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ISO Creative Male [MxF Pairings Only] (New Craving)

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I Messed Up. I’m Sorry.
May 5, 2014
A place safe inside myself
Sooooo, I decided to re-configure the request thread. Hopefully make it easier to read, added a few things and calmed down on the previous bitchfest of before.

I would still however like to address the issue that said bitchfest was pertaining to.

I am here to enjoy any and all RP's that I take part in. That I share my time and writing in. Keyword here being - share.

If you are here and reading, I hope that it's because you are interested in what I might have to offer in terms of roleplay AND that you are interested in creating a tale between the pair of us based on what you've read. I hope that together - keyword here being together - we can create something enjoyable to the both of us. Whether it be one of my ideas that you merely help to build further OR whether it be the two of us integrating parts of my ideas/cravings with yours or vice versa, so that we both have various things from each of our ideas and it's enjoyable between us.

If you are PMing me to play and it's all about you, you, you and your ideas and you don't want to integrate any part of my ideas in with yours, then that is nothing short of selfish and tells me that you likely did not read through this request, you likely just clicked on my name and sent me a PM without reading or caring what I might have to offer and enjoy. Not a good idea as you will promptly be ignored. I have this request up for a reason, because I want to play it out and enjoy it, either in full or with a twist on it from your point of view.

From here on out, there will be a password or passcode (or several for different things!) somewhere below in my request - if it is not used when you are PMing me, then I know for sure you did not take the time or care to read and therefore I will not take the time or care to respond to your PM.

With that being said, if I still have your attention and you'd like to create a tale with on and see what's what.

Yes's and No's:

Yes, Please!

-Romance - Mind you this does not mean your character has to be totally mushy and gushy or sickeningly sweet. Nor does it mean your character can not or should not be the more dominating figure in the bedroom scenes, by all means, I would much prefer this.

-A little Rough and Tumble - now and again and can still be incorporated in with the Romance as well.

-Realistic - body parts, bodily fluids, etc etc.

-Size Difference - My characters and I both are rather partial to male counterparts that are a little bit taller than we. (Not gargantuan differences mind you but a few inches taller is fine. Example: MC: 5'6" - YC: 6'1" or 6'2")

-Age Rule/Preference - I will not play young teenagers. Period! (I am 36 years old and have a 15 year old child. Let's just say that even guys that are only a mere three years older than her in RL have seen Mama Bear make an appearance, claws and all. I am not knocking those with that preference but it's NOT my preference, so don't even ask. The answer is a very firm No.)

I personally prefer to play in the age range of 20+ years old and higher, though not older than 40, please. I also prefer that my RP counterparts character is of the same age or older (although no more than ten years older than my character, please and none younger than my character, I just don't like it. You'd have to do some very good and heavy convincing otherwise.)

-Biting - Sensual, not the drawing blood kind of biting. (Unless we are telling a vampire story.)

-Vampires - Not the sparkly, "oh I'm dead and having a baby that ages quickly." kind mind you. If you know absolutely anything of the White Wolf System...then those are the kinds of vamps I prefer. If all else fails, use your knowledge of myths and legends and you'll probably be on the right path. I prefer, as these are dominating creatures generally, that you play this role.

-Werewolves - Again White Wolf Gaming works here for this too. And again, myths and legends will make due. And yet again, as these are dominating creatures, I prefer that you play these critters.

-Story over Smut - We'll say 70/30% here or at the very least a good combo of the two.

-This! - Two things I find incredibly sexy in romantic or sexual scenarios. #1. A man placing his hand up around the throat, from behind. Like THIS! and #2. Both partners sitting up, facing each other during sex. Like THIS!. Both are just incredibly hot.

-Rain - I love it, it's calming, relaxing and can be quite sexy.

No, Thank You!

-Toilet play - No, just no! I work in a field where I deal with piss and shit all day nearly every day. It does not turn me on, in fact at times it nearly makes me vomit....another thing that is a big huge no.

-Blood play (unless it's vampire related) - Again, no. In real life, it's unsanitary and dangerous and again does nothing to turn me on in real life scenarios.

-Anal anything - Absolutely not. Just consider any and all of my characters to have an invisible tattoo above their ass that says "Exit Only". Again, it's unsanitary and dangerous to a degree.

-Beastiality - I AM an animal lover but NOT in the "I wanna fuck them." way. No! Just No! (Do Not mistake this or try to loophole this with my love of Werewolves. During the course of character would not be fucking a werewolf in it's wolf or even Crinos form.)

