh? How had the Jedi not detected her through the Force? Why, through the use of an ancient Sith holocron, of course. It had been a gift from another of the Overseers on Korriban - one that saw the potential hidden inside of Allura and who wanted her to succeed. This holocron masked the disturbance that Allura's attunement to the Dark Side created. She could settle on this planet permanently if she so desired and as long as she kept the holocron close, the Jedi would be none the wiser...
Arruna t'arcona was a relatively young Twi'lek, but she was better known as Arruna to her family, close friends and those she had come to work with. Of course Arruna didn't really have many close friends, and she hadn't seen her family for longer than she cared to remember. The fact she hadn't seen her family in so long was her choice, but in a way, it also wasn't her choice. See, Arruna had been chosen to join the Jedi. Arruna was one of only a few force-sensitive aliens who had been chosen to become a Jedi. She was also one of only a few Twi'lek to be picked to join the ranks of the Jedi. The young twi'lek was overjoyed when she was chosen to join the Jedi. However, she did find it difficult saying goodbye to her family. At the same time though, she also knew it was something that she had to do. After all, she had always admired the Jedi and everything they stood for.

The young twi'lek was quite unprepared for the tough training that followed. Despite the fact she was unprepared for it, she put all of her effort into the training that she was required to go through. Arruna stuck by her mentor as she was put through her paces. Sure, there may have been times when she felt like giving up, but those times were far and few between. She wanted to become a Jedi so badly that she stuck with the training. Her mentor did her best to reassure her that she would be able to get through the training, and that she had a great future as a Jedi Knight in front of her. Training to become a Jedi was going to be one of the toughest things that Arruna was ever likely to do. Of course, not only did she have the physical training that she needed to do, but there was also the mental side of it too. Being a force-sensitive being, learning to use the force wasn't as easy as she had thought it would be. She also did her best to learn the ways and rules of the Jedi.

Now, unlike the majority of the Jedi, Arruna was trained to wield two lightsabres at the same time. Of course these were two individual lightsabres, and nothing like the twin lightsabres the Sith known as Darth Maul once possessed. It was made all the easier for the young twi'lek considering her mentor also fought with two lightsabres. The lightsabres that Arruna wielded also happened to match the color of her blue skin. Despite the fact she had been training for months, she was still improving in almost every way when it came to handling her double lightsabres. Just like every other Jedi Padawan under training, Arruna also had to forge her own lightsabre. The only difference being, she didn't forge one lightsabre. Since she was trained to wield two, she ended up forging two lightsabres after her master took her to the Jedi world of Illum. Just like everything else she had been through, it wasn't very easy forging her own lightsabres, but she managed to get it done nonetheless. The young Twi'lek felt incredibly proud of herself when she had successfully managed to forge her own lightsabres, and her master was just as proud of her too.

Arruna had already gone before the Jedi Council when she was first taken under the wing of her master. She had already pledged her allegience to the Jedi Order, and she was determined to do everything it took to become a Jedi Knight, no matter how long it took. Arruna never really strayed far from her master, going pretty much everywhere with her master. There were one or two occasions when she couldn't go with her master. The only times that ever happened was when her master was called in to see the Jedi Council. Not that Arruna was far away. She simply remained outside the Council's chambers until her master emerged. She would accompany her master on any business that her master had to tend to. She really did seem to learn quite a bit on her travels with her master.

It was around nine months into her training when Arruna's master took her to the Jedi Temple on the planet of Tython. The blue skinned Twi'lek had never been here before. Her master simply told her that she was there to meditate at the temple and also to further her training. It was only after arriving on that planet that Arruna was able to discover the small Twi'lek settlement on Tython. The thought of being able to see other twi'leks was too much for her, and Arruna just about managed to contain herself when she visited the twi'lek settlement with her master. It did help that the Jedi Temple was located in the same vicinity as the Twi'lek settlement. It meant that Arruna could not only train, but she could also visit the settlement too. Arruna made sure that she didn't completely forget about her training and meditation. She split her time between training and meditating, and also visiting the Twi'lek settlement so she could spend time with the Twi'lek refugees.

