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Down to Brass Tacks(Warning: Breeding Monsters, Anthros, Beasts and Incest lurk here)

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Dec 19, 2013
Hello poor soul who has braved the unnerving gaze of the owl to view this little request thread here. I am making this request thread for a few reasons, partly because this site is flipping huge and it will take a while to find a roleplay I can really sink my teeth into. Also partly because it's hard to keep track pf multiple-player roleplays and it's really easy to lose track or get left behind as the plot advances.

Down to business. I am fairly experienced with over ten years under my belt and can do long-winded roleplays if that is what is needed or smaller ones, though even if smaller I would very much like having some detail to play off of. I am not asking for a chapterbook but a paragraph or two would be extremely welcomed. I would very much prefer to play with females, characters and people. I find they are a lot easier to bounce other characters off and thus continue the story. Personally I am very good at managing multiple characters, my current record being around thirty in a single roleplay. As for what type or setting, once more I am very flexible. Though fantasy is where I am most comfortable, Scifi would be a nice change of pace or even something done in a more modern setting. Monsters, anothromorphs, creatures and just plain strange beings are very fun for me to play as and I quite enjoy creating worlds that would make sense for them to exist in. Such as doing a setting at an insect's level, the grass are pretty much trees and each small city is founded on the fusion of differing ideals as well as instinct. The same goes for larger animals, a society made out of the rather scatterbrained ideals and morals of a magpie would be utterly amusing. Those are of course two more mundane examples, aliens and alien culture is very appealing as well or something equally as appealing such as how minotaurs might conduct themselves if they formed a tribe. I can be and do largely anything, however there are sadly a few limits. If you hadn't noticed already, I have a very wide range of monster/beast/creature types I enjoy and can play. Anything from your standard wolves, horses and felines which are most popular, to strange things like say snapping turtles, angler fish and salamanders. No one group or species is off limits to me and when combined with the setting it can be morphed into crazy avian aliens or a squid like old god rising from the depths.

As for general weaknesses or turn offs, abusive characters are a bit hard for me, violence towards women especially, so if you are looking for that sort of thing I am sorry to say you should look elsewhere. I can be confident and very aggressive, outright violence is just beyond me. I can play the part, it is just a tad difficult. I really don't like school settings with a few rare exceptions, they tend to be boring and far too structured. However on that thought, something such as a pilot academy might not be too bad. Like I said I am pretty flexible and I would put money on someone being able to talk me into most things. Pretty much all I seek is an experienced partner who won't leave a chap high and dry with a single sentence and struggling to find something to bounce off. Submissive, strong, elf, alien, hellbeast. Just need something to ground me a bit along with a good setting and we should have loads of fun.

No bimbos
This is the biggest turn-off I have. Some men might like them but I will never understand why. Brainless, pointless, boring flesh-dolls who all look the same and are devoid of any character. I am more likely to okay scat or vore than bimbos or transformation based roleplays involving turning a previously neat character into one of these blank sheets. Human kind and women in particular are a rainbow of shapes, personalities and histories, why take all that out of them?

No Real People
This is the second biggest rule I have. Celebs or not, claiming a real person's 'face' as your's and then using it to have sex with another random person is a bit...well, creepy in my book. If you like to do it fine, but please don't if you want to roleplay with me. I won't drop it or anything if you do but it is certainly a mood killer.

As for modes of roleplay, forum and PMs are fine as we can take as much time as needed and if something does happen mid-post it is just annoying, not mood breaking. I have however recently broken out and tried email based roleplays and beyond yahoo being a bastard at times it seems to work out well enough. As for IMs, I do have yahoo-messenger, the real one and not the odd version in the email, I'm still a litle leery of IM roleplays but I am willing to give them more than a passing chance.

I know I have been a bit vague on what I am looking for, that's just because there are too many possibilities and I would hate to close any one door. In any case, if there are more questions feel free to get in contact with me and ask them.

Special Note: If at any time the roleplay grows stale, you change your mind or whatever, please say so. I understand that many people are scared of backlash but we are supposed to be mature adults here so I ask to treat me as one in kind. It is far more rude to let something die and never speak than to have an open dialog and leave things as friends.


General Roleplay Kinks and Themes

Oh and for a larger list of kinks and such, there is this rather handy website people here have running about in their signatures.
Link to List of Perversion

This is just a general theme I enjoy, predator and prey going against their instincts and turning towards a different kind of hunger. The species doesn't matter, the theme and the taboo nature of the tryst is all the same. Be it a mouse and a cat, a wolf and a deer or something as odd as a butterfly and spider. I still enjoy plot and character development and it will remain a major part of the roleplay but the them of predator and prey is one that is hard to overlook and it will bleed into other roleplays. Such as a knight and a dragon for example or alien/mutant to human in a more scifi setting. One of my favorite animal groups to play is reptiles and they can play into the predator/prey bit extremely well, be it a snake and a mouse or an alligator to...well...anything, it's an alligator. This is an extremely wide roleplay type and home to such a wide variety of partners that the combinations and roleplay angles are unlimited.

While I do love the predator/prey dynamic, I have a real fondness for things being turned upside down, the prey getting out ahead and dominating for a change. Whether it be a zebra turning the tides on a lioness or a human capturing an alien who tried to experiment on him/her, this is just a really fun little trope that had unlimited possibilities. Perhaps the demon gets enslaved instead of doing the enslaving, the big-bad monster instead gets turned into a servant rather than the master. This idea has so many interesting twists and turns that I am really sad that I don't get to play it more often, consider it something I am always keeping an eye out for.

(These are just a few that I thought up, if you have a suggestion feel free to make as many as you wish)

Pairing ideas
Sperm WhalexGiant/Colossal Squid
MantisxAny Other Insect


HumanxAlien Sport Hunter
HumanxAlien Queen
HumanxAlien predator

Like the Predator/Prey above, this is also more of a theme that I enjoy playing once in a while and like the above it can be worked into any roleplay with moderate ease. Be it either a man with far too many girls or a woman with several men, I enjoy harems of all sorts and certainly do not mind playing many different characters for the desires of one spoiled female. I've not had the chance to do this too many times and would love to be able to pull it off more often and of course both the Predator/Prey and this Harem kink can all be meshed with the roleplay ideas I have below.

This is less a full roleplay and more an over all theme I enjoy. Simply I am very fond of the 'gentle giant' character such as a minotaur who isn't the monster that people tend to think his kind are. Typically a little naive and childish but not the point they are morons, these characters tend to be rather fun to play and need a strong or caring female type to match them up.

As often as I talk about playing monsters or anthros in certain roles, I have no problem playing opposite female monsters as a human or other monsters. It is rather sad that there are so few people willing to play monster-girls out there, be they alien, mythical beast or simply an anthromorphic version of one species or another.

There are many aspects of this kink I like, either the loving couple raising a family of their own or a ruthless monster wishing to breed him/herself an army of loyal children. I am also quite fond of the family dynamic, it gives a good base for the couple to build on and the child, be he/she adopted or birthed, often brings them closer together and create a real platform for all sorts pf growth and development. Whatever the reason it remains one of my favored kinks.

On the subject of Taboo I am rather flexible, I do not mind incest or bestiality. I do like having a plot and more build up to each instead of just suddenly there is incest/bestiality and after five posts the roleplay is largely over. As stated above, plot and character development factor in heavily, more so with taboo subjects than with others because of the cultural stigma that surrounds them. I rarely if ever have any plots that focus on these topics, normally they are just part of the roleplay or part of the plot while the characters and drama surrounding them is the primary focus, such taboos of course contribute quite a bit to the plot so it's a delicate balancing act.

There are few fandoms I like to roleplay in, those that I do I never play canons and I really don't like playing opposite them either. However there are many fictional universes in which I enjoy and can see become quite an interesting roleplay, those I will list below. The reason why is because I always feel like I am doing a disservice to the canon character, like I'm not playing them correctly and that feeling is ramped up to insane levels when they are involved with pairings that they shouldn't or simply act unlike themselves.

Heroes of the Storm
Warhammer 40k
Monster Hunter
Monster Rancher Series
Dragon Warrior Monster Series
Dungeons and Dragons
The Elder Scrolls Series
Godzilla(Or Giant Monsters in general)
Digimon(Both humans and digital monsters)
Pokemon(Both humans and pocketmonsters)
Transformers Prime/G1/Beast Wars/Animated(Both machine on machine and machine on human)
Alien Verse Predator(Xenomorphs/Predators/Marines
Hot to Train Your Dragon(Film/Series universe)
Monster Musume

Plots: Below I will have up to five asterisks beside each plot to show how much I would like to try out the plot at any given time. If you don't know what an asterisk is it's the fruity star looking key called an asterisk: *

General Cravings:

Been in the mood for some lovely greenskin females. Orcs, goblins, trolls, ogres, whatever. Though I have been more in mind to play with female members of these races and do have some plots in mind that could be quite fun.

