Who Do You Think You Are (Me & Trisscar)


Apr 10, 2014
Yera had started her day like normal on the Enterprise, working as an engineer, Science officer and part time as security, she sure had a lot on her plate. A few weeks before hand she had ended up stopping Kahn’s death, his pod was about to be thrown into some sun but she had managed to save him. Only to have him wake up and escape from the Enterprise but she had to fight him first, he had left her with a black eye and she had gave him a rather brutal beating. Now that a few weeks had passed Year’s mind was on other things, she was busy scanning a warp coil when she felt a slight shift in the air and she raised her head. Yera was half human and half Vulcan she was blond haired and brown eyed, she was about 5’5 and weighed 110lbs with a slender yet strong build. She was raised on Earth so she really didn’t act like Spock did but she had asked him to teach her how to control her emotions and he had been teaching her this. She was the youngest of her class to graduate from the academy and rather smart for those of her age. However things were changing for her and Yera was aware that she was coming into her first Pon Farr so she was starting to act and feel differently now.

She went back to her warp coil, scanning away to see what had gone wrong with it when she suddenly was knocked out, the darkness had come fast and she had no time to react. Year woke up a few hours later her eyes heavy and she lifted her head weakly. She looked around the room she was in, it was rather nice with furniture and she was aware she was lying on a bed. She suddenly turned her head and narrowed her eyes to see a familiar face standing above her. “Kahn…” she hissed and you could see the anger in her eyes. “What are you doing here, why did you kidnap me? Why am I tied up?” she snapped and tried to push herself up but her body was rather weak. She could feel that she was not tied down so she guessed he had drugged her or something. “When I get my feeling back I am going to make you wish you were never born.” She growled angrily. Yera let out a soft sigh though knowing it would be awhile before she regains all her strength. “Am I on some ship you stole, who did you kill?” she said as her eyes softened slightly.
Khan was in a rather good mood for nearly having been shot into the sun under a month ago. He had finnaly found a woman that would be able to handle his strength and appetite with little modification. Once she was converted to an augment she would be perfect. So he had layed his plans, and when the time was right, had reboarded the Enterprise to claim his soon to be companion. It had been all to easy to find and steal her away, and a light sedative would ensure that she would be compliant for their first few days togather while she adjusted to the thought of him being in control of her now.

He had secured Yera to the bed in his private quarters on a small cruiser vessel he had bought from a ferangi a week back. It was a small vessel, but it was fast, had a cloak and would serve his purpose well enough. For the past 3 hours the augment had been staring at his prize, waiting for her to regain conciousness so that their fun could begin, and finnaly he saw the telltale signs of conciousness in the half vulcan. When she opened her eyes and imediatly began to question and threaten him, Khan merely shook his head.

"You may have bested me once before my fiesty let maya, but you will not do so again. You are under my control now and you shall not be leaving any time soon. I suggest you accept your fate for what it is...inevitable."
She raised her famous Vulcan eyebrows and gave him a rather angry glare as she turned her head and stared around the room. She had to admit, at lease Kahn had taste when it came to vessels, his bed was rather comfortable but she was not about to tell him this. Yera let out a sigh before biting her bottom lip knowing it would be rather stupid to try and fight him off or run away. “Really Kahn, what gives you the right to think that you can control me and keep me sedated like some animal?” she said coldly as she decided to stay calm this time around. “I save your life and this is how you repay me?” she said and shifted herself on the bed. She could understand why he had come after her and why he had chosen her yet it made her feel rather uncomfortable. “So let me get this straight, you kidnapped me because you want me and now what? Are you going to turn me into one of your people?” she asked starting at him quizzically. She groaned slightly a rather nasty bit of anger flashed through her and she felt her forehead and become sweaty and her hair was sticking to her face and the back of her neck. “You know they will track you down and get me back. I am a valued member of their crew, my Captain will not let you take me so easily. I know right at this moment they are searching for me and tracking your movement.” She said softly.

