1x1 Transcendence: Kingdom ( Horror_Show & Emperor_Nero)


Feb 15, 2010
“She’s a beautiful kid, you would never know she wasn’t biological, so smart just like him…. like you.” Max said peering in through the doorway. Him and Evelyn were in the kitchen. Ellie was asleep with will on the couch. She never left his side and hadn’t from the very minute he had left the hospital. It was only a month in a half ago that Will Castor, a scientist along with his wife was shot with a bullet laced with radioactive material. It poisoned his blood stream and he was slowly dying. The police and FBI were working on tracing the luddit terrorist that did it.

Will was a scientist motivated by the curiosity about the nature of the universe; he had a team alongside of his wife working on the evolution of a sentient computer. They had a lot of funding and did a lot of side medical research projects in finding cures, developing software; Will was a professor on the side as Evelyn was once a nurse. They had a lot of knowledgably skills to aid them in their growing research and careers.

Their best and most blessed moment was years ago when they adopted a baby girl, baby girl they named Ellie Rose Castor. They had found her when Evelyn was working 3rds at a children’s hospital. Ellie was a toddler battling a bad viral infection that was similar to tuberculosis. Her mother was a young teen and didn’t have the money or the insurance; Evelyn was memorized by her life and beauty and showed her to Will. They both personally paid for her treatment and got her the best treatment. When she was cured the teen out of fear asked if they wanted to take her in. They did and they kept in contact with the mother until she decided it was best if Ellie didn’t know who she was.

Evelyn was holding a hand up to her mouth with tears in her eye’s nodding with a smile. “Sometimes Will refuses to believe she is adopted and made a fake birth certificate for her….” She laughed out and Max wrapped an arm around her. “I’m scared Max, scared for Will, scared for Ellie….he’s all she has.” She whispered into Max’s shoulder. “No…she has you. You two have each other and Will wouldn’t want it any other way…he’s not gone yet. Be with him, keep him comfortable.” Max whispered back.

In the living room Ellie was wrapped in a blanket in lying on Will. He was lying on the couch with his back propped on the side. Ellie was on his lap with her head resting on his chest. Some of her weight was in-between him and the couch but he refused to let sleep beside him, wanting her close as possible.



How there sleeping on the couch, maybe not as provocative lol but close

song I used for title to kind of fit the theme of the rp.
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