Princess No More (Tristeza / Mike the Bloodwolf)


Jun 1, 2009
Name: Larya Fenalis
Age: 18
Personality: Bright, energetic and haughty. Very conscious of the fact she is of royal birth, that she is a princess and the rights it entails, which might grate on people's nerves at times. This doesn't mean she's just a spoiled brat without a heart or a brain, Larya was educated to be a ruler. She just doesn't have to deal with it yet, and thus uses her time to indulge her wishes so far.
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Things were looking rather grim for the Orre Kingdom's royals. The neighbouring kingdom of Sidoon had always wanted Orre's fertile lands annexed to them, and with the aid of mysterious creatures they were succeeding. The tales that reached Orre's capital Realgam spoke of human-like beasts with powers capable of leveling entire towns in a matter of minutes, soldiers powerless to stand agaisnt the advances of these fighters, these bloodthirsty creatures mingling with the invading army. Mercenaries, some said. Experiments, others said. No one knew for sure, and soon Sidoon's forces reached Realgam's walls.

What word of mouth had been carried to the city did little to prepare the Orreans for the one sided battle that ensued. Any resistance was swiftly crushed, to the point people began defecting to the other side. What use was there to die for the life of the nobles? Promises of a better rule, a better life was quick to sweeten the deal, and soon the royal palace was breeched.

There had been no time for the Fenalis to flee, and so they stood their ground against the invaders with the last loyal forces. It was a fierce battle, with plenty of blood spilled on both sides, but the lopsided strength of the non-humans threw the scale in the invaders' favor. By the end of the day, as the sun began to set, the King and Queen of Orre, along with their youngest daughter Larya, the only one still unmarried, were kneeling down and tied on the courtroom that was once theirs, awaiting their fate with pride in their hearts. it was especially visible in Larya's eyes, a defiant fire daring the ones who took her lands to take one step closer. She wasn't afraid. Not even of those filthy non-humans, whatever they were.
Name: Samuel Hellrin
Age: 26
Personality: A cold and calculating Zoraok, Samuel knows when to act, when to stay back and when to destroy something. He is a born leader of a Zoroak tribe and has lead them to many victories. He is a charmer who has a silver tongue as he can convince anyone to do what he says.
Gender: Male
Species: Zoroak
The creature that had attacked were known as Dark stalkers, they were powerful creature who could summon darkness at will and could take on the form of anyone they came across. As the royals would wait for their fate, something else was happen outside that no one had been ready for, The Sidoon kingdom that had won were now being destroyed themselves by the Dark Stalkers who left none of them alive.

After a long time, the leader of the Dark Stalker came into the throne room and threw the head of the Sidoon commanders and the royal family at the King and Queen feet this cause the guards that were in the courtroom to react but they too were soon killed by the other dark stalkers. He was a tall and very powerful monster with Red hair and black clothes, he had wolf like fangs and claws which were covered in blood which he wiped clean on one of the royal pillows before he sat down in the royal throne and faced the king and queen. "You humans make me sick to my stomach, always wanting this and that. Your never happy with your life so you always want more. I am Samuel Hellrin, Alpha and commander of the Dark Stalkers" He told them in a calm almost charming voice. He looked at his 20 members of his pack, there was a mixture of both males and females.

He then looked at the princess who was there with her parents and he stood up and walked to her. He looked into her burning eyes and smiled as he said "I like you already". He then licked her cheek and rubbed one of her covered breasts knowing she could do nothing to defend herself before he left her alone to sit on the throne once more. "King and Queen Fenalies of the Orre Kingdom, you are free to rule this kingdom now I have no use for ether of you. But I will be taking control of the Sidoon kingdom, their entire royal family and knights are dead killed by the Stalker's I left there. We shall leave your kingdom alone as you will with our but your daughter will come with me and be my slave/queen of the Sidoon kingdom after all we don't know everything about ruling and I want to have something to pleasure me after a long hard day and to give me some advice of ruling, if you refuse then the last thing you will see is me raping your daughter in front of you before you are killed by the executioners" He told them in a serious tone consider the death and destruction that surrounded them, it was clear he would carry out his threat. He made them look at the two Stalker he had scythes in their hands as their claws had been broken during the battle.
The wait was infernal, the continuous vigilance of the invader soldiers bearing down on the king and queen, the vicious glares upon the humans striking fear and worry. Fear for their lives, at the mercy of these unknown assailants. Worry for the shambling kingdom, the damage the numerous battles and wars had done to the lands and their pockets. What was the purpose of this conquest? Sidoon was expected to make an advance, but these... monsters? What was in it for them? Larya's mind was occupied with other kinds of thoughts. With their people. With her friends. Mostly, with freeing herself and getting a hand on one of the many bloodied weapons strewn about. She'd go down, but at least it would be with a fight.

