Conception II: A Harem for God's Gift (Fancy Brat and BassEXE)


Feb 14, 2013
The world of Aterra. A peaceful, beautiful world, until the Dusk Circles appeared. Dusk Circles, embodiments of Dusk Energy, created by human desires, began spawning monsters. In order to combat this, God had blessed young men and women with the power to fight off the monsters. To gather them, the government created Fort City, a place for all those with the Brand to recieve training.

Kyosuke Komuro was one such young man. The Brand appeared on his 18th birthday. Therefore he had to leave for Fort City. Kyosuke was a handome young man, with bright, flame red hair and ice blue eyes. He was wearing the entry student's uniform.

As he stepped off the ferry, he sighed. The beginning of his new life. He grasped his blade scabbard and began to walk.
Plenty of promising young students had been brought here to Fort City, another being the overwhelmingly normal Fuuko Amicus. She was average in just about everything, though the only thing she seemed to do really well in was swimming. She wasn't sure how that was supposed to help her right now though. She knew that each student had to take a sort of test to see which rank they'd be placed in. The highest was an S-Class Elite, which was definitely not something Fuuko was expecting to claim on her first go. Students could retake the test every year in hopes of improving their ranks, which in turn would provide some tougher classes, as well as certain privileges not granted to non-elites. One of these involved being allowed to enter the Dusk Circles, where plenty of monsters and 'Dusk Spawners' awaited.

Fuuko sighed softly as she got off the boat, following along with the other students. She did notice one student in particular that already had a weapon on them though. She had heard that they wouldn't get those unless they were of a certain rank...
Kyosuke continued to walk, before he felt eyes on him. He stopped and turned around. He saw a cute girl with pink hair.

Staring at his weapon.

Kyosuke smiled and walked to her. "Looking at my weapon? Looks cool, right?" He said happily. He held out his hand. "Kyosuke Komuro. This'll be my first year." He said happily.
Fuuko realized she might have been staring a little longer than needed, and that had caught the attention of the young man. As he was approaching, she wondered just what he would say, but it seemed he was in a good mood.

She was relieved to see that he didn't think she was weird or anything for staring like she was. She slowly took his hand, offering a smile of her own. "I'm Fuuko Amicus. I'll be a first year as well." She commented after on his weapon. "It's just that you stand out a little when nobody else has something like this on them."
Kyosuke smiled. "Nice to meet you, Fuuko. And yeah. This weapon is a family heirloom. My grandfather created it. The Gunblade." He unsheathed the silver blade, holding it for her to see. (Think Squall's weapon from Final Fantasy VIII)

Kyosuke began to walk, motioning for Fuuko to follow him. Along the way, they met another young man named Chlotz (?).

"So you're a first year like me and Fuuko, huh?" Chlotz said with a smile. "Cool sword." "Thanks."
"Oooh. I guess you're pretty prepared then. I see someone's pretty confident about becoming an Elite. Well, good luck to you though." She d no problems with following him. He seemed nice enough, and it probably wouldn't hurt to try making some friends already.

She seemed a bit surprised to see Chlotz, as they had actually been on the ferry together at some point. "There you are! What was with you running off ahead of me earlier?"
Kyosuke nodded as they walked. Chlotz smiled. "Heh. Sorry. I wanted to get to the City first. Didn't think you'd catch up though."

Kyosuke then froze before two shadowy being appeared. "You two! Get back!" He warned, running towards the creatures with his sword held out. He slashed hard at one.
Fuuko pouted a little, crossing her arms over her chest. "W-What? Were you trying to leave me behind on purpose...?" She huffed softly, but she didn't seem too upset with it. She was pretty used to Chlotz acting like this anyway.

She would have continued to scold him, but she had noticed a few screams from ahead, and she saw the shadowy beasts appear. "W-What?! Monsters?!" She was perhaps more surprised that Kyousuke had gone at the creatures, sword in hand to attack them. Perhaps his focus on one had gotten the attention of the other. "Hey! Look out!"
By the time Fuuko shouted to warn him, Kyosuke had already cut down one beast. He whipped around and pulled the trigger on his weapon, the Gunblade firing a round through the monster's head. He sighed and shouldered his weapon. "We all clear?" He asked. Chlotz nodded. "That was badass!" He said, pumping his fist in the air with a grin. "You'll be an elite for sure!" He said cheerily.
Fuuko was relieved to see that he handled himself very well, fighting as though he had already fought off monsters like these before. Once the creatures were vanquished, she went over to him with Chlotz. "Wow. That was pretty incredible how you took care of those monsters. It seems like you have plenty of experience already." She wouldn't be surprised at all if her did end up becoming an elite with combat abilities under his belt already.
Kyosuke smiled. "Thanks. But all the credit for my skills comes from my grandfather." He said modestly.

The trio soon arrived at the Fort City, and were shown to the Lab for the tests.

They met a man named Mark, and a shapely woman named Ruby.
"Well your grandfather must have been really impressive himself. I have a feeling you'll be doing just fine here." Fuuko went about following Kyousuke and Chlotz, looking in on some tests in the lab. The two they had met seemed to show a good bit if interest in Kyousuke, or at least that was how it seemed to Fuuko.
First came Chlotz for his tests. He wound up being a B-Rank elite. Then came Fuuko, who scored high enought to become an S-Rank Elite. Then Kyosuke's turn happened. He stepped into the simulator....

Afterwards, his Ether count was measured, and it hit off the scale, over 1,500! He was then told he was "God's Gift". "I....I don't understand..." Kyosuke said sheepishly.
Fuuko was definitely thrilled, but rather surprised still to have been labeled as an S-Rank Elite. After all, she didn't think there was anything extraordinary about her. She watched as Kyousuke went into the simulator, and much to the surprise of everyone there, it seemed his ether count was so high, the highest anyone had seen.

"Wow! I should have known! I knew you'd be an S-Rank Elite, but this is something else!"
Kyosuke was taken aback by the news. He was told he was "God's Gift", and he would allow people to fight in the Labyrinths! "All...because of me?"

Soon they were ushered into the church, where the headmaster told them about Classmating. Kyosuke was confused, but caught on quickly, all he had to do was hold Fuuko's hand and think of her, it seemed.
Upon arriving at the church, Fuuko listened in as they talked about what was known as classmating. The process was done between a male and female disciple in order to produce a Star Child that would accompany Kyousuke and Fuuko into the labyrinths where monsters roamed.

Since Kyousuke was he God's Gift, there was a 100% chance of a StarbChild being born, and with Fuuko being an S-Rank disciple, they would definitely produce a fine child. "Oh geez. I haven't really prepared myself for this. Is this really going to go well...?"
Kyosuke finished listening to the explanation before looking at Fuuko. "We'll do fine, Fuuko. Don't worry." He said with a smile, slowly grabbing her hand...
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