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Wandering FXM D/S

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May 17, 2014
I am into semi lit role play, detailed and interesting role playing, I am a tad rusty so it might take a few days to get back in the swing of things but I am happy to be here. It' so nice to see an active lively RP site. Yay.

So I only have one character right now. Mary Elmwood, her original biography is magical/werewolf based and I'm changing her profile a little to better match this site.

Im interesting in/open too:
Almost anything BDSM play. (I'm still very new to the lifestyle in real life, I am owned and in training to my Sir. )
Were wolf/ Vampire
Vampire/ Human
Medival era's.
Or possibly a stubborn slave who has one last chance to be sold before she goes to the mines to work to death. Semi lit
mary.elmwood said:
Anyone interested in semi lit rolplays?

I'm interested. :) Have your interests changed much since you first started here?
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