The sun had already set when the one who was most obviously the monsters' leader presented himself, flanked by others of his kind. As the heads rolled and more bloodshed ensued, all Larya percieved were the screams, first of rage, then of pain as bodies fell limp on the floor. It took a few moments to understand the sudden revolt of Sidoon's forces, recognizing the faces of the other kingdom's royal family. Betrayal? They truly were beasts. The hate that already boiled in the princess's gut only raged more violently, her lips twisting into an angry silent snarl. It didn't matter how imposing this monster was, her contempt was too great to feel any sort of fear, surveilling Samuel's every movement as he took his seat on the throne. Not even the announcement made her shake, though her eyes did widen in a moment of awe. The Dark Stalkers. Memories of tales about monstrous mercenaries with no land nor mercy flashed through the royals' minds, memories of a quick dismissal of their truth as nothing more than ignorant folly of panicking commoners and mad soothsayers. They were real, alright.

When Samuel approached, Larya's anger only intensified. She'd have thrown all instincts of self preservation out the window to verbally snap at him if the shock and disgust at being touched in such a way didn't take her by surprise, her attempt at trying to wriggle away from the towering male only succeeding in making her tumble to the side. Vulnerable. It wasn't something the princess felt often, and she sure disliked the sensation. Not to mention it was the first time someone dared to touch her like this. It took Samuel's next announcement to sink in the full sensation of defeat in the princess's mind, with an extra heap of humiliation. He could have just said she was to be a bargaining chip for Orre's survival. The addition of the word 'slave' and the notion of her catering to Samuel's pleasuring needs... that was adding insult to injury. "You wretched-"

"Larya." The soft, trembling voice of the king stopped the girl from barking hate filled insults, getting her attention. The princess crooked her neck to look at her parents, their gazes crossing in silent conversation. They weren't even going to try and argue about it, they'd just simply die. Silently, Larya nodded, shifting her eyes away. She couldn't cry, she wasn't going to let herself cry. "We accept."
Samuel watched them closely with every second that passed as he could feel there rage and hate at the death of the Sidoon royal family and the bloodshed that had happen, when they finally spoke again he heard the princess name. "Larya hmm, well its a lovely name and quite a strange name to us as well" he said before he smiled when they said that they accepted his proposal. "Good" Samuel said before he snap his fingers. A large collection of gold from the other kingdom was put down by the throne before Samuel walked up to Layra and he used his claws to pull her princess clothes off and one of the female Stalkers dressed her in the tribal outfit of the stalkers.

He then picked up Layra and pulled her up, he moved her head to the side so her neck was exposed and he then bite her with his fangs it would leave a small mark on her neck which would never heal as he said "You have been marked by me, you now belong to me". He then cleaned the bits of blood that came off and he then took her away with him. Some of the other Dark stalker took female servants and maids with them as they would be sex toys for the men and for the woman as the Stalker females were bisexual so they would sleep with both males and females. Once there was only one Dark stalker left and the throne room had been cleared of all weapons. He cut the bonds of the King and Queen and left them as he said "That gold will rebuild what you lost today, but if you dare attack the Stalkers. We will not show you the mercy we have shown today"
Hearing the creature praise her name felt to Larya as if someone was tainting, dirtying her identity, even if it was a compliment. There were people the princess would have immensely enjoyed to be flattered by. This monster was not one of them. Even more when he suddenly ripped her clothes apart, exposing her toned body for all to see. Instinctively, Larya crossed her arms and pulled her knees against her chest to try and shield herself from the prying eyes, but the female Stalker just forced the princess's limbs apart nonchalantly and stuffed her inside the pretty minimalist black garment. Having her stomach exposed out in the open wasn't exactly common, and the cut of the shorts was so low she had the feeling part of her smooth ass was permanently visible every time she took a step. The fact that the fabric was coarser and far less refined than Larya's usual outfits didn't even sink in past the burning sensation that she was still very much naked and dressed rather slutty compared to her standards, Larya's cheeks reddening at the shocked expression on her mother's face after her forced strip.