Lately been craving something avian, bird is the word after all. Harpies or anthro birds or whatever. Bit of pregnancy and egg-laying as well. My plots like the farmer ones and 'Gilded Cage' would fill this craving nicely but I am always open to new ideas and suggestions.

Some lovely incest plots would also be nice, be they father/daughter, son/mother, brother/sister or brother/sister/brother2 or reverse that or whatever. Incest in general is what I crave at the moment.

Also in the mood for some bestiality.
RE: Down to Business


Possible Roleplay Ideas

This is a list of a few roleplay ideas that I have thought up or just felt like jotting down one day, I have divided them between monster roleplays, alien and anthro ones since the vast majority of those I thought up fall into those groups. I'll add more divisions as I gain space, also keep in mind that these could show up in any number of roleplay sections here on the site proper. I don't list any gender or desired pairings with these roleplay ideas because I want to foster the max amount of creativity, that can all be hammered down if the contact takes a fancy to any of these worlds I have created.


Anthro Based Roleplays

-Roleplays involving anthromorphic versions of normal animals, prehistoric or mythical. Typically that is the focus and less on the setting itself.

In the dark, magical word of the middle ages, it used to be that great wizards, shaman or other magical persons would have to travel far and wide to find the regents they needed. Crafting potions or charms, it sometimes took months or years to reach the goal these driven men and women reached for. But as time wore on, magic began to seep into the soil and permeate the land, often being concentrated around where such magic users lived. This had an affect on the local wild life and the domestic animals. At first the affects were barely noticeable, a talking wolf here and there or a pig that would begin floating for no reason at all. But over the generations, some of these animals gained more humanoid traits, walking on two legs, gaining near human levels of intellect and even growing arms to manipulate the surroundings. At first these creatures were ignored, or more often killed. The hardest hit were the cattle, who the local minotaurs would seduce on an occasion when they couldn't find mates of their own. Owing to this magical heritage they mutated faster than most. However, before a full blown panic started, some very smart and enterprising young mages had an idea. They began to gather all the 'problem' animals and create farms for them to live on, with the promise they and their families would never be killed for food. These smart magic users soon found that the milk, hair, eggs of these creatures yielded valuable magical traits which could only be found in regents that were considered almost impossible to reach.

Thus a new business was formed and grew rapidly. Though some of the human-like animals from the forests were still a problem, taking livestock and people alike, a few were given the chance to settle into farm life. The wild boars and sheep quickly fit in on the farm among their domesticated cousins and even a few wolves or foxes were bribed over to act as the farm dog, guarding the farms from other wild creatures. These new 'Magic Farmers' still remained weary of the wild creatures, but over time a sort of balance was stuck between the magically created creatures and the remaining normal animals still used for food.

As one can imagine, these farms are hectic, with each and every animal able to voice his or her own opinion as well as take up arms if they feel threatened. At their hearts they still have to go off of instinct, but instinct and their new elevated minds tend to get a bit blurred as they try to make sense of their new world, often relying on their farmers to help sort things out.

Because taking control of an entire farm can be sort of taxing we can chop things up, focusing on certain animals or groups of animals, not all farms are generalist after all and some focus on certain types of animals. These can be fused with any group of themes and kinks, from harems, breeding to a bit of incest. I keep them all unmarked as most farm animal plots, regardless of species, tend to be rather similar and feed into my over all craving which is covered in the above rating.

This one would be about sheep, either focusing on the ram and his harem of girls, perhaps growing attached to one more than the other and they start a bit of a romance. This could also involve a sheepdog, either a male playing with the ewes or a female hound stealing the ram away from his girls from time to time. Another possibility is to add in a wolf, perhaps he sneaks in and screws the ewes silly or she forms a relationship with the ram after being caught. Perhaps the wolf even has a thing for the sheep dog. It also wouldn't be hard to fuse more elements, for example the wolf being caught by both the ram and the sheepdog, teaming up to punish the foolish predator to sticking her nose where it doesn't belong, or the reverse with the wolf seducing or getting pinned down by a couple of ewes and the sheepdog.

This would be a heavy lactation based plot, focusing on either cows or goats, depending on the preference. The same basic idea is the same with a small group of bulls or billies keeping the females ready to burst with kids/calves so that milk production remains at peek levels. Lost of drama can come from this as each develop their favorite female and perhaps even fall in love with their girls but still need to continue to breed as many as possible. The bigger focus would be on the milk production and pregnancy and all the odd little ideas that can be played around with in these and complimentary themes.

Though I know birds aren't that popular, I still have a soft spot for them and I know many enjoy the egg-laying kink so this would be the perfect plot for them. This could go a number of ways, with a rooster or two keeping track of his girls, making sure they all stay in line and pumping out eggs. We could however throw in other farm fowl species, like ducks and turkeys. Both are a bit larger than the average rooster to add in that bit of size-play, perhap the idea is to cross a few species, like a water loving chicken, duck/chicken or simply a larger fatter turkey, turkey/chicken. The gender combinations could be anything from a little rooster loving the larger turkey and duck girls to the larger duck and turkey males playing around with a couple hens. The final idea is the most extreme, ostriches are not popular but there are many places that raise them on a farm. It would be a huge size-play boon as they tower over everything, with one massive ostrich male taking advantage of the smaller chicken hens(or ducks and turkey hens) with the idea of producing massive birds from the cross. Or reversing the gender, we could have a little lucky rooster try his damnedest to seduce the ultimate hen, a towering ostrich female who is nearly impossible to impress.

Moving on to a crowd favorite, the equines. The setting would be a farm who focuses a lot on breeding new racing champions, having the best runners from all around, mixing bloodlines and breeds and so on. This could go as a big stallion with a couple mares, trying to prove his stuff to them or perhaps a mare trying to get the attention of a stallion. We could involve other equine species like mules and donkeys, playing with a more class angle since horses would no doubt look down on them. The donkey could easily be male or female, they are often a lot shorter than horses, depending on the breed the difference can be very striking, such as a Clydesdale. However, donkeys are also known to be extremely well endowed for their size, the idea of a short little male seducing and teaching the mares not to overlook him or perhaps a gutsy female donkey sets her eyes on the racing king of the farm and refuses to back down.

Don't often get a chance to play around with pigs, it's not hard to see while as they aren't the most attractive species when compared to say a horse. However anthro pigs tend to do quiet attractive, depending on the artist that is. The focus here would be on short, though a bit chubby females, perhaps a bit of wallowing in the mud and so forth. As for the male, I'm thinking more along the lines of a feral boar, they just look better than male pigs, covered in rough fur and sporting a squat but strong build. Perhaps even a little food-play? Not something I have done much with in the past but I am open to the idea.

In a world where animals are anthromorphic, how far does the love of a pet owner and his/her pets really go? It always starts out innocently enough, bonds forged in every day life but even in humans nature guides wants and desires. Perhaps it started as an accident, a petting hand moving too far and then the temptation starts to show as the bonds of pets and master begin to deepen into something more. Once that line is crossed they can never go back to a normal life, only accept this new reality forged by their own hands.

Back in the dark ages of human history, England's great empire was starting to crumble, they were at war with their neighbors and just about everyone else, every able bodied man and sub-adult were in the army, leaving very few back at home to till the lands and grow crops. After all if they couldn't feed their armies then they would swiftly end up losing these wars and be forced to give up power. However desperate times call for strange bedfellows, the King himself secretly contacted a necromancer, law decreed that any witch or magic user be put to the sword, but with his kingdom about to rip itself apart he had little choice. He asked for undead servants, the sort that can work without tire and keep his armies afloat, the King would deal with the negative backlash from his people when the wars were over. This necromancer on the other hand was quite clever and very powerful, he suggested to the King that resurrection might be more favorable, as the most loyal and dedicated warriors could be brought back, heroes to walk the Earth. As they discussed these matters, the King noticed a giant leg bone in the back of the necromancer's hut and demanded to know what it was. The necromancer said it was a bone from creatures long dead, massive reptiles that make the dragons of myth seem like salamanders. The King instantly demanded that these creatures be brought back to serve him and the war effort, certainly victory would be all but won if even a single of these creatures stomped onto the battlefield.