Luckily for Arruna, her master didn't have any plans to leave Tython immediately, so Arruna intended to make the most of her time on the planet. The Twi'lek and her master had been on Tython for approximately four days and neither the Padawan or Jedi Master had any idea that there was a Sith Acolyte on the planet with them. It was likely that if her master had picked up on the Sith Acolyte, her master most likely would have taken her and gone off in search of the Sith Acolyte in the hopes of defeating the Acolyte and getting them off the planet. In her time as a Jedi Padawan, Arruna had never really encountered the Sith. Sure, she would have been able to sense a Sith through the Force. Her master had been teaching her how to use the Force to sense the presence of the Sith, and it was one of the things that Arruna had been wokring on trying to improve. However, even her master was unable to sense a Sith in possession of a Sith holocron.

Having just come from the twi'lek settlement, Arruna had decided that it was time she did some training. Like all Jedi Padawan, she wore a brown tunic with matching brown, figure hugging pants that clung to her legs almost like a second skin. She also had on the robe that Jedi usually wore, a brown leather utility belt and one lightsabre hung on each hip. The brown boots completed her outfit. One brain tail/lekku hung over the back of each shoulder, and between them, she had some blue and silver beads. She stood at a height of 5'10" and like most Twi'lek females, she was incredibly attractive with a slim yet curvy figure and a reasonbly large 36C bust.

She had come to train just on the outskirts of the Jedi Temple. It was a small wooded area where she had come to train. Arruna made her way there slowly, taking in the scenery around her. It took her no more than ten minutes to get there, and once she was there, she stepped into an opening and let her robe slide slowly off her shoulders. As her robe hit the floor, she pulled her two lightsabres off her hips, and once again, she began her training. As her training got underway, she began to pay less and less attention to her surroundings as she focused more on her training....
Arruna's presence had not gone unnoticed among the refugee twi'lek settlement. Allura had detected the blue-skinned Jedi and her master long before they set foot in the village and had made the necessary precautions to blend in. Garbed in ratty linen peasant clothes, the other thing that would have stood out about Allura would have been her rare skin tone. This peasant camouflage allowed her to get close to and observe the Jedi during their visit. She even spoke face to face with the Jedi Master. Apparently, he had come to offer the twi'leks aid with the planet's native Flesh Raiders, who had been attacking the settlement for weeks and kidnapping anyone whom they could capture.

Allura had gotten much more valuable information, as well. The Master's blue-skinned companion was his Padawan. When Allura innocently inquired about the lightsabers hanging from the Padawan's hips, it was revealed that they were merely training sabers. This was good news, as that is all that Allura, herself, was armed with. If Arruna's sabers had been real, she would not have been a viable target for capture. As it was, however, it seemed as though she was perfect. Not only was she a Jedi Padawan, as was demanded of her, but she was a force-sensitive twi'lek with a rare skin tone. Once the Overseer was done with her, she would fetch a high price on the galactic black market. Twi'leks of their skin tones were quite popular among the hutts.

Once the Jedi had left the settlement, Allura returned to her hut, stripped out of those ratty peasant clothes, changed into her armored black vest and skirt with leather combat boots, collected her training saber, and set out in pursuit of the Jedi. She was mostly interested in Arruna, of course, so it was the Padawan that she followed when she and her Master separated. She held back, boded her time, and eventually the chance to strike revealed itself when the blue-skinned woman ventured off to train.

Allura did not care for most of the underhanded tactics of the Sith, however, and did not attempt to strike from the shadows. Instead, she propped herself against the base of a tree fully within the Jedi's view. When several moments passed and she had gone unnoticed, however, Allura made her presence quite unmistakable. "You're form is terrible," the red-skinned twi'lek said aloud. "Wat is that form supposed to be? Ataru? Maybe Juyo? personally, I'm most fond of Soresu and Shien."
In the time she had spent in and around the twi'lek settlement, there had been times when Arruna had actually seen the Sith Acolyte, Allura. There again, it had been quite hard for Arruna not to notice Allura. It wasn't the fact she was a Sith that made her noticeable. That was actually one of the things Arruna had failed to notice. What she had noticed about Allura was her rare red skin tone. She was quite possibly the only twi'lek in the settlement with such a skin tone. It was just like Arruna was the only blue-skinned twi'lek in the settlement. The twi'leks in the settlement had a range of different skin colors, but none of them were blue or red unlike Arruna and Allura. The blue-skinned Padawan even spoke to Allura on one or two separate occasions, but each time, she had been with her master. Other than the fact Allura's skin tone was different from the rest of the other twi'leks, she genuinely saw no reason to suspect that anything could possibly be wrong.