-Incest - Usually is a big no for me, however, I may relent just a little bit. Direct family on family is a no, don't even bother asking. Step-parents are a pretty solid no as well. This is not sexy to me nor will it ever be. Being molested by your step-father when you're not old enough to really know any better kinda puts it into perspective for some. Now, unknown step-siblings, I MIGHT be willing to do. Still taboo enough and something I can handle.

-Heavy BDSM - Not into it. Something light in the way of it, I might be open to but general consensus is a solid no on the heavier stuff.

-Multiple Partners - Not a chance in Hell. I'm a one man kinda girl and I like my guys to be a one woman kind of man.

There are probably a few more for both lists. There's no shame in asking if you don't see something on either.

Just some Rules or something like them (also some re-iteration just to make sure the points get across):

A literate male RP partner (can be female playing a male, I am not opposed! As long as you aren't either.)

Decent posts are a must. do not have to write novels. Quality over quantity is the key. A paragraph works for long as it has substance, and I can work with it, we are good to go. The occasional, short couple lines is alright too, again as long as it has something I can work with. I know that depending on the scene/situation, sometimes short is good, needed and approved. I don't always gush novels either.

Story (70%) over Smut (30%). I know that in any good, realistically told story....sexual situations can and do arise. I have no problem with this, I can write smut as well as anything else, should the occasion arise in the course of play, I only hope my RP partner can write it well as well. In other words, be creative, sensual....not crude, repetitive and boring.

Someone with good, creative ideas. I'm not going to lie, my muse for creating stories all on my own is at an all time low, sadly. However, given a jumping board or two tends to get my brain working most of the time. Throw me an idea or two, doesn't have to be elaborate at first. We can work on a story together! I just don't want to be left holding the imagination bag all by my lonesome and always having to propel the story forward. In other words....let's brainstorm!

Dom or Sub? Frankly I prefer to play the more submissive role. Let me females will be colorful, creative, independent little spitfires. Strong-willed damsels in distress. They may give a little fight because they ARE their own persons. They are not mindless drones merely shuffling through life with only the sole purpose of bowing at anyone and everyone's feet, so if you're searching for a mindless sex slave....keep on looking because you won't find it here. If a sexual scene rises in the course of play, my girl will relinquish a bit of control in the bedroom, as I prefer to generally do the same. Again though, this does not mean my character will just roll over and do only what she's told. Sharing is caring, as the saying goes, but she's more willing to let the man lead the way MOST of the time.

Real faces in avatars - As in...celebrity faces, not your own! I can not, will not, now or ever be interested in looking at drawn or anime images. Just not my thing, sorry. If you have a particular face you want me to use, feel free to ask! I will gladly wear someone you like to look at, as long as the favor is returned...because I have my favorites as well.

***************Male Faces I Find Appealing***************

These are a few that I would like to see used, obviously so I can look at and enjoy during the course of play.

Zacky Vengeance ((Really kinda diggin' alot alot! LOL))
M. Shadows
Christian Kane (longer hair preferred but not necessary!)
Timothy Olyphant
Jeremy Renner
Alex O'Loughlin (short hair)
Taylor Kinney

These are in no particular order, as they are equally appealing to me. I may add more.


In the past I have been a System RP player (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf the Apocalypse). While the structure is nice, I really hate the confines of having to create character sheets and so on.

Freestyle is nice in that respect, I don't have to create sheets, only histories of the character in thought rather than dot and it gives me reign to create my character through the course of play rather than setting it in stone of..."this is exactly who, how and what they are".

However! I still like a little bit of structure. Meaning simply this:

Be creative but be realistic! It's an absolute must. I absolutely hate God-mod type players. Be it in one on one RP or otherwise.

With all of that being are some things I have played and enjoy.

World of Darkness (System and Freestyle - preference as stated above).
Mild, Dark erotica.
Wild West
1920's Gangster Era
FanFic (The Walking Dead, Moonlight, Sons of Anarchy, Angel. Others I'd be interested in - Haven, Salem, Hawaii Five-O, Justified) Side-Note: If these ideas spark something, I'd actually like to steer clear of making it entirely based on the series. I would prefer to "make it our own", steering away from using actual characters in the show. Can use the faces! But creating characters and story that are unique to OUR story, rather than copying the shows verbatim.

All have been Modern in setting, except for the Era specific ones of course. I prefer Modern, obviously. I am not a big fan of mideval RP. I DO like history but only certain eras of it.

