Growing Older (MLP:FIM[Velvet and Malin])


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego
Spike Had certainly grown up in the last five years that he had spent among the others as a citizen of Ponyville. The once childlike spike had grown into a teen-aged dragon. As he walked through town he knew the other ponies watched him, Spike wasn't exactly cute or inconspicuous. In fact most ponies feared dragons, and Spike could understand why.

As Spike walked through poniville he gave the majority of the folks smiles, and waves. In this town everyone knew everyone, and that certainly helped. For most ponies around Spike was just another citizen. He had been around for years. Walking upright through town he clutched a bouquet of flowers in his claws.

Today was the day, he had made up his mind, Spike was sixteen now and had been crushing on Rarity for almost five years. Today was the day he finally confessed everything. He had steeled his resolve and walked forward towards carousal boutique. Walking up to the station, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating hard in his chest. Opening the door he stuck his head in too see if this was actually a good time to bother rarity. Her business had expanded in the last few years, as her reputation had grown. Swallowing for a moment he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so nervous.

"Rarity?" Spike's voice was rather small then it usually was causing him to caugh to try and make himself sound better.

"If you have a moment I have something I'd like to ask you." He said standing in the doorway, the flowers tucked behind his back. "If this is a bad time I can come back later."

"Oh Spike, dear. Good you're here" the white unicorn ran towards the dragon and pressed a bunch of fabric rolls against his chest

"Be a dear and hold this for me, will you?" before even waiting for an answer Rarity already ran towards the other side of the room, back and forth she levitated papers, fabrics, little gems and accessories.

Sweetie Belle, who watched the rather quick scene just rolled her eyes and sighed before her horn began to glow in green light.

"I'm sorry, she's been rather busy this whole week already" she said as the fabrics began to levitate. From Sweetie Belle's angle it wasn't hard to see what Spike was holding behind his back and it casted a slight smile on her face. "Is there any special reason you came here?" she asked innocently with an almost naive tone. It was no secret to anyone, and had never been, that Spike had his eyes on her sister since his and Twilight's first visit in Ponyville. Well maybe to nopony but one...
Spike almost dropped the flowers, in a panic'd attempt to still hide them, but at the same time hold the rolls of fabric as they were pushed into his chest. He let out a soft grunt, and then smiled lightly as they were taken from him. He let out a small sigh, he had said for a while now that Rarity needed to higher an assistant to keep up with the work around here. however seeing Sweetie Belle he was greatful as he made his recovery, the bouquet of flowers only taking some minor ruffling. He nodded his thanks too Sweetie Belle as she took the fabric.

"Actually yes." Spike said his voice still a little nervous. In his mind only a hand full of ponies knew about spikes crush on rarity, there was Twilight who he had told in confidence, and then the pony she had blabbed too, and maybe Pinkie Pie because she had been in the room... in a pot at the time. However in his mind those were the only ponies who knew about his 'secret' crush on Rarity. Stepping forward he knew he only really had one shot at this. He had come this far.

"Rarity, I need to say something." He said still trying to muster the courage to really step into the boutique. Swallowing lightly he closed his eyes, stepped forward and pressed one knee to the ground. Holding out the flowers and looking as gentlemanly as he could. He was hoping that he had enough of the white mare's attention to get her too stop what she was doing on his actions alone. "Rarity, will you go out with me."

The lilly arrangement he had been holding were comprised of white, purple and blue flowers, all of which were colors that matched rarity, from her body to her mane to her cutie mark, he had hoped that doing so would get him a little extra points, but he was so nervous that he was actually realizing that he was loosing the feeling in his right foot. Or maybe that was because his kneel had became a slightly over pronounced lunge. His thighs even hurting slightly as his tail swayed to keep him balanced.

All spike could hear at the moment was his heart beating in his chest, his green eyes opened slowly looking for a reaction from Rarity, but also glancing over at Sweetie belle expecting to see a look of shock on her face, after all in his mind he had done so well to hide his affections for Rarity from everyone in town.
Sweetie Belle watched and waited for what she thought would be the best moment to hold a hoof in front of her surprised, shocked face. And in fact she actually really was. Not so much about the fact of his crush on his sister but rather that he had gathered his courage to ask her. It was a shame it was her sister who had his attention, since she herself liked the dragon too, if she was quite honest. But still she remained quiet and was happy for Rarity. Well, she would be, if Rarity would finally realize it and accept him. But no... instead the elder sister just ran around the boutique, signed letters and carried one piece of fabric after another from place to place. She needed a vacation.

