The winter soldier's soulmate (Krystal_Atem's_Girl x Wildwolfking246)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal awoke in a cold sweat, much like she did every night for the past few months, ever since Thor broke her heart, leaving her for an asgaurdian woman by the name of Isadora. She never held it against either of them though, as she adores Isadoea like her own sister, and knew they balanced each other perfectly. No, he wasn't the man who kept her up at night, continuously dreaming of his death in the alps. No. The man who invaded her dreams every night was none other than James Buchanan Barnes. Her buckeye.

*start flashback dream*
"Krystal Serena Stark, I love you so much. I'm going off to war tomorrow, and I need toknow you'll be here waiting for me. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Bucky asked, after singing their song to her in the park where they first met. Krystal's eyes teared up, and she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Of course I'll marry you, buckeye!" She squealed through the tears, holding him close and kissing him again and again. When he came home, she'd be Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes. Krystal couldn't be more euphoric.

A few months later, she gets the news. News she will never truly get over. Her buckeye was gone! Killed in action, trying to help his best friend Steve, who she was close with as well. Krystal fell to her knees, tears streaming dozen her face as she looked at the paper. "No! Bucky noooooooo!" She cried, making the lights flicker in her upscale apartment in NYC. She hadn't wanted him to go to war. She had seen this coming. Her heart broke the night that she was told he died. She still wore the ring though, the necklace he gave her too. Hoping beyond hope he would return to her.
*end flashback dream*

It was nearing Bucky's birthday and she knew it. Krystal, now around 22 again, having been reborn, pulled out a special box from the side table next to her bed. She opened it slowly, a few tears escaping her as the sound of "my only sunshine" played from the jewelry box. Her and Bucky's song. She carefully pulled out Bucky's engagement ring and slipped it on her left ring finger, followed by the necklace. "Please come back to me this year, buckeye. I love you." She said softly, wiping her tears before getting ready to start the day.
He......How was he. All he remembered was the pain, the horrible agonizing pain of losing his left arm. He.....was a soldier. That he remembered. He owed his life to one cause.....Hydra. Alexander Pierce, he had saved him from death. He currently sat in desk chair a dark subterranean room. He technically did not exist, a phantom....a myth. He was the winter soldier, his skill was without equal. His use, the elimination of Hydra's enemies.

A manila dossier folder was thrown on the table in front of him as a lamp was turned on, casting a centralized but strong light. "Your next target. This one has been an annoyance to us for far too long, eliminate her how you see fit." Stated Pierce's voice, however he didn't look up to look his boss in the eye. He was too interested data on his target. She was a magic user.......just peachy. There was two things he hated, those that opposed Hydra's goal of world peace through fear......and goddamned mages. He would need to kill her quickly and preferably without her noticing him until the very last moment.

This felt strange to him. Was it his birthday? It was important......somehow. However for the moment he put it out of his mind. Now was the time to go to work, to silence another voice against Hydra's regime. He silently climbed into her window, looking around for her and going slightly confused when he saw no one. But his senses came back to their razor sharp focus when he heard the sounds of someone showering. "Patience.......make her come to you and expose herself. Then end her." He thought himself, deciding to take up a position behind her couch, a silenced pistol loaded and ready to fire in his hands. He now took deep breaths to focus himself, to make his first shot the only one needed to take care of this annoying pest.
The shower shut off quickly when her shield went up. "Shit. Someone's in my penthouse." She swore, using her magic to dry her hair and put it up into its usual style, putting the necklace and rings back on, and transforming, her jet black sailor costume only improving her shield and stealth. Krystal sent a silent prayer to Anubis, ghosting through the penthouse as if she were the winter soldier. Anubis helped, guiding her to him. She trapped him in adamantium, leaving only his head exposed.

"Hydra's got a lot of nerve. Sending you out to kill me, winter soldier. Its gonna backfire." She said flatly, as a smirk played up on her lips, knowing exactly who he was. She had predicted this. What she hadn't predicted was who was behind the mask. She watched him, sure he couldn't escape before pulling the mask off. Her eyes widened, looking as if she had seen a ghost. That wasn't uncommon for the shadow Senshi, but she had never seen this particular ghost roaming.

Her eyes softened slightly, a sad smile playing up on her lips. "I thought you were dead, Bucky." She breathed out, walking towards her room. She knew he was pretty well trapped, seeing as admantium was the strongest metal in the world, and unbreakable when it's hard. She came back in with a music box, opening it, the soft melody of "my only sunshine" playing near him. Now that she knew he was alive, there was no way she was letting him go again.