Arruna's Arkanian master would barely leave her side in the twi'lek settlement. Of course there were times when he either had business with some of the higher ranked twi'leks in the settlement as he had tried to offer them help with the Flesh Raiders that had been attacking their settlement. The Arkanian master had even helped to repel an attack by the Flesh Raiders, even though he was unable to prevent the creatures from snatching one of the twi'lek refugees. After the most recent attack, the Arkanian master had come to the conclusion that he and his Padawan would remain in the twi'lek settlement until the Flesh Raider's attacks had been dealt with. As much as Arruna wanted to help, there really was little she would be able to do with the training sabers she had been given by her master. It was probably one of the main reasons she wanted to become a Jedi Knight so badly. She wanted to be able to help others in the same way her master was helping the twi'lek refugees.

Before going their separate ways after leaving the settlement, Arruna's master had simply told her to come and meet him once she had finished her training. He wasn't the type of master to interrupt her training, which was why he thought it better to leave her to it. There were times when Arruna would train together with her master, but most of the time she trained on her own. The blue-skinned twi'lek also happened to enjoy training on her own too, and none of her training sessions were ever the same. Due to the fact she carried two sabers, she was able to vary the type of training she might do. There might be times when she would train with a single saber, and then there were other times when she would train with both. However, despite the fact she would vary her training, she also made sure that she spent equal time training with one saber and with both. Her previous training session had been with one saber, which was why she decided to train with two this time.

When she had eventually gotten around to her training, Arruna always put her full focus into it, which was why she failed to notice the Acolyte leaning against the base of a tree in full view of her. It was only the Acolyte's voice that pulled her out of focus. She stopped what she was doing and turned to face the red-skinned twi'lek. Tilting her head to the side, she studied the twi'lek for all but a moment before finally realizing who she was. "You were in the twi'lek settlement," her eyes drifted over the twi'lek's clothing. "And dressed the way you are now must mean only one thing," she narrowed her eyes slightly as she watched the red-skinned twi'lek. "You're a Sith!" Arruna returned one of her training sabers to its holster on her hip, but she kept the other in her hand. "As for my form, I can't see why you should care," Arruna remained where she was as she kept her eyes on the Sith Acolyte. She hadn't encountered a Sith or any kind before, so she had no idea what kind of risk Allura may have posed to her. "My form depends on whether I'm using one or two sabers. If I were to use one, I would go with a number of different styles. I do enjoy using Ataru, Soresu and I like using Djem So, the other variation of Shien."

Arruna took her eyes off Allura for a moment, and she took the time to carefully scan her surroundings. She may not have encountered a Sith before, but she knew of the underhanded tactics they would often use in battle. "Jar'Kai is one style I will use in combination with others when I'm wielding two sabers, but I don't know why I'm telling you this as I imagine you and your Sith friends you've got hiding around here are only going to use it to your advantage," she turned in a slow full circle, taking in just about everything around her. "So where are they? Where are your Sith partners hiding? And why can I not sense them?" She turned back around to face Allura. "Why could I not sense you?" Arruna fixed her sights on the red-skinned twi'lek before she took up more of a defensive stance. "So, what's the plan Sith scum? You distract me and then your friends come out and attack me from all angles? That is what you Sith normally do, right?"
The Jedi's caution and suspicion just brought a wicked smirk to Allura's face. How cute. This Jedi thought that Allura would need help to take her down. As if! Still, it is what Allura would suspect too. She could remember multiple times back on Korriban when she first arrived when groups of other Acolytes would gang up on her. She was an alien. She was filth. The Acolytes there who were from Imperial families did not take kind to the idea of her being their equal. Each time, she defended herself accordingly. She still breathed. They did not. of course, killing your fellow Acolytes was against the rules but Allura had eluded punishment on each account because it was self-defense.