"Spike, I really do not have--" Rarity eventually began, but turned around with a gasp as she saw the flowers. "Oh Spike, dear. Those are..." the mare paused, tilted her head left and right to take a closer look at the bouquet "...perfect!" and levitated a purple one towards what seemed to be a folded suit in classic black and white colors. Her hoof pointed at some point at the other side of the room "Put the rest of them somewhere over there, please."

Again Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "I apologize for my sister" she repeated herself.
Spike could feel that he didn't really have the mares attention. Even as he held out the flowers, part of him knew that something was wrong, and Rarity's reactions only confirmed his suspicion. He wasn't sure however if it was because he was being rejected or simply because the white and purple mare was far too busy to actually consider what he was trying to get across, but there was a slight moment where Spike felt flustered. Looking at Sweetie Belle he saw the desired look of shock, and had to wonder for a moment what was going on through her head, as spike was clearly trying his best to convey his own mixed feelings to her sister. All in all the scene was folding out to be rather embarrassing. Spike swallowed for a moment trying to convince himself that this was going at least as well as he had always planned it, but the simple truth was he should have come back later.

"It's okay Sweetie Belle I know what she is like when she gets focused."

Still he had committed to this action, and he was not about to let it go. Today was the day and there was no other time then now. Tomorrow he would probably have lost his courage. Biting down on his lip he nodded towards Sweetie Belle, already the pit in his stomach was becoming hard to ignore. Walking forward he didn't do as Rarity asked rather he let out a small sigh. "I know I should have come back later, but Rarity..." Watching the mare run around and do her job he felt bad he didn't really want to distract her from her work, but it seemed like there was no getting a word in without getting her to stop first.

The dragon let out a small huff of smoke becoming slightly annoyed with the moment. "Rarity please I would just like a minute of your time." He said not even really certain if he could be heard over. "I'm trying to tell you something important, something I probably should have said a while ago now, and while I know the timing is really kind of awkward, but I don't know if I will have the nerve to tell you tomorrow." He knew for a fact he would never have the courage to say any of this again. It was painful to admit, but this was a difficult one time deal.
Well, it die seem to be rather important to him but her tasks and responsibilities and...

Sweetie Bell could simply not just stand there and watch. She had to do something, She felt. And so the younger unicorn's horn once more glew in a lime light that took away the papers and fabrics from her and lighty boped it against Raritys head.

"Is that how we Gerät visitors and friends now? We ignorier them?" Sweetie asked before Rarity had the Chance of even getting started with one of her infamous Speeches about it being not very ladylike to bop one's head with a fabric roll. Instead She seemed to have snapped out of it and turned towards the guest.

"my dearest apologizes, Spike. Please sit down and lets Talk." She Said while her younger sister confidently smiled and decided to leave the two of them alone for now.
Spike let out a long sigh as Rarity was finally stopped. He looked at Sweetie bell, and whispered her thanks to her as she left. He took a deep breath walking over to rarity and taking a seat. They were alone now which only made what he had to say that much harder to actually say. In truth he would have rather Sweetie Belle had stayed if only so that she could have helped support him, however as it was he was now alone with Rarity.

"Well." Spike swallowed as he once again held out the flowers. "The truth is Rarity, I've always had a crush on you. Since the first time we met." He let out a long sigh as he finally forced himself to confront Rarity about his feelings. If nothing else his chest felt like it was finally free of a heavy weight that he had been holding back for a while now. All the years that he had acted as Rarity's assistant and friend, finally he was able to tell her that he wanted more.

"I came here today, because I wanted to... I want to ask you. I want to be your special some pony." He smiled rather genuinely the words showing some of his more childish side, but it was also clear that he hadn't really thought out his turn of phrase. After all Spike was many things, but he was most certainly not a pony. He bit the inside of his cheek with sharp teeth, for better or worse he had said what he had came here to say, and now he just had to hope that the flowers and his words were enough for rarity.
Rarity listened curious to what Spike had to say. Her white cheeks flushed just lightly as he spoke. The Unicorn took his hand between her hoofs, stroke gently over it's back. It was a surprising, nearly shocking confession but as a lady she remained calm and tilted her head a bit. How was she gonna say that without to hurt his feelings?