The necromancer was hesitant, he warned that such creatures were primitive and near impossible for him to control, they would just as likely attack the King's own men as the enemy, maybe even more so. Disheartened the King went back to the first plan, telling the necromancer that he had two weeks to bring back as many fallen heroes as possible and bring them to his court. The necromancer on the other hand began to ponder something. The two weeks passed and the necromancer did show up at the King's court, but not with the warriors promised. The King was moments away from ordering the mage burned at the stake and his ashes spat on, at least until he noticed two very large creatures walk in behind the necromancer. Two legged giants, reptiles both, one had a fearsome set of jaws that would make the most holy of men wet himself and the other had a long snake like neck and tail. Both towered over the men and women of the court. But they were not the mindless beasts the necromancer warned of, they had powerful human leg arms, a defined upper torso and the one with the jaws even had a large pair of mammalian mammaries.

The necromancer apologized for his two slaves appearing without clothing, as he had not the time to nit together entire tents for them to wear. The King waved off his words and walked right up to the two twin behemoths, they were perfect. Giants who could be trained, taught the ways of war and weapons before being pointed at the opposing armies. The Necromancer explained that he experimented on the old giant bones, he tried several times to make a creature that was controllable, but failed. Until he used both human and giant bones together, creating a sort of hybrid that would serve the King as well as any of his human subjects. Pleased with these results the King offered the necromancer a place in his court, even lifting the law against the 'dark arts' so the necromancer could train others to in turn bolster the growing efforts. These newly resurrected giants were coined Titans in honor of their vast size and strength. Though not all of these reptiles were truly giant, some were only as tall as the average man, some even shorter, but the name stuck.

As one might expect the King won his wars, with only 20 of these super soldiers under his sway the rest of the territories fell to him with extreme ease. When the war was other and the Titans lost their function, the King simply ordered that no man or woman should be allowed to keep other humans as slaves, a practice that had flourished due to lack of manpower on all sides of the war. Instead these new sub-human Titans were to be used, tilling the fields and in general doing grunt work. While not overly common there were enough that most households could have at least one. Meanwhile the necromancer and his coven continued to work under the king's orders, pulling other bones together he managed to fuse the great woolly Titans of the frozen ages to human bone, bringing back new humanoids that were not quite as alien. But due to how rare these mammals and birds were, they were often owned only by the rich or collectors.

This roleplay is somewhat inspired by the Redwall series as it has a similar set up with some exceptions. In this world rodents rose to power, they remain the same size but gained the ability to walk on their hind legs, use tools and form complex societies. There are other animals, cats, snakes and birds of prey, however they remain just animals and are more or less the dragons and demons of the rodent world. The rodents themselves are divided up into five main groups, the first one being the rats. They are the largest and most adaptable of the rodents, they are also very industrious and build great stone cities about the sort that could be comparable to the Medieval sorts of human history. Rats prefer to live near the sea and have entire cities all based around fishing and naval trade, they are a hearty and rather off-putting folk but are loveable rogues at heart. Mice live out in the plains, open ground that is good for farming. They are made up of mostly traders, gypsies and farmers. Mice are typically not well liked as they have a reputation for stealing and swindling others, however they are a friendly enough people who are more than willing to sing songs and share a few tales. The shrews are a grew of warriors who live down near the river, they are masters of stealth and can come or go with nothing giving them away. Some of the most dangerous warriors known are shrews, with a venomous bite and an infamous track-record for taking prisoners. Shrews live in floating villages, never in the same spot for long they travel the landscape. It should also be mentioned that shrews are a female dominate race, the males are servants while females take up arms and act as the tribe's warriors. Then there are the squirrels, with homes in the deep forests far away from prying eyes these rodents are a very secretive bunch who the other races know very little about. One thing that is known is that they are master trappers, any poor rodent going into squirrel territory has to watch his feet and his neck, you can avoid one or two squirrel traps but you can't dodge them all. Squirrels keep to themselves, what little the other races know about them is from their habit of sending youngsters out of the forests on a sort of quest for adulthood and to learn about the world outside of the forests. Last and certainly not least are the most feared race, even the shrews steer clear of them. Though the bats eat only fruit and insects, their ability to fly and nocturnal habits put the other races on edge. They live in caves, carving grand stone cities into the rock wall where none can bother them. In spite of the stories bats are scholars. Holding vast amounts of information in their hidden libraries where only a chosen few may enter. By nature bats may not be warriors however they do train in the use of spear and javelins to keep their foes at a distance and away from their fragile bodies.

Together the five races live in a very uneasy harmony, they keep to their own and try not to insight a war. The truce lasts between them and keeps the races from turning on each other when it is hard enough just surviving when their walls are tested by great serpents, battered by fearsome badgers and cats or dragged off into the sky by hook taloned birds. Life for a rodent is hard and short, but they never give up trying to survive in their hostile world, do you have what it takes?

In the land of Entomalia there are four great kingdoms, Vespidia, Formidon, Anthi and Isopterin.

Vespidia to the west is the realm of wasps, silent hunters who rule a fast desert spotted by lush jungle oasis, a nomadic people they roam through the region and swear loyalty only to their queen, all outsiders are either slaves or prey. Barbaric and violent the wasps only understand power and brute force, they often sell out their services as assassins to the other kingdoms, though they are quite heartless the wasps are not evil, they believe in a strict code of honor and are known for their brutal honesty. Showing a disdain for technology the only weapons a wasp warrior will use is her own mandibles or crude stone and chitin blades crafted from the animals of her homeland.

Formidon of the south is the great war based superpower, their people live in massive stone buildings and tunnels underneath a dry forest terrain which they call home. Death and glory is what they live for, to die in battle and serve their queen to the bitter end, surrounded by the dead of their foes, this is what all ants desire. Working the stone of their tunnels they craft granite weapons, stone blades sharp and powerful enough to hack through the heaviest armored chitin. Though most ants prefer spears, they wield any number of weapons in combat, the most loyal and powerful of these will one day be given their queen's blessing to visit the drone chambers and sip the rare wine that is the highly coveted male ants.

Anithi of the east is relatively peaceful compared to the other kingdoms in a lush forest, on the surface the bees seem like jolly farmers, content to harvest pollen and sap to their hearts desire. However, the bees are fearsome warriors and will defend their territory with a furry every bit the equal of their sister kingdoms. Having a great knowledge of the healing arts, there is a good chance that every downed warrior may get right back up again if the other kingdoms aren't careful. Using mainly ranged weapons such as bows, crossbows and slings, the brave bees will pelt their foes from afar and if threatned they are more than willing to strike back, dealing ten times what they were dealt in revenge.

Isopterin in the north is made up mostly by a large mountain range, the hearty termites burrow even deeper than their ant sisters dare venture and pull up from the depths metal. With this they craft towering metal spires and deep mining towns, creating wonders and deadly weapons. Termites use steel swords and heavy shields when they fight, backed up by the heavy cannons sitting on their fortresses and single shot pistols, the termites are only stopped by their slow defensive nature and poor eyesight, otherwise they might have brought the other kingdoms to the torch by now.

Each kingdom is ruled by a queen, each as ageless, beautiful and eternal as the seasons, each just as fickle and each just as ruthless. Under her are her daughters, the 'lesser queens' who were given mates and went on to breed smaller colonies. While these ageless creatures rage on at each other they threaten to destroy their peoples and the very world they live on. It may just be up to one lone drone, broken away from his shackles as a prized breeder, to him the future opens up to a world where perhaps the queens are brought to heel under the rule of a king.

Brave men and women signed themselves up for a new sort of test, it was a radical gene-therapy that is supposed to get rid of genetic born diseases. There is however a problem, the early version of the therapy involves being spliced with animal DNA which had a variety of strange effects that the scientists are still trying to fully understand. This project had gained a lot of attention, the army is looking for super-soldiers while other branches of scientists are looking for a way to make people better adapted to surviving in space or on other planets. The problem with all of this is the several hundred test subjects are kept in a large natural enclosure for study, to see if human intellect will be overwhelmed by animal instinct.

This plot is one I can see easily working in a modern or fantasy tone, largely depends on who is involved and what the craving is at that time. However the basics are there is a fisherman(or fisherwoman if someone would rather play the human role) who has lived his life alone for the majority of his life, specializing in fish and other aquatic creatures which are sold at different towns, getting enough money just to survive. Then one day the fisherman catches something he didn't expect, this can be pretty much anything from a mermaid to an anthromorphic shark, it just has to be water-based. Something about the creature's culture states that if it is caught and given it's life back, meaning the fisherman decides not to sell or kill it, it binds the creature to him until it has the chance to save his own life in tern. If in a fantasy setting, or even a modern-fantasy one, it could be some long forgotten god of fish or rivers or some random mythical creature like a sea-serpent. The fisherman can either be an ocean based character, a river based one or a swamp based one, each gives a set of different creatures to be paired with, such as a river dolphin which in myth act much like mermaids. In the swamp perhaps one day he runs into a anthro catfish, frog or alligator, or some sort of long forgotten spirit of the swamp. Wo-Man-Thing(Joking but that would be cool)! This is a very flexible roleplay, I have a deep fondness for the water and the creatures who live in it so this is quite interesting to me in pretty much every aspect.