She'd had barely time to once again fall on her knees when Samuel again reached for Larya. It was as if the girl was a doll under the brute strength of the Stalker, a mere spectator as her body was jerked around. "What are you- OW!" Larya's voice peaked to a shriek when the fangs sank in, the wave of pain shooting from her neck making her squirm under his hold. "No! Never!" Her writhing quickly became more and more feeble, stress induced exhaustion starting to catch up to her. The pain spike spent what little adrenaline the red head had left in her body, her energy drained by the last ditch efforts to free herself from his hold. It'd been just for pride's sake, Larya wouldn't dare run away and sign her parents' death sentence right there and then, she'd just wanted to at least walk out on her own feet. The fumes she'd been running on were gone though, and her light body began to go limp as her eyes closed, the last sight of her kingdom being that of her parents bowing to the Stalkers as they were released.
(Oh by the way, there are three female tribal outfits so you can chose whichever one you think would suite Larya better or what you think Samuel would force her to wear)
Tribal outfit 1:
Tribal outfit 2:
Tribal outfit 3:

With everything now done and sorted out, the Stalker left the Kingdom behind and began on there journey to their new home. It would be a long almost silent Journey if the princess was going to sleep though it all to regain her energy and of course Samuel himself wanted her to be fully rested before he began to break her into the perfect slave and queen for him. In fact Samuel was greatly looking forward to having sex with her tonight in their massive bed, she smelled like a virgin and Samuel enjoyed that already as it meant after he took her virginity he could began to mould her into the perfect obedient Slave and queen.

The Stalker soon reached the Sidoon Kingdom, Although Legends and stories told of the Dark Stalker being nothing but beast what was happen in the castle town showed that they were far more intelligent then mere beasts as they took over stores and used there skills to run them. There was a blacksmith, a flower shop, training grounds and everything that would normally be run by a human was being run expertly by the Dark stalkers who had the skills. One of the strangest things there was a church which was run by a very holy Stalker. Of Course, Layra was coming to the Castle and to the bedroom she would share with Samuel.
((The first one, definitely))

Oddly enough, it was probably the most peaceful sleep Larya'd had in days. The worry over invasion and occupation was there no more, replaced by concern for her parents' life, for Orre's survival and most of all for the veracity of the Stalkers' word. They could go back on it on a whim and finish what they started with Orre, after all. Still, there wasn't enough energy in the princess's body to even fuel dreaming, so no amount of anxiety or anger was enough to stir her. She only began coming around when they were already inside the castle town, but even then the girl remained still, it gave her a chance to watch exactly what had happened in Sidoon after the take over. Not to mention being carried around would be probably the nicest thing the creature would do to her, so might as well savor it while it lasted.

The sight that greeted the human princess was a surprising one. Larya'd expected the Stalkers to revel in the destruction, razing everything to the ground and feast on all the blood and corpses left behind, like the horrific depictions commonly portrayed them. Instead, there was a strangely disappointing peaceful atmosphere going around. Whatever property had been damaged, whatever blood had been shed, it'd been repaired and cleaned up, barely any signs of what'd happened left in the area other than the lack of humans. The smithy was running, goods were being traded in the market, it was civilized. There was actually a people to be queen of, not just a bunch of savages. Larya sighed deeply at this thought. It made hating these... people... a lot harder.
( I thought that one too)

Samuel noticed she had woken as he said "Yes princess, wake up and have a look at the world you will be living in. You think our people are mindless savages who cause pain and suffering where ever we go, that is all wrong and is nothing more then judgemental people who do not see beyond the fangs and claws". He looked back briefly to see the serving girls and maids taken from the castle put to work in the brothels or work in the pubs. Some of the stalker even took a few of them on as extra hands to help them with running the store and were not just used as sex toys which made them even more civil. Of course, some of the males and females wanted some fun with their catches so they went off to their houses they had chosen. It still kept in tradition as the smithy lived in the smithy house and so on.

Samuel finally put Layra down when they were alone in the royal chambers, some maids took care of the princess cleaning and gave her some nightgowns she could wear but as for what would happen tonight. Samuel was going to make her lose her maidenhood tonight and start making her a proper woman and queen. He smiled at her naked form as he said "A very attractive body for one as young as yourself"
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