"Spike... I'm flattered, really. And I'm most certain that any... one... would love to have someone like you" she began with a sigh. This really wasn't going to be easy "But I'm afraid that I am not the one for you. I mean... I'm a unicorn and pony and you're a dragon after all. And also there is the age difference between us." She wasn't sure if it would've been kind to also bring up her boutique. She had a lot of work to do and probably simply didn't had enough time for a relationship even if he was a pony.

Great. Now she felt horrible for turning him down like that. This and the stress just couldn't be good for coat or scales. Maybe she could make up for it with an offer? But then again, Spike probably didn't exactly was interested in visiting the spa. Rarity just quietly looked at him, her apologizing eyes stared into his.
Spike breathed heavily, hearing the words he had feared for many years. He could have handled it if she had only mentioned the age difference, or that some part of her still only saw him as a child though he knew the actual reason. He swallowed lightly hearing the truth, he was a dragon, and she was a unicorn. for someone who always tried to be so ladylike, of course she wouldn't have gone with him. He couldn't really hide anything from Rarity, especially not the pain that her rejection caused him.

Spike let out a long sigh, turning away from Rarity. his long neck twisting so that he didn't have to look at her, and then stood up. "I understand." he said in a low tone. He had sacrificed a lot for the others, and really this was no difference. He swallowed hard for a moment trying to pass a smile back Rarity even though it hurt. "I hope... Your happy then." Getting up from his chair he wanted to handle this as responsibly as possible, trying his best not to let his emotions get a hold of him at least until he was outside of the door.

The moment he was however, he ran. Dropping down onto all fours Spike bolted from the boutique, charging into the library, and headed into the back room that at one point had been a spare room, but now acted his own. He was now much to large for a small doggy bed, as he now had a full on bed, and slid under his covers, he bashed his head against the pillows. "Idiot!" He screamed for a moment, and twisted letting out a spray of green fire into the air as he threw a minor tantrum, and got his anger out. The temperature of the house rising along with the smell of smoke even though he was careful to not actually allow anything to catch.
Rarity was both surprised and happy that the dragon didn't shout at her like she had expected and probably deserved too. She felt like she could've chosen her words better than that. But there was literally no time to mourn very long about how she just treated a good friend. The unicorn just got up and went back to her work, avoiding the judgeing green eyes of her sister that peeked into the room. Sweetie Belle hadn't spyed on them, of course, but she could hear the door open and close rather quickly after she had left.

"Twilight isn't here, remember?" were her only words before she left to her own room. She just wanted to imply that Spike now didn't really had someone to talk to. Even though she wanted to go after him and help him, Sweetie Belle felt like she wasn't the right pony for that. But who else could? Then again, maybe all he needed now was some time for himself. She decided to at least look after him tomorrow, maybe he had calmed himself until then.
Twilight was out, Spike honestly couldn't remember if she was at canterlot, or the crystal empire the sad fact was that she wasn't here, and right now he wanted her usual sage-like analytic mind. If nothing else Twilight would have been able to answer some of the questions he had at this moment. Was he wrong to covet and want a pony? He had certainly never seen a dragon he had liked, or even one within his age range. In fact he couldn't even think of a time when he had seen a female dragon.

What he did know was that Female pony's were attractive to his eyes, but to them. He looked at the mirror, he was a dragon who had been raised his entire life in equestrian society. Even when he had met other dragons he hadn't fit in. His 'mother' was an Alicorn who hatched him as an entrance exam. He let out a long sigh falling back into the bed. He was angry, and depressed, but more then that, he felt lost in his own head. What pony would ever want to date a dragon? Rarity had it pegged strait from the start. Maybe... he wasn't long for Equestrian? Maybe he should leave and find a cave like so many other dragons. These were the thoughts that followed Spike all through the long night as he tossed and turned, eventually he gave up on sleep and tried to get his questions answered with the one thing that Twilight had always used to set her mind at ease, research. Long into the morning Spike started to pour over books, anything and everything he could find on dragons. It was time that he learned what he really was from anatomy to culture, and of course his biggest question... did it even matter if he was a dragon? How different was he from a Stallion? aside from the scale and claws.