This is by far the weirdest idea I have ever had, I have no idea if I'll even like it but I can't help but at least toss it out there. This roleplay is based around the anglerfish, now if you don't know the male and female angler fish are about as different as night and day. When a male finds a female he bites on to her flesh and slowly fuses with her to be little more than a mass of reproductive organs so when the female spawns she can fertilize her eggs. Now, my weird idea is for an anthro female angler fish and a male who has bitten on to her and become...well, a dick. Yes, a hermaphrodite character, though the 'male' parts are self-aware and he and his lovely mate constantly have mental war over their own desires. I would play the 'male' and you would the female who he is attached to. This has a very weird vibe to it, a real 'odd-couple' sort of thing and could be insanely hilarious. More of a joke roleplay than a sexual based one. We would alternate playing male or female partners for this couple to run into and so on. Note, this does not neccicarily need to be an anthro anglerfish, it could be some sort of monster or whatever, I would prefer to keep to the ocean theme though and the story of male and female bonding together an remaining aware in the same body, that all would stay the same.

Basically i would love to see a good pairing between a domesticated animal and a wild counterpart. It doesn't need to be a direct counterpart as an animal in the same general family will do just fine. Like a horse living among zebra, a cow with bison, a dog with a coyote or even a domestic cat with a lion. Depending on the species and the mix of partners there can be all sorts of fun like trying to fit in to the alien culture of your lover, flat out size difference goodness with some of them and perhaps even a surprise pregnancy. It's all up in the air but proves to be an idea full of promise. The setting as well does not need to be in the wild, like say an ally cat sneaking into the tiger enclosure at a zoo, it could be an urban based setting with a bit of tweaking.
RE: Down to Business


Monster Based Roleplays

-Roleplays involving monstrous creatures, typically of a mythic nature with very little anthromorphic alternations.

The world used to be a normal place, our Earth continued down it's path towards technology. However, in the middle ages a witch discovered something, by using crystals or gems she could bind the soul of a normal animal to herself. Feeding off the energy of the human soul the linked animal could grow and change, evolving into something different. As this practice spread more and more humans linked themselves to animals, raising them up to be giant monsters, companions or guardians, whatever they needed. However some monsters were let go, when a master tired or was disappointed in the evolution of his/her animal, the master could sever the connection with the animal, freezing it in it's evolution and forcing it to fend for itself. In this manner a host of new creatures were formed, giant serpents, dragons, cockatrice. These creatures were no longer considered animals, they were monsters, having abilities and powers far beyond what they once were. One of the most common forms of mutation is becoming more human like, triggered because of the master's desire for their creatures to be smarter and more useful around the house. These new species lived in peace for a time, but each monster dreamed of the day he or she could be bonded to a human once more and continue their growth. What an animal turns into depends on many factors, from it's own desires to those of it's owner, what it eats and even it's habitat, all of these shape what a soul-bonded animal will become and even then they might change in ways no one will expect.

Because of this magic, technology has be halted largely in place, though man has found out how to create basic flint-lock pistols, he still relies mostly on soul-bound creatures to help in daily chores or protection. There are even arenas where these soul-bound are pitted against each other to demonstrate the strange abilities they might gain or their skill in battle. The rewards of these matches can be anything and while bloodshed is frowned on, it is largely over looked for the good of the sport.

In the depths of the ocean there exists a race of beings, once human they branched off from us in ancient times, they managed to tap into a strange power that warped their bodies and minds, becoming beasts of the deep. Some of them resemble humans, others take more from the aquatic life that lives around them. They would have gone on practicing their odd ways if not for some humans who were sensitive to the odd power that this mysterious people used. Forming cults and creating books on magic, these people tried and failed for hundreds of years to get in contact with the true masters of this power. Spells and methods to summon them were crafted, the how varied from student to student but the why remained the same, to gain more power. Most of these cults and clubs were weeded out over the years but their books and teachings remain, these days it is more likely to activate a spell simply by trying to read what looked like a harmless book then out of true hunger for power. What happens to the poor souls who manage to summon these monsters is unknown.

For hundreds of years they lived in the shadow of man, once these shapeshifters ruled the world and humans were their slaves however the many breeds of werebeast began to war with each other. They fought and slaughtered, entire species of werebeasts were wiped out, where once there used to be many only three remain. Werewolves, wereorcas and werebats, each claiming a different part of the world where the other two werebeast types would rather not live. The the northern icecaps and island nations belong to the wereorcas, werewolves firmly control north and south America while the werebats have a firm grip on the United Kingdoms and Asia. There are shattered remnants of the other species such as werecats, rats, bears and hyenas, though there are so few that they are no longer even considered a true species. If found out the three main were-races are obligated to kill off these survivors. The war has been toned down in the modern age for fear of human hunters going after them, but the werebeasts still fight for control of the world, each wishing to be the sole werebeast species and of course to have the most valuable resource to themselves, humans.

On dark hill lives a person shrouded in mystery, no one can even be sure if it is a man or a woman, just that The Doctor as it is known, creates monstrous horrors of science. Locked away in the lab, there are rumors of men and woman turned into raving monsters, creatures more animal than man or woman. However there are even darker rumors still about the shadowy Doctor's appetites, that he or she uses these creations to sate primal urges. All who know of this castle live in fear and not a soul go near for fear of being turned into the newest play-thing.(Note, everything can be subject to change. If you want to switch roles feel free to say so.)

Over the last thousand years of so, many gods have made themselves known to humanity, either being a blessing or a curse. Their histories became the basis of mythology, giving birth to many of the stories that are still enjoyed today. Some say that the gods are dead, that they never existed to begin with or simply no longer care about humanity. All of those claims are untrue. In the dark age of mankind, the different pantheons went to war, battling each other for control over the only resource that mattered, human belief. In those days the gods could stride across the planet with ease bringing their full destructive power to bare. However, a group of lesser gods from multiple pantheons realized that no matter who won this war, there would be no humans left at all and the gods would lose their ability to function on this plane of existence. Together they wove a spell, strong than anything attempted by any god to date, it basically barred the gods from directly interacting with the world. Instead they were now limited to soft whispers, vague feelings and a ghost of their former power. The only ones who were missed by the spell were demigods, being half human they lacked the true power of their parents but were still mighty in their own right. Without the gods to take control of them the demigods simply fell in with the rest of humanity, their powers slowly dimming over the generations until just about every human alive has a little divine blood in them. Time passed as it always did and the gods grew annoyed, unable to do anything outside of their own realms, cut off from Earth in general, they began to grow desperate. The number of people who believed in them had shrunk drastically, if they didn't act soon they might lose the ability to contact the Earth at all. However something special was about to come their way, the planets were about to align and on that day the spell over Earth would weaken, enough so that the gods could reach out and touch a mortal or two. With no time to spare each god prepared for the coming date and on it they found mortals, offering them to become their avatars. An avatar was the mouthpiece of a god, given frightening abilities and power. Each and every avatar made had the same mission, to be the first to figure out how to disable the spell or at least alter it so only their patron god could manifest on Earth and leave their rivals behind. (In this roleplay I can be the god and you the avatar or flipped if you had a goddess you wish to play. We could also play two avatars meeting and conspiring together)

List of Gods and Avatars I am interested in
((Note, not all of these were considered gods but if you had the strength to kill/rival a god you are pretty much one already))

Sobek (God of the river and balance)
Anansie (Trickster spider god)
Vulcan (God of the fire and forge)
Thanatos (God of death)
Chronos (God of time)
Anubis (God of funerals)
Loki (Trickster god)
Quetzalcoatl (God of weather, fertility and much more)
Pan (God of shepards, nature and much more)
Ymir (Frost giant)
Raven (Trickster corvid spirit)
Davey Jones (Patron god and devil of pirates)
Dakuwaqa (Shark god)
RE: Down to Business


General Fantasy Settings

-Fantasy roleplays that focus more on a crazy mythical setting rather than the creature's themselves but by extension they are a bit out there as well.