Krystal watched for a sign of remembrance, and then laughed a little. "They sure have you washed, rinsed and dried, huh Buckeye? That's okay. This one doesn't give up so easily." She said, making some of his favorite coffee. It was a special brand she had to have shipped from Hawaii to new York, but she didn't care. It reminded her of him, whether or not she drank it. Krystal was really more of a tea drinker. The smell wafted through the penthouse, its fragrance very prominent as it gurgled away.

A staff appeared in Krystal's black gloved hand. It was black as well, with sapphire elements and silver accents. It was her cosmic blue moon Anubis staff. Her most powerful weapon to date. She clutched it tight. "*Kimi kawate oshiekyo!" She mumbled mostly to herself, causing the staff to alight. It was a bright sapphire light that enveloped everything, even bucky. She focused on him and only him, raising her staff above her head. "You know me Bucky. I know you do. Now I will show you. Blue moon Anubis purity flash!" She yelled, focusing her energy as she poured both blue crystal power and memories of them together into him, praying this would work. She had been waiting to long for it not to.

(*In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!)
" FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!!" He mentally swore to himself as he was encased in adamantium. Bucky.......Who the fuck was he?! He was not this Bucky person she insisted he was, no matter what her thought might be. He was the winter soldier, nothing more nothing less. He was a weapon of hydra. But he couldn't shake a feeling he had looking at her. She.........He knew..........They had met somewhere before. However he growled when she insulted Hydra. "You fucking bitch! How dare you insult me and the glory of Hydra!" He barked at her furiously.

But suddenly he heard something......a song. He knew this song from somewhere. Why did she have this song? These questions buzzed in his mind annoyingly. No, It was a lie. She was trying to make him soft, make him weak. No one cared about him......except Hydra. "You really think some idiotic little music box will make me surrender to the likes of you Kobayashi. I red your file, you have nothing on me." He growled at her, his rage building. However the smell of coffee soon distracted him again. He.......he knew this kind. It had been his favorite.....or had it?

His eyes suddenly darted to the staff in her hand. Oh crap, this was the end. He was going to die a failure, a painful stain on the glory of Hydra. However he suddenly felt odd. His head flailed about in agony now, whatever she was doing was making his skull feel like it was about to split in two. She knew him? it couldn't be. Suddenly the air around her grew extremely heavy, pulling her to her knees. Her body now felt like it was made of solid steel, making it impossible for her to move for the current moment. He let out an ear shattering system of agony before slipping into unconsciousness momentarily.
She smirked at his comment. "Oh I wasn't insulting you or hydra. Simply stating a fact." She said comfidently, still focused intently on him, pushing all the healing energy and memories into him as she can. Krystal pulled off her glove, revealing a simple diamond and sapphire ring set in white gold with the inscription "I'm with you till the end of the line- Bucky and Krystal 1941" She wondered if he would recognise it. She wasn't sure. He was the one that had given it to her, albeit 70 years ago. She continued to watch him as she kept pouring the magic and memories into him, Kissing him only because she could. "I know you're in there, buckybear" she whispered, her power strengthening at only one kiss. She was sure he was bucky now.

Krystal was caught a little bit off guard by the coldness in his voice, but she knew it to be Bucky's. No one else had that slight Brooklyn lilt to their voice like he did. Not even steve had quite the same lilt to his voice. "if you think i'm trying to trick and then kill you, you're wrong. i could never kill you. i'm with you till the end of the line, buckeye.' she said as she kept on puring her power into him, smiling a little as his gravity power pushed her to the floor. she knew it was just a reflex from being constricted. he had always done that. His scream hit hear ears and she was ready to cry. She hadn't wanted to hurt him. With all the willpower she had in her, she got up. Krystal manipulated the adamantium so that it was simply handcuffs and shackles, making his gun explode after she pulled it from his hand.