By morning he had built himself a large book fort with the material he could find. Laying on the books like they were his jewels and gold.
Early in the Next morning it knocked on the library's door. Then again. And again. Eventually tough it stopped and even if Spike had opened the door he'd Most likely seen nothing and nopony. Instead She just did what pinkie pie could do best: srprise others. In this case, Spike from behind. It was best to just Not question how she did things like getting in like that anyway.

"Hey there Spike how you doing did you sleep well?" the pink Pony began in appearantly One breath. It didnt seemed to bother her that it was early enough in the morning that even princess luna could still be awake for her 'nightly' duties

((sorry if the Post is a Bit short or has mistakes. Writing from my phone))
Spike blinked looking up when he heard the knock on his door. was he supposed to unlock it already? He shrugged and was about to say that they were closed when suddenly there was a pony behind him questioning him. Spike let out a confused yelping noise as he fell over from his bed of books and sprawled out onto the floor confused for a moment. As he looked at pinkie he flinched slightly hiding the book that he had been reading. He let out a small snort, he was probably the talk of the town right now the idiot dragon who thought he had what it took to be a stallion, and date one of the more elegant Mare's in the town. Part of him knew that the only reason pinkie was here was to laugh at him, the other half of him knew that was just the misery he had been wallowing in since last night speaking.

"I didn't sleep." He confessed getting to his feet as he stretched feeling his back pop as he scratched himself with his claws. "What are you doing here Pinkie. The library is closed until further notice." He said harshly. He had the look of someone who had spent almost all last night curled up feeling terrible for himself.

Through the anger something bothered him for a moment as he looked over Pinkie, and then slowly started to realize the time. "Did... rarity send you." For all that he tried to hide it, he couldn't say the name of his crush without practically hissing smoke and ire towards the name. He was mad, and angry that he had allowed himself to be abused for so long without ever realizing that nothing was going to have worked between them in the first place.

[I am very sorry for how late this reply is, I got caught up with my real world life, and had a week of pure chaos so i didn't rp much.]
For a second the pink earth pony stopped and tiled her head. It surprised her that Spike would pronounce Rarity's name like that. Hasn't he always had a crush on her? Then Pinkie bounced on towards the castle of books, glanced over them and made her way to the book shelf.

"Nope. I just came because I wanted to borrow a book!" she smiled and rather quickly found it. She took it into her saddle bag and went back to the dragon, reached a hoof out. "What's wrong Spikey? You gotta smile! A Pinkie Pie can't let anypony - or anydragon - frown around her" she beamed at him.

Certainly Pinkie wasn't Twilight and didn't knew as much about Spike or dragons in general but she was the Element of Laughter after all. "Say Spike do you need something? Oh, I know! A Party! Who doesn't like parties?! Or someone to talk to? I'm a great listener!" - that was true, she was a good listener. When she listened instead of talking without a break - " Or maybe all you need is some stress relief?"
Spike let out a long sigh he needed to nip the threat of a party now, lest Pinkie Pie try to make his misery more and more public. The thought of some kind of 'rejected by your long time crush' party was both laughably cruel and just twisted enough that he in his current state he could actually see it actually existing. Quickly he moved a claw to Pinkie's mouth.

He held her lightly for a moment trying to hold her mouth closed so that she could listen. He knew she could do it, it just took a moment. "Pinkie please, I'm not in the mood to smile." He said lightly everything about him from his green spikes to his face just seemed deflated as he talked. "I finally worked up the courage to ask out rarity, and her reply was... Well honestly I should have seen it coming."

He finally released her mouth as soon as she he thought she understood why he was miserable. "She said it best, I can't be in love with a pony. I'm a dragon." He gestured to the books. "The answer was, funny enough, here the whole time. I must have re shelved these a hundred times." He held up a book. "This one is a compendium of villages raised by dragon fire, This one over here talks about dragons that eat meat, and this one talks about how even asleep the dragon is a hazard to the environment." He tossed the books aside. "Not a single book even mentions.." He sighed he had only wanted to find out if there was a chance for romance for him in this world, instead he found out just how feared he would be when he grew older. It wasn't fair.
She listened genuienly to what he said and restrained herself from talking again until he was done. It was a bit disappointing that he'd turn down a party for him but after what he just told her it might was one of those very few times a party wasn't the thing one needed to cheer up.