The world of magic and myth has existed alongside those of science and what humans would call 'reality'. They are carved up into many different realms, these planes can be easily traversed if a being knows how and it is quite common to have the different magical creatures doing so to interact with one another. Each plane or realm tends to have a single landscape, such as the Realm of Water being a near endless ocean with little land in sight. The sizes of each plane differs, but the smallest is about the size of Australia. In one such plain there exists a land of sparse forests, jungles and a few large lakes, all broken up by fields of tall grass, these plains stretch out as far as the eye can see. This realm is known as 'The Herd Lands' and is dominated by just about every mythic hoofed animal, they live in small tribes or herds and tend to stick to their own. Being that most are herbivores and prey species they are a bit xenophobic when it comes to other species, though the meat eating members tend to get a free pass from this scrutiny.

However they all live in a sort of peace, a few fights do break out but mostly over mating rights, there is more territory and food then any thousand horses could use up in a hundred life times. There are also other creatures that dwell here, unintelligent they are freely hunted by predatory equines and visitors alike. The list of myths found in the Herd Lands is expansive to say the leave, with unicorns who tend to keep to the rare forests, to the half-human centaurs who are the few in this realm that build buildings, mostly stables, to even hippogryphs. The lakes are home to kelpie and other aquatic hooves creatures, they rarely interact with their land cousins. Even undead and spectral equines can be found here, the list seems almost endless to say the least.

For one reason or another I have a fondness of Goblins, in many incarnations they are silly and fun-loving while being the race everyone looks down on. One theme they all tend to share is 'Goblin Luck' meaning that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. This is more of a humor based story, of course romance and sex aren't off the table but this is more for fun than anything else. The formula is simple take a goblin and then pair him up with another race that will cause problems. For example, a cowardly goblin might caught the eye of a brave female orc warrior and the complications between the two would many anyone chuckle. Or going for the raw extreme in size, a goblin and a female ogre or troll, some sort of large bodied race that no small goblin should have any business being near. Of course goblins rub everyone the wrong way so simple culture clashes are easy, a goblin and an elf for example would be rather amusing. In general this is not a well thought out roleplay but one that just has general romantic-comedy overtones that could and should be put to good use.(Note, everything can be subject to change. If you want to switch roles and play a female goblin to some larger race then feel free to say so.)

The basic idea behind this plot is that a small group of orcs, goblins and trolls band together, basically outcasts with no where to go. So they decide to try and create a tribe of their own, however this is close to impossible since there are no females numbering in this group. Frightened that if they tried to seduce proper orc or other greenskin women they would be hunted down, they resolve to prey on the lesser races to try and use them to boost their numbers and perhaps in time even indoctrinate them into tribal life. For this roleplay multiple characters are needed on my part, though only on my partner's side if she feels like wanting to work more than one character. This roleplay can also be reversed with a small clan of orc females kidnapping a human male for children, female goblins and trolls would be perfectly fine as well.(Note, everything can be subject to change. If you want to switch roles feel free to say so.)

Sort of the reverse of the one above, instead of the greenskins enslaving or taking other races for breeding, they in turn get dominated. Such as a human man killing off the original chief and assuming his position which would include females under his thrall and the tribe in general. This could easily work in other ways, such as a goblin taking over a tribe of ogres or an orc ruling a band of goblins or pulling some other creature in control of the greenskins.

The fighting between dragons and man is legendary, generations lost, entire villages put to the torch and a degree of suffering brought about the likes of which can only be compared to a war. However, dragons were always going to end the loser in any such conflict, for all their power they simply can't win out against the numbers and cunning of their foes. One by one, clutch by clutch, the entirety of the dragon species and all sub-types were put to the sword, down to the very last egg. However, for all the brutality and fear caused by this battle, one single dragon remains. He/she is the last of it's kind, the options the dragon has is to die in one last gasp of rebellion or remain hidden and slowly wither away. Desperate the beast visits the old history of it's people and finds that there is perhaps a last option, one that might very well be worse than death. The dragon could interbreed with other races and try to recreate it's species, either using poor offshoots of draconic blood like kobolds and lizardmen, other magical beasts like gryphons and hydras or going so far as to dilute it's blood with the humanoid races like the humans that destroyed it, the brutal orcs, the graceful elves and the stoic dwarves. With all these poor choices on the table and time growing short, how will the dragon disgrace itself to continue it;s mighty blood line? Shall it look to it's cousin species? Other mythical creatures? Humans and the lesser races? Or perhaps the dragon will grab as many of each of these groups in he hopes of forging as many odd and powerful children as it can.

Now, I've been lurking about long enough to see some common roleplay threads here and there, one of those in the this section are the classic dragonxhuman, normally with the dragon half of the relationship in power. I was thinking about it and figured it's something that could use a bit of role reversal. So the roleplay is that a young adult dragon, out on his home for the first time, looking to establish his/her territory runs afoul of some tricky little humans. They manage to capture the beast and bind it to a knight of the realms with a magic collar that forces the dragon to do it's master's bidding. The collar even allows the dragon to take a humanoid form that retains dragon traits so the steed may defend itself while serving in places a full-sized dragon would be unable to reach. The master can either be kind or cruel, befriending or enslaving the beast as they go forth and do the kings bidding. Now, I left the genders neutral in case any possible partner might want to play the dragon, a young female taken under the wing of a powerful armored man or if a roleplay partner prefers to be the knight herself and I the beast. Whatever the gender mix the role is the same, dragons might win sometimes but humans are adaptable and often find ways to bend other creatures to their will.

There lives a powerful and intelligent Alchemist who lives in a grand castle that was created from stone molded in one of these experiments in the dark science. For several years the Alchemist worked alone, nothing but golems, elementals, slimes and other man-made creatures for company. However one day the Alchemist realizes just how lonely the job really was and began to alter these creations, making them more humanoid and able to carry out certain functions until the Alchemist created a harem of constructs, it is unlikely any work ever got done after that point.(Note, everything can be subject to change. If you want to switch roles feel free to say so.)

This is a curious roleplay idea I have had on the mind for a while, only brought to the surface by an anime/manga series called 'Monster Musume' or 'Daily Life with a Monster Girl' which is a rather strange take on a harem/echi/comedy style manga/anime which strokes my funnybone nicely. This however isn't a fandom roleplay, it is instead spawned by the curious connection between a centaur and his/her master. This roleplay will be set in a more typical fantasy setting, the age of swords, magic and so on. Through one way or another the human(can be an elf, orc or some other 'civilized' race) becomes the master/owner/whatever to a centaur, be she/he sold to him as a slave, offer themselves up as a noble warrior and steed to their rank or through some other means. Once this lord/farmer or whatever sort gets the centaur under their power, then things start to get really interesting. Again, depending on the master this can go a to of different ways, the proud centaur warrior humbled under a plow and slowly being broken.I'm normally not a big fan of ropes an tying, sure it's fun to play with but I've never been huge on it, this is an exception as the master treats his/her centaur as just another horse, forcing this being to bend even more. If the master is a lord, perhaps he/she is cruel and uses a crop while riding their new centaur, even forcing their prized steed to mate with normal, lowly horses. Bit of breeding and pregnancy play can also be added in, any children made will just be centaurs but having traits of the mare/stallion they are partnered with. Perhaps the master gets a little happy with his ropes an bridal play, bonding the centaur up so something even lower might happen, to be bred by a small race male/female. Again, bit of pregnancy and breeding can be added in here. For the less extreme, perhaps the owner is more of a farmer, lucking into the centaur and using it since he/she is without a proper horse. Maybe the two slowly end up falling for each other, the farmer showing the centaur a few ropes and other equine gear to find that the proud centaur has more than a slight fondness for being treated like a horse or even like just a normal human girl/boy. As you can imagine the genders are fluid, I am interested in playing the human/elf/whatever man in the relationship or the centaur as a stallion. However, you can buy my attention with a song and a smile if you are willing to try playing a centaur mare for me. We could easily bring in more centaurs as the plot goes along or more lords, servants, farmers or whatever setting we work out.