When bucky would wake up, he would find Krystal, still warily transformed, but in her king sized blue bed.she was towelling his face with some cool water, still focusing enough power into him to keep him immobilized. "Its gonna be okay, buckeye. I'm sorry I had to hurt you like that, but it was the only way to give you your memories back. Hydra really had you brain washed. Don't worry. I won't hurt you." She soothed, squeesing his hand with her free hand and kissing his lips again softly. They felt exactly the same. She stroked his cheek lovingly with her left hand, the ring still on her finger. She hoped now he would remember his promise. His promise to come back to her and make her his wife.
He firmly grabbed her hand with his metal one, turning it over. "You.......who are you?" He said to her, his tone both curious and confused. "Wait.......that ring.......Where did you get that!?" He growled, clamping down on her hand hard with his enhanced mechanical fingers. "......Bluebelle?" He asked, looking into her eyes. He now remembered to some degree. He was James Buchanan Barnes.....or Bucky. He had been a soldier for the U.S. army. He had been under the command of one Steve Rodgers when he had.......died. Before Hydra had saved him from death. He had been abandoned by his so called "best friend"....left to die. This woman.....he had proposed to her, promised to marry her before his tour in World War two had nearly taken his life.

"Where is he?......Where is Steve?!" He growled at her, his eyes full of fury and betrayal. He pulled her against him with his hands, "Blue don't you dare lie to me!" He added, however he sighed as she had become upset at his anger. "Krystal honey, look at me. I have to find him. He is the reason I am......the abomination you see before you." He stated, looking at his metallic appendage with sudden disgust. However he suddenly that everything around them had flown against the walls. ".........Did I do that?" was all he asked as looked at her. What else had happened before he was drafted?.......
Krystal looked at him eyes showing slight pain. Did her desperate attempt at getting him back fail? "I'm Krystal. Just Krystal."she said, taking a breath. "You gave it to me, bucky." She added, pleased that he was remembering, not even flinching at his grip on her hand. She couldn't take her eyes off him. To her, he was still just Bucky, her prince. She perked at the mention of Steve, recognising what looked like anger and betrayal in Bucky's eyes. She squeaked a little as she was pulled close to him, but easily settled into his arms. To her nothing had really changed.

"Steve is alive but he doesn't know you're alive. I can't tell you how many times he's called me crying because he feels guilty about letting you fall. He wishes it had been him instead." She told him softly, cuddling into him. It had been 70 years since she could hold him, and she wasn't letting him go. Now that she had him, she would do everything in her power to stay with him."I don't see an abomination. I just see my bucky-bear." She added, kissing him softly on the lips as she wrapped her arms around his waist, just like she used to.

Krystal chucked at his cufusion about the things floating in the air. He must have forgotten about his powers. "Yup. That's all you buckeye. Its a mixture of your telekinetic and gravity powers. You knocked me to the floor with them when I used my crystal on you. It was a psychological need to get free from the admantium I had you trapped in. You just don't remember how to use your powers yet because you don't have memories of our time on the moon. The ruins they found on the moon was once my mother's palace." She told him, trying to jog his memory. She wasn't sure if he knew that 70 years had passed since he had left for war. "Oh, and buckeye, if it makes you feel better, Steve's been trapped in ice for the past 70 years. I look the same because I died and was born again in 1992. Its 2014 now buckybear." She added, wondering about his reaction to that.
He looked at her with confusion, "So that's what it is. Wait....When did you die?!" He asked in a panicked tone. "Krystal I'm sorry to say this but Steve betrayed me. If he was as guilty as you say when why did he not look for me after that fall? Even dead it would have done a lot more good to you emotionally." He stated, his tone deathly serious. He mentally commanded his metal arm to detach, allowing him to wrap an arm around her waist before reattaching the limb. He might be a cybernetic freak now, but at least it had some advantages. Seventy years......a lifetime to most of his generation. He sighed, " Just..... steer us clear of each other for the moment Penguin. But seventy years.....never thought I'd live such a life." He remarked, pulling her tighter against him.

She meant more to him currently, more than Hydra.....more than anything in the world. He would not leave her again. His powers.......what were they? It seemed alien to him, like a long forgotten side of himself "Is it now? Wait....... since when can you make adamantium? The recipe is held tighter than all gold in fort knox." He blurted out, just realizing what she just said. However a burning sensation suddenly hit the join between his natural flesh and his bionic arm. "Any other abilities having to do with fire?......maybe also something air related?" He asked, the sensation dimming into something like a cool breeze.
"Yup. That's what it is. I died in 1991. I was only 70. Hit by a sniper rifal. To this day I'm not quite sure who killed me. I suspect it might've been you, not knowing who you were. Steve did look for you, Bucky. For two months straight in the freezing cold, all by himself. He wouldn't let anyone else help him. Me? I cried for days. Howard used to say I shot off enough electricity to power New York city for 3 years." She explained, content to be in his arms again. She knew how hard Steve had worked to find him, going to every extreme to find his best friend. It was apparent bucky thought otherwise, though. She didn't get how he could have such little faith in his best friend. She didn't like that he seemed bitter about it, but she could see his side of the story. In his eyes, his best friend had left him to be captured and turned into a mindless assassin. That had to hurt. "I will keep you two away from each other, for now. But you should know that he and I were gonna go out today. But if you prefer, I can cancel?" She asked, kissing his neck softly.