“It’s going to take a lot more than you sedating me and turning me into your kind before I will accept my so called fate. “Destinies and fates can be changed in a blink of an eye, I know this all too well.” She said and shifted again. She wondered if Spock was searching for her, she hoped he would save her soon, Khan had a way of getting under her skin. “I mean you’re impressive with your abilities but you shouldn’t be such a brute, maybe people would like you more then.” Yera said softly. When Yera got nervous or scared she had a habit of talking fast and a lot. She slowly managed to push herself up and lean against the wall, she moved her arm wiping the sweat away from her forehead and onto her sleeve. “You know I am half Vulcan I don’t have all the concepts of a pure blooded human. It’s going to take you awhile to change me.” She said. Yera felt herself wanting to rip him from limb to limb but with whatever he had used on her she was far too out of it to fight. “So what are you planning on doing, what did you give me Kahn?” she said softly as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him with her deep brown eyes.
Khan merely waited out her questions and ramblings with a patient half bored look on his face. Her threat about the crew and her captain coming after her was irrelevant..but there was one crewmember that he was counting on coming after her. After all, it would be rather more fun to tease Two half vulcans than just one.

"Be silent."

The cold command in his voice would have cowed an officer in their right mind, but to a nearly in heat half vulcan the effect would be even stronger. Khan loomed over his captive, face set in a half smirk and shook his head almost indulgently at his pretty new companion.

"I need not explain myself to you nor will I. You will learn to listen and obay me soon enough Yera. Lesson one. You be quiet when I tell you to."
She raised her eyebrow and glared up at Kahn letting out a grunt then she stared over at the wall behind him. “I am not a toy, I am a living being. Why should I listen to you Kahn?” she simply asked then fell silent once more though her mind was rambling on and on filled with questions. She guessed she would find out sooner or later what he had in mind for her. She wished she had never met him, wish she had let him burn up.

She could see now that he was not a good person, thinking back on his adventure and how he had almost gotten Captain Kirk killed, she should have listened. Yera turned her head and stared him in the eyes once more as she felt the heat in her veins and under her skin. She felt like she was on fire, her Pon Farr was coming and she knew it well. She bit her lip wondering if Kahn knew this, did he know Vulcan’s got violent during Pon Farr.

She wiped her sweaty forehead on her sleeve once more and leaned against the wall, she could however feel the drugs growing weak on her. Yera pushed herself to the edge of the bed and forced herself to her feet, she was a bit unsteady but she soon was able to find her balance. She looked Kahn straight in the eyes glaring, almost daring him to move towards her, yes she was ready for a fight but she had to think before she acted.
Khan smirked as his new companion shook off the effects of the drugs he had given her. He knew that with her dreaded Pon Farr coming up that she would be spoiling for a fight and ready to be taken after she had been defeated. He had no intention of letting her overpower him, and it was for this reason that he had chosen this time to come and get her.

"Now your not being very polite."

Suddenly Khan lunged foreward and tackled the enterprise officer to the bed, one large hand easily engulfing her dainty wrists and pinning them to the soft sheets he had placed on the mattress. Using his other arm, the augment swiftly gripped Yera by the throat and squeezed warningly even as his legs tangled with hers so that she couldnt kick him. He was looking foreward to seducing the firey half vulcan into his bed after all.
Yera was taken by pure shock when she suddenly felt Kahn slam her into the bed and pin her down against the mattress. She shifted and narrowed her eyes glaring up at him but she kept her mouth shut for a moment. She gritted her teeth as she felt his hand push against her throat and clamp around it, she raised her eyebrows thinking. Right now Kahn had the upper hand, she still had some drugs inside her and her Pon Farr was coming.

She squirmed again as the fires in her body seemed to radiate from her insides. “Let me go Kahn, I am warning you. My Pon Farr is close and even you are in danger once my instincts kick in. Even Vulcans like Spock cannot control their desires to mate.” She said and let out a grunt. She felt sweat running down her neck and over her forehead, her hair stuck to her hot skin. “I am not polite to those who kidnap me.” She said then fell silent.