There used to only be two types of elves, no Dark Elves, Wood Elves or High Elves or any other sort of elf. Thousands of years ago they were known as simply Moon Elves, with light blue skin they worshiped the moon and many creatures who called the night home, chief among them were arachnid predators such as scorpions and spiders. However they went to war against the Sun Elves, their polar opposite. The Sun Elves struck first, forcing their sister race back out of their largest city and inciting their wrath. In retaliation the Moon Elves used shamanic rituals to open up the crust and split several of the Sun Elf cities apart, making it impossible to aid each other. Angered the Sun Elves struck back, in a display of irony they used the very same ritual but instead of carving up the land they opened it up, dooming much of the Moon Elf race to be crushed in the depths of the planet. Many generations would pass, the Sun and Moon Elves both died out, their pasts all but a faded memory, but the fractured parts of their whole survived, the Sun Elves ere the ancestors of Wood Elves and High Elves while the battered Moon Elves hid away in the depths, adapting to them and becoming the Dark Elves. The Dark Elves focused more and more on their worship of the spider, creating a patrol goddess from their combined wishes, however she was a cruel god and demanded much of her followers. Desiring blood to sate her strength, driving much of the Dark Elves to forget their emotions and focus only on cruelty. The spider god, now known as Arane, demanded more than just blood but complete loyalty, she forced the priestesses to warp their own bodies, fusing them to giant spiders and becoming the first Driders. The priestesses became drunk on the power of their goddess and began to proclaim that as with spiders, the females of their own race were superior to the males and so they started to restructure their race from the ground up. Some Dark Elves felt that this was wrong, many warrior minded males were the driving force behind the resistance of these new ideas and their determination spawned forth a second god. He was named Dromo, the neglected worship of the scorpion spilled forth and warped his own form, being the male counterpart to Arane. He gifted his warriors with a new form, forcing them to bond with their armor and warp into large scorpion like creatures, a perverse mockery of the rider which were later named Scorrow. The Dark Elf kingdom practically split in two ad the twin gods warred over who would take the Night Elves as their own, in the end much of the population was destroyed and the two forces retreated. Spurred by the female dominated society, the Night Elves who followed Dromo dug deeper and founded their own civilization and after many generations they would become distinct from their sister race, calling themselves the Drow. The two still warred over their mixed ideals, female dominance fought male dominance, the two gods rank in the deaths of their flock and only grew more powerful. The Driders and Scorrow would forever hate each other and fight for the favor of their gods. But, might it be possible that perhaps a friendship is found between the two people, not just any friendship but one between the harsh Drider and brutal Scorrow? What then might happen if the two arachnid beings where to find their many hearts beating for each other?

In high society, it is quite common to have a few slaves or servants, though lately the newest trend has been to gather up non-human races. Elven maidens to hang about on a lord's arm, a centaur to pull a lady's coach and even a minotaur set up to repair your castle. However one young lord has an odd obsession, he has loved birds all his life and in his adult years he quickly turned into an avid birdwatcher. However when this trend of keeping non-humans turned up, he was leery, not wanting anything to do with it...that is until he saw a harpy in real life. He quickly bought one, his beautiful song bird to sing at his request, he dotes on her to the point of spoilage. But can he remain satisfied with the one fine feathered female or will his obsession grow to add more members ot his aviary?
RE: Down to Business


Scifi/Alien Based Roleplays

-Roleplays regarding the far-flung future or just alien interactions with modern day humans, anything from alien wars to robotic androids are here.

It seems that humans are not alone, in the year 2079 we managed to build several massive space-ships, basically floating cities to ease the pressure off an already crowded Earth. These ships fired off in all directions, each was set for a planet that had conditions close to those of Earth, in hope that colonies would sprout up across the universe.

One of the ships, named The Argo, named after a large ship from mythology. It was set for a planet called Epson Five and once they reached it the human population were ready to colonize it and begin setting up new lives for themselves. However, scans of the planet showed that it was inhabited by a native race, something that the long range sensors on Earth or the ship were unable to detect. They were a burrowing race that mostly lived underground, only coming above it to interact with other groups.

They were called Zirus, giant insectiods that managed to out-think the mammals and reptiles on their planet, becoming unmatched. They live in massive underground cities, called hives, each hive is lead by anywhere from one to four Zirus females who are extremely old and wise. They are called Queens, though unlike the queens of social insects on Earth, they do not lay vast amounts of eggs, in fact they hardly mate and lay any eggs at all. Instead they ingest a special sort of jelly, created by a mix of blood and a rare pollen from a native tree, this jelly is eaten by the queens and in turn it ferments inside of their bodies. The substance is refined in the Queen's gut and can be expose to other creatures through body fluid, the most common being sexual relations. The jelly doesn't affect other Zirus, but in other species it mutates into being a Zirus, though sometimes traits of their former shape and body design are kept. Each Queen has a job to do and that is to make sure their hives have as varied genetics as possible. This means that no two Zirus ever look the same, even siblings could look drastically different.

The humans of The Argo want to make a deal with the Zirus for natural resources, but the Zirus might just see them as a new source of DNA to bolster their own stock. Perhaps some sort of balance can be gained, but will the higher ups really sell off their own people in this manner?

The fate of this exploration is in your hands.

Thousands of years in the future, in the 53rd Millennium Mankind finds itself shattered and cast adrift to the stars. Hundreds of years before this state, humanity were expanding too fast, they used their advanced technology to colonize other planets, terraforming them to support life and transplanting creatures from their own planet to create new ecosystems. Watching in fear a xenophobic race from the stars attacked mankind, nearly wiping them out and sending them back decades. Contact with the colonies was lost and the people trapped on the planets were forced to find their own ways to survive. Each turning to different methods, using meager stores of genetic technology each planet's population were forced to change in whatever way suited their new life styles best. However the humans of Terra remained largely the same, save for their numbers drastically cut down and psychic abilities becoming somewhat common over the years. Now as Terra rediscovers space travel, their minds stretch out towards the stars, looking for the lost colonies and the faceless aliens who crushed their ancestors so long ago. But after so long, what will they find on the lost planets? Will their cousins see them as family or cut them down as aliens themselves? And even with their help, do they even stand a chance against the shadowy xenos who guard the wealth of space so jealously?

In the age where man has joined the multitude of other races who populate the stars, while peace is just a far flung concept, the many races managed to agree on a power structure that doesn't involve giant armadas facing off against each other and countless dead. Sadly this agreement was crafted by one of the most ancient of races who were a bit crazy, they created a system based on racing through courses set on different planets. Every dispute could be handled without loss of life, though the nature of these races did claim a life now and again. This would have been the ideal set up if not for the same ancient race. Known as Excellerons, even fifty galactic years they would host their own races, full of strange rules and even stranger race courses. Whatever species or person won this race would have the unquestioned support of the Excellerons, which could either grant great prosperity or great suffering. While the races are bitter and cutthroat, love and lust can bloom between different species and racers, though the impact of their desires could cost them fame and glory. The ultimate risk for the ultimate prize.

Aliens will always be curious about other species, but what happens when someone gets picked up for one of these experiments? No one knows their goals, wants or desires, only that they are clearly testing humanity for some reason or another. These changes are random, being anything from limb replacement to mutation. Some people think the aliens have poor genetics and are looking for ways to boost their population by mutating humans so they can birth hybrids that will be far stronger than their parents.

Basic Scifi setting where humans have taken to the stars to join the vast number of other races as they all try to figure out their own footing. Technology has reached the point that androids are commonplace but truly advanced AIs are rare, in a bid to create a new line of AI as creative and driven as a human a company sells a bunch of experimental AI to a large distributor who in turn supplies them to low bidding sources to help test the new AI. These include robots in the construction field, maintenance and other jobs that most don't pay attention to. these bargain AIs are also snapped up by slightly less legit businesses such as those who wish to run pleasure droids, robots and androids used for pleasure of any one or a number of races. These experimental AI however prove to be more than what they once were, giving true independent thought and being like emotions, if confronted with one of these new bots how would someone react to a sexual toaster asking for their help?

It was a dark night, the crowd was thick in the club, light flashing all around the many patrons who either clustered around the bar or were busy cheering at the stage. Over the loudspeakers booms a thick male voice "Ladies! Best you scrape those credits together and any poor girls who love a nice, hard crankshaft, well you better turn your eyes to the stage because time for Bobbing Gears to roll out." as soon as the announcement went out the lights dimmed a bit and a spotlight highlighted the stage. Slowly the curtains parted and a figure stepped out, he looked like a normal human man, though with dark hair, strong cheekbones and a rather stunning all around body. He was wearing a loose fitting jacket, the middle was unzipped to show off his abs, and a pair of torn up jeans. He struck a pose on the stage, hands on his hips and chest out as he smiled at the crowd who cheered, it was a mixed group this night with cyborgs, living slimes, strange reptile like aliens and all sorts of races mingling together to enjoy the dancing males on display.

Raising an arm up he showed off his human hand, then the skin seemed to just vanish, the man rolled up the sleeve and the more it exposed the quicker the human hologram melted away. He then mimicked the motion with the other arm, this was followed by him bending over, placing his hands on the stage as the jacket fell down over his head, showing off his now bear back which turned into panels and gears. The jacket fell down to the ground and he stood back up, taking his time the stripper leaned down until his knees were on the ground. Hooking his thumbs into the corners of the jeans he began to draw them down and as he did human skin gave way to smooth robotic parts. Once they were just barely hanging on to his hips he grabbed on to the near by pole and pulled himself up off the floor. Wrapping one leg around the pole he then pulled himself up further until he was no longer touching the floor. The higher he climbed the lower the jeans tugged until the slid right on down his legs, displaying his entire robot body before he dropped down to the floor with a dull thud. The only thing left was his head which remained human, right up until the last couple of seconds when it to faded away.