She looked at him, cuddling into him. "Yes. You have control over both. You also have shadow magic like mine. I gave it to you when we got engaged on the moon." Krystal told him softly, drawing little circles on his chest with her blue painted fingernail. She was no longer transformed. In fact, the sudden contact with him had caused her to transform into her princess dress. Krystal let her hair down, as she ran her fingers through his. it felt dirty. her smile saddened a little. "I can restore your arm to what it was if you like. I've done it many times with the other avengers. usually it clint who injurs most. If you like, we could shower together.' she said, wondering what he'd think of that. She actually liked the idea. Him in all his naked glory and her with him? Sounded good to her!

If only he knew about what had happened after the night they had sex before he went off to war. What would he think? Would he yell at her for not telling him? It wasn't really something you could say in a letter. She had been euphoric when she had heard the news, but also scared. What if bucky got killed? It was lucky for her she was from a rich and brilliant family. Meaning her son never wanted for anything. "Bucky... there's something I need to tell you about us. Something that happened back before you went to war. Bucky..... we have a son." She breathed out, waiting for a reaction. She hoped he wouldn't be mad at her.
He sighed, pulling her tighter. " I was in cryo sleep then Blue........Maybe it was Bullseye, Hydra had been trying to recruit him. But enough about the past Krystal." He quipped, stroking her hair gently. She was a different woman on the outside but deep down she was still his Bluebelle.......His wife. He sighed again at hearing her plans, "To be frank yes........Wait your stronger then I remember, didn't something else happen to you when I was away Blue?..........." He asked, having only now felt the somewhat painful force of her hugging.

He looked back at her with her surprising words, ".......So that's what those sensations are." He remarked, watching his arm soften and harden a couple times before settling down. He actually was rendered speechless as she changed into her princess dress,making him snake his arms around his waist. "You look beautiful little moon bunny." He crooned to her, trailing the fingers of his right hand up her spine slowly. "I'd rather keep it for now Penguin, my powers seem to find the new hardware to be quite interesting." He added as she offered to give him back his left arm. However he did laugh at her suggestion, "We can still do that Bluebelle, the arm will hold up just fine see." He stated, showing her that his mechanical arm now bore now seams for moisture or chemicals to creep in and mess up the inner workings.
But the metal arm felt different now, more natural.......more fluid with the rest of him.

His breath hitched when she told him the news of their son. A He however looked into her eyes tenderly. He sighed yet again pulling her head against his shoulder, "You didn't have to hide that from me Blue............But where is he? What happened to him after you died?" He asked her. He needed to know now, he needed to know what had become of the only mark he had knowingly left on the world before going to war. He tilted her chin up, "Know one thing Blue, I will not leave you ever again if I can help it. .........Crap we didn't get married." He stated, blurting out the last part as he now remembered the promise that he had made to her. "If you would still have me Miss Kobayashi I would still make you mine......My lovely little moon vixen." He crooned to her before capturing her lips in a deep passionate kiss.
Krystal smiled, and cuddled into him and she blushed a little at his question. "Okay. I'll call him in a few minutes. I don't wanna leave your arms just yet. The strength? It was a courting gift from Thor. He's very traditional. Didn't last long though, he fell in love with another." She said softly, wondering what he would think about that. He had been rather jealous when they were together in both silver millennium, and in the 30's. Krystal still smiled as she drew little hearts on his chest with her fingers. She could see as his clothes changed to his princely outfit as well the red star on his metal arm now replaced with a black inverted crescent. "Bucky bear, your clothes changed too. Must be our powers reacting to each other." She stated, running her fingers down the soft fabric of his dark blue cape. She was relieved that it hadn't been him that killed her 23 years ago, even though he wouldn't have known who she was. It was a comfort to know that the man she loved, though he had tried, had never succeeded in killing her.