Yera could feel his legs pinning her own down, there was no way she could shove him off of her and she knew it. She let out a huge sigh and shut her eyes and bit her lip, she was trying to think but her mind was getting cloudy. Her Pon Farr would be here in a matter of time, she knew she would not be able to control her actions. She decided to save her breath knowing there was nothing else to be said, Kahn had the upper hand here.
Smirking down at his lovely captive, the augment disgarded her words and simply leaned down close to her, kissing along the heated flesh of Yera's shoulder that he could reach without shifting the restraints of his arms. His thumb began to gently stroke at the swiftly beating pulse of the federation officer and Khan nosed at the gently pointed ear almost teasingly. His voice was low and husky when he spoke, intent and desire infused into the words.

"Thats what Im counting on."

Kissing slowly along the seam of the half vulcan's lips, Khan lavished attention on her delicate features, pressing his lips softly to Yera's cheeks and forehead and even her chin. The touches were calculated, a little kindness tossed in with violence, he wanted to see which would affect her the more in his seduction.
Yera glared up at Kahn as her body grew hotter and hotter ever moment. She trembled slightly though as she felt Kahn’s thumb move over her neck after he had kissed her shoulder some which had also sent shivers up her spine. She felt a deep rage starting to take over her insides and her body tensed up suddenly and she let out a slight growl after she heard his words. Could he really be able to take on an angry hybrid filled with Pon Farr?

It would be dangerous for even Kahn if Yera got loose once her full Pon Farr had taken over her body. She gritted her teeth as her fists clenched tightly when she felt Kahn’s lips move over her own then over her forehead, cheeks and chin. She wanted nothing more than to slam him into the wall and maybe strangle him. Yera suddenly began to thrash as her mind became cloudy, she would no longer be thinking clearly now.

Kahn would feel her anger rise inside her and she pushed against him, she wanted to fight this male and find the right mate. She said nothing as her glazed over eyes stared up at him, her body drenched with sweat now. She pulled hard yanking her hand free and she grasped Kahn’s other hand pulling it from her other hand and she shoved him off of her. She suddenly grabbed him by the throat and stared him in the eyes, her blond hair sticking to her flesh.

She threw him to the floor suddenly with a new strength she never knew she had before. She glared down at Kahn her fists still clench before she pounced and sat there on his chest and brought her face close to his own. He could feel her hot breath on his lips as she breathed from her nose, her hands on either side of his head. She was fully affected by Pon Farr now, she would be looking for a worthy mate, who would it be?
The strength of the half vulcan took him not by surprise but it was impressive..for a non augment. Still it wouldnt be enough to keep him from having her though it did solidify the desire in his mind to make the fiesty female his own. There were few that could stand up to an augments strength and desires, this was why he had chosen the half vulcan officer in the first place. Khan was glad he had been correct in his assesment.

The bruise on his neck from her grip was already healing and the rather alluring sight of the ponfarr struck female hovering over him brought out the more savage side of the superhuman. A slow smile curled his lips as he looked up at Yera and a low chuckle worked its way out of his throat an instant before he sprung into action.

He neednt worry about holding back now that his chosen mate was in the throe's of passion, and the heat that was coming from her body was pleasent under his fingers and he gripped her waist and heaved her away from his body. He followed her, using the momentum from the move to shove her to the ground, his hands grappling with her wrists as she fought against him. Pinning the former officer to the deck of the room was harder than he had first thought, but soon he had her thrashing body confined under his own and a wild excitment shone in his eyes as he looked down on his prey and soon to be mate.
She felt Kahn push her off him and slamming her into the ground, she growled lowly as she pushed against him. He had her hands pinned down by the wrists, she couldn’t use the nerve pinch. Sweat ran down her forehead and she bit her lip slightly as she squirmed under him she was not going to stop fighting. She narrowed his eyes seeing the look on his face and that just made her angrier. She could feel the lust and want in his eyes.

She felt it running through her body as well but she wanted a Vulcan but that was just her Vulcan side talking of course. Yera gritted her teeth tightly together, he was very strong for a human, she shifted a bit more under Kahn. Her dark brown eyes filled with a rage that was very unusual for Vulcans until Pon Farr came, they had one thought on their mind half the time and that was to find a make and quell the lust inside their being.