"Alright now! Who is the lucky robosexual who will get to spend a night with the most experienced, most advanced toy money can buy?" There came a great cheering from the crowd as numbers were shouted out and the bids collected, at least until one octopus looking women snaked a tentacle onto the stage and wrapped it around the robot's ankle joint. With a not quite so manly yelp, the poor stripper was torn off his stage and into the crowd where he was grabbed, pinched, kissed and licked at as he struggled to get away from the developing brawl. There were a few bouncers on hand who started to break things up but one towering giant woman made of rock decked the first bouncer so hard he flew into the far wall. Soon the drunken fight became less about the object of their lust and more about beating the annoying bitches around them. Taking advantage of the confusion, the robot designated 80B1-G34R or better known as Bobby Gears, did something so against his programming that the act would shock him for years to come. He left.

Grabbing a dark coat from the rack near the entrance, Bob ran out the door of the club and down the street. He was so panicked that the robot didn't even bother to flick on his hologram, after putting a few blocks between himself and the club Bob began to realize just how lost he was. He slowed down and looked about, feeling utterly lost the robot hugged his coat tightly to his bare frame, without knowing what else to do he started calling out for help, with any luck he figured he could find the authorities, perhaps they could be of some use. But with next to no knowledge of the outside world poor Bob just ended up wandering down every random dark alley way, getting more lost by the second.
RE: Down to Brass Tacks


Fandom Based Roleplays

-These roleplays involve fandoms that I enjoy, I do not like twisting canon character out of their niche so all characters here will be OCs.

Set in a universe where pokemon take a more anthromorphic forms when captured by humans, something to do with the pokeball's mental link to it's owner. In any case one young teenager sets his/her mind on beating the elite four and becoming the very best, as all young trainers aspire to do. The trainer must set his/her eyes on this goal and battle on, facing impossible odds, strange trainers and even danger from their own pokemon as the varies between love and lust start to fuse together.(This roleplay is also open to using non-anthro pokemon)

While some might be interested in taming and training pokemon, some are just more interested in mixing, matching genetics to find the best line and then sell these perfect pokemon to the highest bidder. But what happens when one crazy or enterprising person figures out how to breed pokemon and humans together which results in a superior creature?(Designed with over six characters where we can both play pokemon/pokemorphs of various genders and of course lots of impregnation.)

For the past three months a young man/woman has found someone on the internet they sympathize with, the two talk about everything from the state of the world to just trading back and forth stupid jokes. The two of you really begin to hit it off and then the young man/woman asks this mysterious internet man/woman to meet them in person. Rather suddenly all contact is cut off and they don't hear from their digital lover. Feeling that they were dumped the man/woman goes into a bit of a depression, then about a week later they come home to find the computer glowing and out from it comes a digivice along with a shapely female/male digimon who nervously explains what is going on. The two really hit it off and timidly try to figure out where to go from there, but because the digimon crossed over and managed to break through the barrier, many more follow and soon they start to flood into the human world, forcing the few who bonded with digimon to solve this problem.(Basically the digimon would be anthros, if they weren't already, and no one is left out just because they resemble one gender or another. For example a battling female Weregurrumon or amazonian Leomon.)

Pretty much the same as the above but only the digivice comes through and when touched to the computer it sucks the person in and sends them to the Digital World, forcing them to learn to survive with their digital partner and dodge those who wish to use the power of a human for their own devices.

An aspiring rancher takes on several different monsters on a broken down ranch which belonged to a recently lost family member. He/she takes on the monsters there and trains them, whipping them into a crack team of adventurers or tournament fighters, perhaps even just breeding them to find teh best monster fusions for whatever their goals.(Can be anthro or normal depending on preference)

Functionally any kaiju or giant monster can be fit into this roleplay, played by either partner as either gender. Seriously, who stops to check the plumbing on a giant city destroying engine of death? Anywho, the plot. Basically after years and hundreds of billions of dollars burned on anti-kaiju weaponry or flat out rebuilding cities, the UN pools it's resources together to create a drug that will kill or at least paralyze these giant threats. Testing it on Godzilla(Zilla, Mothra, canon or an OC monster it doesn't much matter) seems to not affect the beasts in quite the way anyone expected. Because of their mutated biology this drugs nearly killed the targets, fracturing their great fearsome power down to phantoms of what it used to be, reducing the monsters themselves to roughly human size. Some contamination in the research process caused human DNA to make it's way into the drug, which resulted in the monster in question taking on a humanoid appearance. Though now far more intelligent than they used to be and now with the ability to speak, the monsters still think like monsters and are forced to either accept life-coaches or be at odds with every military force on the planet. These life-coaches try and teach the monsters how to act more human, to try and blend in no matter how monstrous they still appear. Over time these monsters form close bonds with their life-coaches or perhaps are encouraged to interact with other humans, either way a deeper bond is formed and sparks begin to fly as the monsters realize they have a chance to see what life has to offer now that they can interact with the world without shattering it. The human side of this relationship can be male or female, I wouldn't mind playing opposite a nice city-destroying monster-girl and I have no problem playing as said monster opposite to a human woman either.

After spotting Decepticons creeping down a dark alley, a young man is placed under protection of the Autobots, taken from his crappy flat and made into an unofficial member to help this branch of Autobots who are cut off from Optimus Prime but take his orders through hidden messages. The man is then assigned to an Autobot, a female transformer who is not horribly happy about the job but the two start a rocky friendship all the same. The man is a bit of mechanic and knows his way around the machine, slowly they begin to find that they are rather close friends, perhaps the fembot even allows him to take a peak under her hood. They begin to experiment with their odd relationship and find that their two species are more alike than dissimilar.(This is one of the few roleplays I will be hard-pressed to swap roles on, but I might if there's a good enough pitch. Everything else is up for tweaking and changing.

The fembot above is given a new Cybertronian partner who is beamed to the base or found as a hidden survivor on Earth, the pair team up and grow to enjoy each other's company while battling the 'Cons and trying to keep their adoptive planet safe.

Taking place after Kerrigan(or you can custom make your own queen Zerg to take over after Kerrigan dies/vanishes) is infested, she takes over teh swarm and learns from Abathur as well as the other few remaining singular inds of the swarm. Using her new found abilities to create, warp and mutate new breeds of teh swarm, perhaps making the perfect mate or mates for herself to breed a new caste of Zerg to further her goals.(Can also be anthromorphic or the queen changed to a king with a harem of female Zerg)

Determining that there needs to be a drastic change, a Queen xenomorph in a new colony set in a human populated world, sets out to create a new type of xenomorph. Using genetic traits from human, Preator and other alien species to create the next step in evolution. However her time is limited and her experiments varied, even as she lays a new batch of eggs her hive is being put to the torch. Only a few eggs will survive the genocide, this new generation of xenomorph is creative and highly intelligent a new 'princess/prince' caste as it would be later coined. With a different way of collecting the genetics of other species that doesn't kill the host, this new caste a xenomorphs sets out to find suitable partners, perhaps some of the marines who killed off his/her mother and proved themselves warriors. Or maybe the creature takes a fancy to the Predators hunting the local humans. Perhaps even the creature likes variety and captures his/herself a small harem of creatures to breed need generations from.

So I was playing MH with a friend of mine last night, I upgraded my favorite weapon and fell in love with it saying "If you were a woman I would ask you to merry me." in jest mostly but it caused a surge of inspiration. If you know the anime 'Soul Eater' you have an idea of what I have in mind. In the anime weapons are living and devour souls to grow more powerful, they can also change into a human form when not needed for battle. Basically in this idea a select few MH weapons are host to the soul of the monsters they are made out of and allowed to take a human or humanoid form when not serving their masters. Fusing the two with raw insanity and epicness.

More or less the same plot as Jurassic World, dinosaurs are brought back for money and profit, however after the fall of Jurassic World the military steps in an sets up shop on a near by island. Though intelligent the dinosaurs are unable to be trained to the level of a human. Instead of creating near mindless mutants, INGEN begin to think smarter, using bits of human DNA they downsize the titans and give them human traits. Each species has it's own massive pen where trainers work with the odd mutants, teaching them military strategy and ow to use weapons, drilling loyalty and fear deep into their prehistoric skulls. Following similar precautions as the parks, all the dinosaur-human hybrids are of one single gender, which gender that is depends on who would prefer playing them. However down the line perhaps a couple mutate and swap genders for both players to have some fun with them. Either way, the mutants and their keepers start to get a little too friendly, perhaps even craving the opposite genders as they are part human themselves and might even be able to interbreed with humans. There are a lot of ways this roleplay can pan out.