Krystal giggled a little at his moon bunny comment. Her sister was the moon bunny not her! "My handsome black moon prince" she murmured into his ear, moaning just slightly as his soft fingers ran down her back. He had remembered one of her weak spots. She arched into his touch, enjoying just being in his arms again. It had felt like an eternity since she had been with him, and she wondered if he felt the same. Krystal nibbled a little at his ear, smirking slightly. "Well, then let's do that. My shower's plenty big enough for two." She crooned, nipping again at his ear gently. Krystal laughed a little as he asked quick fire questions about their son. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss before answering, relieved he wasn't angry with her. "His name is James Buchanan Barnes Jr, and he's still alive. Some times I drop in on him just to freak him out. Its quite amusing. He was all grown up by the time I died, bucky. Don't worry." She told him with a smile before adding "We could go see him if you like. Its about time I appeared again, but first mi'love, you need a shower. You look positively green."

She didn't leave his arms though, remembering she had left her cell phone on the side table next to her bed. She quickly grabbed it and called her old friend Steve. "Hey Stevie. I know I usually don't do this, but I'm gonna have to cancel our history lesson today." She said into the phone, waiting for an answer. Where normally she would put it on speaker, Krystal didn't this time, in fear of Steve accidentally hearing bucky. She knew that if he did hear him he would rush right over, and she knew bucky wasn't ready for that. He would just have to be her little secret. She had a feeling though that Natasha would be jealous. She didn't care though. Bucky had been hers way before Natasha was even born. Krystal made a mental note to ask him about her when she got off the phone with Steve, but at the moment, she was waiting for the good captain's response.
He sighed, " I thought something seemed off with you..........Thunderhead treat you well while it lasted?" He asked in a curious tone. Usually he would be quite miffed at hearing she had slept with another man while he had been absent from her life......but he felt different. His time as the winter soldier had definitely changed possibly for the better. He had better mental discipline after all due to it. He actually jumped a little as he felt his clothes change, "Yeah......must be." Was all he replied. However he quickly took off the cape, capes has never been his thing even on the moon.

He giggled a little as he heard her moan, "I don't care what you think Blue to me you will always be my little moon bunny." He teased, snaking his arm around to her ass as she pushed into him. No matter who she is now, she was still his wife. "It better be mi amor, or I might have to ask the moon to help punish a certain little princess." He joked, his arm groping her ass as she nipped at his ear. He actually laughed at her answer, "So I have a clone......But we'll only go to see him if you wish my little moon princess." He added before kissing her back.

However he grew deathly silent as she got on the line with Steve. Really she had to do this now? "....Krystal? You're right, but I don't mind really. Though you will have to explain how kids today got obsessed with cats. Is everything alright?.........Need me to come over?" Asked the first avenger from the other end of the line. Krystal was his friend after all and had been the first one he had had to console when he had woke up from his 70 year sleep. She was the only person who had understood the sensation of being a temporal fish out of water in this new and alien reality of the modern age. So she needed him today most of all then he was completely willing to drop anything and be with her as quickly as possible.
Krystal nodded. "Yeah, he did. He was the sweetest person in the world, actually. Well, aside from Steve." She told him smiling as she cuddled into him. It felt great to be in the arms of her black moon lover again. She had forgotten how nice a feeling it was. She giggled a little at his slight jump, it was kind of cute. While she was laying there, she imagined getting married to him, having kids, and just generally being happy. She hoped so badly that all those things would come true. She couldn't loose him again. Then, a thought struck her. "Buckeye, what are we gonna do about Hydra? Won't they want you back?" She asked, suddenly afraid. It would be like a knife cutting her if she lost him again.

She smirked at his comment about the shower. Oh, you won't be disappointed, I promise." She told him, kissing him hard. It had been 70 years since she could have sex with him, and she was gonna have it. She stripped out of her clothes, smirking as she did so. "Follow me, my sexy assassin." She said with a wink, swaying her hips as she walked into the giant bathroom adjacent to her bedroom, starting the water once again. Shower sex was always so hot. She had been mostly chaste in his absence, but she wasn't a virgin by any means. Sex with Thor had been mind blowing. She boned Hawkeye a few times to, but she had never truly felt a real connection with them. Granted, she loved them both to death, but bucky was and is her soulmate. That was how she liked it, too. "I would love to see him, buckeye. Besides, he's been waiting his whole life to meet you." She told him, smiling.

