Guns and Glory [Pokémon + Saint's Row] (Lucid & DragusHawke)


Apr 24, 2014
"Shit, this is worse than Touhou Project." Melissa commented, watching bullets fly around like fireflies on a summer's night.

She was smartly donned in a bulletproof vest, prepared for a fight when she infiltrated a rival gang's hideout. She was also wearing a motorcycle helmet that covered her entire head. It was harder to see what she was doing, but she didn't want to take a chance after earning permanent scars to her face when she was still new to gang wars. She had a gun in one hand, pokéball in the other. Her pokémon was bad ass, to put it lightly, always saving the day when things got tough. She didn't want to put him in needless danger though.

Things were getting challenging. She underestimated how far this gang would defend their territory. Even so, she refused to back down. She wanted, no, needed this gang's hideout for her own gang. She didn't have a safe haven for her crew in this part of the city, plus it was only a block away from her favorite sushi restaurant.

She fired a few shots when she saw some men peek their heads out behind wooden pillars. She shot the wood to hell in the process, but the screams confirmed that she at least wounded them. Feeling like she took care of some rather annoying guys, she let her pokémon out.

"Come on! I need some back up over here! Finish these guys off!"
The pokemon that sprang forth from the ball looked around before he stood to his rather large full height and then started to move quickly. He was an leafeon but not a normal one he seemed to be a bit more towards human these type of pokemon were rare. He moved quickly using quick attack to get behind them once there he stops and uses vine whip to knock their weapons out of their hands. He then leaps forward and hits the one of the left with a tackle attack knocking him into the wall and knocking him out.

He spun around to slow as one of the other men picked up his pistol and stepped out of cover to aim at the pokemon. Oddly enough Leafeon didn't appear concerned sense he knew his trainer would be lining up a shot. Just before the mans hot Leafeon would use quick attack to evade hsi attack and sprint into a large group releasing stun spores as he did. After that he leaped backward and towards his trainer standing in front of her protectively his back arched as he watched his opponents.
"Awesome job." She commented to her leafeon. It was kind of funny, watching such a tough person give out compliments so easily. Life may have hardened her spirit, but she was still a nice person, deep down. If she wasn't, there's no way a pokémon as special as him would listen to her.

She took off her helmet, revealing pink and purple streaks running down her head, all the way down her long bangs. After securing her pokéball back on her belt, she used her hand to flip the hair out of her eyes. The situation was serious, life or death, but she had the gall to approach it as if it were a casual game of chess. Her leafeon took care of the major threats, it was up to her to wait for the last few opponents to come out of hiding. Melissa wished she brought her cigarettes with her. Having to wait for them was always annoying, and could go on for a long time. Luckily, her enemies seemed appalled that their comrades were either fallen or killed, and lashed out in a frenzy at her.

Prepared for their retribution, she aimed her gun and took fire at them, determined to take them out before they could injure her companion that was acting as her shield. Her experience trumped theirs, and they fell into a moaning heap on the floor, various bullet wounds scattered about their bodies. It was kind of gross watching their red blood stain the off-white carpet, Melissa thought. Her gang would have to clean that up, pronto. She went around, looting the bodies of their weapons. She didn't need someone she thought was dead, or someone still struggling, take a shot at either herself or her pokémon. There were times that someone who appeared good as dead would take a last shot of revenge, and that situation rarely resolved well. It was easier to collect their weapons than kill them all. She especially liked leaving witnesses since it would spread stories of her and her gang's accomplishments.

She wasn't sure if they were in the clear. Her enemies seemed disabled, but backup could still arrive. She held off from calling her weaker gang members as a cleanup crew. "Do you sense anyone else?" she asked her companion.
Leafeon looked around a bit before he padded over to her and pressed against her side in response. This was his usual way of asking for a reward on a good job and telling her that the building was clear as of now. He looked up at her his deep green eyes shining as he waited for her response he nuzzled against her leg gently.

He arched his back a bit as he admired her hair it always was the most amazing hair he had ever seen and always would be. His trainer was the best out there and he knew and confirmed it daily by fighting for her and protecting her. He had been an eevee when she caught him and had been raised as her companion sense now he would do anything to protect and please her.
She hugged him happily, glad to know that things were safe. As experienced as she was, there were many things she couldn't sense. She was thankful that her leafeon could pick up the slack for her. While still hugging him, she grabbed a cell phone from her pocket, dialed a number, and began talking.

"Hello? Yeah, it's me. We successfully took the base. Tell everyone you've got on hand to get their asses down here. We're looking at big cleanup. The carpeting is completely ruined, we're gonna need it torn up. The wooden beams in this place have been shot to pieces. Hire a structural engineer to see if that's going to be a problem or not. Also, we can't have all these bodies laying around to rot. Find someone who knows what to do them. Yeah, that's all. Okay, bye."

After putting her cell phone away she looked at her leafeon, smiling. "While the crew takes care of this mess, how about you and me eat at that sushi restaurant down the street? It'll be a reward for a job well done."
He looks up at her and tilts his head as he thinks and the slowly nods as he nuzzles against her leg some more letting out a short cry of agreement as he jumps around lightly turning as he sees a gun rising he narrows his eyes and with a cry of anger uses quick attack knocking her to the ground suddenly.

As he crouches over her he hears three gunshots and then he lets out a cry as he turns using vine whip he catches the mans gun arm and snaps it stumbling away from her as he curls up two of the bullets having grazed his back and side. He looks towards her worried hoping that she was ok as he whimpers lightly.
She fell to the ground with a thud, not realizing what was going on until she heard the gunshots. Despite being cautious, it seems like someone snuck by both of them. If she were younger, this situation would have made her beyond pissed. She would have cursed her abilities and took the blame on herself. However, by now she understood that these things happened. It wasn't her fault, nor her pokémon's.

After she watched her leafeon's vine practically rip the guy's arm apart, she checked her pal for injuries. She gently moved her hand down his back, coming in contact with one of his open wounds. It wasn't deep, just a bullet graze, thankfully. She would have had to rush him to the pokécenter if he took a direct hit. There was another graze on his skin, but it was minimal as well.

She noticed him whimpering, not in pain, but out of concern for her. She smiled, "I'm okay, really. You protected me well." She got up, holding her gun out. "Looks like we both missed him though. If he has any friends we might have to put our sushi outing on hold." Melissa narrowed her eyes, concentrating on listening for sounds that were not her own. However, after being involved in so many gun fights, explosions, and head injuries, her hearing was weak. It was unlikely that she would hear anything that her leafeon wouldn't hear first.
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