Pawn of the Reaper (Alpha and little_iveta)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
He wasn't sure how much time had passed. How long he had been alone in the lab.

Hell, he wasn't even sure how long he had been in the lab for anymore. It was strange to wonder the halls of the place in silence, seeing the other subjects laying motionless on the surgical tables and in stasis tubes, some having fallen down dead in the middle of halls without a sign of wounds or any kind of trauma. At least not that he could see.

A thin hand ran down face, blue skin meeting blue skin that was still strangely warm to the touch pressed against itself, trailing down a long face. Many of the others where nothing more than skeletons but somehow he maintained a more health physique, unhealthily thin, but not as bad as the others. He had tried to escape the place, but no shuttles, at least ones that functioned where left, and he didn't know enough about machines to try and fix them. And so Max was left alone to wonder the empty hallways of the lab in the fatigues he had hastily thrown on over himself for the sake of modesty, never tiring, never feeling hungry.

He slouched in a chair in the space he had claimed as his own living quarters, having dragged a bed, a chair and some other functional equipment into it, a TV and a viddisc player among them. There had been a decent supply of movies in the barraks and those helped to widdle away the time. Blasto movies, Fleet and Flotilla, hell, someone had even managed to smuggle a few porn vids in that had been useful enough to help him find out that at least one part of his body still functioned the way it used it. Even though it seemed to take longer to rub one out then he ever remembered it taking before.

"One of these days I should see if there's some kind of repair manual around here for the shuttles" he said aloud to himself, his voice coming out as nothing more than a horse whisper. Speaking out loud was a habit he had developed early on in the days since he had found himself here alone simply to here a voice.

"Yeah, thanks a good idea," he replied to himself as he pushed himself up from his chair and trudged slowly towards the door.
Miranda sets out again to do some house cleaning on the remaining pockets of Cerberus facility across the galaxy, this is to ensure that humanity would no longer have a bad image among the council races and to remove all traces of the Illusive Man's megalomaniac legacy.

As of now, Miranda only has one remaining homework to do and that is to get rid of the Adjutant Replication Facility located at an unrecognized star system in the Terminus. According to the reports this research lab is considered more horrendous than Jack's prison in Pragia.

Upon touch down on the swampy garden world, Miranda is immediately on her guard, still being cautious even though the galaxy is free from the Reapers. It could be also just her reminiscing the adventures and gun blazing memories she had with Shepard, for old times sake likewise.

So far she hasn't seen any hostile living creature or synthetics as she enters the main lobby of the research lab, she holstered back her Arc Pistol.

She brought out her omni tool as she surveys the area to look for some information that she could retrieve and conceal so that no other interlopers would get their hands on some critical information that could further jeopardize humanity in the field of bio-engineering research.

While scouring room after room, Miranda suddenly hears clumsy footsteps outside the room she was in, just along the hallways.

Once again she readies her Arc Pistol in her right hand and a charges a biotic slam in her left, she took cover on the door and opens it slowly a little to take a peek outside, to her shock and disbelief she saw a live walking husk. Miranda couldn't believe what she is seeing, reaper assimilated organism should be no longer be functioning since Shepard activated the red colored galactic explosion.

But this is just merely coincidence, anyway, what's the big deal its just a husk after all.

In one swift move, Miranda bangs out of the door and dashes to the hallway and immediately points her Arc Pistol's targeting laser right between the husk's eyes.

But first Miranda tries to communication between her and the husk to see if it is free from the reaper's influence.

"Stop right there, don't come any closer, if you could understand what I'm saying nod your head."

As she said this, Miranda sees the transmogrified phallus of the Husk is slowly growing erect, somehow it makes Miranda to laugh in amusement, but she hides her facial expression to the husk and still displays a serious Cerberus cheerleader look. Ironically, the husk's ball sack is also transmogrified in a way that it almost resembled two biotic grenades.... Which is also glowing as of the moment.

The husk seems to be a proto-husk, a human near in its stage of reaperfication. This is the same husk she encountered in her father's project in Sanctuary. And of course the said husk Miranda is now facing is no doubt a human male and a hapless victim of Cerberus twisted projects.
The sight of another person in the faculty was a surprise enough for him. The fact that it was a woman, and probably the most drop dead gorgeous woman he had ever seen, or at least that he could remember seeing since his memory was a little fragmented from procedure and he could feel his erection growing as he eyed her, coming to the slow realization her had forgotten to put pants on when he had ventured out into the facility from his room. The curse of living alone for so long was that he often forgot things like that.

He had been so distracted by her looks and his rapidly growing erection that he hadn't even noticed the gun in her hand and the laser sight centered on his forehead.

"Do I have to nod?" he asked, "or can I make use of the fact that I can actually talk?"

He added, speaking more to himself than to this woman, "Jesus the things I would do her." After being alone for so long and thinking out loud all the time he had completely forgotten how to keep his thoughts to himself.

His eyes wondered along the inviting curves of her body, perfectly framed by the tight fitting outfit she wore, "I mean fuck me," he continued talking to himself, "what I wouldn't give to get all up in that."
Good thing for him he still remembered what she said cause if he still continues to mind his erection and didn't respond to what she said, Miranda would've blown him between the eyes.

