RE: D&D - Gothic Horror, Monsters, Adventure
*gently prods the dormant thread, waiting for a sign of life*
Hi. I'm Cherubian.
I like role playing, and I also like dice rolling. Been doing both for quite a while. And of course the sexy bits. Those are a more recent past time of mine.

Having it all in one package is even greater, which is why I am typing this.
Pathfinder and 3.5. both sound great, gut given the choice I'd go for pathfinder. It is just more consolidated, without ten dozen supplemental books spread all over the place. Stuff's easier to find on the web as well, all in one neat place. And they have the better Monk archetypes.
Yeah, I know it says 'Horror' in the title, but I personally would prefer if things weren't too angsty and traumatic. Hey, we are supposed to be heroes and not some wimps or wimpesses who get a severe mental trauma at the sight of the first zombie. A bit of humor won't hurt, either.
The one kink I have serious problems with is non consensual sex, including being mind controlled into the act. Or generally being the plaything of a more powerful partner. Kind of a reverse Red Sonja, if I can't beat it in a fight I don't want to fuck it either.
In regards to what I am paired up against, however, I am rather flexible. Including being boned by a zombie. Or would that be a skeleton then? Doesn't mix well with my aversion against non-con? Come on, be a bit creative, GM!
I couldn't care less
what sort of biology the real life individual behind the online persona I am interacting with has.
The character I wanna play is a Monk. I just LOVE the thought of being completely(?) equipment independent, beating up the bad guys even while stark naked, so that is my nr 1 default, some sexy scantly clad monster huntress. Sadly the creators of the rules system did not like the class as much and gave it a severe case of multi-attribute-dependency. Stat points never seem to be enough. So I often try to coax the GM into some favorable house ruling.
*give the thread another nudge*
Got all of it?