"Relax, Jedi, I am alone," The Sith said boldly as she reached for a small square device on her hip. It was a holocron; no self-respecting force user was unfamiliar with them. They were ancient Jedi and Sith artifacts that contained a multitude of various powers and ancient knowledge of the force. They were very valuable, very rare, and equally powerful. "This holocron hides my essence from The Force. As long as I have it nearby, I cannot be detected. Likewise, as long as you are nearby it like you are now, you cannot be detected either. You connection to your Master is broken, but fear not; it will return when you are far enough away from the holocron. Call it a sort of Force jammer, if you will."

As she spoke, Allura's eyes scanned the jedi woman. She was very pretty. Her skin tone was always Allura's favorite and ever since she was offered the hope for freedom, she had hoped to one day have her own twi'lek slave of that tone. Yes, the former slave looked forward to the day when she could own slaves herself. Perhaps it was wrong; twisted, in a sense, but it was a surprisingly noble ambition. Aliens in the Empire were either second-class citizens or slaves. With the hope of being one of the first accepted alien Sith, perhaps Allura could give her slaves a good home and good food as opposed to the shacks and protein paste that most Imperials provided their slaves... if they were lucky.
It was only natural for Arruna to remain suspiscious of the Sith standing metres in front of her. She had no reason to believe that the Sith Acolyte in front of her was actually telling her the truth when she said she was alone. After all, it wasn't as if the Sith were known for their honesty when it came to battle. Not that she had the experience of battling a Sith. All she really had to go on was everything her Master had been telling her since taking her on as his Padawan. Arruna had listened to countless stories of her Master's encounters with the Sith, and even though her Master had been victorious in almost every one of his encounters with the Sith, that wasn't to say that many of them had been fair fights. The Sith had always tried to find some underhanded way to get the upper hand in their battles, and that was exactly what Arruna believed now. It was why she doubted the red-skinned Acolyte's words.

"You'd say you are alone, even if you've got me completely surrounded. You're Sith, and Sith always play dirty in battle. Well, that is what Master says anyway, and Master never gives me a reason to doubt him," She remained in her defensive stance, but then her eyes drifted down to the holocron the red-skinned twi'lek had with her. The young Padawan had heard about holocrons, but she had never seen one before. She had heard how they contained a number of different powers and information. She just never expected a Sith Acolyte to have one. Arruna tried her best to hide the shock on her face as she was told that her connection to her Master was broken as long as she was in close range of the holocron attached to the Acolyte's hip. Their eyes met once more, and Arruna lowered her saber ever so slightly. "The connection to my Master has never been broken before," There was a slight hint of concern in her voice. She was unable to hide the concern in her voice, but it didn't stop her from hoping that the red-skinned Acolyte hadn't picked up on it. "How did you come into possession of that holocron? Why do you have it? And why are you here on Thython," She questioned the Sith, still trying her best not to let her guard down. After all, she was still feeling rather suspicious of the Acolyte in front of her.

Arruna broke eye contact with Allura and then she turned in a slow but full circle; eyes scanning her surroundings once again. As she was scanning her surroundings again, she inadvertently gave Allura a perfect view of her firm, round ass. Finally, after thoroughly scanning her surroundings, Arruna faced the red-skinned twi'lek once again. She lowered her saber even more, pressing the button to cause the saber's energy to disappear. She still remained a little cautious, keeping the saber in her hand. "Okay, so maybe I could believe that you are truly alone here. That doesn't mean I have to trust you. Master taught me never to trust the words of a Sith," Her tone became much more serious as she had said this. "So what does your Master have in mind? Why has your Master sent you here all alone? That's not the Sith way, is it?" She was tempted to take a step closer to the Sith, but she decided against it due to her lack of trust in the Sith Acolyte. "What business do you have here on Tythlon? What do you want with those refugees? They have done nothing wrong, they are innocent."
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