Miranda was greatly astonished to see that his man is actually freed from the reaper's control and that he regained his own consciousness by giving her an indication that he could finally talk.

But somehow Miranda finds it quite weird that he frequently utter words to himself, making some gibberish sounds but one thing that startled her is that when he sometimes speaks clear rude comments about her and the way he looks at her body luridly. It seems though that this man could be once a rapist or a womanizer and that now he actually has a major malfunction, thanks to the reaper nanomachines that they did their job in focusing on his erection rather than his combat characteristics.

Miranda got slightly infuriated by this and approaches him in a firm and frustrated walk, holstering her gun then suddenly gives the husk a pimp slap across his right cheek, "How dare you ogle at me and comment insolently on my body like that? If I don't have many morals I would have blown your zombie head!"

Miranda continues, "It seems that I need fix something in your head, how about we try this the old fashion way?" She suddenly smirks and fires her biotic slam to his belly, sending the husk slowly floating upwards then violently slamming his body down, Miranda watches the poor husk to see on how he would do on a ragdoll movement. Miranda chuckles slowly in a sadistic manner as she watches the husk to get back on his feet. She expect that the husk would be "fixed" by now.

"Ahh, this takes me back on the old times."
He gave his head a violent shake, something defiantly feeling rattled from powerful biotic blow he had just been dealt. He ached, which he took as a good thing, but the fact that he was able to get back to his feet so easily he was going to take as a sign that apparently he could take alot more abuse than he could before. And since a crazy woman seemed to have made her way into the lab that was probably something he was going to be very thankful for.

His vision was blurry and out of focus, something he would expect after a hit like that and he blinked several times in rapid succession, bringing everything back into focus and.....

And suddenly able to see right through the clothing of the woman standing over him, getting a wonderful view of the soft, smooth perfection that dwelled under her clothes. His tongue shot out over his lips, wetting them quickly in an attempt to stop himself from saying anything else out loud about her and the wonderful image that he now could see of her, "" he stammered, still trying to find something to say beyond the fact that she had incredible tits. Because that would more than likely lead to another slam off the walls.

The site of her naked had done little to settle his erection and he shuffled away, turning to look away form her and tried to say something that wouldn't get him slapped around any more, "What are you doing here?" he finally managed to ask.
AlphaZero said:
He gave his head a violent shake, something defiantly feeling rattled from powerful biotic blow he had just been dealt. He ached, which he took as a good thing, but the fact that he was able to get back to his feet so easily he was going to take as a sign that apparently he could take alot more abuse than he could before. And since a crazy woman seemed to have made her way into the lab that was probably something he was going to be very thankful for.

His vision was blurry and out of focus, something he would expect after a hit like that and he blinked several times in rapid succession, bringing everything back into focus and.....

And suddenly able to see right through the clothing of the woman standing over him, getting a wonderful view of the soft, smooth perfection that dwelled under her clothes. His tongue shot out over his lips, wetting them quickly in an attempt to stop himself from saying anything else out loud about her and the wonderful image that he now could see of her, "" he stammered, still trying to find something to say beyond the fact that she had incredible tits. Because that would more than likely lead to another slam off the walls.

The site of her naked had done little to settle his erection and he shuffled away, turning to look away form her and tried to say something that wouldn't get him slapped around any more, "What are you doing here?" he finally managed to ask.

Miranda is quite astounded by this husk's resilience, he proved to have more resolve than his previous friends who met their ultimate demise at the the end of the galactic war.

"Uhmm...? Uhmm...? What? Was that too "hard" for you?" Miranda said as she thought the husk is getting catatonic after dangling out his tongue and utter those unintelligible words.

Putting her hands on her waist and giving the husk of her bad ass look, what she didn't know is that he was already having an enjoyable voyeur moment by just seeing through her clothes and Miranda is none the wiser that she is giving out all of her front.

Miranda was quite surprised to hear him finally uttered some sensible words, she replied back in an a-hole manner, "Just cleaning up the mess your doctors have done here, you're lucky you've got yourself a second life while those eggheads who crank you up have met their expiration date sooner. Of all the Illusive Man's mittlework you're the first one to prove successful, such a shame he didn't live to see this, congratulations... I'm Miranda by the way, one of Cerberus's last and only remaining cheerleader. Since you've shown yourself quite of a phenomenon, I've decided to spare you but if you try to think the "other way" then you have another thing coming from me. So tell me, how did you manage to stay intact with that transmogrified ball sack after the reaper's defeat? The nanomachines should have killed you long ago, unless I'm missing something."
He gavehimhalf hearted shrug in response to her question.

"I ain't no doctor. All I know is I woke up one day like this and everyone else seemed to be dead. The few shuttles that are left don't function so I kinda been stuck here alone until you showed up.

He wished that his cock would hurry up and deflate itself, talking to someone wile sporting a ten inch boner was more than a little awkward. Or maybe if it didn't deflate on its own his new guest would be nice enough tto suck him off.

He risked a glance back, lingering only long enough to take in the details of her body, the round firm looking tits and the smooth, warm looking mound between her legs.
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