***************Current Cravings***************

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: -Taken
Glory is an undercover agent, who's been working her way into a Motorcycle Club. The President's old lady is suspected in the disappearance of a fellow male agent who'd been working the club before for other reasons.

Glory's been in about a year, year and a half, getting close not only to the girls of the club in a sisterly type bond but the Vice President as well (or trying to). She knew it was going to be dangerous going in, especially given the other agent was...uncovered as it were. Now however, she might be getting a little too close and a little too comfortable in her role. (PM Passcode for this craving: "Get your motor runnin'.")

Masq and Mystery: -- Seems to be Open again
Your Character is hosting A Masquerade party! Beautiful, sensual and mysterious. Mix in some supernatural (vampire or werewolf) to make it perfect. We can discuss further about things as well, but that's the base of it.
(PM Passcode for this craving: "We all wear Masks.")

The Wild, Wild West: -- Taken!
Katherine Monroe aka Miss Kitty runs the local bawdy house. She runs it but much to the chagrin of the male populace of the dusty one street town, she doesn't do her business on her back. She was forced into becoming a soiled dove at the age of 15 by a man that had slaughtered her wealthy parents because they wouldn't allow him the pleasure of their daughters company. After branding her left thigh with his initials, claiming her as his, he took her to the bawdy house, then under Miss Mona's direction. He made it clear to everyone in town...that she was his and only his. Not to be touched by any hand but his own, any time he wanted. Kitty lived as such for several years, enduring this man and this life. Her parents were gone, her life gone. Miss Mona had taken her under wing, making her as comfortable as one can be in their life. Teaching her the ways of the Doves, as well as how to run the business. Kitty eventually had had enough and ran the man not only out of her room at the house but right on out of town....with his own Dillinger, which she keeps tucked in some hidey spot on her person. She fears he'll find his way back into town one day, sporting the vicious claw marks she left him with along his cheek when she ran him out.

Sheriff Holt, whether good or bad, or both (whoever plays him can decide) has had his eye on her for some time but she keeps rejecting even his most innocent of come-ons.
(PM Passcode for this craving: "Save a horse, Ride a Cowboy.")

New Under The Sea:
(I see this as more if a romantic theme but it can be discussed.)

Caerulius is a high-spirited Princess of the sea. So high-spirited that her father tries to keep her close and in fact under the sea. She is quite fascinated with the world above. There is an innocent wonder about her when it comes to the humans. She wants to know everything about them, she already knows some things but other things remain a mystery. She can only stay topside for so long though before she needs to get back to the water.

She is very careful still not to reveal her true nature to the humans, knowing there are good and bad ones alike that walk topside. Most view her as a very curious woman, perhaps locked away from the world for some time and she does or says little to dispel that notion.

Your character would be a human. What you make of him from there is your choice.
(PM Passcode for this craving: NOT The Little Mermaid.)

New - Kinda Epicenter of the Damned:
The Motor City, Hockeytown, Motown, Paris of the West.

Detroit, Michigan. Known for its music, sports, architecture and the multitude of cars that rolled from its automotive lines. The city known by many names.


The once great Rock City now lays in ruin. Its once grand architecture is now fading, stained with blood and age. The ice has melted in the rinks, diamond grass is brown and dead. The automotive industry has rusted and stalled, unfinished product crumbling on the lines. The music has died.

The Epicenter of the Damned

The worlds populace, or rather what remains of it, does not know this once great city by such a name. Most are oblivious and trying to survive. There are however some that know. Those that created this dark and dismal world we now live in.

A handful of scientists, doctors, Military and the U.S Government.

Some were unknowing of what they were creating while others knew it all but no one could predict the true ramifications of their experiments. Scientists and doctors knew full well there could be...side effects. The volunteering soldiers knew there could be complications. The Government sanctioned the secret program.

Super soldiers.. That was the plan. Create a....killing machine.

Time and time again the experiment failed. The test soldier died, another was brought in. Families were told the men and women had died in combat. Failures and lies. It could have stopped there. This dystopia could have been prevented but greed and power got in the way. They continued testing, they needed to get it right. For the greater good, they told themselves, the test subjects and those working for them.

Bodies began to pile up and something had to be done with them. The Detroit River is 53 feet deep at its deepest point and it seemed just as good a place as any to dispose of the fallen soldiers.

Previous treatments of the river to clean it up from its polluted and toxic state interacted with the decaying bodies and the toxins and treatments inflicted on the soldiers. Creating a deadly pollutant into the body of water. A body of water used for fishing, swimming, a plethora of recreational usage by its surrounding cities, in both Michigan and Canada.

