1x1 Secret Smile: Stripped ( Horror_Show & Merlock)


Feb 15, 2010
Alex was in her room with the door locked. She couldn’t pretend to be happy and excited for anymore longer. It was only hours ago that Daniel had announced his engagement to her elder sister Jenny. She could remember his gorgeous smile and wrapping his hand around her pulling her close as the family cheered and congratulated them. Jenny more or less acted perfected, showing off her prize but that’s how Jenny was. She treated her possessions more as items than she did treasures. Alex had acted happy, surprised but supportive of her sister’s new partnership. Inside she hated it. She didn’t quite understand it. They had only been dating for three months, less than 90 days?

Alex had met Daniel on the beach several weeks ago when she was having one of her depression episodes. She was walking along the beach, she was dancing to her i-pod and out of nowhere there was Daniel watching her. They talked and even though he was twice her age he was incredible. They talked until the sun rose over the horizon. She could remember the cool ocean breeze blowing in and he wrapped his arm around her, laughing and just talking. It was after that night she didn’t see him for a few weeks until she had been told her sister was seeing someone. It was on the 4th of July she had seen Daniel at their picnic and found out he was dating Jenny. She didn’t know which was worse, knowing that or tonight.

There was a knocking on the door and it was her mother. “HONEY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT…..Please unlock your door and come out!” She urged while trying to get in. Alex wiped silent tears and inhaled trying to sound normal.

“Mum…I don’t feel to hot. I’m just calling it a night. I promise I’ll be out a little later.” Finally her mother left her alone. Alex sat on the bed shaking her head. Why did she even care that her sister was marrying a guy that was thirty-five, that was sixteen years older than her, she should have been happy for her sister. He had gone out of her way to do so much for her and her family within only dating her for a few months.


Song I used for title.
Daniel was a functioning misfit, always had been, a chameleon if you will, he found his gentle and tempered nature gave him the image of someone who was far more placid and down to earth than what he truly was. Even when he was at school the teachers would never suspect him of doing any of the bad things he did and when other kids would try and push him around thinking he was an easy target they would quickly learn that his bite was far worse than his bark.

Growing up Daniel always felt like a drifter, he would constantly be offered promotions at work, once again bosses thinking he was premier leadership material, Daniel didn't want to lead though, he felt ill at ease around people and strived to be alone, in fact alone was where he was at his most happiest.

Dating never went well for him, he would try and keep the woman talking as long as he could, some would talk more than others, most times there would be dead silence when it was time for him to share something about himself. Second dates were rare for Daniel.

Still a lack of a social and romantic life meant that he accumulated wealth and could indulge in his interests and hobbies of which he had many, he was by all standards a self made man. This pleased him, having been brought up on John Wayne and Clint Eastwood westerns, Daniel was hardly metrosexual.

And now he was about to get married to Jenny, a woman he truly didn't love.

He actually thought about his future Sister in Law much more, he had "met" Alex one day on the beach, he didn't know that she was Jenny's sister, they just met, she was listening to her I-Pod and dancing and she just seemed to be from somewhere else, as if she just manifested, he actually thought he was finally going insane but noticed other people looking at her too.

They struck up a conversation and spoke for hours until sunrise, they had bonded but Daniel didn't tell her he was seeing Jenny, it didn't seem to matter, Alex would never like him she was 19 for crying out loud! Daniel may have been many bad things but egotistical wasn't one of them, the thought never entered his mind that she may have had a crush on him and that she could have bonded with him as much as he bonded with her.

It was then that he realized he had to be around Alex, but how? He researched her, stalked her if you like and found that she had an older sister Jenny, she was sweet and kind, blonde hair with blue eyes an all American girl, she seemed to go with his quirks and perhaps because it was just so easy for him he kept seeing her, one day he decided that perhaps he would try this marriage thing, if it didn't work out he could always ki...oops divorce her right?

Now he was at Jenny's parents house and that same girl he had bonded with was noticeably gone, he had walked past her room earlier and heard her crying, was he the cause of this?
Alex had falling to her knee’s on the floor beside her bed trying not to ball her eyes out. She kept sucking in breaths and trying not to wail. Her eyes were swollen and a little bloodshot. Anyone who was walking beside her door would notice her being hysterically upset. She pulled herself up and tried to wipe her tears and stood there trying to fix her composure. Images of Daniel’s smile played across her mind, his soft charming laugh, he horsed around with her a lot playing soccer, sometimes it ended in a wrestling match, but he was always so delicate with her.

Pull yourself together. Be happy for Jenny. She deserves this and Daniel is too old for you. He doesn’t even know you like him and would never want you in that way.

Alex walked over to the window that out looked into the back yard. Her parents looked so happy talking to Jenny in the garden. She quickly noticed Daniel wasn’t there? She didn’t know he was outside of her door.
Daniel walked past Alex's door and heard her crying and wondered if this was his fault somehow, he always internalized things, he had been told that by a therapist once, walking to the bathroom he spent a little bit of time in there before deciding that he should ask Alex what was wrong, he was worried about her, the feeling of concern he had for another person was odd to him, but he would deal with it.

Walking back to her room he tapped on the door quietly, he didn't know how it would look if someone saw him wanting to talk to his sister in law to be like that, perhaps it was just his guilty conscious.

Tapping on the door he whispered loudly, "Alex, Alex, are you ok? It's Daniel" he said hoping she wouldn't make a scene.
Alex was wiping her face of hot tears when she heard Daniel knocking on her door and she froze. Why of all people was he here? She wiped her clammy hands on her jeans and walked to the door hesitating just ignoring him, pretending she didn’t hear the knocking but she knew that would be rude. She opened the door and he would see how upset she looked. Her face was paler than usual with no color, most of the time her cheeks were flushed and you could notice them. Her eyes were puffy and red and glistening. Her nose was red from her crying. She saw Daniel and bit her lip covering her mouth with both hands trying to silence her.

She nodded and let her hands drop not being able to hide her tears. “Yeah…I’m fine.” She lied adverting her eyes away from him; she couldn’t look him in the face. How was she supposed to admit, hey I’m miserable because you’re marrying my sister even though I want you? You couldn’t tell the truth in this situation.

“Just emotional…” she played it off. Alex had a lot of mental issues, so in a way she complimented Daniel. She suffered from major depression and mood swings. She had insomnia and its why she was at the beach that one night.
Daniel being rather odd and some would say mentally unwell himself could feel that Alex was anything but ok, "Fine" was the term he used when people asked how he was, he would say "Fine" whether he was as happy as he could be or verging on breakdown, as a result no one ever felt like they really knew which suited him just fine.

He sat on the bed beside her and held her like he did that night they met, "It's ok these things happen, maybe one day you will tell me how you really are" he said to her assuringly and letting her know that her bullshit won't cut it with him.
Well I doubt he is going to be able to contact me if he is banned.....can somebody please tell me why he got banned? I was just rping with him and he role plays well and then I saw he got banned for Ban-Evasion but what exactly was he doing to get banned?
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