Krystal laughed on the phone. "Sweetie, just use your computer and Google "lolcats" you'll understand. Everything's absolutely fine. I have an unexpected guest is all. We'll hang out tomorrow, okay?" She told him, smiling a little into the phone. She hoped bucky wouldn't mind. Steve was and had always been her best friend. She had been the one the brought in to explain what had happened. It had just been lucky that Steve ha known about her powers, other wise it would have been so frustrating to explain.
"Alright.......Well be sure to keep the shield up, Wouldn't want to lose you to the soldier." He replied, confused at her mention of an unexpected guest. Krystal almost never had unexpected guests.........Maybe it was Thor. Steve vaguely hoped that was the case. Thor was the only man to make her happy since.......Bucky. Maybe Thunderhead finally wised up and begged her to take him back. He after all just wanted his best and oldest friend to be happy.

He laughed as she hung up. "Oh Steve, still a boy scout I see." He remarked in an amused tone to the air. He pulled her against him as she hung up. "I'll talk to him soon......just not now." He added in somewhat strained tone. "You're as beautiful as I remember you Blue, if not more." He crooned to her, giving her a peck on the cheek. However he sighed at her mention of Hydra. Hydra likely wasn't to last long now that Fury disappeared, Bucky knew he at least wasn't dead like Bishop would believe. "Blue Hydra is likely to crumble very soon, Bishop thinks I killed Fury........something that couldn't be farther from the truth. He's likely in hiding as we speak.........He'll figure something out." He stated, nothing sounding to interested in the topic being discussed. ........Bishop needed to die through if we was going to have any sort of closure though, after all that rat bastard was the one that took him from his love after the fall all those years ago and turned him into his personal murder puppet.

Bucky smirked at her seductive movements and tone. "Well then my little moon vixen, lets have some fun." He replied, quickly stripping and playfully giving her a swat on the ass before sweeping her off her feet and pinning her against the wall. "Krystal Barnes........has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" He asked in a sensual tone into her ear, nipping it. She was his as much and he belonged to her. He put a finger to her lips after she commented about their son, "No more speaking of anyone else for now Krystal, right it's just you and me." He added, trailing his fingers slowly down her back. "Now then, how shall I ravish you first my dear?" He inquired to the air, taking one of her nipples and lightly twisting it between two fingers. "You have any suggestions you little blue siren?" He teased, a mischievous smirk on his face.
Krystal laughed. "I'm not concerned in the least about the winter soldier. He can't hurt me." She reassured. "But I'll keep me shield up if it makes you feel better, Stevie." She added, smirking to herself. She knew Steve probably thought she was talking about Thor. That wasn't the case in the least, but Steve couldn't know that yet. She knew Bucky wasn't ready to face him, and she also knew if she told him that Bucky were here, he'd think her crazy (though probably not cause he's aware of her revival powers) and rush over to see for himself. She didn't want that, mostly because she knew Bucky couldn't face him yet. Maybe after they had sex he'd feel differently. She hoped so, since she knew how much Steve needed him. He never took Bucky's death well. Tried to kill himself more than once. When she hung up, she giggled about Bucky's comment. "Well, you know your best friend." She said, unable to control her giggles.

Krystal smiled at him and kissed him. "Good. I'd hate to loose you to them again. I hope you do talk to steve. He really loves you, Bucky bear." She told him, arching into his touch. She loved him so much. she blushed as he commented on her beauty. he was always the smooth one , and she ate it up. She sighed slightly as he pinned her to the wall. He was always so dominant, but she loved it. It was fun to knock him on his ass. "We should probably get in the shower before it get s cold, mi'love." She told him seductively, knowing a cold shower would defeat the purpose. She moaned a little as he nipped at her ear, rinning her fingers down his toned chest. being married to him.. god, she had wanted that since she was a kid in the 30's.