Sure, Pinkie Pie was the most hyperactive, fun-loving, laughing and playing pony in Ponyville - or probably entire Equestria. But even she had a calm, caring side to her only few yet saw. After all it ment that she thought the other really needed a helping hoof and noone else was there. She knew the feeling of being alone all to well... and she didn't wanted to feel anyone like this.

Pinkie then tilted her head in confusion. "And... whats the problem with that?" she asked and reached out a hoof, commenting it with a simple "Let me show you something" and a friendly smile. Usually Pinkie Pie would've just slipped under him and carried the dragon and it still wouldn't be much of a problem for her if he sat on her back (though this propably was going to change in a few years or so) but in cases like this she knew had to hold herself back. He needed to accept the offer to help as a first step.
Spike wanted to glower and stay in his atmosphere of self loathing and pity, but Pinkie's reply had caught him off guard. He had seen Pinkie at her very worst considering the interrogation when he had gotten back a long time ago. Now he guessed it was her chance to try and help him.

The dragon slowly got up to his feet stretching his body out for a moment as he got up, and walked along side Pinkie. "Fine, what do you have to show me." He said, his tone was still slightly miserable as he spoke. Though he was a little more then shocked to just have her reply like that. Part of him really had to wonder what she had to show him.

Spike rubbed his neck as he stood up he suddenly realized just how tired he was from having not slept, and how early it was. Why did Pinkie even need a book at this hour? He decided to put that thought out of his mind for now. Pinkie was just not something he could understand. Standing next to her he was a little bit taller then the pink earth pony, and as he walked next to her he was still carrying a strong mix of odd emotions.
Pinkie nodded and walked outside with him, leaving the library to take a walk through the town. Sure, it was early but there still were a few ponies awake and worked already. Pinkie smiled and waved at them, stopped to talk to a few. It was almost like she forgot that Spike was walking next to her. She ignored him completely.

Arriving at the park the pink Pony sat down at a bench next to a spring and watched the sun rise. "Isn't it beautiful?" was perhaps the first thing she said to him since they left the treehouse. Though the sunrise was a nice sight, it might didn't seem too special or great for the dragon. It wasn't what she had in mind anyway.

She gave him a bit of time to enjoy the nice weather, warm wind and maybe the little walk also helped him to get refreshed for at least a few minutes before she turned to him and waited for the answer with her usual friendly grin.
Spike locked up the library and closed it up, as he walked with Pinkie he could feel her ignoring him, heck in his current state he felt like everyone was. He was almost invisible to the ponies around him for some reason he waved and said hello when a few of the others saw him but for the most part no one really seemed to pay him any mind as he walked around.

When they arrived at the park Spike was left with even more questions looking around he had to wonder why Pinkie had chosen this place. No one was out at this hour yet. He breathed lightly and sat in silence watching the sunrise feeling a slightly calming sensation in celestia's sun, and a small amount of regret as he watched the fading of Luna's night.

"Yes, but... what's the point?" Pinkie maybe one of the more random pony's he had ever worked with but she usually had a point, if she was trying to make another person smile she would really try. He could feel there was some kind of lesson here, but he didn't understand it. Instead he just looked up at the cloudless sky. "Wasn't more cloud cover scheduled for today?" Some pony was going to get written up for that. Ever since dash left them the weather team had been rather weak.
She placed a hoof on his shoulder before she began explaining. Maybe was just tired and hadn't noticed it? "Spikey. Have you seen any of the ponies run away as they saw you? Did anypony scream, hide in their houses and closed the windows like they did when Zecora came to town the first times?" A little break to let the words sink into his mind, then she continued "You're not like other dragons. Those books are written about wild ones. You are more special than you think" another brief break.

"It doesn't matter how much your grow older and older and older or how much your body changes, as long as you stay the same Spikey we all know and love right here" Her hoof traveled down from his shoulder to his chest.

Even as Pinkie talked to the other ponies in the town they might not have said anything to him other than a brief yet still always friendly 'Hello' they had waved and smiled at both of them, not just at Pinkie.
Spike felt a clam shiver work up his spine as Pinkie talked. He nodded lightly as she reached her point, it was both a claming and hard thought, because while she was right that he wasn't like other dragons, he also wasn't like the ponies around him. While he could crack a small smile as he realized that thought, he still shook his head in the long run.

