The Sheriff and the Outlaw (BBR + CP)


Apr 1, 2014
Pushing her large blue and top hat out of the way for just a moment, Caitlyn knelt down on one knee inside of the brush. This was certainly odd, there were no minions even though the minute fifty-five mark had passed. There was no announcement, no other champions in sight, no nothing! Her eyes scanned the area, seeing nothing but untouched terrain. Hell, for all she knew, the jungle camps were no where to be seen. Throwing out a few of her traps, just to be safe, she placed one in tri-bush and in the river bush before she resumed scanning the bot lane. Was everyone else having that much trouble summoning?

What the hell is going on?

The thought came as she stood up in the bush, he rifle at the ready. Taking just a moment to fix her skirt, Caitlyn, ran back to the tower. Something was seriously wrong here. Three minutes had passed, and still nothing. The traps were still unsprang, and all Caitlyn could hear, was the sound of the rushing water of the river. It was more of a stream if anything, but. . Shaking her head, Caitlyn tried to focus. If no one was here, and there were no minions, how in the hell was she going to get out of this place!

The summoner frowned. He wasn't super experienced at the game, but he also knew better to know that something was up. Caitlyn was the one champion he played fairly well, and he took a moment to glance around. He was alone. At first, he just assumed that the other summoner's were running a bit late or something, now, he figured something was seriously wrong. He didn't see any of the elements that he'd normally see given these circumstances. Instead, it just seemed like it was his champion on the Fields of Justice. Alone.
As Caitlyn and her Summoner were beginning to suspect, there was something very wrong in the Rift today. One of the high-ranking Summoners of the League had gone rogue last week and today, in this match, he would begin to carve his name across the Fields of Justice. Today would be the first match in which she struck out at the lovely ladies of the League of Legends - the powerful women which had captured her imagination and touched her deepest fantasies. She wanted them, but she knew that she could never have them. It s because of this that she had gone rogue. Because of this deep obsession with the League's female champions, she decided to take them in the only way that she knew how; by using the champions themselves against one another. By using the Champions of the League of Legends, she could best the objects of her desires in the Fields of Justice and use those champions as tools to vent her sexual frustrations.

Of course, the Institute of War would never allow something like this to happen, so it was necessary for her to take matters into her own hands. She had asked around, spread rumors, and followed leads to the Summoner that was now controlling Caitlyn. He was an easy mark - a novice with limited skills. Against her, he stood no chance, ad Caitlyn was his favorite champion. She had hoped that he would bring the Sheriff of Piltover to the match, and her luck had paid out.

Using an unawares messenger to mediate between them, this rogue Summoner arranged this match with her opponent. It was entirely unsanctioned. The Institute knew nothing of it, and so there would be no minions to aid Caitlyn. There would be no other champions to come to her rescue. The only beings in the Rift today would be Caitlyn and her opponent, Jinx, the Loose Cannon.

Jinx had been carefully picked for this match. The Summoner knew that she would need to make sure that her chosen champion would not reveal her identity to the institute following this match, lest she fact harsh punishment. Jinx was perfect for this. She enjoyed chaos and mayhem. She also was not very fond of the Sheriff of Piltover. Jinx would keep the Summoner's secret. Of that, she was sure.

"I see that you made it to the party, Hat Lady!" Jinx shouted when she spotted Caitlyn hiding beneath the safety of her tower. Jinx, herself, was standing just outside of the tower's range, close to the safety of the lane brush just beyond the tower's firing range. Pow-Pow was in her hands, ready for action. Strangely, she didn't seem surprised by any of the suspicious absences on the Rift today. Instead, she just stood there; staring at Caitlyn with a mischievous grin on her lips and her finger on the trigger of her chain gun.
Just when Caitlyn was getting ready to try and get out of there, she heard a familiar voice belonged to someone whom she hadn't wanted to see. Anyone but her. The sheriff thought to herself as her eyes focused on the one known as the Loose Cannon. Obviously Jinx's presence there was suspicious, and Caitlyn would do everything in her power to get the information the Jinx knew out of her. In a way, she knew that she would likely be playing right into Jinx's hands, but she had no point. If this match was as illegal as it seemed, and Jinx knew something about it, the information had to be relayed to someone.

Lucky enough for Caitlyn, there were no other champions here for Jinx to kill to get excited from. When Jinx was excited that was when she was the hardest to hit and the hardest to wrangle. As long as she played her cards right, Caitlyn was confident in her own ability to detain the deranged woman, and end this madness. Taking a step forward, Caitlyn wasn't in the mood to mess around with Jinx. Taking aim with her rifle, she fired a few shots in Jinx's direction before firing a Headshot.