“Damn you Kahn.” She hissed softly her fingers curled slightly and she tried to dig her nails into his flesh but he had a hold of her. She let out another angry growl, she had to get out of there before things go worse. Where was Spock, she knew he had been tracking them but she wondered why he was being slow. “Get off me!’ she spat at Kahn pushing up with her feet she tried yet failed before she slumped against the ground p anting from the effort.
Waiting until her final struggles ceased, Khan simply smiled at the overheated female, using his grip on her wrists to drag Yera up and over his shoulder, his free hand trapping her ankles before she could kick to try and free herself. Making his way back to the bed, the augment tossed her down and immediately followed, pinning the lithe body under his own to discourage more fighting.

"Now now. language miss Yera. Your mine now, just accept it and you'll find this much more enjoyable I promise you."

Bringing his face close to hers, Khan pressed his lips onto the ex officers to coax her into a kiss, the contact full of passion and rough promise. Khan knew how to deal with the more savage parts of his nature, to exploit them and use them to his advantage...and a mate cycle crazed half Vulcan would be no more difficult, if not more enjoyable.
She glared at him as he threw her to the bed and felt him suddenly land on top of her once more his hand still pinning her wrists above her head. She was panting softly, he had her pinned down so well she knew it was not even worth the effort to try and fight Kahn anymore. She growled at him angrily though her eyes filled with rage towards him. She hissed at him slightly when Kahn spoke to her, she didn’t want to enjoy it, she hated him.

Her brown eyes stared up at him as his face came closer and closer to her own and she squirmed a bit trying to break away once more. She grunted slightly when she suddenly felt his soft lips push down on her own and she felt sparks go through her body. Yera actually trembled a bit and her eyes slowly closed as she kissed him back slowly, though she was still panting a bit through her nose. Her hands slowly relaxed and unclosed from being balled up
It felt good, strange and new to Yera but soothing as well. She seemed to relax slowly under him as her stray hair fell around her, some sticking to her sweaty face. Yera shifted under Kahn slightly slowly letting herself sink into the bed. She was so hot, the kiss was almost making her drunk from the feeling it was sending through her body. She was sensitive everywhere now and even the way his hand touched the bare skin of her wrists, it sent sparks through her flesh.
Khan wasnt about to release his prize, even when he felt her begin to relax under his touch. He knew that even with this apparent submission, the half vulcan was still dangerous and would be testing him as a worthy mate, and so the agument kept ahold of her wrists even as he noted her more postitive reaction to the kiss.

He knew that she would be nearly hyper sensitive from her pon farr, and that would work to his atvantage. Ripping a section off of her shirt from the floor, Khan swiftly bound Yera's wrists togather, using a knot system that would be very hard to undo. With his prize so bound, Khan could focus on seducing her, and delved more deeply into the womans mouth, tangling their tongues and nipping at the petal soft lips.

Now that his hands were free, the augment could touch as he pleased; his wandering fingers stroking and teasing along her sides, stomach, chest, hips and thighs, cataloging each extra sensitive place for further exploitation later. Finnaly he began to cup her breasts, kneeding the soft flesh and rolling her nipples between his fingers until they were hard nubs to his touch. Leaning down, Khan lapped at one, teasingly circling the flesh and suckling at it even as his other hand kept up its attentions on the twin so it wouldnt feel neglected.
Yera groaned softly as she felt his lips pushing down against her own, her body trembled a bit from this action. Yera glared at him however when he tired her wrists up so she couldn’t use her hands, she narrowed her eyes slightly but let out a soft moan as his tongue invaded her mouth and it sent a shiver down her spine. She squirmed a tiny bit when Kahn nipped at her lips, it was an odd feeling that her but she was enjoying it.

With every movement of Kahn’s hands over her body, Yera could not stop herself from letting out small moans and grunts, he sure knew what he was doing or so it seemed like to her. She squirmed though when his hands cupped her breasts, she felt like it was going to overload her system but she pulled herself together. She shut her eyes tightly as his fingers rolled her nipples between them, forcing them to become hard from his teasing.

Yera however let out a cry when she felt his mouth move down and him start to lap and lick at one of her nipples with his tongue. She stared wide eyed down at Kahn but moaned louder when his other hand worked her other nipple. She felt like there were pin and needles going through all of her body, she was on fire but she was enjoying the feeling however. She bit her lip, she was getting really wet between her legs, that was for sure.
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