More or less the same plot as the anime/manga, a single male human lives alone and is entered into the program without his notice, possibly by a family member who worries about him living alone. The setting could be just about anywhere, for a normal suburban house, to a farm, to an apartment. However this will take place in another country as much of the world follows Japan's example and allows monsters to pair up with host families. Now this guy can end up being the host or one or more monsters and I really don't care what you might fancy. From the strange to the weird or just to the bog-standard, it's all good to me as I find the situation and slice-of-life twist to be the bigger draws.

The ability to mix and match characters from any of Blizzard's game universes? Yes please! Typically I don't like using canon characters but it's much less serious in the Nexus and sort of out of context, where everything can be silly and just fun. Now, creating OC characters is something we can still do and of course we are also not limited to the game's roster of heroes and can pull characters from anywhere in the respective universes. This would be more for fun than a long term roleplay, we could easily give it a good plot and make it last but this universe seems just begging for silly combinations of characters and see what insanity goes from there.

I am a long time fan of the Gargoyles series, i love the story, the over all theme and of course Goliath's god damn voice. I would love nothing more than to play out a small clan of Gargoyles surviving somewhere in the world, where and when could factor in. This is also one of the few roleplays I would not mind a canon character being involved, Demona in particular as I have a crush on her a mile long and if someone who enjoy playing her opposite to a gargoyle, mutant or human character, I would be in your debt.

While one little lamb might be locked up, there is still another on the loose. Doug, the maker of the night howler drug and hit-man for hire has no gone underground and is nearly impossible to track. To make matters worse he is cutting his drug with other substances to create a variety of affects, most of which are a bit more temporary than the imposed insanity of his most infamous creation. The affects run the gambit from putting someone into a hibernation like coma, intense predatory hunter or even sparking an early heat/rut cycle. Now it is up to the ZPD and a select few concerned citizens to hunt down Doug as well as round up any of the poor animals who he has targeted in his haste to flee the city with as much money as possible.(Original characters only)

It's been over two-hundred years since the original incident that went down in paranormal history. These legendary stories have gained quite a bit of popularity with the young people of today, where robotics has advanced to the point that walking, talking and interactive character are a possibility, borderline mundane as a robotic employee does not cause as many problems as a flesh and blood one. However one enterprising business man had an idea to capitalize on the craze as it showed an odd resurgence. Creating a sort of robot brothel with highly sexualized version of the now infamous group of robots with the latest in personality, intelligence and high-tech plastics which feel very real to the touch. They come with a wide variety of settings, optional parts and plug-ins which are designed ot cater to just about anyone who could walk in. However, these robots might be too advanced as they are constantly going places they shouldn't, engaging the guests in conversations that do not always have a 'happy ending' and at times attempt to leave the establishment. So a full time mechanic and bot-handler was brought on to the payroll, an expert in their programming and attachments he is there to make sure the robots are not malfunctioning and stay in line. But he is not ready for what he finds, quick-witted borderline human robots willing to out-think the poor employee to get their way.

((Note, a reverse gendered version, with male based robots. can work to, just switch the roles and the male version is called 'Fred's Beds'.))

There must always be an overlord, the shadow who defines the dark, the iron fist who some aspire to be or simply the balance to keep heroes from falling to their own folly. Without an Overlord the warriors of light are doomed to grow stagnant and fall away from the light. There are many great lines of Overlords and each to their own preferred minions, some use dominating force, others magic, more still would rather use every scrap of power they have access to which includes minions and those smart or cowardly enough to follow. Not all overlords use the strange imp like minions so made popular by the greatest of their kind, some use vastly different creatures, but to each their own when it comes to doing evil. Though lord or lady, former hero fallen to corruption or a simple peasant who rises to great power, overlords come in all sizes and backgrounds but they all share an unholy drive to rule, evil will always find a way.
RE: Down to Brass Tacks


Taboo Roleplays

-Stories and plots that often have more taboo bits in them such as incest or bestiality, though there isn't much of a line between monster and beast roleplays so for the sake of weeding out redundancy, all non-magical beast based roleplays will be filed here.

This roleplay is built for creatures that naturally live a pack or herd like lifestyle, I will give a short list of animals below who I think would be a good match for this roleplay. The gender pronouns are mixed to keep the roleplay flexible enough to appeal to someone wanting to play a female with her brothers/father or wanting to play as the mother/sisters. This roleplay is based in an anthromorphic version of the real world, in short the different animals form tribes that mimic the packs of their feral counterparts, one example that a tribe of lions would be ruled by a powerful male lion who basically never does anything himself beyond hog all the females. Whatever the species choice the basic plot remains the same. The son or daughter of the alpha is tired of being the next in line and wants a taste of real power, so he/she kills their father/mother(depends on the species, some like hyenas are ruled by females.) and takes over. As a rule the new alpha takes all that the old alpha used to own, you keep what you kill, which means any shiny tools or weapons, huts and even mates. Since many alphas are succeeded by their young it is typically ignored in the case of family, if you kill your father you won't often be expected to take your mother as your mate, as an example. The new alpha is however extremely desperate to strength his/her power over the tribe and does just that, not only taking the former alpha's mate but their sisters/brothers as well in a power play that shocks the rest of the pack into submission. Really, who would want to mess with someone who not only killed the ruling alpha who was their parent, but took the rest of their immediate family as their harem? Now the new alpha must live with this choice, the fear created and inter-tribe politics that threaten to undermine his/her power all over again.

Species List(I will put an F or M tag beside each species to note if they are male or female dominate, if both than both tags will be there)
Prehistoric Raptors-F
Smilodon/Saber Tooth-M

Pretty much as it sounds, this variation is the reverse of the above. Instead of the son/daughter winning the battle the father/mother does and kills or exiles the upstart. In his/her anger the old alpha turns on the rest of the family, either killing or exiling the rest of his/her competition. With the remaining opposite gender children the alpha eyes an due to feeling betrayed they are taken as the alpha's mates. In this scenario the Alpha's mate, the mother/father of the children can be long dead if no one wishes to play him/her an give the Alpha another desperate reason to begin breeding their children. As with the above, any of those listen species can work, feel free to suggest any not listed.

Hundreds of years ago a demon crossed over into the human realm and took the form of a human before using it's powers to seduce a powerful mage. In a short time their union created a halfbreed that looked human, but the magic was tainted, given the boost of hellish magic along with the those afforded to the child by the human parent. Over generations this power would become part of this line, the demon would slide back into the human realm to seduce it's ancestors to inject more of it's power into it's bloodline once more. This pattern continued for hundreds of years until the demonic line bore fruit, powerful warlocks and sorcerers popped up all over the globe, using hellish powers to bring about their own desires. Once this magic was perfected over so many generations, the demon once more crossed, but this time it didn't just pollute it's bloodline and move on, instead the demon collected these powerful magic users, it's children born of so many years. What the demon wanted was their magic, enslaving them to it's will as it threw it's children into an incestuous cabal for it to use and abuse until their special breed of magic is needed.

Basically this roleplay is an the old 'child raised by wolves' sort of thing, taken in by normal feral animals or more mystical breed that would be far more intelligent but still have the bodies of normal animals. Could involve breeding but that is optional. Once an adult this child will need to fight tooth and claw, which he/she lacks, to try and gain a place within the pack as a normal member of this adopted species. Though I used wolves as the example this roleplay could easily fit any pack or group based species, even mythical ones such as a child raised by dragons, where the human must rise through the ranks and prove he or she is just as worthy as any other member of the pack.

Carefully hidden away from man are the shapeshifters, werewolves are the most known of their bunch but across the world there are beings who shift into various other creatures, such as the werelions of Africa and the buffalo shaman of the Americas. Regardless these beings are rare, torn between beast and man, but what happens if one day they choose animal over human? Returning to the wild their unnatural forms are hard to accept by their natural counterparts, but these beings manage to integrate and even breed with their spirit animals, possibly creating creatures far dangerous than a simple shapeshifter.
RE: Down to Brass Tacks(Warning: Breeding Monsters, Beasts and Incest lurk here)

Just a bump in the road.
RE: Down to Brass Tacks(Warning: Breeding Monsters, Beasts and Incest lurk here)

be free and bump
RE: Down to Brass Tacks(Warning: Breeding Monsters, Beasts and Incest lurk here)

bumpercrop of crazy
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