"Your right, but." He didn't want to offend Pinkie with his next words, while she was right that he did certainly feel loved, he also couldn't help but feel a little put off as well. He swallowed partailly out of fear. "Your right that I feel loved here, and I know I'm not like them, but what about the other kind of love? I mean, I'm still a dragon, and that's never really going to change."

Spike let out a long sigh after a few minutes. "I mean I know I find rarity attractive, I know I will still have a crush on her, probably for a while more, and that hurts because she's right. There is no pony in Equestria who would ever find a dragon attractive." He shook his head, part of him had to wonder if there was well and truly something wrong with him, the fact that he could fall in love with a member of an entirely different species, but then he had also been raised around ponies his entire life so that made sense to him in an odd 'i've been brainwashed' sort of way.
"Well actually..." Pinkie began "I think you're pretty good looking. And Fluttershy told you you're cute on your very first day here. Twilight once said you'd one day become a handsome dragon too." Of course only in a motherly way, but still. "Applejack and Rainbow only have eyes for each other but would never admit it and Rarity... maybe she's just stressed or surprised? Or... your age"

Pinkie Pie stopped for a second. Hoped it wouldn't set him back in his mood even further. "I mean you are the age of Sweetie Belle. Maybe she's more afraid of that?" Sure, Sweetie did had a bit of a crush on him but Pinkie didn't knew if she had already confesed and didn't wanted to spoil the surprise. She knew best that spoiling such things is one of the most horrible things to do.

"Also... if you just want some sex than that's fine. You can ask us - or at least me. We're your friends and I'm sure the others too would understand. You're growing up between almost only mares. It's just natural that you have urges." sure this was quite upfront but that's how Pinkie works. She was never really beating around the bush.
Spike's eyes widened for a moment as he was struck dumb by Pinkie's logic. Or just the fact that she had actually just handed him an invite to something he had honestly been thinking about and kind of fearing. Spike opened his mouth to talk only for it to close a few minutes later and wasn't able to give her a proper answer to what she was saying, and he had never even thought about how he was the same age as sweetiebelle, an odd thought striking him about how she had blushed when he showed up at Rarity's door.

Swallowing after a moment he nodded lightly. "I... Thank you Pinkie that is very generous for you to offer, and." He looked the Pink mare up and down, She was actually very attractive in her own right, most of his friends were he wasn't about to deny that. Pinkie was strong, and outgoing harshly blunt, and he could actually see himself having a good time with her and he nodded lightly at the idea.

"If I were in the mood I would take you up on that offer Pinkie, but right now I need a little more time to sort things out, however." He paused for a short moment finally giving in and giving pinkie a short, sincere smile. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to try having an actual kiss."
"No problem at all, Spike" Pinkie replied and kissed the dragons forehead slightly. "Liked it?" She chuckled. Sure this was Not what he had in mind but then, being expected was something nopony was better at then Pinkie Pie, right? "Your first kiss should be something special. But a Pinkie Pie never breaks a Pinkie Promise!" with that said she closed her blue eyes. Spike was old enough to decide these things for himself now.

(phone again, sorry for short Post)
Spike blinked for a moment as he he felt Pinkie kiss his forhead. it hadn't been at all what he was expecting and yet at the same time it was a lot like pinkie to do exactly what was unexpected. Looking at her as she closed her eyes he shook his head the moment of wanting pass him over. If he acted on anything now he would probably have regretted it down the line.

Oddly enough though it was a warming sight, the way she played it off, it all made him smile. Spike even cracked a giggle. Getting up from the bench he stretched slightly. "Thank you Pinkie." He said lightly. "I needed this." He said breathing in lightly. He still felt hurt, but she had helped him. Getting up he started to walk away from the pink party mare. He was still rather gloom and doom, but he didn't feel as bad as he had when Rarity had rejected him. "I'm not rejecting your offer, I just don't want to take it up right now. Give me a little while, and I will keep you in mind." He said not wanting to sound too creepy, but at the same time wanting to keep things open between the two of them.

"I guess now I may as well just see who else is up at this hour." He said looking at the sunrise for a moment longer. He couldn't sleep even though he was rather tired, and in truth he did have a few errands he needed to run around town. For now he just wanted to avoid rarity.
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