Game of Thrones: Rising Tide ((Sir Issac of Clarke and DelightfulRevenge))

Archmagos Issac

Sir Ser Issac of Clarke of Chad the II
Apr 6, 2014
The Forge World of Mars
"Heave you dogs! Heave!" called a booming voice.

The Grey Maiden rose and fell with the massive waves as the ship undertook the storm. The rain came down in buckets, the wind driving the ship forward through the monstrous storm. One had to be absolutely mad to undertake such a storm. Or be an Oceanstone. House Oceanstone had been some of the finest sailors known to the Seven Kingdoms, their prowess even surpassing the Greyjoys. It had once been said that they were the masters of the sea, manipulators of the tides and winds.

"Lord Alister!" called the booming voice over the howling winds. The voice was attached to a giant of a man, a man that stood almost 8 and a half feet tall. A man who could shadow The Mountain with sheer size and muscle. The man was a large wall of muscle, a brutish barbarian to some. To Alister Oceanstone, Heidrun the Strong was his good friend and bodyguard. The man wore a thick set of leather armor, a long double bladed battle axe on his back.

"Alister, I knew you were barking mad but never did I think you were suicidal! How do you know the sea will not swallow us whole?" the barbarian called over the wind.

Before the giant stood a smaller man. His hair was black as ebony, his eyes green as emerald. While he wasn't nearly as tall as Heidrun, he was still rather tall, standing at almost 6 feet tall. The man had an athletic build, able to move fast but also pack quite a punch. He was the Lost Prince of Westeros, and he was returning to reclaim his birth right. The man carried a short sword on his back and a valaryian steel dagger on his hip.

"The sea is my mother dear Heidrun, and she will not take me back into her murky womb!" he called back with a grin.

The giant bellowed and laughed along with Alister. "Your absolutely mad Alister" he said with a grin. It was all in good fun. Heidrun knew that Alister knew what he was doing. Alister could out sail any man in Essos, if anyone could conquer an unconquerable storm, it would be him.

Alister looked to his tall friend and smiled. "Have some faith in me Strong-Arm, Westeros is within reach and we will get my throne back" he said with a grin. Alister was the captain of the Grey Maiden, and he would take his throne back and slay every Targaryen he saw. Alister leaped over the rail onto the deck of the ship as he grabbed a loose rope, tugging and tying the rope off. "Watch over the men Heidrun, I'm going to get our bearings" he said. Alister turned and made his way towards his quarters. Alister shared his ship with a crew of over 20 men (including both him and Heidrun), and 1 woman, his wife. It was an arranged marry but it was one that would benefit both him and her. In exchange for a ship, he was to marry his daughter and give her father access to his trade.

Alister came in from the soaking rain and moved to his table, his map covered in various scribbles and notes. The most recent scribbling showed their heading. Alister began to check to see if they were on coarse for Sunspear. Once landed, they would make their way towards Sunspear. Their, he would begin his move towards his ancestral home of The Stepstone Islands. The Lannisters may pay their debts, but they are not the only ones.

Alister felt a grin begin to break his face. They were ahead of schedule and the storm was breaking. They would reach Sunspear by tomorrow afternoon.

((Here's a bit of an audio aid to give you an idea of the scene, huge references to Beowulf I know lol))
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