"Yes, mi'love, it does. I want to be your wife more than anything.' she whispered almost inaudibly, blushing from his nips to her ear. God he was sexy, sexier than she had remembered. This was all happening so fast, and yet, so slow. What she wouldn't give to be able to tell him she was pregnant, to carry his baby again. She wanted that more than anything. "Yes, just you and me, my sexy assasin. Just you and me, Bucky." She breathed out seductively, smiling at him. She was his, and he was hers. She wouldn't want it any other way now that she had him in her arms again after 70 long years. Krystal smirked, moaning slightly as he played with her nipple. Would you be opposed to licking my pussy clean, my black moon lover?" She asked, moaning at just the idea of his tounge ravishing the folds of her nether reigons.
Bucky snickered at her words, "My my, quite the dirty mind for a princess like you." He teased, gliding a teasing finger along the folds of her slit. He nodded however at her comment about the shower, "Well then I think i should help a certain little lady to get clean before committing to such a devious deed." He quipped, picking her up bridal style. He placed another nip on her collar bone, laughing a little as he saw it make his lover blush more brightly, especially once she started to feel something pressing against the base of her spine that seemed to wriggle slightly as she shifted about his grip. ".....I'll talk to Steve later.......but I'll need to go somewhere private first." He stated out of the blue.

He placed her back on her feet once they were in the shower, his body pressing into her's from behind. "Now you dirty little girl lets clean you up." He crooned, picking up the soap. He started at her feet first, slowly working his way up her legs. "Mmmm you've taken care of this body well dear, make me think of doing all kinds of naughty little things to it." He cooed into her ear as neared her pussy, savoring the light caressing of her curvy legs. He stopped suddenly, "You know what I have an idea. I'll lick your little pussy clean.......but in return you need to help me." He joked, his member pressing against her ass. His fingers teased her lips now, slowly gliding along them. "You see I was awfully aroused by your all teasing." He added, nipping at her neck lightly.
Krystal giggled. "It's a different day and age. I'm allowed to be vulgar if I like." She told him a smirk, squeaking a little as she was picked up. not many people really did that, aside from thor, but that was only because he liked to make the other avengers jealous. they had allways fought about who would get to be with her. Tony never had though, as they had once been related. he was kinky, but he wasn't that kinky. she made a tiny noise when she was pushed to the wall of the shower, and she moaned lightly as he soaped up her legs. his comment made her smirk all the wider. 'that soulds like a wonderful plan, bucky.' she quipped, her smile widening before she added 'i'd be happy to.'
Bucky giggled deeply as he listened to her frustrated light moaning, "Indeed you can dear, but then so can I." He teased, reaching his arms around to lather her shoulders and bust, craning his neck to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Mmmm my little moon princess, how the years have made you all the more alluring to me." He added, giving her firm rear a light playful swat before turning her around to face him. "Now then to business." He stated, pulling her down with him as he laid down. "Ready to have your pussy ravished by my tongue while you suck me off my little blue haired succubus?" He cooed with a slightly sadistic tone, his hands lightly taking a hold of her luscious mane of hair.
Krystal smirked just as widely and even more wickedly. "Only if you're ready to be sucked off by a sexually frustrated moon princess who romped with a god." She told him, throwing a nod at Thor, who she sensed would be coming back to midgard soon. She was happy about that. She loved bucky to the bottom of her soul, but Thor was like the big brother she hadn't had since Howard had died. She missed her big brother. Her only hope was that Thor and Steve didn't pound him when they inevitable found out she had gotten pregnant. Krystal just had a feeling she would when they had sex, and it would be a girl this time. She toyed with naming their daughter serenity after her mother from the moon, but wasn't sure. She'd cross that bridge when it was time to. She took his whole cock into her mouth eagerly, sucking him off like a champ. In this life she had had loads of practice. She moaned out his name softly, knowing the vibrations would give him an extra surprise. She loved pleasuring him. It was something she thought she would never again be able to do. Luckily for her, she was wrong.
Bucky laughed at her words, "Then it seems I'lll have to show you what happens when you bed an assassin." He teased, his metal arm reforming slightly to better handle her curvy form. However he quickly was forced to steel himself as his member slipped into her eager mouth, her tongue already going to work on him. "Mmmm it seems you being having a lot of practice in my absence little princess......but then again as have I." He added, swiftly taking a firm grasp on her firm rear and pulling her already wet slit against her mouth, his tongue starting with quick darting jabs inside her to feel for her g-spot. His mind did slightly wandered meanwhile, minorly reflecting on both past and future. Steve.....would be dealt with when the time came. However it seemed that his beloved had grown fond of a certain thunder god, however she was still his and his alone despite their decades apart. As his tongue serviced her his hands slowly moved about her lower body and grew gradually hotter, warming her as they kneaded her toned but still soft flesh.
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