People began to get sick. Some began to die. Investigations found the common link but by then it was too late. Vacationers had gone home. Families had returned to their lives as best they could.

The mutated infection laid dormant, just long enough for people to believe they had a handle on the situation but then, bodies in the morgues, in hospitals, in their own unsuspecting homes began to rise, hungry.

They'd gotten what they'd wanted. Killing machines. Just not the way they'd envisioned it. They couldn't control them, their primal hunger, the spread of the infection. It was all out of their hands by now and all they could do was try to survive, just like the rest of the unsuspecting world that they'd unleashed this nightmare on.

This all begs the questions.....

If the infection was created by man....could it be cured by man? And who can survive long enough to find out?
((There are so many options for this, it's not even funny! And multiple sets of characters can and should be played to make it a rounded story.)) (PASSCODE: Not Infected)

These are just base ideas, I'm open to suggestions and ideas to add to them of course! We don't have to start right from the beginning of the tale but I don't want to jump right in either. I want relationships to grow somewhat. I want there to be story, progress. Those seeking instant gratification need not apply.


I, myself, am online regularly. Via my cellphone. I check boards nearly religiously. So a steady RP partner would be nice. I'm not saying you have to post as soon as I do but within a day or two would be nice. When one player takes a week or two or longer to respond, the story, the drive and the entertainment grows stale.

That being said, I totally understand happens. Real time and life ALWAYS comes first and I totally understand when something arises. I just ask that you take a couple seconds and PM me, let me know that something has come up and you might be away for a time. You do not have to tell me what's going on in your life that's taking you away, if you are comfortable doing so, that's fine too but not a requirement. Simply a word to let me know however is a requirement.

If you think you're the man (or male character!) for the all means, my PM is open! Shoot me one and we'll see if we can't get the ball rolling on a good story to keep both of us entertained and enjoying each other's RP company.
RE: ISO Creative Male [Updated - Craving]

Hello I am new to this site but I am an experienced RPer. If you're looking for some one to RP with than I'm offering
RE: ISO Creative Male [Updated - Craving]

LeoGrave said:
Hello I am new to this site but I am an experienced RPer. If you're looking for some one to RP with than I'm offering


Hit me with a PM and any ideas.
RE: ISO Creative Male [Updated - Craving]

Le bump! :)

Ok ok....I'll bite, if that's your thing. ;) don't be shy....cuz I kinda like it too. -waggles brows-
RE: ISO Creative Male [Updated - New Craving Added]

Le Bumpsies!

Really craving the Western RP at the moment, would love to wrangle up a partner for it. :D
RE: ISO Creative Male [MxF Pairings Only] (Seriously Updated, Easier to Read, Cravings)

Another bump goes a long way...or something like that.
ISO Creative Male [MxF Pairings Only] (Seriously Updated, Easier to Read, Cravings)

-wanders meekly back in-

To anyone that I was playing with before, my sincerest apologies for simply disappearing. I didn't see the signs of onsetting melancholy approaching. Nothing, including my cravings seemed to be helping in any shape or form and on top of my blindsiding discontent, life and work themselves just seemed to sneak up on the other side. Imagine a pack of Velociraptors descending on their victims........yeah it was pretty much like that.

I lost all oomph and energy to do anything I had been doing before and I just sort of faded into a sort of obscurity.

I am hoping and praying that since I've sort of gotten life and work back on track (kind of winding tracks still but track none-the-less!), that I might be able to pop my head back in here and snag some play again.

I would completely understand if those of you that I was playing with before did not want to give it another go but if any of you are, I am totally open to giving stories a try again. Probably best to revamp and begin again at this point but again, I'm willing if you are.

Anyone new, please read over the introduction and see if it is your cup of tea and if any of it is....well....I'm here. LOL
Minor change.

I have done away with my F-List. Plain and simple, everything that is an absolute one way or another is here in this thread, easily accessible and readable. The F-List just seemed a little too impersonal to me, here I can lay it out as to why I do or don't like something.

Anything else not on the list of do or don't is ALWAYS up for discussion. Just ask or bring it up. Trust me, if I don't want to try it or I'm not comfortable with it, I WILL let you know.

((Side Note: I can see it now, some people might look at my sig set and wonder why it is what it is. Don't be intimidated by the signature set. Yes it's a guy. NO I am not! I am all woman! I just like to look at the sexy mofo in my sig. He pleases me. Carry on!))
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