The sheriff was careful enough. She knew that Jinx had to have some trick up her sleeve, she always did. Jinx also knew that without help or minions, it would be a more even fight. There was no support, no minions, no jungler, no nothing. Stepping forward just enough, Caitlyn placed the ward that she had bought in the first bush. If Cait could see her, Cait could shoot her. Firing a few more shots, Jinx drew Caitlyn out of tower range, and closer to the middle of the lane.

"What have you done Jinx, what is the meaning of this?"

The woman said in her British accent. She was focused on taxing Jinx with her auto attacks. Stepping one or two steps before shooting, and then repeating the process. When Caitlyn stepped into the bush, she would have cover and her Headshot would refresh much quicker. This was going to be easier than she though. .
The fact that Caitlyn thought that this was going to be easy, or a fair fight, only showed her ignorance to the situation at hand. Because this was an unsanctioned match, Jinx's Summoner had not bothered to limit herself to any of the normal restrictions of League conduct or Institute rules. Where Caitlyn's Summoner most assuredly had only come prepared with the standard limit of only two Institute-approved 'Summoner Spells', Jinx's Summoner had brought her entire arsenal of spells. Some of which were custom-designed by her for this very type of match and were not Institute-approved. Caitlyn's fate was sealed the moment that she had appeared at the summoning platform. She never stood a chance...

The second that the first shot was fired, Jinx 'Flashed' backward just out of Caitlyn's range. The fired shots fell short of their mark as a result and Jinx turned tail to run not back down the lane, but up through the river with the aid of the speed-enhancing 'Ghost' spell. This boded well for Caitlyn, or at least that is how it would seem to her. Both of Jinx's Summoner's spells were now exhausted and would not be available again for a couple of minutes. If she pursued Jinx now, she would have the upper hand!

"Nice shot, Hat Lady," Jinx's voice echoed back down the river through the fog of war. "Maybe you should have brought Fat Hands with you! You'll never catch me all alone! Nya Nya!"

Having used Ghost to evade Caitlyn, Jinx had pt some space between herself and the Sheriff. Outside of Caitlyn's view, Jinx slipped out of the river and disappeared into the jungle on Caitlyn's side of the Rift. With no other champions on the map, only the natural denizens of the Rift, the monsters themselves, would be there to greet her. She was completely safe here, despite the usually dangerous nature that this area would possess with the enemy champions stomping about.
The sheriff was indeed keeping track of the Summoner Spells, but she found it odd that her summoner had brought Ghost and Flash with her. The usage of Ghost had made her remarkably fast, and Cait was having a hard time keeping up with her. She watched as she disappeared into her own jungle. For those that were keeping count, Jinx didn't have a single Summoner, yet Caitlyn still had her Flash and her Barrier. Using her net, Cait vaulted over the wall when she got there, knowing full well that Jinx would have the upper hand. She would have the Fog of War, as well as the dense jungle to cover her escape and to hide in, whereas Caitlyn would be the sitting duck. Caitlyn's start started to palpitate much faster, she wasn't much in the mood to be chasing Jinx, nor was she in the mood to be in this spot right now. When she got her heart rate under control, Caitlyn let out another breath and her eyes began to scan the area.

Walking slowly, Cait laid a trap into the first jungle bush. She could see what was in there, nothing. Jinx's taunt was probably right. She would never catch her, at least not right now when she had used her Summoner. When that had faded, things would be perfect. Walking slowly, Caitlyn crouched into the bush that she had just set a trap in and readied her rifle. If Jinx thought Caitlyn was just going to chase her without even thinking about the consequences of doing so, she'd be sadly mistaken. The thought never crossed Cait's mind that Jinx's summoner was cheating. It was to be a fair fight. Jinx vs Caitlyn, one on one.

The sheriff swallowed the spit that her mouth had been producing, before she decided to move from the safety of her bush. Creeping forward, walking by the wight, she turned to see the creature still hadn't been aggro'd. Caitlyn glanced towards blue, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she continued, firing a Peacemaker into the bush by blue before continuing forward. Just what in the hell had Jinx done? Why did she always have to play these damned games? Caitlyn's mind was searching for these answers and pondering them. While she pondered these questions, however, a tiny bit of her attention was taken away from her surroundings. Normally, Caitlyn would have known better, but this was definately a different sort of situation.
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